Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON 5r* Co.
At the Ballantyne Press, Edinburgh
IN the following pages Mr. Lloyd begins one of the
most interesting of tasks — he has embarked upon
the history of a family. It is difficult to conceive
of anything more pleasant to a student of human
nature, endowed with leisure, a gift of expression,
and the desire to re-create the past, than to set out
on such an enterprise.
To write the history of a family ! The biography
of an individual, even a dull one, offers almost too
many attractions, and certainly too many distrac-
tions, to the really sympathetic pen ; but when one
is made free of a whole race, to pick and choose
where one will, to dally as long as one will or as
briefly, one's labour can become more fascinating
than the old moralists would ever have liked it
to be.
Resorting to imagery, one might liken the
biographer of an individual to the navigator of a
river from its source to the sea, always in the main
stream ; and the biographer of a family to a similar
navigator with an extended charter, who even
before embarking spends much time among the
springs in the mountains whence the river flows,
and, once afloat, urges his boat down every
tributary, however small, and into every back-
Mr. Lloyd, as I have suggested, has here
attempted only a sketch : he has not taken to the
river with boundless time before him, prepared not
only to explore the tributaries but cast anchor in
them too, and even perhaps to pass on to explore
and cast anchor in their tributaries in their turn,
and then theirs ; but he has done enough to show
how rich in possibilities to the biographer a mer-
cantile family in the English midlands can be, even
when it is a family pacific not only by nature but
by religion, law-abiding, sagacious, and prosperous,
lacking any extremes either of genius or misfortune,
and almost guiltless of mistakes. Not that passion
or error, poverty or riches, war or art, recklessness
or excess — or that indefinable quality, composed
of certain of these ingredients, which we will call
romance — is indispensable to the biographer, or
indeed makes a better book than the more sober
characteristics that I have named ; but it is usual
at the first blush to expect more from the records
of a family that has known Fortune's frown as well
as smile — that has had its adventurers, its aliens,
and its rebels — than from a house of commercial
fame. The expectation, however, is not always
a sound one. There is, when all is said, just
about the same amount of human nature in one
man as another. The only difference is that your
romantic wears it on his sleeve. The business of
the biographer being rather less with what is worn
on the sleeve than anywhere else, the difference
hardly touches him.
There may have been no border-fighting among
the early Welsh Lloyds, but Charles Lloyd of
Dolobran was a spiritual warrior of no mean
strength and endurance, and of him, as of many
of the early Quakers whose attempts to obey the
Sermon on the Mount were to lead to imprison-
ment in Christian dungeons, we cannot know too
much. Fighting is barbarism ; and though one
would never say a word against that blessed leaven,
one may be permitted to remark that a little of
it in a book can go a long way, whereas with stuff
of the conscience one asks for more and more.
There may not have been literary genius in the
Lloyd family, although I think that Charles Lloyd
of Old Brathay comes near it, but he at least was
of sufficient capacity to attract the genius of Cole-
ridge and to be allowed to collaborate with Lamb ;
while one of his brothers, by his sympathetic quick-
ness, was able to draw from Lamb certain letters
that if not his best at any rate stand alone in
his fascinating correspondence. It is sometimes as
pleasant to read about the friends of great authors
as of great authors themselves. And in Mr.
Lloyd's pages which follow we are often in such
company. The picture of Dr. Johnson losing his
temper over Barclay's Apology one will not easily
forget ; nor his rage at the perversion (as he
thought it) to Quakerism of the courageous Miss
Harry, the governess at " Farm."
Every one has his own taste in books. Mine
is towards quietude, and I know that it would be
difficult to give me too many particulars as to the
members of this spreading family — their sterling
Quaker merits, their shrewdnesses, their benefac-
tions, their solidarity, and their acquaintances. I
want to know much more of Dr. Johnson's host,
much more of John Taylor who first made snuff-
boxes and then decorated them with his thumb,
and who founded with Sampson Lloyd a bank whose
assets now (1906) amount to seventy-five millions.
I want to know more of the incidents of the bank's
early years. Too much attention has been paid
to the growth of kingdoms : the growth of a bank
is equally interesting. Both are equally the story
of human ambition and address — the difference is
purely one of glamour. Custom has decided that
the affairs of a throne shall be considered romantic
and the affairs of a bank prosaic. But one thing-
is certain : that a king may be an accident and yei
reign for half a century ; whereas a banker can
never be so. A banker has got to be a banker
°r *°' E. V. LUCAS.
Our Welsh origin — John Lloyd's Sunday bodyguard — Dolobran
Hall — The Lorts and the name of Sampson — Cromwell's letter i
George Fox in Wales — Richard Davies the autobiographer — A
persecuted sect — Magna Charta overridden— Bishop Burnet's
comments — Thomas Ellwood, the friend of Milton, and the
early Quakers — Charles Lloyd in prison — A birth in jail —
The return to Dolobran — Thomas Lloyd's troubles — A dis-
putation between Lloyd the Bishop and Lloyd the Quaker —
Lloyd the Bishop in his turn in captivity — The old Bull Lane
burial-ground — Charles Lloyd's skull — Tresses in the dust —
Thomas Lloyd and the Pennsylvania^ Friends ... 5
The first Sampson Lloyd — The Conventicle Act — Birmingham and
Dissent — Our first ironmasters — The Lloyd slitting-mill— The
adventures of Foley — A fiddle leads to wealth — Fuel and iron
— Friends at the slitting-mill — and at an old iron furnace —
Robert Plot describes the making of iron — Protection advo-
cated in 1783 — Richard Reynolds, Free Trader ... 20
Lloyd fruitfulness — Our first banks — Sampson Lloyd in Park Street
and Old Square— The purchase of "Farm"— The Jacobite
elms — The summer-house of the four seasons — Two stanzas
on " Farm " ?— " Farm " to-day— The heirs of Parkes— Rachel
Lloyd — Kings and queens among the Quakers — Kings and
clothes — David Barclay 31
John Taylor— The snuff-box and the thumb — Hutton's panegyric
on Taylor — Friends at the button factory — The bank supplies
a demand — Birmingham begins to be prosperous — Hutton's
prophecy — Bad roads and highwaymen — The metal trade and
inventors — Matthew Boulton and James Watt— Intellectual
Birmingham — Aris and Baskerville — The Lunar Society —
Mary Anne Galton takes notes — Matthew Boulton's head and
James Watt's voice — Heathfield Hall and its relics — Murdock's
discoveries — Birmingham and the slave trade .... 40
On June 3, 1765, the bank opens — Old accounts — The partners —
Divisions of profits — Mary Lloyd marries Osgood Hanbury —
Rival banks — The wealth of Birmingham — The Priestley Riots
—Miss Ryland, the benefactress of Birmingham ... 54
Lloyds notes— Tokens — The difficult year 1797 — Charles Lloyd of
Bingley in London— The "Clean" Bank— The Napoleonic
unsettlement — Sixty banks stop payment — Charles Lloyd
weathers the storm — Runs on the bank — Mr. Mynors
thanked for nothing— An Irish bank story— The use of .£100
Other Birmingham banks— Other Quaker banks— The joint-stock
fashion — The Lloyds fall into line — The failure of Attwoods —
Lloyds prospectus — The company is founded — The first annual
report, Dec. 31, 1865 — Lloyds acquires London status — The
process of absorption begins— The process of absorption con-
tinues—A gigantic corporation— Present-day figures . . 70
Directors' policies— Banking tact— The making of a multi-million-
aire — Overdrafts — Saying " No " — Managerial methods —
Anecdotes — The banker and the usurer — The late G. B. Lloyd
— Religious argument — Three politicians — John Bright and
Thomas Lloyd — John Bright and the Society of Friends — The
late S. S. Lloyd— Free Trade and Protection— The old way
and the new — My adventure in the safe — The Silent Highway 81
Mrs. Schimmelpenninck's story — A beautiful Quakeress — Jail
fever — Sampson Lloyd seeks a woman and finds an angel
— Fecundity — A philosophic father — Richard tReynolds and
Sampson Lloyd — A modern patriarch — Mr. Beverley at
"Farm" — An elopement — A Gretna Green marriage — A
child at Child's Bank 95
The great lexicographer at Birmingham — Dining at Sampson
Lloyd's — The discussion on Barclay's Apology — The doctor in
a rage — And in repentance — His exploration of Birmingham
—The Dictionary — Olivia Lloyd — Mrs. Knowles — Bos well's
reports of dialectical bouts — Religion and the rights of women
— " The Farm " governess and Dr. Johnson — A long conversa-
tion— Thrale's brewery 106
The Society of Friends in Birmingham— Bull Street Meeting-house
Tainted money — Quakers and force — Gun-making and
Christianity— The third Sampson Lloyd as ambassador-
Samuel Gallon's letters— Dr. Livingstone's testimony— War
and peace— George Dawson— Later Galtons— Dr. Francis
Gallon and heredity— The Rev. Arthur Galton . . .120
Thomas Lloyd in Mexico — A narrow escape — The Gentlemaris
Magazine on Charles Lloyd — A busy philanthropist — The
translation of Homer— Charles Lamb's opinions— A good
passage — Lamb on Mr. Lloyd's Odyssey — And on Horace —
" To my Steward"— Some anecdotes— A kindly father— Robert
Lloyd's character-sketch of his father — Aris's Gazette on Mr.
Lloyd — A determined friend— Elizabeth Fry — Mrs. Charles
Lloyd— Welcome to Richard T. Cadbury . . . .133
An unwilling banker — Advice to a young brother — S. T. Coleridge
appears in Birmingham — Philosopher and neophyte — Bristol
and Nether Stowey — First mental illness — Charles Lloyd visits
Charles Lamb — A falling out of friends — Thomas Manning —
Lloyd marries — At Old Brathay — De Quincey's testimony —
Shelley — Troublous years — London and Macready — Lloyd as
a poet — Lloyd's children — " Lile Owey" — Hartley Coleridge's
poem . 147
Charles Lamb's letter of advice — Duty to parents — A mother's
letter — A runaway — Charles Lloyd of Bingley in London —
Lamb on marriage — Robert Lloyd marries — A determined
bachelor — Robert Lloyd in London — Literary society — A
glimpse of Charles and Mary Lamb at home — Robert Lloyd's
death — Lamb's memoir of him 164
The Edgbaston Street home— A house without gossip— Charles
Lloyd's letters to his daughter — An opponent of Elias Hicks —
Dr. Edwards recalls his youth — An American mutiny — Harriet
Beecher Stowe at "Farm"— The late Joseph Bevan Braith-
waite 175
George Braithwaite Lloyd's parentage — My grandfather and his
coachman — The first head of a Lloyd family to leave the
Friends — Elias Hicks and his influence — Isaac Crewdson's
counterblast — Mr. Beverley at " Farm " — George Stacey—
Quaker Conservatives — And the new spirit — Quaker dress —
Samuel Bowley's beard 182
The Wednesbury mines — Richard Parkes' bargain — Lord Eldon's
delays — The Quaker and the motto — Pumping-engines in-
vented— "Squire" Wilkinson — Excursions to Wednesbury —
The beacon-fires— The " Clippers "—Wednesbury in my early
days— Cock-fighting— My father, "Quaker" Lloyd— A tall
family — The Friends and tithes — Nonconformity at the present
day — Lloyds, Fosters & Co. — The Blackfriars Bridge and
financial difficulty — Lessons from adversity — A truly generous
man — The Lloyds and iron — Famous ironmasters — The Bible
in Spain — The end 189
APPENDIX I. Ancestry of the Lloyds 205
APPENDIX II. Reports and Balance Sheets of Lloyds Bank . . 212
APPENDIX III. The late S. S. Lloyd's speech at the opening of
the Exchange Buildings, Birmingham, 1865 .... 230
APPENDIX IV. Charles Lloyd's Imprisonment, &c. . 235*
The Illustrations in this volume have been engraved and printed
by the RUSKIN PRESS COMPANY, Birmingham
CHRISTMAS, 1906 Frontispiece
STREET „ ,, 22
1906 „ „ 36
SMALL TOWN, 1731 ,, ,,48
ONE-POUND BANK NOTE • To face page 62
GEORGE B. LLOYD . » » 88
SAMPSON S. LLOYD . » >» 92
PASSENGER . » » 94
BETSY FIDOE . » » 98
BINGLEY HOUSE . ») » 134
S. T. COLERIDGE . . • » »> X5°
Two LADIES ,, n rS8
SAMUEL LLOYD OF "FARM" ... „ „ 202
Our Welsh origin — John Lloyd's Sunday bodyguard — Dolobran Hall —
The Lorts and the name of Sampson— Cromwell's letter
THE Welsh family of Lloyd, from which came the
Lloyds of Birmingham, claims descent on the male
side from Aleth, who in the eleventh century was
King of Dyfed, otherwise Demicia or Demica, a
territory which included what are now the shires of
Cardigan, Pembroke, and Caermarthen.
The sixth in descent from Aleth was Celynin,
who acquired Llwydiarth (hence the name) by in-
heritance about the year 1300, and the family be-
came seated at Dolobran from that time to 1780.
Llewellyn Einion, grandson of Celynin, had
three sons, and to David, at the division between
them of their father's estates, fell Dolobran and
Coedcowrid near Welshpool.
He was succeeded by Ivan Teg, or the " Hand-
some," whose son and heir, Owen, about the year
1476 assumed the name of Lloyd. This he took
from Llwydiarth in Montgomery, the seat of his
grandfather, and he was thus the first Lloyd. His
grandson, David Lloyd of Dolobran, was born in
1523, and was in the Commission of the Peace for
Montgomeryshire. His great grandson, John Lloyd
of Dolobran, also a county J.P., was a noted
antiquary, who, by means of the parchment deeds
of Welsh properties, traced his ancestry among the
landed gentry of Wales from the sixth century.
John Lloyd of Dolobran made his home at
Coedcowrid, where he lived in great state, as it
was then considered, having twenty-four men, his
tenants, with halberds, to attend him to Meifod
church, placing them in his great pew under the
pulpit. A prosperous landowner, he added to his
estate and also improved his house, wainscotting
the parlour and the hall. Most of the com-
munion plate was his gift. His son, the first
Charles Lloyd of Dolobran — Charles being a
name that ever afterwards recurred in the family
— was born in 1613, and married Elizabeth Stanley,
a lady belonging to the family of Stanley, Earls
of Derby.1 He also succumbed to the temptation
to enlarge and added many timber buildings to
Dolobran, " making the said Hall's platform to
resemble the figure of a capital L." The old house
still stands, but its glories have departed. Coed-
cowrid stands, too, and Meifod church.
The first Charles Lloyd of Dolobran fostered a
hobby which has always been honoured in the family
— he was a keen genealogist. He died in 1657.
With Charles Lloyd of Dolobran's eldest son,
Charles, the second Charles Lloyd, this history may
be said to begin. Born in 1637, he was educated with
his brothers, John and Thomas, at Jesus College,
Oxford, the first purely Protestant College founded
in that University.2 The two elder, Charles and
John, graduated in medicine ; John afterwards
1 See Appendix, p. 208.
'2 See College Histories, by Mr. E. G. Hardy.
became one of the six Clerks in Chancery, and
presented to his native parish church of Meifod a
flagon and a paten of silver-gilt for the Communion
service, which may still be seen. Thomas, the
third son, became William Penn's chosen friend.
On January i, 1661, when twenty-four years
of age, Charles married Elizabeth, daughter of
Sampson Lort of Pembroke, the son of Sir George
Lort, baronet, of Stackpole Court, Pembrokeshire.
The Lorts were an old Norman family, Sampson
being named after a Norman saint of the early
Church, to whom one often finds churches dedi-
cated in Guernsey and Normandy, and also at
Crickdale in Wiltshire, and elsewhere.1 By this
marriage the name Sampson came into the Lloyd
family — and into Birmingham, for without it there
would be no Sampson Road at Sparkbrook.
Sampson Lort was a Parliamentarian, who with
his relative John was in 1648 selected by Cromwell
to assist in the destruction of the castle of Haver-
fordwest. The Protector's autograph letter ad-
dressed to the Haverfordwest Corporation runs as
follows : —
" Whereas upon view and consideration with Mr. Roger
Lort and Sampson Lort, and the Maior and Aldermen of
Havorford west, it is thought fit for the preservinge of the
peace of the countye that the Castell of Havorford west should
be speedily demolished. These are to Authorise you to call
to your assistance in the performance of this service the In-
habitants of the Hundreds of Dangleddy, Kemis Roose and
Killgarron, who are hereby required to give you assistance.
Given under our hands the I4th of July, 1648.
1 Extracts from Montgomeryshire Collections, vol. ix. Printed by the
Powysland Club, Welshpool, pp. 339-341.
In 1660 Sampson Lort attended the nomination
for the return of a member to the Covenanters'
Parliament, and had, as even his opponents ad-
mitted, a majority of the electors, " but the Council
and Sheriff [returning officers] having decided
beforehand to refuse his nomination, his opponent,
Mr. Phillips, a representative of the younger branch
of the Picton family, a hot Royalist, was elected."
George Fox in Wales — Richard Davies the autobiographer — A perse-
cuted sect — Magna Charta overridden — Bishop Burnet's comments
— Thomas Ellwood, the friend of Milton, and the early Quakers —
Charles Lloyd in prison — A birth in jail — The return to Dolo-
bran — Thomas Lloyd's troubles — A disputation between Lloyd the
Bishop and Lloyd the Quaker — Lloyd the Bishop in his turn in cap-
tivity— The old Bull Lane burial-ground — Charles Lloyd's skull —
Tresses in the dust — Thomas Lloyd and the Pennsylvanian Friends
CHARLES LLOYD, the second, of Dolobran had been
instructed at church that he should make every pre-
cept in the Scriptures a law unto himself, and that
a man should desire to please God in all the actions
of his life. His religious principles and thoughtful
intelligence were soon to be put to the test.
His spiritual sufferings came about in this way.
There lived at Welshpool a fervently religious
young man, who had studied his Bible for years,
named Richard Davies. When George Fox visited
Wales on a preaching mission Davies was one of
his most influential converts to the beliefs of the
early Friends, or, as they were called in ridicule,
the Quakers. Davies one day arranged for a reli-
gious meeting to be held at Dolobran at the house
of Hugh David, one of Charles Lloyd's tenants.
In his Autobiography l we read : —
" A day or two after we went to the meeting, where came
in Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, who was formerly in Commission
1 The Autobwgraph
entitled An Accout,
of Ancient Friends
of the Peace, and had been in election to be High Sheriff of
that County, and also several of his well meaning neighbours
. . . the Lord was not wanting . . . and in the love, fear, and
life of truth, we parted."
One result of this meeting was that Charles Lloyd,
who had already, at Oxford, become interested in
the Friends' doctrines, joined the new sect.
Upon the day following the meeting convened
by Richard Davies, a similar religious meeting was
held at Charles Lloyd's own house. Reports of
these meetings were quickly spread, and there is no
doubt that their significance was emphasised by the
social position which Charles Lloyd then held.
The reports having reached high quarters, he and
six others were summoned before Edward Lord Her-
bert, Baron of Cherbury, who lived about three miles
from Dolobran. After a superficial examination,
the six unfortunate Friends, upon their refusal to
take the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy — all
oaths being held wrong by Fox and his followers, who
obeyed to the letter Christ's command, " Swear not
at all " —were sent to Welshpool, and cast into the
prison there, to await a trial which never took place.
It may be asked, What had become of Magna
Charta? This charter, extorted from King John
by the Barons in 1215, was amplified in the reign
of his son, Henry III., and confirmed by his grand-
son, Edward I. The twenty-ninth chapter of the
Act of Henry III., passed in the ninth year of his
reign, says : —
" No freeman shall be taken or imprisoned or be disseized
of his freehold or liberties, or free customs, or be outlawed,
or exiled, or any otherwise destroyed ; nor we will not pass
upon him, nor condemn him ; but by lawful judgment of his
peers, or by the law of the land."
This was the law when Charles II. ascended
the throne. How then, the question naturally
arises, could these early Friends be kept in prison
for so long a time without trial ? Bishop Burnet in
his History of his own Time throws some light on
the subject. He says : —
"I was in Court the Greater part of the year 1662-3-4.
An Act was passed empowering Justices of the peace to con-
vict offenders without Juries. . . . And a meeting for religious
worship at which five were present more than the family, was
declared to be a Conventicle ; and every person in it was to
lie three months in prison, or to pay ^5 for the first offence,
six months for the second, or to pay a fine of £20, and for the
third offence, being convicted by a Jury, to be banished to any
plantation except New England or Virginia, or to pay a fine of
one hundred pounds. All people were amazed at this severity."
Bishop Burnet might have added that, not only were
the people amazed at its severity, but also at its
violation of the primary law of the realm ; for the
Magna Charta had made it a clear principle of our
constitution that no man can be detained in prison
without trial.
Thomas Ellwood,1 the friend of Milton and
William Penn, and one of the early Quakers,
writes of the Conventicle Act which was passed
in May 1664 as u A very severe Law made against
the Quakers by Name, and more particularly Pro-
hibiting our Meetings under the sharpest Penalties,
. . . which Law was looked upon to have been
procured by the Bishops, in order to bring us to a
Conformity to their way of Worship." He further
describes it as " that unaccountable Law, if that may
be allowed to be called a Law, by whomsoever
made, which was so directly contrary to the Funda-
mental Laws of England, to common Justice,
Equity, and Right Reason, and directly contrary
to the Great Charter."
1 History of the Life of Thomas Ellwood, written by his own hand.
London: Headley Bros., 1906.
By this Act, he says, the informers were entitled
to a third part of the fines, and "they drove an
underhand private trade, so that men often were
convicted and fined without having any notice or
knowledge of it, till the officers came and took
away their goods, nor even then could they tell
by whose evidence they were convicted. Than
which what could be more opposite to common
justice?" It may be assumed, however, that the
Bishops thought to serve God by stamping out
"No sooner," says Ellwood, "was this cruel
law made, but it was put in Execution with great
Severity," and on the first day of the Fifth Month
following (new style, July 1665) "one of the Quakers
having died, others of them were carrying his corpse
in a coffin on their shoulders to bury him in his own
orchard outside Amersham in Buckinghamshire,
when a Justice of the Peace (named Benett) stopped
them, and his order to put the coffin down not being
observed as quickly as he desired, threw the coffin
off the bearers' shoulders with a forcible thrust to
the ground" — obliging them to arrest Ellwood
and nine others and send them to Ailesbury Jail,
"for what neither we nor they knew," and they
were ordered to pay a fine of six shillings and
eightpence each, or remain in prison a month.
"Innocent of doing anything wrong," Ellwood
says, they declined to pay the fine, so before he
left the prison at the end of the month he wrote : —
" Some men are Free when they in Prison lie ;
Others, who ne'r saw Prison, Captives Die,"
which he termed a riddle. The following he styled
the solution : —
" He only's free indeed that's free from sin,
And he is safest bound, that's bound therein."
Thomas Ellwood says of the terrible year 1670,
so disastrous to the Nonconformists, that under
the Conventicle Act " Persecution was carried on
with very great Severity and Rigour in the year
1670 ; the worst of Men, for the most part being
set up for Informers ; the worst of Magistrates
encouraging and abetting them ; and the worst of
the Priests (who first began to blow the Fire) now
seeing how it took, spread, and blazed, clapping
their Hands, and Hallowing them on to this Evil
Charles Lloyd and others of the Friends thus
imprisoned were substantial freeholders, and al-
though they might probably have regained their
liberty by taking the oaths of Allegiance and Supre-
macy, and by payment of fines, yet they underwent
imprisonment rather than be false to their religious
Incidentally, however, it may be observed that
the Quakers, or Friends, were not the first who
refused to recognise the right to enforce the adminis-
tration of oaths. A sect called the Anabaptists
had long previously condemned all oaths whether
profane or judicial, holding the prohibition of
Christ to be of general application.
The following passage quoted from Dr. Thomas
Hodgkin shows clearly the state of things at the
time : —
" But there was now to be a demonstration of the fact, often
proved in after years, that the Quaker would rather under-go
any amount of imprisonment than satisfy what he conceived
to be an unjust demand. It was in many cases a living death
that he thus confronted, for the prisons of England in that
century were horrible beyond description; still, when the
Quaker had made up his mind that a certain claim was
unrighteous, he would rather suffer anything than pay it;
and this invincible resolution of his had no small share
in bringing about the victorious issue of the battle which was
to be waged for liberty of thought during the following half
century." 1
During the first year or two of the imprisonment
of Charles Lloyd and his fellow-sufferers for con-
science' sake, there appears to have been no relaxa-
tion of the harsh prison discipline prevailing at
the time ; for Richard Davies describes the jail as
a " dirty, nasty place," and says, that Charles
Lloyd " was put into a little smoky room, and did
lie upon a little straw himself for a considerable
time, and at last his tender wife, Elizabeth . . .
was made willing to lie upon straw with her dear
and tender husband."
In these unhappy circumstances their eldest
son, the third Charles Lloyd, was born August 18,
1662, though the presence of Elizabeth Lloyd in
the prison was not compulsory, but optional. Her
name is not included in the list of the six Friends
sent by Lord Herbert to Welshpool.
Charles Lloyd's younger brother, Thomas,
hearing that his brother was in prison, travelled
quickly from Oxford, where he was still a student,
to visit him. u They told me," writes Richard
Davies, "that the great sufferings of Friends, in
that city of Oxford, by the magistrates and by the
wild and ungodly scholars, did work much upon
them, and they had some secret love for Friends
then. So when Thomas Lloyd came home, being
sometime with Friends in prison and elsewhere,
the Lord opened his understanding by his light
life and power, and he received the truth and was
obedient to it, and took up his daily cross and
followed Jesus, came to be his disciple, was taught
by him, and went no more to Oxford for learning,
and I may say with David, the Lord made him
1 See George Fox, by Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L. : Methuen & Co.,
wiser than all his former teachers. He stayed
pretty much at home and with his eldest brother
Charles Lloyd and in these parts."
Richard Davies says that he went with Thomas
Lloyd to visit most of the Justices that had a hand
in committing Friends to prison. They called on
Lord Herbert, "and although he did not agree to
their liberty, they heard that he sent private instruc-
tions which resulted in the jailer allowing the
Friends to go to an empty house at the end of
the town, which was a sweet convenient place near
the fields, without any keeper over them, and they
had the liberty of the town and to go where they
pleased except to their own houses.
"So Charles Lloyd took a house in town for
him and his family to live in, and we kept our meet-
ings in that house of the jailers aforesaid several
It seems incredible now, but it is a fact that for
ten years Charles Lloyd and the other offenders were
prisoners, although after half that time had elapsed
their condition was thus improved. In this house
— in the "Rules," so to speak, of the prison — his
second son, Sampson (the first Sampson of the
family), was born, on February 26, 1664. Later
was born a daughter, Elizabeth, who eventually
married John Pemberton, of Bennett's Hill, Bir-
mingham. In the following year Elizabeth Lloyd
died. She was buried in the Friends' burial-ground
at Cloddian Cochion, near Welshpool.
Meanwhile Charles Lloyd's possessions were
put under prcemunire ; his cattle were sold, and his
house was partially destroyed. At last, however,
on March 15, 1672, Charles II. made his Declara-
tion of Indulgence, suspending the execution of
all penal laws in ecclesiastical matters, and 491
persons, chiefly Friends, were released.
On returning to Dolobran, Charles Lloyd, whose
property seems to have been restored to him, at
once enlarged the Hall and built the little meeting-
house that still stands, where some years later
George Fox held a meeting. Some opposers came
in, says that great spiritual man in his Journal^
" but the Lord's power brought them down."
Persecution was by no means over, as Richard
Davies' Autobiography tells us.
In 1674-5 he and Thomas Lloyd held a meeting,
at which the latter " uttered a few words by way
of defining the true religion and what the true
worship was, all which David Maurice, an informer
who was present, approved of as sound and accord-
ing to the doctrine of the Church of England, yet
notwithstanding he fined T. Lloyd twenty pound
for preaching — and he fined the house twenty
pounds, and five shillings a piece for the hearers.
And on the i6th of the fourth month 1675 he
caused to be driven from Thomas Lloyd four cows
and a mare, all worth about sixteen pounds, by
two of his servants, — these were lurking near the
ground about two hours before day and drove away
the cattle before sunrise.
" About the same time Charles Lloyd of Dolo-
bran had ten young beasts taken from him by John
Jones of Golynog, an attorney-at-law who was that
year overseer of the poor of the parish of Myvod,
together with the petty Constable, &c., upon a
warrant from David Maurice, the informer before
alluded to, for preaching within the liberties of
Welshpool at Cloddiecochion, though the said
Charles Lloyd was not at that place that day, nor
many days before, or after at any meeting."1
1 I append a list, drawn up by Mr. J. Spinther James, of charges against
Charles Lloyd after his liberation : —
1673. Sept. 15, at Pool (Welshpool) he was " presented for not repayringe
unto his p'ish Church."
Richard Davies also gives an account of a
disputation between the Quakers and the Church.
He writes : —
"About the year 1680 or 1681, came Dr. William Lloyd to
be the Bishop of this Diocese. Persecution was very sharp
and severe in several places about this time upon account of
excommunication and the statute of twenty pound a month.
But this new bishop thought to take a more mild way to work
by summoning all sorts of dissenters to discourse with him
and to seek to persuade them to turn to the Church of England.
"Charles Lloyd and Thomas Lloyd discoursed with him,
his chaplains, and other clergy, so called, from about two in
the afternoon till two in the morning. Afterwards they dis-
coursed with him two days at Lladvilling. The first day from
about two in the afternoon till night, and the next day from
about ten in the morning till an hour in the night, publicly in
the town hall. The first day at Pool our Friends Charles
Lloyd and Thomas Lloyd gave their reasons for separation.
In none of the three days would the bishop and his clergy
defend their own principles or refute ours, but only held the
three days on the general principles of Christendom, and the
apostles' examples of water-baptism, and once a small touch
at the bread and wine. Thomas Lloyd held the last day our
reasons why we separated from the Church of England, which
were : —
" (i) Because their worship was not a gospel worship.
" (2) Because their ministry was no gospel ministry.
" (3) Because their ordinances were no gospel ordinances.
1675. He had ten young beasts taken from him upon a warrant from
David Maurice of Penybont. (Davies' Autobiography.}
1678. Oct. u,at Llanfyllin, the High Constables of the Hundred of Pool
presented, amongst others, Charles Lloyd of Dolobran and Thomas Lloyd
his brother as desenters from the Church of England.
1680. Sept. 2, at the Great Sessions held at Montgomery, Charles Lloyd,
and Thomas Lloyd and his Wife, were presented as absentees from Church.
1681. August 29, Great Sessions at Llanfyllin, in the list of Quakers
presented is ' ' Charles Lloyd, one of the Balieffes of Pool." He had evidently
been made a Bailiff to vex him.
1682. April 24, Great Session at Pool, Charles Lloyd was presented for
not coming to Church ; also 1682, Oct. 8 ; also 1683, August 27.
1685-6. March 8, at Poole, High Constable of the Lower Division of the
Hundred of Llanfyllin present Charles Lloyd and his wife for not coming
to Church. This is the last mention of Charles Lloyd in the Montgomery-
shire Jail Files as extracted by Richard Williams, F.R.Hist.S. The
sentences or Judgments of the Courts are not quoted.
" But they would not join with him to prove any of them
though often solicited thereunto. Friends being sufferers
must submit to all disadvantages, for they had not any notice
beforehand of what matters they should argue till they came
to the place of dispute and the last day they forced Thomas
Lloyd to about twenty-eight Syllogisms, all written down as
they disputed, to be answered extempore; and the Bishop
said he did not expect so much could be said by any on that
subject on so little warning, and he said that he expected not
to find so much civility from the Quakers. He highly com-
mended Thomas Lloyd and our Friends came off with them
very well."
This Bishop Lloyd (who was no relation of our
family) was destined to have spiritual difficulties of
his own ; for he was one of the seven bishops who
were imprisoned in the Tower for conscience' sake
in 1688. Richard Davies writes : —
"Then I remembered that which I spoke to the Bishop
at his Palace in the year 1681 — What if another Prince
should arise that would impose something upon him that
he could not do for conscience' sake ? And that year when
at London I went to visit him in his troubles, and he said
to me, ' I often thought of your words and I could wish I
were in Pennsylvania now myself.' "
Charles Lloyd died at Birmingham in 1698,
aged only sixty, while on a visit to his son-in-law
John Pemberton. He had been twice married. His
second wife, Ann Lawrence, who was one of the
six Friends imprisoned in 1662, survived him nearly
ten years. They were both interred, as were also
his daughter and son-in-law (John Pemberton and
his wife), in the old Friends' burial-ground in Bull
Lane, leading off Monmouth Street, now Colmore
Row, Birmingham. In 1851, when this burial-
ground became extinct through the operations of
the Great Western Railway in the making of their
line, the coffins of these past witnesses of troubled
times, together with those of others, were dis-
entombed and carefully removed to the Friends'
burial-ground in Bull Street, which, in 1803, Samuel
Galton helped them to acquire.
My cousin, the late George B. Lloyd, at the
request of his father, visited Bull Lane graveyard
during the process of exhumation, and had in his
hands the fine skull of the long-deceased Charles
Lloyd of Dolobran, disturbed for the first time
after lying there 153 years. He told me this at
the time, and again when I commenced to write
this narrative.
In this graveyard were discovered also the
remains of Mary Gill, daughter of Charles Lloyd's
second son, Sampson Lloyd. The colour of her
rich brown hair had apparently remained unchanged
through all that long period ; and Dickinson Sturge,
who had become possessed of a portion, showed
it to me. I also visited the graveyard soon after
these bodies had been removed, and noticed a coffin
embedded in the deep red sand, wherein the body
of a woman lay. The lid having become detached,
I could see within, and it was evident that after
death her hair had continued to grow till it extended
beneath her feet and practically filled the coffin.
I learnt afterwards that other cases of this sort
have been noticed and recorded — that the human
hair frequently continues to grow after the death
of a person, and endures when the flesh has
crumbled into dust.
A few of the coffins had brass plates upon them,
with names and dates quite decipherable ; but, in
many cases, the wood had completely perished so
as to crumble when touched, revealing the bones
and dust within.
From this burial-ground were also removed the
remains of Richard Parkes, who by the marriage of
his daughter to the second Sampson Lloyd became
closely associated with the family in the eighteenth
century — but of him more anon.
Before leaving altogether the subject of the
Lloyds' contributions to the rise of the Society of
Friends, I would add that Thomas Lloyd went to
Pennsylvania as a friend of William Penn and acted
as Deputy Governor of that colony when Penn
visited England. He left no male descendant, and
therefore does not figure in the main stream of this
record ; but the late Horace J. Smith, of Phila-
delphia, who resided for a while at Moseley, used
often to remind me that Thomas Lloyd was his
ancestor, and he was very proud of the fact.
From a paper drawn up by Mr. J. Spinther
James I take some particulars of Thomas Lloyd's
career. He suffered imprisonment in 1663, but was
soon released. In 1664 he was arrested with others
while quietly travelling on the highway ; and for
refusing to take the oath of Allegiance and Supre-
macy, was again imprisoned, and detained for eight
years — that is, until 1672 — when the king ordered
" that all manner of penal laws on matters eccle-
siastical against whatever sort of Nonconformists
or recusants should be from that day suspended."
A short time before his incarceration, he had
married Mary, daughter of Gilbert Jones of Welsh-
pool. After his release he resided at Plasmawr,
near Welshpool, and was much harassed for his
On March 7, 1675, David Maurice, Justice of
the Peace, with armed men, visited a Friends' meet-
ing at Cloddian Cochion, where Thomas Lloyd was
speaking : the Justice fined Thomas Lloyd ^20,
the House ^20, and each person present 55.
On April 5, 1675, at the Great Sessions at Pool,
Thomas Lloyd, among many others, was presented
for not coming to church, and the stock of his farm
was distrained upon.
On October n, 1678, he was presented at Llan-
fyllin on the same charge. At the Great Sessions
at Montgomery, September 2, 1680, he and his wife
were presented as absentees from church. This is
the last mention of him in the Jail Files.
Thomas Lloyd, accompanied by his family, in
1683 took passage in the ship America, and, after
a voyage of eight weeks, landed in Philadelphia,
which then consisted of three or four little cottages,
nearly surrounded by a dense forest. His devoted
wife died soon after their arrival, and was the first
interred in the Friends' burying ground.
Thomas Lloyd's history in America, and the
service he rendered there to the establishment of
civil and religious liberty, is well known and
much revered and cherished on both sides of the
The following account of Thomas Lloyd was
drawn up, with the admirable simple eloquence of
Friends, by the monthly meeting of Haverford in
Pennsylvania, on Thomas Lloyd's death in 1694.
" The love of God, and the regard we have to the Blessed
Truth, constrain us to give forth this testimony concerning
our dear friend Thomas Lloyd, many of us having had long
acquaintance with him, both in Wales, where he formerly
lived, and also in Pennsylvania, where he finished his course,
and laid down his head in peace with the Lord ; and is at
rest and joy with Him for evermore.
" He was by birth of them who are called the gentry, his
father being a man of a considerable estate and of great
esteem in his time, of an ancient house and estate called
Dolobran, in Montgomeryshire in Wales. He was brought
up at the most noted schools, and from thence went to one
of the universities; and because of his superior natural and
acquired parts, many of account in the world had an eye
of regard towards him. Being offered degrees and places
of preferment, he refused them all; the Lord beginning his
work in him, and causing a measure of his light to shine
out of darkness, in his heart, which gave him a sight of
the vain forms, customs, and traditions of the schools and
colleges. And hearing of a poor despised people called
Quakers, he went to hear them, and the Lord's power reached
unto him and came over him, to the humbling and bowing
his heart and spirit; so that he was convinced of God's
everlasting Truth, and received it in the love of it, and
was made willing like meek Moses, to choose rather afflic-
tion with the people of the Lord, than the honours, prefer-
ments, and riches of this world.
" The earthly wisdom came to be of no reputation with
him, but he became a fool, both to it and his former asso-
ciates, and, through self-denial and taking up the daily cross
of Christ Jesus, which crucified his natural will, affections,
and pleasures, he came to be a scholar in Christ's school,
and to learn the true wisdom which is from above. Thus,
by departing from the vanities and iniquities of the world,
and following the leadings, guidance, and instructions of
the Divine Light, grace, and Spirit of Christ, he came more
and more to have an understanding in the mysteries of
God's kingdom, and was made an able minister of the
everlasting Gospel of peace and salvation ; his acquired parts
being sanctified to the service of Truth.
" His sound and effectual ministry, his godly conversa-
tion, meek and lamb-like spirit, great patience, temperance,
humilit}', and slowness to wrath ; his love to the brethren ;
his godly care in the church of Christ, that all things might
be kept sweet, savoury, and in good order; his helping
hand to the weak, and gentle admonitions, we are fully
satisfied, have a seal and witness in the hearts of all faithful
friends who knew him, both in the land of his nativity, and
in these American parts.
" We may in truth say, he sought not himself, nor the
riches of this world, but his eye was to that which is ever-
lasting, being given up to spend and be spent for the Truth
and the sake of Friends.
" He never turned his back on the Truth, nor was weary
in his travels Sion-wards, but remained a sound pillar in
the spiritual building. He had many disputes with the
clergy and some called peers, in England, and also suffered
imprisonments, and much loss of outward substance, to the
honour of Truth, and stopping in measure the mouths ot
gainsayers and persecutors. Yet these exercises and trials
in the land of his nativity, which he sustained through the
ability God gave him, were small, and not to be compared
to the many and great exercises, griefs, and sorrows he met
with in Pennsylvania, from that miserable apostate George
Keith, and his deluded company. O, the revilings, the great
provocations, the bitter and wicked language, and rude
behaviour which the Lord gave him patience to bear and
overcome. He reviled not again, nor took any advantage,
but loved his enemies, and prayed for them that despite-
fully abused him.
" His love to the Lord, his truth, and people, was sincere
to the last. He was taken with a malignant fever, the 5th
of the /th month, 1694; and, though his bodily pain was
great, he bore it with much patience. Not long before his
departure, some friends being with him, he said : ' Friends,
I love you all, I am going from you, and 1 die in unity and
love with all faithful friends. I have fought a good fight,
and kept the faith, which stands not in the wisdom of words,
but in the power of God : I have fought, not for strife and
contention, but for the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and
the simplicity of the Gospel. I lay down my head in peace,
and desire you all may do so. Friends, farewell all.'
" He further said to Griffith Owen, a friend then intend-
ing for England : ' I desire thee to mind my love to friends
in England, if thou lives to go over to see them; I have
lived in unity with them, and do end my days in unity with
them; and desire the Lord to keep them all faithful unto
the end, in the simplicity of the Gospel.'
"On the loth day of the 7th month aforesaid, being the
6th day of his sickness, it pleased the Lord to remove him
from the many trials, temptations, sorrows, and troubles of
this world, to the kingdom of everlasting joy and peace;
but the remembrance of his innocent life and meek spirit
lives with us, and his memorial is, and will remain to be,
sweet and comfortable to the faithful. He was buried in
friends' burial ground in Philadelphia, aged about 55 years,
having been several years president and deputy governor
of Pennsylvania."
The first Sampson Lloyd — The Conventicle Act — Birmingham and
Dissent — Our first ironmasters — The Lloyd slitting-mill — The
adventures of Foley — A fiddle leads to wealth — Fuel and iron —
Friends at the slitting-mill — and at an old iron furnace — Robert
Plot describes the making of iron — Protection advocated in 1783 —
Richard Reynolds, Free Trader
WE now turn to the history of the first Sampson
Lloyd, the son who was born to Charles Lloyd
during his imprisonment in 1664, since it was he
who carried on the line. But first I should say that
his eldest brother Charles remained at Dolobran
Hall, to which he made many pleasing- additions,
and established an iron-work nearby in 1719. Why
he was so venturesome as to commence making iron
so far from a market for its produce is not recorded,
for it is said that some of it had to be carted as
far as South Staffordshire to find a sale. The
venture probably started when iron was at a high
price, but it became unprofitable, and he was involved
in monetary difficulties. Eventually, in 1742, he
removed to Birmingham. A Minute of a Welsh
yearly meeting held at Bridgenorth, which alludes
to these difficulties, " recommends Charles Lloyd
with his wife to the Friends in Birmingham in
sincere love and fellowship, desiring that the
Almighty may crown the evening of their days here
with peace, and hereafter receive them into the
arms of His eternal and unspeakable mercy." He
died in 1747 or 1749, and he and his wife were both
buried in the Birmingham Friends' burial-ground.
None of the Birmingham Lloyds are descended
from him. Both his sons, Charles Exton and
James, died unmarried. It was James who sold
Dolobran in 1780, the estate thus after many genera-
tions passing from the family. It was, however,
bought back in 1878 by the late Sampson Samuel
Sampson Lloyd the first married twice. His
first wife, Elizabeth Good, bore him four daughters ;
his second wife, Mary Crowley, four sons and two
daughters, of whom Sampson, the third son, is, to
us, the most interesting, for it was he who built
"Farm." But first a little more about his father,
Sampson Lloyd the original.
It was at the age of thirty- four, and in the
same year that his father died (1698), that Sampson
Lloyd migrated to Birmingham. Like his father,
he was a Friend ; and, like his father, although less
severely, he had been continuously persecuted in
Wales. He was attracted to Birmingham because
his brother-in-law, John Pemberton, lived there ;
but he also chose it to escape the harassing and
ruthless legal penalties of the Conventicle Act.
Birmingham, moreover, was always friendly to
The pains and penalties to which, by Acts of
Parliament, the followers of George Fox were
rendered liable, and the harsh and ruthless manner
in which those punishments were enforced, had
already induced thousands of Welsh people to emi-
grate to Pennsylvania. The first Sampson Lloyd
might have followed his uncle Thomas to that early
English settlement. In Birmingham, which he
chose instead, and which was then in its infancy,
he soon found scope for his energies and capital.
He started business as an iron merchant in Edg-
baston Street.
The town owed much of its early intellectual
eminence and progressive spirit to its not having
been a corporate borough, for other superior men,
stimulated like Sampson Lloyd by the desire for
religious liberty, also settled in it. Those who
came were consequently not affected by the " Five
Mile Act" of Charles II., which debarred Noncon-
formist clergymen from coming within five miles of
any borough. The very atmosphere of the place
soon seemed to favour religious liberty and intel-
lectual freedom.
Sampson Lloyd, after a profitable career as an
ironmaster in the firm of "Sampson Lloyd and
Sons," died on January 3, 1724, aged, like his
father, sixty. His will shows him to have been
possessed of a large property. It states that he had
purchased the house in which he was then living for
^400. This was No. 56 Edgbaston Street, which,
though no longer a dwelling-house, still stands and
retains many of its old characteristics, including a
fine oak staircase. An inspection of the property
makes me doubt if, when it was acquired for
^400, the present house existed. It must have cost
several times that sum to build. However this may
be, Sampson Lloyd's son Charles came into posses-
sion, and lived there until he moved to Bingley
House. Sampson Lloyd also held freehold property
in Stourbridge and had a residence at Lea, near
Leominster, Herefordshire. His executors were his
widow, his son Sampson, John Gulson (a son-in-
law), and John Pemberton, his brother-in-law.
My cousin, the late G. B. Lloyd, who prompted
me to undertake this narrative, saying, "I know
you can do it, and it is worth doing," wished it to
contain some account of the slitting-mill which
Sampson Lloyd and his son, the second Sampson
Lloyd, erected at the bottom of Bradford Street,
near the centre of the town, the motive power for
which was obtained from the river Rea. To do
this, it is necessary to go back to the time when
young Foley of Stourbridge went to Sweden and
learnt what a slitting-mill was. The story is an
interesting one.
It was early in the seventeenth century — when
the neighbourhood of Stourbridge was the centre of
the nail-making industry of England — that Sweden
became a discomforting competitor to those en-
gaged in this industry ; as nails made there were
sold in England at prices with which Stourbridge
makers could not compete. This caused young
Foley of Stourbridge to resolve to find out, if pos-
sible, how their underselling was accomplished. He
accordingly started for Sweden, but with so little
money that it was exhausted on his arrival there,
and he was left (not unlike Oliver Goldsmith in his
travels in Holland) with the solitary but somewhat
lively resource of a fiddle. He was, however, an
excellent musician, as well as a pleasant fellow,
and he successfully begged and fiddled his way
to the celebrated Dannemora Mines, near Upsala.
He readily ingratiated himself with the iron-
workers ; and, having for some time carefully ob-
served their machinery, he believed he had found
out their methods. He therefore returned to Stour-
bridge, full of hope that he had acquired the secret
of the construction of a slitting-mill, by means of
which plates of wrought iron could be slit into nail-
rods. So strongly persuaded was he of success that
a gentleman was induced to advance the requisite
money ; but, alas ! to the great disappointment of
all concerned, the machinery failed to slit the
Foley therefore set out for Sweden a second
time, receiving on his arrival a joyful welcome from
the Swedish workmen. So gladly indeed did they
receive the returned fiddler, that, with a disastrous
confidence, to make sure of him they lodged him
in the very citadel of the business, the slitting-mill
itself, looking on him, in their simple-minded,
uncommercial good-fellowship, as a mere fiddler,
and nothing more. He remained long enough to
ascertain where his mistakes lay, and then again
disappeared. On his return to Stourbridge he
succeeded in having machinery constructed that
perfectly performed the work required. There-
after he not only supplied the nail-makers with
the nail-rods they wanted, but also made a fortune
in doing it. It is pleasant and gratifying to record
that while amassing wealth himself, he was not
unmindful of the needs of others ; for he invariably
and generously aided all the plans of benevolence
set on foot in his neighbourhood.
Richard Foley and all the early Foleys were
Puritans. He (the founder of the family) died in
1657, aged seventy-seven. He was succeeded by
his son Thomas, an equally clever man of business,
who successfully carried on the manufacture, and,
as the result, was able to purchase a very fine
Worcestershire estate. Upon this he lived, a
peerage having been granted to the family in the
reign of Charles II. The main line of the Foley
family, however, eventually becoming extinct, the
property was sold to the wealthy Earl of Dudley
for ,£900,000.
The question may arise, Does not this prosperity
exceed the bounds not only of probability but of
possibility? How could any one possessed of
nothing but a fiddle make so much, with his son,
out of a slitting-mill, that the latter could leave an
estate worth ,£900,000 ? This seems to be a truth
stranger than fiction. But Dud Dudley, in his
Metallum Martis, published in 1665, throws some
light upon it when he says : " Wood in these parts
[in 1663] is almost exhausted, although it were of
late a mighty wood-land country." The Foleys
had this abundant and cheap supply, and so made
their great fortunes, and now in 1663 there was
next to none left for others to do the same. Dudley
adds that there "were a supernumerary number of
smiths, near twenty thousand," who had doubtless
been using the Foleys' iron as fast as they could
make it, the nails being sent to all parts of the
country and also exported. But in 1663 a time
of depression followed, so that the same writer adds :
"Twenty thousand smiths or naylors, at the least,
dwelling near these parts and taking of prentices
have made their trade so bad, that many of them
are ready to starve and steal ... so that it is
wished [for them] not to take so many prentices."
Foley drove his slitting-mill by water, the only
suitable mechanical power then known. Sampson
Lloyd and his son and partner (Sampson Lloyd the
second), and afterwards his grandsons, derived their
water power from the river Rea. In a plan of
Birmingham of the year 1731, Lloyd's slitting and
corn mills are shown with access from Digbeth by
Lower Mill Lane ; another plan of Birmingham, of
the date of 1751, displays the slitting-mill with a
mill pool and a large garden.
The following description of the slitting-mill is
given in a letter dated July 31, 1755, written by
some London visitors to the Pembertons : —
"Next Morning (Monday) [July 1755] we went to see Mr.
L 's [Mr. Lloyd's] Slitting Mill, which is too curious to
pass by without notice. Its use is, to prepare Iron for making
Nails. The Process is as follows : — They take a large Iron
Bar, and with a huge Pair of Shears, work'd by a Water-
wheel, cut it into lengths of about a Foot each ; these Pieces
are put into a Furnace, and heated red-hot, then taken out and
put between a Couple of Steel Rollers, which draw them to
the length of about four feet, and the breadth of about three
inches; thence they are immediately put between two other
Rollers, which having a number of sharp Edges fitting each
other like Scissors, cut the Bar as it passes thro' into about
eight square Rods ; after the Rods are cold, they are tied up
in Bundles for the Nailor's use. We din'd and spent the
Evening (after walking again to Dudson) at Mr. Lloyd's."
The Pembertons' London friends having visited
the slitting-mill, were taken the next day into
Staffordshire to see ironstone converted into pig
iron, as one of the interesting local industries, and
the following is their account of it : —
" Next day (Wednesday) we went to see an Iron Furnace at
a small distance from Birmingham (at Hamstead near Perry
Barr on the River Tame), where the iron ore is smelted and
run into pigs. The furnace is built like a lime-kiln, and kept
continually burning. The iron stone or ore being mixed with
a quantity of charcoal, is put in at the top, when falling
on other parts of the same kind already burning, the charcoal
catches the fire, and, as it burns, sinks lower in the furnace
with the ore; as it descends, the fire burns more fiercely,
being continually blown by two pair of monstrous bellows,
which moving alternately by means of a water-wheel, throw
in a continued stream of air, which increasing the fire in the
charcoal, and the iron stone being mixed with it, it melts away
into a proper receiver, and the dross runs from it in streams
of liquid fire. When a sufficient quantity is thus fluxed, the
metal is let out into a wide frame in the ground, filled with
sand, which is hollow'd into trenches of the shape of the pigs
of iron, and many pigs are cast together joining to a long
middle-piece, call'd the sow."
The plan of smelting iron thus described is
very similar to that named by Robert Plot in
his Natural History of Staffordshire, published at
Oxford in 1686 ; and as the second Sampson Lloyd
and his sons were engaged in the manufacture of
iron before they became bankers, and some of
their descendants have carried on this business ever
since, it may be admissible to give a further short
description of the mode of making iron for many
years before they commenced its manufacture early
in the eighteenth century.
Plot describes the iron ore as being calcined
and then thrown into the furnace with "charcole,"
a basket of ore, and then a basket of charcoal,
"when by two vast pairs of bellows placed behind
the furnace and compressed alternately by a large
wheel turned by water, the fire is made so intense,
that after 3 days time the metal will begin to
run, still increasing," he says, u until at length
in 14 nights time it is made so fluid by the
violence of the fire that it not only runs to the
utmost distance of the furrows but stands boiling
in them."
Plot also mentions the still more primitive mode
of manufacture when men worked at the bellows
with their feet, a great amount of manual labour
being expended with very little iron as the result,
and upon which the water power made use of at
Hampstead was a great advance.
Plot then describes the further processes : how
the iron is re-melted and compressed and beaten,
and brought " to the great hammer raised by the
motion of a water-wheel," and then after re-heat-
ings and beatings it is " wrought under the hammer
into such sizes as they think fittest for sale." Some
of the iron smelted at the furnace at Hampstead
would no doubt be purchased by the Lloyds for their
charcoal forges at Burton-on-Trent and Powick.
The Powick works were under the management of
Nehemiah, the eldest son of the second Sampson
Lloyd by Rachel Champion, his second wife.
He died unmarried and left his Warwickshire
property to his brother, Charles Lloyd, the
That the Lloyds, and others in the trade,
were able to command a high price for their iron
in 1757 may be gathered from an advertisement
which appeared in that year. It was headed,
"The High Price of Iron," and informed the
public that a subscription had been opened at
the Swan in Birmingham "for presenting a petition
to Parliament for the Importation of Bar Iron
from America, Duty free, to all Ports of England ;
and that a general meeting of the Subscribers
will be held at the said Swan on Thursday
next at two o'clock." Probably other unrecorded
meetings were held as occasion required, and
were the forerunners of the quarterly meetings of
ironmasters which are now held in Birmingham,
attended by ironmasters from all parts of the
The price of iron was then, as now, alternately
high and low, and consequently profitable or un-
profitable to the manufacturer, but in either case
it contributed to the revenue. This was pointed
out in 1783 by Richard Reynolds, the friend of
Sampson Lloyd the third, in a letter to Lord
Sheffield, expressing the pleasure it gave him to
find that his argument met with his lordship's
approbation — namely, that the making of iron in
England brought to the revenue more than six
pounds per annum for each man employed. Thus
the Lloyds of Birmingham had the satisfaction
not only of giving employment and providing
the means of honest livelihood to those they
employed, but of contributing to the country's
Nehemiah Lloyd appears to have been a very
active partner in the Lloyds' iron business. From
some of his correspondence, which has been placed
at my disposal by Mr. Steeds of Edgbaston, it will
be seen that the ironmasters of his day were, like
those of the present, much concerned about foreign
competition and the effect upon British trade of
the fiscal measures both of their own and foreign
governments. In view of the discussion that has
recently been held with regard to similar questions,
and in view particularly of its especial interest in
Birmingham, the following letters which Nehemiah
Lloyd received from Richard Reynolds, the wealthy
Shropshire ironmaster and also a Friend, may be
given here : —
" KETLEY, $th of yd Month, 1783,
a letter from a Friend in London the 3rd Inst. covering one
of which the enclosed is a copy — It appears to me more
necessary for the relief of the Iron trade of this country
that a bounty should be given to the exporters of manu-
factured English iron than that a drawback should be allowed
on the exportation of Russian iron in any state, or even a
lessening of the duties on importation, one or both of which
may be presumed to have been the object of the Russian
Company's Remonstrance, as it is of the Scotch manufacturers
of Russian iron. If anything should be attempted relative to
it in Parliament this session I presume it should not pass
unnoticed by the makers of iron in this Country, and having
occasion to write to Rd. Croft yesterday and not time to write
two letters by that post I sent a copy of the letter to him
desiring he would communicate it to those most immediately
concerned, concluding thou wouldst be the first person he
would consult — but lest anything should intervene to prevent
it or his receiving my letter, I thought I would trouble thee
with a letter on purpose believing thou wouldst excuse it, and
I am with kind respect to thy brothers,
"Thy obliged Friend,
" GLASGOW, igth Feb. 1783.
" SIR, — By yesterday's newspapers I observed a para-
graph mentioning that nine Gentlemen belonging to the Russian
Company waited on Lord Shelborne with a Remonstrance
relative to the visible declension of their commerce, in con-
sequence of the present plan of peace.
"Pray can you favour me with a copy of the Remonstrance
and the result. The iron manufacturers in this country having
Slitting Mills and other valuable extensive establishments for
manufacturing goods from Russian iron for exportation, are
exceedingly alarmed at the present state of the iron trade —
paying a heavy duty on the iron at importation, not drawn
back at exporting the goods made from it, and America left
free to trade with other Countries, perhaps paying no duties,
whose provisions are cheaper and taxes less than they are in
Britain, or perhaps ever can be. In these circumstances is it
possible for the British Manufacturer to compete unless he
draws back all the duties payable on importation ? Without a
speedy remedy the important branch of British iron manufac-
ture is ruined.
" Pray, what are the English manufacturers of Russian iron
to do in the present state of things ? are they to join you
Russian gentlemen, or are they to make a spirited application
to Parliament for immediate relief?
" Your answer will oblige, Sir,
" Your Most Obedient Sernt.,
Lloyd fruitfulness — Our first banks — Sampson Lloyd in Park Street
and Old Square — The purchase of " Farm " — The Jacobite elms —
The summer-house of the four seasons — Two stanzas on " Farm " ?
—"Farm" to-day — The heirs of Parkes — Rachel Lloyd— Kings
and queens among the Quakers — Kings and clothes — David
THE second Sampson Lloyd, who was born May
15, 1699, joined his father's business. He was
married twice. By his first wife, Sarah, daughter
of Richard Parkes, of Oakswell Hall, Staffordshire,
he had one son, the third Sampson Lloyd.1 He
married, secondly, in 1731, Rachel, daughter of
Nehemiah Champion, of Bristol, and by her, whom
he survived twenty-three years, he had six sons
and five daughters, fruitfulness having been a
Lloyd characteristic with some consistency ever
since the family began. It was his fifth son,
Charles, who is known to students of the family
history as Charles Lloyd the Banker, of Bingley
House, and of whom and of whose sons there is
much to be narrated. Of Rachel, Sampson Lloyd's
youngest child, there are also interesting records.
As one of the founders of Lloyds Bank the
second Sampson Lloyd won lasting fame. The
present extensive and flourishing corporation of
that name sprang from the firm of Taylor and
Lloyd, who owned the first bank establishment
1 Her Bible, which is in my possession, records her birth, thus : " Sarah
Parks was born ye nth day 6 month 1699 about half an hour past
9 o'clock in the forenoon being- the 3rd day of ye month."
in Birmingham. It was started in 1765 by
Sampson Lloyd and John Taylor, a maker of
buttons and japanned ware, with their sons. From
this time forward the family of the Lloyds con-
tinued to be prominently associated with banking.
Not only did Sampson Lloyd, the third of that
name, manage, with his younger brother Charles,
after their father's death, the Birmingham bank,
but he was the prime mover in the formation of
the London bank of Taylor, Lloyd, Hanbury, and
Bowman of 60 Lombard Street. This bank, under
various names, changing as new partners were
admitted, had a long and prosperous career, and, as
we shall see, was ultimately merged in the present
Lloyds Bank. Again, by the marriage of Sampson
Lloyd's youngest child Rachel, to David Barclay,
the Lloyds became associated with the Barclays,
and it was in Barclay's counting-house that Charles
Lloyd of Bingley learned the banking business.
The story of Lloyds Bank is dealt with at
length in some of the succeeding pages. For the
present, we are concerned chiefly with the more
personal aspect of the second Sampson Lloyd's
history, the principal event in which, from our
point of view, is perhaps the purchase of the pro-
perty on which the writer of these memoirs now
resides ; which, since the middle of the eighteenth
century, has been known as "Farm"; and which
is still looked upon, by the Lloyds of Birming-
ham and other descendants of the second Sampson
Lloyd, as being in a special sense the home of the
It is stated in Farm and its Inhabitants (a very
interesting account of the old house, written by
Rachel J. Lowe and privately issued in 1883) that
the second Sampson Lloyd previously lived at Old
Park House, in Park Street. He may have lived
there at the time of his marriage in 1727 ; but this is
doubted. It is at No. 18 Park Street that it is
known that he lived ; but he did not go there till
his second marriage in I732.1 His son, the third
Sampson Lloyd, also lived at No. 18 Park Street
till he moved to Old Square in 1774. Park Street
leads to and ends opposite the parish church of
Birmingham, St. Martin's. The house, a picture
of which is attached, was then a pleasant one, for
beyond the garden the meadows led down with a
gentle slope to the river Rea, then flowing with
pure water from the Licky Hills, and beyond it
was open and well-cultivated country ; but now,
in 1907, this is all built over, and the neighbour-
hood has become a busy hive of town life and
industry, and the river Rea a dirty stream. No.
1 8 Park Street still stands — a roomy house now
used by a riveter, with all its walls crumbling to
decay. Old Park House stands too — empty and
forlorn, but giving signs of ancient comfort and
On the 28th of April 1742 Sampson Lloyd
purchased the property called "The Farm," con-
sisting of fifty-six acres with a farmhouse and out-
buildings. My cousin, G. B. Lloyd, on examining
the original conveyance, found that the price paid
for it was ^850. Its value in the course of time
increased, so that in 1849 forty acres of it, including
the house and farm buildings, were valued as worth
,£20,000. Since then a large part of the estate
has been built over, some of the streets taking
their names from the family. " Farm " itself to-day
consists of only ten acres.
The avenue of elm trees in front of the house
was planted in 1745. This was a great year — the
year of the Scottish rebellion. In July Charles
1 See Memorials of the Old Square, p. 101.
Edward Stuart (or " Bonnie Prince Charlie," as he
was called) landed in the Hebrides, and at Perth he
was proclaimed king. The rebellion spread ; the
English were defeated at Prestonpans ; and the
rebels reached as far south as Derby. The invasion
occasioned a panic in London, and the Funds fell
to 49. The young prince, on reaching Derby on
December 4, found that his army was not joined
by English recruits, as he had hoped, and he had
therefore to retreat. The invasion terminated at
the Battle of Culloden, where he and his followers
were utterly routed. The following is the Birming-
ham record of his defeat : —
"The 1 3th of October 1746 having been appointed as the
day for a general Thanksgiving for the suppression of the
late unnatural Rebellion by the Defeat of the Rebels by his
Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, at the battle of
Culloden, the same was observed here [in Birmingham] with
the greatest Loyalty."
It must not be assumed that Sampson Lloyd was
a Jacobite. The planting of the avenue in the year
of the invasion was a coincidence which has served
to keep the date of both events in the memory of
the family. After it was planted the house was
built. It faces the south-east. The pleasure garden
was laid out by Mrs. Knowles, the friend of the
Lloyds and Dr. Johnson. One choice summer
arbour, called the fish-house, was placed by the
pond, and another was also erected, in a more
secluded situation, lighted by a window containing
blue, green, yellow, and purple panes of glass.
This produced a very pretty effect, and has been
the delight of successive generations of children,
but, alas ! no longer to be enjoyed. The blue
panes, when looked through, gave a wintry appear-
ance to the scene : the green, spring ; the yellow,
summer, with glowing sunshine ; and the purple
panes, autumn.
The following ode by a Birmingham poet
was perhaps intended to depict the garden at
" Ye bow'rs where nature sports in artless wiles,
And fancy frolics with bewitching smiles ;
Whose power, like that of fairest beauty, charms
And care, of its heart-piercing sting, disarms : . . .
But hark, methinks I hear
Enchanting music near ;
Sweetly it breathes its notes around,
And loving echo thrills beneath the sound." l
" Farm " is to-day almost unaltered, except that
whereas it stood originally in the country it is now
surrounded by the small streets of Sparkbrook, and
whereas of old its gardens were bright with flowers,
the smoke of Birmingham's chimneys is now rather
discouraging to vegetation. Not that we are with-
out flowers and vegetables : quite the reverse ; but
we are not allowed to forget that we are in a great
manufacturing city. The famous avenue also is
sadly depleted, not only by the falling of the trees,
but by the falling of limbs. In fact, " Farm," ex-
cept at the beginning of the summer, when it can
be very beautiful and fresh, looks what it is — an
anachronism, not only a survival of the eighteenth
century in the twentieth, but also a piece of the
country caught and imprisoned by a town. Within,
it is unchanged. The rooms here and there may
have been altered ; the telephone bell may tell
rather insistently of modernity; but "Farm" re-
mains what it always was — if I may quote the words
of a visitor — " the friendliest of Friendly homes."
There are older houses in Birmingham. The
1 A Century of Birmingham Life (p. 202), by J. A. Langford,
published 1868, vol. i. (with the last line slightly altered).
Park Street houses obviously are older, but there is
no Georgian abode in better preservation. Perhaps
if it comes to age, the oldest building in Birming-
ham is the actual farmhouse — Owen's farm, as it was
called, which stands in the grounds and gives the
estate its name — a very beautiful piece of Tudor
The second Sampson Lloyd remained all his
life of the same religious persuasion as his father,
the first Sampson Lloyd, and his father-in-law,
Richard Parkes. He died aged 79, on November
30, 1779, and was laid to rest in the Friends'
graveyard in Birmingham, where his two wives
had been buried before him.
It was through Sampson Lloyd's first wife Sarah
that the Lloyds became connected with Wednes-
bury, of which more is said in a later chapter.
Her father, Richard Parkes, owned valuable mining
property at Wednesbury ; and his residence, Oaks-
well Hall, Wednesbury, he acquired, with property
pertaining to it, in 1689. A picture of it is given
in Shaw's Staffordshire. Some of his Wednesbury
property he inherited through his wife, but in 1708
and 1710 he added largely to it by purchase. By
his will, dated May 2, 1728, he left it all to his
four daughters as tenants in common ; and in this
way, and by subsequent purchases, the Lloyds
came into possession of that which ever since
has been a source of income to those of his de-
scendants who style themselves " Heirs of Parkes."
Their annual meetings, held for some years at
"Farm," for the division of rents and royalties,
are remembered as bringing into social intercourse
members of the family who might not otherwise
have met.
To Sampson Lloyd's fifth son, Charles Lloyd
of Bingley, we come later, and also, naturally, to
his eldest son Sampson ; but here I might say
a little of his daughter Rachel, who married
David Barclay, junior, of London, grandson of
the Robert Barclay of Urie who wrote the cele-
brated Apology. David Barclay's father, David
Barclay the elder, having moved from Scotland to
London, became a very successful merchant there.
He lived in a good house at the corner of Cheap-
side, with windows looking towards the open space
before the Royal Exchange and Mansion House.
In this house he had entertained Royalty, and
how interesting it must have been to the charming
Rachel to hear all about it when the young Barclay
came on his visits to " Farm " in 1767.
"It was six years ago," he would say, " that the
Royal visit of which I am about to tell thee took
place ; but my father had previously entertained
King George the Second ; and King George the
First and Queen Anne had been entertained at the
house before them." "Really," she would say,
"and thy father a good Friend like thyself? And
Queen Anne entertained before them ! Really, I
can hardly believe it." Then taking his sister's
letter from his pocket, he would be able to read
her written account of it.1
"It may be proper to remark, previous to the
Royal Family's coming to my Father's house to
view therefrom the Lord Mayor's Show, which
Queen Anne, George I., and George II., had
done, the latter when my Father lived in the house
(which was supposed to be the most convenient
for the purpose), the House was repaired outside
and inside." That was in the year 1760. The
letter continues: "On the second pair of stairs
1 Nearly fifty years afterwards the letter was published in the
Gentleman s Magazine^ David Barclay being- still alive, and writing- to
Hudson Gurney as to its g-eneral accuracy.
was placed our own Company, about 40 in
number, the chief of whom were of the Puritan
order, and all in their orthodox habits. We per-
formed the ceremony of kissing the Queen's hand,
and at the sight of whom we were all in rap-
tures. . . ." Queen Charlotte was then a bride,
having been married in September, two months
44 One of Mr. Barclay's daughters, little Lucy,
was at the time a pretty child five years of age, and
the King much delighted by her beauty took her
on his knee and asked her how she liked him, she
replied, * I love the King ; but I should love him
better without the fine clothes.' This greatly
amused him."1 And so on.
In 1767 Rachel Lloyd and David Barclay were
married. There is a record in the Birmingham
meeting -book that David Barclay, junior, and
Rachel Lloyd passed the meeting on September 9,
1767, and were left at liberty to accomplish their
marriage a month later. He was thirty-nine years
of age, and Rachel was his second wife. The
drawing-room at "Farm" (now the dining-room)
was built, it is said, for the occasion, and we may
picture the greetings the handsome David and
his bride received, in the newly built, finely pro-
portioned room, on their return from the marriage
ceremony. They lived very happily together at
Youngsbury near London until twenty-two years
after their marriage, when she was stricken by
illness and died.
Charles Lloyd's letter describes her interment at
Winchmore Hill as a very " striking opportunity."
"As we left Youngsbury at six this morning," he
wrote, "my dear brother [David Barclay] remarked
1 She became Samuel Gallon's wife, and their daughter Mary Anne
married Mr. Schimmelpenninck.
'how mutable and unstable are all human enjoy-
ments. My wife and I,' he said, 'had been labour-
ing to make Youngsbury a perfect place, and this
spring all seemed perfection, when, alas ! the partner
of my joys was taken from me ! '
David Barclay died in 1809. The Morning
Chronicle of June 5, 1809, wrote of him as
follows : —
" The late David Barclay, who died in his eighty-first year
at Walthamstow, was the only surviving grandson of Robert
Barclay of Urie. . . . We cannot form to ourselves, even in
imagination, the idea of a character nearer perfection. Gifted
by nature with a very noble form, all the qualities of his mind
and heart corresponded with the grandeur of his exterior."
John Taylor— The snufif-box and the thumb— Hutton's panegyric on
Taylor — Friends at the button factory — The bank supplies a
demand — Birmingham begins to be prosperous— Hutton's prophecy
— Bad roads and highwaymen — The metal trade and inventors —
Matthew Boulton and James Watt — Intellectual Birmingham — Aris
and Baskerville — The Lunar Society — Mary Anne Galton takes
notes — Matthew Boulton's head and James Watt's voice — Heath-
field Hall and its relics — Murdock's discoveries — Birmingham and
the slave trade
IT is to the business of the first Sampson Lloyd
in Edgbaston Street, and to the success of their
slitting-mill in Moat Row, that the association of
the name of Lloyd with banking must be traced.
The second Sampson Lloyd had inherited a
respectable fortune and a thriving business from
his father. As we have seen, he largely extended
the business and added to his possessions not only
by trading, but also by his marriage. The Lloyds,
in his time, were already looked upon as men not
only of probity but of substance, and it was this
reputation which, on the founding of Taylor and
Lloyds Bank in 1765, secured the confidence of
the public at a time when there was little or no
legislative provision for the protection of de-
positors. The bank was called Taylor and Lloyds,
but John Taylor, the Birmingham manufacturer
who joined Sampson Lloyd in its formation, was
content to leave the management chiefly in his
This John Taylor, who was born in the early
part of the eighteenth century, is a notable figure
in the industrial history of Birmingham. He was
a button manufacturer ; but was still more famous
as a manufacturer of japanned goods. "He was
particularly successful in hitting the fashionable
taste in snuff-boxes, articles then in universal use.
For one style of snuff-box, which he alone pro-
duced, there was an enormous demand. The boxes
were of various colours and shapes, but what took
the public fancy was the peculiar ornamentation of
the surface. Each had a bright-coloured ground,
upon which was an extraordinary wavy pattern of
a different shade of colour. The two tints alter-
nated in such an infinite variety of patterns that it
was said that no two of Taylor's snuff-boxes were
ever found alike. As other makers found it im-
possible to imitate them, Taylor, while the craze
lasted, was able to command a large sale at high
prices. John Taylor did this ornamentation with
his own hands, securely locking up his room
during the process. He had the boxes brought
to him while the second coat of colour was wet,
and then with his thumb, which was unusually
broad and coarse-grained, he wove, in endless
variety, the patterns he desired. While the craze
lasted the process remained to all others a mystery,
and in after years he used to tell with a chuckle
how it had been done."
It was not only by japanned snuff-boxes that
Taylor made his name and fortune. The value of
his weekly output of buttons alone was said to be
not less than £800. " There was," says Hawkes
Smith, " in his inventions a decisive elegance, and
an obvious indication of good taste, that ensured a
good sale and large profits."
Taylor was something more than a tradesman.
Dr. Johnson, during his sojourn in Birmingham in
1732, became interested in him and his pursuits.
Our local historian, Hutton, expressed a great ad-
miration for him. " Part of the riches, extension,
and improvement of Birmingham," wrote Hutton,
with true patriotic excess, "are owing to the late
John Taylor, Esq., who possessed the singular
powers of perceiving things as they really were.
The spring and consequence of action were open
to his view whom we may justly deem the Shake-
speare or the Newton of his day. He rose from
minute beginnings, to shine in the commercial
hemisphere, as they in the poetical and philoso-
phical. Imitation is part of the human character.
An example of such eminence in himself promoted
exertion in others ; which, when prudence guided
the helm, led to fortune. . . . To this uncommon
genius we owe the gilt-button, the japanned and
gilt snuff-boxes, with the numerous variety of
enamels. From the same fountain also issued the
paper snuff-box, at which one servant earned three
pounds ten shillings per week, by painting them at
a farthing each. One of the present nobility, of
distinguished taste, examining the works, with the
master, purchased some of the articles, amongst
others, a toy of eighty guineas value, and while
paying for them, observed with a smile, * he
plainly saw he could not reside in Birmingham
for less than two hundred pounds a day.5 '
The following is an account from a family letter
of a visit to John Taylor's button manufactory on
July 311 1755:—
"We saw the Manufactory of Mr. Taylor, the most con-
siderable Maker of Gilt-metal Buttons, and enamell'd Snuff-
boxes : We were assured that he employs 500 Persons in
those two Branches, and when we had seen his Work-shop,
we had no Scruple in believing it. The Multitude of Hands
each Button goes thro' before it is sent to the Market, is like-
From a painting noiv at "Farm."
wise surprising ; you perhaps will think it incredible, when I
tell you they go thro' 70 different Operations of 70 different
Work-folks. . . .
"We were too much straitened for Time to see more of
the Manufactories of the Town, and were inform'd this was
the most worth a Stranger's Notice. We din'd at Mr. Lloyd's
[Sampson Lloyd]. In the Afternoon we walk'd to his Country
Seat (about two Miles from the Town), which he called his
Farm: it consists of a large genteel House and Gardens,
Stables and Out-houses, which are mostly new Buildings,
very neat and convenient ; before the Front of the House is a
long spacious Lawn, planted on each Side with Rows of Elms,
leading to the Road ; the Dairy and other Branches relating
to the Farm lay at some Distance from the House, which
renders it more cleanly and agreeable : After drinking Tea,
we returned, and spent the Evening at the Castle Club over
' a Half-pint and Cheat.' The Company was pretty large,
and very cheerful. My Companion in particular became
extremely joyous; but I am afraid we Londoners rather
encroached too much on the Good-nature of our Birmingham
Friends ; for ' Cheat ' after ' Cheat,' so disorder'd their (Eco-
nomy, that in the end I am afraid we either cheated our
landlord or cheated ourselves."
John Taylor, who died in 1775 at the age of
sixty-four, began life as a journeyman, it is be-
lieved as a cabinet-maker. Hutton says he was
regarded by his fellow-townsmen as one whose
name was a guarantee of success, and without
whose support no undertaking was likely to com-
mand public approval. He left a fortune estimated
at not less than ,£200,000.
The increasing trade of Birmingham had caused
its merchants and manufacturers and its shop-
keepers to feel the need of a bank in which money
could be deposited for safe keeping, and, probably
still more, of an establishment where the traders
could obtain temporary advances upon deeds and
such other securities as they could give. To John
Taylor and to Sampson Lloyd the traders of the
town naturally looked as the leaders in such a
matter. As a matter of fact both men had ad-
vanced money and undertaken banking transactions
for some time before they decided to make a regular
business of it.
The bank which, in 1765, they founded to meet
these requirements remained for exactly a hundred
years a private concern. During all that time the
Lloyds continued to be associated with it as pro-
prietors and managers. And since 1865, when the
business, carried on at that time under the style
of Lloyds & Co., was transferred to the limited
company known briefly as Lloyds Bank, the
family has been continuously represented not only
in the proprietorship of the bank, but in its con-
duct too.
Before reviewing the history of the private
partnership which commenced in 1765, it may be
well to glance at the local and general conditions
existing at that time. Birmingham, as we have
seen, had already given evidence of the progres-
sive spirit of which it is still able to boast. The
establishment of the bank was in itself a sign
of commercial progress. Though not the first
of the country banks — one having been estab-
lished in Newcastle-on-Tyne ten years before -
it was one of the earliest to achieve an enduring
The times were favourable to the Birmingham
trades. The treaty of Paris, in 1763, had brought
to a close the Seven Years' War, and left England
in possession of Canada, Cape Breton, Florida,
and some of the West India islands ; the older
American colonies were no longer menaced by
French aggression, and their development was pro-
ceeding to the advantage of British trade, though
the colonial policy of the Government was tending
to discount this advantage. Clive had laid the
foundations of our Indian Empire, and the period
was generally one of territorial and commercial
Macaulay puts the population of Birmingham at
the time of the Commonwealth at less than four
thousand. It steadily increased. In 1750 the
population and houses in Birmingham, according
to a survey made by S. Bradford, were : popula-
tion, 23,688; houses, 4170. In 1765 the popula-
tion was about 25,000, and the number of houses
increased in proportion. In 1865 the population
was about 320,000 ; houses, 7o,ooo.1
The belief in a great future for the town, which
existed among its inhabitants, was voiced by our
historian Hutton. He dates the modern growth
of Birmingham from the Restoration. One writer
put the extent of the town at that time at three
streets, but Hutton thinks that there were probably
fifteen, and 900 houses. He proceeds, with his
customary regard for rhetoric: " Though she had
before held a considerable degree of eminence ; yet
at this period, the curious arts began to flourish,
and were cultivated by the hand of genius. Build-
ing leases, also, began to take effect, extension
followed, the numbers of people crowded upon each
other, as into a Paradise."
During that period, as ever since, Birmingham
has benefited by immigration. "As a kind tree,"
says Hutton, "perfectly adapted for growth, and
planted in a suitable soil, draws nourishment from
1 In 1880, I might remark, was printed at the Chiswick Press an odd
little pamphlet entitled, An Historical Curiosity : One Hundred and Forty-
one Ways of Spelling Birmingham, the examples being- taken from different
writings, chiefly old. Among them I note Brumwycham, Bermyngeham,
Burmyngham, Bromicham, Burmegum, Burningham, Brumegume, Brim-
midgham, Brumigam, Bermgham, Bremecham, Brimisham, Burmedgeham,
Brumingam, Bermynehelham, Bromidgham, Bromycham, Berkmyngham,
Bremisham, Brumicham. There seems to have been a desire on the part
of these old spellers to approach as nearly as possible to " Brummagem "
without ever quite saying the horrid word.
the circumjacent ground to a great extent, and robs
the neighbouring plants of their support, so that
nothing can thrive within its influence ; so Bir-
mingham, half whose inhabitants above the age of
ten, perhaps, are not natives, draws her annual
supply of hands, and is constantly fed by the towns
that surround her, where her trades are not prac-
tised." Captivated by the advantages offered by
the town, which had led men like the first Sampson
Lloyd to become inhabitants and enjoy freedom
to live and think unmolested, Hutton bursts into
magnificent prophecy : —
" Though we have attended Birmingham through so im-
mense a space, we have only seen her in her infancy,
comparatively small in her size, homely in her person, and
coarse in her dress : her ornaments wholly of iron from her
own forge. But now her growths will be amazing ; her
expansion rapid, perhaps not to be parallelled in history. We
shall see her rise in all the beauty of youth, of grace, of
elegance, and attract the notice of the commercial world.
She will also add to her iron ornaments, the lustre of every
metal that the whole earth can produce, with all their illus-
trious race of compounds, heightened by fancy, and garnished
with jewels. She will draw from the fossil and the vegetable
kingdoms; press the ocean for shell, skin and coral. She
will also tax the animal, for horn, bone, and ivory, and she
will decorate the whole with the touches of her pencil. ... It
is easy to see without the spirit of prophecy, that Birmingham
hath not yet arrived at her zenith, neither is she likely to
reach it for ages to come. Her increase will depend upon
her manufactures ; her manufactures will depend upon the
national commerce ; national commerce also will depend upon
a superiority at sea; and thus superiority may be extended
to a long futurity."
In Hutton's time Birmingham was going ahead
very rapidly, and he estimated that the population
had in 1780 reached 50,295. But at the time of
the founding of the bank of Taylor and Lloyd in
1765, some of the developments which were about
In Two Days and a half; begins May the
14th, -1731-
ETSout from &t$wan-lnn in Btrmixgfato,
every Monday at fix a Clock in the Morning,
through Warwick, Runbury and A/e$hnry^
to the Red Lion lnn*n Alderfgate jlrcet^ London^
every Wednesday Morning: And returns from
the faid Red Lion Inn every Tbwfday Morning
at five a Clock the fame Way to \htSn>an-hm
in Birmingham every Saturday, at zi Shillings
each Paffenger, and 1 8 Shillings from Warwick^
who has liberty tocarry 14 Pounds in Weight,
and all above to pay One Penny a Pound.
Perform d (if God permit)
By Nicholas Roth well
The Weekly Waggon /ets out every Tuff day fro-m the Nqgg't-f&ad in
BirminghaiTJ* to the Ked Lion Inw afortfaid, every Smierdty > and nt*mf
from tht (aid. Inn every Monday, to the JSu-ff^-Hi&d in. Birnuntb*m every
Noce. 3^/^e/W Nicholas Rothwellrft Warwick, oMTerfont may be
Ifi/hed with a Tjy-Ce&h) Chariot. Cbai/c, orHearfe, <&ttk a
**d dtUHorfes* to&nj PartofCreat
el ft Saddle fjorftf to bt ha<L
to take place were still unknown ; for it was not
until 1767 that the Act was obtained to construct a
canal between Birmingham and the coal " delphs "
about Wednesbury.1 Here the thick coal-seam,
thirty feet thick, lay so near the surface that a con-
siderable area was got by open work, and when not
sufficiently near the surface for open work, then by
underground excavations and gin-pits with drainage
into the river Tame.
"The necessary article of coal, before this act,"
says Hutton, "was brought by land, at about
thirteen shillings per ton, but now at seven. It
was common to see a train of carriages for miles,
to the great destruction of the road and the annoy-
ance of travellers."
The wretched state of the roads at that time,
giving great facilities to highwaymen, was very
prejudicial to Birmingham, not only as a trading
town but as a great coaching centre. A coach
began to travel to London on May 24, 1731,
occupying two and a half days. In 1745 another
undertook to get there in two days, "if the roads
permitted." But in 1782 the journey was accom-
plished in thirteen hours ; and in 1825, when
175 coaches, post-chaises, or other vehicles, daily
arrived at, or passed through, Birmingham each
day, the distance was sometimes accomplished in
eleven and a half hours. We can now reach
Euston, by rail, in two hours.
To quote from Mr. Dent's Making of Birming-
ham : —
"Workers in iron there were in abundance, as well as
those who prepared the iron for the manufacturers' use. . . .
Of works in iron there had sprung up quite a host of
branches; grates — crude and barbarous in ornamentation —
sad-irons and furnace-bars, pots and kettles, sauce-pans and
1 See pag-e 94.
cart-wheel boxes (the latter turned out at the Eagle Foundry,
in Broad Street). Fenders and fire-irons began to form a
separate trade; steel works for making crucible steel gave
Steelhouse Lane its name; heavy and light steel toys, a
variety of useful articles being included under the term,
were sent by the Birmingham Manufacturers to all parts of
the world. The implements for the carpenter, the glazier,
and the gardener — for the plumber, mason, and farrier, and
almost every workman under the sun ; the thousand and one
requirements of every-day life, bodkins, corkscrews, tweezers,
sugar-tongs, and nippers, tobacco-stoppers, snuff-boxes, and
many similar articles ; chains and manacles for the slaves of
America, tomahawks for the red men of the West, axes for the
settlers in the backwoods, bells for the vast herds of cattle
in Australia, all these as well as buckles for the shoes of the
English dandy — dress swords, stilettos, chatelaines, keys, seals,
watch-chains, bracelets, clasps, brooches — all of steel — these
and many other productions in the then fashionable metal
were supplied largely from the workshops of Birmingham."
It is estimated that not fewer than 1000 tons of
brass were used in Birmingham in 1781.
The establishment of a proof-house in Birming-
ham in 1798 attests the importance to which the
local gun trade had attained. The treatment of the
American Colonies by the home Government had
led the colonists to avoid, as far as possible, the
purchase of English goods, and no doubt had, to
some extent, injured the trade of Birmingham. But
the War of Independence brought large orders from
the Government for Birmingham guns. There were
demands also from other quarters, and it is com-
puted that in the last twenty-five years of the
eighteenth century, Birmingham gun-makers turned
out at least three-quarters of a million stand of
arms. The Birmingham sword-makers, too, de-
monstrated their superiority over their German
competitors, and large manufactories were kept at
work supplying the East India Company, as well
as home and foreign governments. The wars
which followed the French Revolution gave an
enormous impetus to the Birmingham trade in arms,
during this and the succeeding century ; at the
same time the freedom of the country from invasion
gave Birmingham manufacturers in all departments
an advantage over their rivals on the Continent.
They would benefit also by the financial reforms
effected by Pitt during the nine years of peace
which marked the first half of his eighteen years'
ministry (1783-1801). The reduction of the National
Debt, and improvements in the national system of
finance, the lowering of the heavy duties on tea,
wine, and spirits, and the reform of the excise and
customs, led at once to a reduction of taxation, an
extension of trade and an increase of revenue.
Birmingham, in fact, had then become some-
thing more than a "considerable market-town in
the county of Warwick" — the designation given
to it in a map published in 1752. It was becoming,
to quote Burke's description, the "Toy-shop of
Europe," the term "steel toys " embracing a variety
of articles of utility as well as all kinds of the then
fashionable steel ornaments. The steel-toy business
was, in fact, the parent of the Birmingham jewellery
trade. Matthew Boulton, who had established
himself in the steel-toy trade in Snow Hill, had
just transferred the business to Soho, and was
shortly to be joined by James Watt, the inventor
of the steam-engine, and later by Murdock, in
a world-famous partnership. In Farm and its
Inhabitants it is stated that "When Boulton and
Watt were short of money, and when their inven-
tions were looked upon as very doubtful experi-
ments, they were greatly assisted by Sampson
Lloyd's liberality to them as a Banker."
Birmingham at that time was in fact not only
the home of industry but the mother, or the foster-
mother, of much of the mechanical ingenuity and
industrial enterprise of England.
Intellectually, as we have seen, the town had
advanced since the time of which Macaulay wrote,
when "on the market-days Michael Johnson, the
father of the great Samuel Johnson, came over
from Lichfield once a week, and opened a stall
during a few hours when this supply of literature
was found adequate to the demand ; and the place
whence, two generations after, the magnificent
editions of Baskerville went forth to astonish all
the librarians of Europe, did not contain a single
regular shop where a Bible or an Almanack could
be bought."
The first book printed in Birmingham appeared
from Matthew Unwin's press. Mr. Warren, with
whom Johnson, as well as his friend Hector, lodged
for a time, set up a book-shop and was the first
to issue a newspaper, in which some of Johnson's
essays appeared.
When Hutton settled in Birmingham in 1750
he found that Thomas Aris had commenced his
Gazette nine years previously, and that two or three
other purveyors of literature existed.
Birmingham was soon to become famous as the
home of eminent philosophers and literary men.
Baskerville in 1765 — the year that saw the forma-
tion of the bank — was producing some of his finest
editions, and in that year Dr. Ash issued the appeal
which led to the establishment of the General
Hospital, to which the partners in the bank were
among the first to respond.
The town was advancing in other ways. The
drama, as well as literature generally, interested
many of its people. Strolling players appeared in
the various assembly rooms. There was a theatre
in King Street, and ten years later the Theatre
Royal was erected. In 1768, three years after the
formation of the bank, the first musical festival
was held, and other recorded incidents show that
the industrial and commercial life of Birmingham
had reached a stage at which its strenuousness was
brightened by a sense of assured prosperity, favour-
able to the cultivation of the arts.
The celebrated Lunar Society — so called because
its monthly meetings were held on the evening
when it was the full moon — was formed in 1765.
Among those known to have taken part in these
meetings were Mr. Withering (a celebrated botanist,
and one of the first physicians to the General
Hospital) and Dr. Priestley, both of whom lived
near " Farm " ; also Josiah Wedgwood of lasting
fame, Sir Joseph Banks, Sir William Herschel,
Dr. Darwin, Dr. Parr, and many other distin-
guished persons. Every member was entitled to
bring his friends with him.
Mrs. Schimmelpenninck (nee Mary Anne Galton)
wrote that her acquaintance with the Lunar Society
commenced in 1786 when she was eight years old,
continuing till she was twenty-four. The appear-
ance of each individual, she says, was deeply en-
graven on her memory. She describes Matthew
Boulton, James Watt's partner, as tall, with a
fine countenance. He took the lead in conversa-
tion. After she had attended phrenological lectures
Mrs. Schimmelpenninck noticed that his forehead
was magnificent and that he was a man to rule
Society with dignity. James Watt was altogether
different, more fitted to follow the contemplative
life of a patiently observant philosopher. His
head was generally bent forward : its intellectual
development was magnificent ; but his utterance
was slow and unimpassioned, deep and low in
tone, with a broad Scottish accent.
When Dr. Priestley entered the room, it seemed
to this critic, though far removed from believing in
the sufficiency of his theological creed, " that while
the glory of Matthew Boulton was terrestrial, that
of the Doctor was celestial, so different was he
from so many orthodox professors I have unhappily
lived to see who, like a corpse, or a mummy,
exhibited all the form and lineaments of truth,
but were destitute of one vital spark."
The statues of James Watt and Dr. Priestley,
one on each side of the Birmingham Town Hall,
appear to be well executed and to present good
Mr. George Tangye, the brother of the late
Sir Richard Tangye, and now head of the firm
of Tangye Bros., engine-builders, of Birmingham,
resides at Heathfield Hall, the house belonging
to the Watt family, in which James Watt died.
He had a private workshop at the top of the house,
which Mr. Tangye has shown me, and which is
still kept locked up by request of the Watt family
so that the lathes and contrivances of James Watt
may remain just as he left them the last time
he went out of it.
I have just seen a copy of a letter from
Matthew Boulton to James Watt, dated 2nd
September 1786, telling him he has stopped
Murdock from going to London to take out a
patent for his steam carriage, which had, in
Cornwall, already travelled a mile or two, in
River's great room, in a circle, carrying the fire,
shovel, poker, and tongs. Boulton adds to this
that it was fortunate that he met him and per-
suaded him to turn back and not throw his money
away. In reply, James Watt writes to Boulton
on September 12 : "I have still the same opinions
concerning it that I had, but to prevent as much
as possible more fruitless argument about it I have
one of some size under hand and am resolved to
try if God will work a miracle in favour of these
The letters prove that all three — Watt, Murdock,
and Boulton — were alive to the possiblity of
locomotion by steam power, which was so well
accomplished afterwards by George Stephenson.
Incidentally I may mention that I am a link be-
tween the present and the past in that I heard
George Stephenson give his only lecture in Bir-
mingham. It was upon the Fallacies of the Rotary
Many of these Lunar Society meetings and
other literary and scientific gatherings were held
at Bingley House, the home of Charles Lloyd.
Southey, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Charles
Lamb were among Charles Lloyd's occasional
guests, and thus his children became acquainted
with some of the most eminent persons of their
time. But to them we come in a later chapter.
Birmingham was inclined also towards pure
philanthropy. Thomas Clarkson, in his History
of the Slave Trade^ mentions his visit to the town
in 1783, and says : —
" I was introduced by letter at Birmingham to Sampson,
and Charles Lloyd, the brothers of John Lloyd, belonging to
our Committee, and members of the Society of Friends. I
was highly gratified in finding that these, in conjunction with
Mr. Russell, had been attempting to awaken the attention of
the inhabitants of Birmingham to this great subject ; and that,
in consequence of their laudable efforts, a spirit was beginning
to show itself there, as at Manchester, in favour of the abolition
of the slave-trade."
On June 3, 1765, the bank opens— Old accounts— The partners-
Divisions of profits — Mary Lloyd marries Osgood Hanbury —
Rival banks— The wealth of Birmingham— The Priestley Riots-
Miss Ryland, the benefactress of Birmingham
IN circumstances, local and national, which promised
well for such an undertaking, the bank of Taylor
and Lloyd, on June 3, 1765, commenced business.
The partners were John Taylor, John Taylor, junr.,
button manufacturers, with Sampson Lloyd (the
second) and Sampson Lloyd, junr., iron dealers.
The office was at the corner of Bank Passage in
Dale End ; and here the business continued to be
carried on until 1845. The passage, still bearing
that name, existed until late in the last century.
In the earliest known Birmingham Directory,
dated 1770, under the heading " Public Offices,"
stands "The Bank, 7 Dale End," no other bank
being mentioned in the book. The firm Taylor
and Pemberton appear as button manufacturers
in Queen Street, John Taylor as living at 65 High
Street, and Sampson Lloyd & Son as "mer-
chants" in Edgbaston Street.
Though the date of the formation of the bank
is always given as June 1765, it appears that the
partners had taken the premises and had com-
menced a banking business some time in 1764.
No doubt they had thought it wise to work up a
little connection before formally opening the bank
to the public. The following curious extracts from
the housekeeper's accounts have been supplied to
me from Lloyds High Street bank, Birmingham
(still known to many people as "The Birmingham
Old Bank") :—
"1765. — 4 lemons, 6d. ; two fowls, is. gd. ; a neck of
mutton, is. i id. ; a leg of veal, 9 lb., 2s. iod.; goose, is. 3d.;
I doz. wax mould candles, 7s.; pair of scissors, 2s. ; five
sheets of pens, 53. 5d. ; cod fish, 4} lb., 2s. I Jd. ; paid Miss
Powell for making two negliques [negligees] and newbodying
a gown, £i, us. 6d. ; 7 lb. of soap, 33. 2d. ; a sirloin of beef,
weight 22 Ibs., at 3d., 55. 6d.
"1765. — Sponge, 6d.; lobster, nd. ; mole catcher taking
4 moles, 8d. ; handkerchief for Kate, 2s. 8d. ; -J doz. oranges,
8d. ; 4 lb. butter, 2s. 4d. ; £ peck wheat, pd. ; i lb. coffee,
6s. 8d. ; carriage of a box from Bristol, is.; 2 lb. brown
sugar, 8d. ; 2 lb. salt, 8d. ; 3 lb. salmon, 35."
The capital was ^6000 in four equal shares,
and no deed of partnership appears to have been
ever drawn up during the one hundred years of the
partnership, reliance being placed upon the entries
in a private ledger signed annually by all the
Sampson Lloyd the third, styled "junior," was
then thirty-seven years old. He was an enterpris-
ing man and at the same time careful and prudent,
and was the chief acting partner of the bank in
the early years of its existence. The wealth and
capabilities of the partners were so well known that
the bank at once commanded the confidence of the
public. No interest on the deposit of money was
allowed in the early years of the bank, the partners
thinking it quite enough concession to take care of
other people's money without making a charge for
doing so. Hitherto, those who had money had been
accustomed to keep it locked up in their houses,
in stockings, hiding-places, iron coffers, and secret
drawers if they had any. It was an unheard-of
idea to those who had saved money to let it out
of their sight unsecured.1
One day a would-be customer asked Mr. Lloyd
if the bank would do something for him for
nothing. "No ! " was the reply, "we do nothing
for nothing for nobody."
No formal division of profits was entered in the
books until the 3Oth September 1771. The books
show that the divisible profit for the six years'
trading amounted to upwards of ,£10,000. Each
of the four partners had ,£2,629 placed to his
credit, and ,£1,049 was carried to "Bad Debt
Account." The salaries allowed for doing the
work of the bank were very small. As all the
Taylors had small families, and the Lloyds had
large ones, the latter, throughout the partnership,
were always the workers in the bank.
The second division of profits took place on the
3ist December 1775 (by which time John Taylor,
senior, had passed away), and profits were received
from the London bank of Hanbury, Taylor, Lloyd
and Bowman, a bank which Sampson Lloyd the
third was, as I have said, the means of forming.
(Mary, one of the third Sampson Lloyd's sisters,
having married Osgood Hanbury of Tower Street,
E.G., and Coggeshall, Essex, and Sampson Lloyd
and he being close friends, Sampson Lloyd arranged
to join him in partnership ; and accordingly, in 1770,
the bank of Taylor, Lloyd, Hanbury & Bowman
was opened in Lombard Street, William Bowman
having a share in it as manager. In 1814 the firm
was Hanbury, Taylor & Lloyd ; in 1864 it became
Barnett, Hanbury & Lloyd, and in 1884 it was
absorbed by Lloyds Banking Company Limited.)
The third division took place on the 3ist of
December 1777, among the same three survivors of
1 See Lombard Street, by the late Walter Bagehot.
the original partners and with similar entries as to
" Silver and Gold delivered," and " Demolished
Money,"1 as on the 3ist December 1775.
The fourth division took place on the 3ist
December 1779, the participators being John
Taylor, junior, the third Sampson Lloyd, and
Nehemiah and Charles Lloyd, his half-brothers.
The second Sampson Lloyd had died in November
of that year. Afterwards the division of profits took
place annually throughout the partnership of the
Taylor and Lloyd families.
The two chief clerks in 1779 received salaries
of £80 a year each, but in 1781 the chief clerks
received ^100; in 1783, ^"150 a year, and in 1791,
^200. On January i, 1796, Sampson Lloyd (the
fourth of that name) and the first Samuel Lloyd
became partners, making six partners in the busi-
ness, more than six being forbidden by Act of
Parliament.2 Taylor took eight-twentieths and the
five Lloyds twelve-twentieths among them. During
this period profits were received by the firm from
the London bank of Hanburys & Co. on a capital
in that business of ^10,000.
Early in the history of the bank the books have
entries of indebtedness from firms for "silver and
gold delivered," showing that the bank did a trade
in bullion, also three items of "demolished money."
The account of the sons of Sampson Lloyd the
second in the iron business is treated exceptionally,
as if in some way connected with the bank, but as
no similar mention is made at this date (December
31, 1 778) of Taylor's button trade, it had probably
1 See p. 79 of Walter Bagehot's Lombard Street as to worn, clipt, and
degraded coin ; also Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations ; book iv. chap, iii.,
on Banks of Deposit, &c.
2 The Act of 1742 gave the Bank of England exclusive banking privi-
leges, and no bank consisting of more than six partners in England could
trade in the ordinary way as bankers.
been disposed of, or was carried on by Taylor and
Pemberton, the firm named in the Birmingham
Directory of 1770 as button manufacturers in
Queen Street. At the close of 1796 a memorandum
was made in the books " that Sampson Lloyd [the
third] may divide his share of the profits with his
two sons and may retire in their favour at the close
of 1798."
The late Alderman Lloyd, who was the last
surviving partner of the private partnership, to
whom I am indebted for the particulars of the
division of profits, did not mention the amounts
subsequently divided ; but there is evidence that the
profits increased and became year by year a very
satisfactory source of income to the partners — in
fact, before the first Samuel Lloyd died in 1849 I
know them to have been as much as ,£20,000 a
year. After James Taylor's death in 1852 the
profits increased. One day my cousin said to me,
" After James Taylor's death, my father made
money very fast."
For some time Taylors & Lloyds (to give the
firm its true style) was the only bank in Birming-
ham. Button, in recording its formation, says :—
" Perhaps a public Bank is as necessary to the health of
the commercial body, as exercise is to the natural. The circu-
lation of the blood and spirits are promoted by one, as are cash
and bills by the other, few places are without ; yet Birmingham,
famous in the annals of traffic, could boast no such claim . . .
until the year 1765, when a regular Bank was constituted by
Messrs. Taylor and Lloyd, two opulent tradesmen whose credit
being equal to that of the Bank of England, quickly collected
the shining rays of sterling property into its focus."
After a time, the success of Taylors & Lloyds
brought other banks into existence in Birmingham,
and before the end of the century three new ones
had been started. " Success," to quote Hutton,
"produced a second bank, by Robert Coates, Esq.,
a third by Francis Goodall, Esq., & Co., and in
1791, a fourth by Isaac Spooner, Esq., & Co."
In 1793 the bank of Dickenson & Goodall was
started, but those forming the firm in 1805 called
their creditors together, and paid them about 125. in
the pound. In 1835 the Coates Bank had changed
its name to that of Moilliett & Sons, and in 1865 it
was merged into Lloyds & Co.
Birmingham then and for many years after-
wards is described as a place where fortunes could
be made by the enterprising, where large sums of
money were expended and received, and where
financial accommodation must have been in ever-
increasing demand.
The Priestley Riots in 1791 cast a dark shadow.
The sentiments of Dr. Priestley, a resident of
Birmingham in those days, had been represented to
the lower classes as dangerous to the Church and
State, and when a dinner took place at Dee's Hotel
on the I4th of July to celebrate the triumph of
liberty in France, a mob collected in the street, and
becoming excited by the cry of * ' Church and King, "
their passions were so aroused that they began to
plunder, burn, and destroy the houses of the most
prominent non-church citizens, until at last after
four days of rioting the military were sent for, and
quickly arriving, order was immediately restored.
The partners in Taylors & Lloyds must have
experienced considerable anxiety, as the town was
at the mercy of the mob for four days. The rioters,
after destroying the residence of one of the partners,
the second John Taylor, at Bordesley Park, sacked
and burnt Dr. Priestley's house near "Farm."1
Some of them, it is said, approached "Farm" but
1 A tablet on a house in Priestley Road, Sparkbrook, now marks the
place where Priestley's house stood.
were pacified by Sampson Lloyd, who came out to
them with wise words and refreshments and thus
placated and got rid of the foe.
Neither the Bank nor the Friends' Meeting-
house was attacked. It is probable that the
Quakers, who took no part in politics, were not
regarded as sympathisers with Dr. Priestley's
In a little volume of recollections by the late
T. H. Ryland, Mr. W. H. Ryland writes that his
grandfather's house was doomed by the Priestley
rioters, but " it turned out that the premises adjoin-
ing belonged to a Canon of Worcester Cathedral,
and as the fire-engines could not be used to protect
them, the engines having been injured and the
water-pipes cut so as to be useless, it would never
do to run the risk of burning the property of a
Canon of the Church ; so my grandfather's house
was saved."
The same little book gives the parentage of
the late Miss Ryland, the great benefactress of
Birmingham, who is gratefully remembered as the
giver of the Cannon Hill and Small Heath parks.
By her relationship to the Pembertons she was
slightly linked to the Lloyds, and also through
the late Thomas Lloyd becoming the purchaser
of "The Priory" at Warwick, which belonged to
Miss Ryland, but which, when the Great Western
Railway came there, she preferred to leave and live
instead at a charming residence at Barford, where
the inheritor of most of her property, Mr. Smith-
Ryland, now resides.
Mr. Ryland's grandfather married a Miss Pem-
berton, one of whose sisters became the wife of
Charles Lloyd the poet, as we shall see.
1 For an excellent account of these riots see Dr. Priestley, by T. E.
Thorpe (Dent & Co., 1906).
Lloyds notes — Tokens— The difficult year 1797— Charles Lloyd of
Bingley in London— The " Clean " Bank— The Napoleonic unsettle-
ment — Sixty banks stop payment— Charles Lloyd weathers the
storm — Runs on the bank — Mr. Mynors thanked for nothing —
An Irish bank story— The use of ^100 notes
THE bank, very early in its history, issued its own
notes. Five-guinea and one-pound notes are
among those of which the plates are still kept at
the head office. Probably notes for larger amounts
were also issued, as plates for notes as high as
;£ioo are in existence ; but the only recorded issue
of ,£100 notes is that given later.
Great inconvenience was occasioned at the
latter part of the eighteenth century by the
scarcity of small change. Taylors & Lloyds
remedy was the issue of seven-shilling bank notes,
an engraving of one of which is given opposite
page 66. The possessor of any notes, should he
require gold, had to bring three to the bank, when
he would receive a guinea in exchange.
Others helped to remedy the scarcity by the
issue of tokens. I have by me, as I write, a copper
coin with the word " Halfpenny " upon it, with the
head of John Wilkinson in profile on one side, and
a workman at an anvil on the other, dated 1792.
It is one of the tokens struck at Matthew Boulton's
Soho Works, Birmingham, for John Wilkinson, the
celebrated Midland ironmaster. The great scarcity
caused such inconvenience, that in 1797 Matthew
Boulton was empowered by the Government to
provide the public with a copper coinage, and in
eight years he struck upwards of 4000 tons weight
of such coin. An Act at last was passed which
declared that on and after January i, 1818, such
tokens would be illegal.
In A Century of Birmingham Life, by the late
Dr. J. A. Langford, the following quotation is given
from Ariss Gazette, April i, 1793 :—
"At a very numerous and respectable Meeting of the
Inhabitants of this Town and Neighbourhood, held at the
Hotel this day, pursuant to a Notice given in the Birmingham
Gazette, Mr. W. Barks in the Chair, It was unanimously
Resolved, That every Confidence may be placed in the
Five Guinea Notes issued by the following established Bankers
of this Town, viz., Messrs. Taylor and Lloyds, Robert Coates,
Esq., Messrs. Dickenson and Goodall, Messrs. Spooner,
Attwoods, and Ainsworth, and Messrs. Bloxham, Yates,
Coddington Francis, Smith, and Knight ; and we pledge
ourselves to the public, and to each other, to take them in
Payments as usual, that these Resolutions be immediately
circulated in Hand Bills through the Town and Neighbour-
hood, and advertised in the Town and Country papers."
In this year, adds Mr. Langford, the Bank of
England began to issue five-pound notes, and the
local bankers five-guinea notes. Some doubts about
the latter appear to have existed. Hence the above
In the year 1 797, through the drawing of immense
sums from the Bank of England by the Govern-
ment for the War with France, the heavy taxation
for the same purpose, and the hoarding of money
by the people through dread of invasion, the Bank
of England was authorised to suspend cash pay-
ments, its notes being made a legal tender except
to the army and navy; and it was not until 1819
that the Act for the resumption of cash payments
was passed. We shall see how at that time, and
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in a similar crisis some years later, Taylors and
Lloyds rendered signal services to local trade.
Dr. Langford further says : —
"The public credit was in jeopardy at this time (1797).
By an order in council on February 26, the Bank of England
had been restricted from cash payments ; and one-pound notes
were issued on the 4th of March. Birmingham at once gave
support to the authorities ; for on March 6th we read :
'A very numerous Meeting of the Merchants and Trades-
men of this town was held at the Hotel on Thursday, to
consider of the most effectual means of supporting the public
credit at the present juncture, when unanimous resolutions
were entered into not only to take in payment upon all
occasions notes of the Bank of England, but the five guinea
and other notes of the Banks of this Town. Similar resolu-
tions have been entered into at other places, but it is sincerely
to be hoped that all persons will be as accommodating to
each other as possible, in the circulation of the specie, as
the only means of averting a probable calamity, which the
hoarding of money at the present crisis is more likely to
create than any cause whatever. One of the powerful reasons
which operated upon Government to order the Bank to
withhold for the present their payments in specie, is the
circumstance of an English guinea now selling at Hamburgh
from 23 to 24 shillings; and the Jews had found means to
export our coin thither by thousands weekly.' "
Some light on national financial history is
thrown by an extract from one of Charles Lloyd's
letters given in the Memoirs of Anna Braithivaite.
He wrote to his wife, under date ist of 3rd month
1797 :—
" On my arrival in London I found quite a new state of
things. The Bank of England, whose notes are always
reckoned as cash, for which cash has always been ready
(at least ever since the year 1745, when there was a temporary
stoppage) has entirely stopped payment of cash, so that no
money can be had from them, the consequence of which is
that all payment, except for a little change, must be made
in paper. What will be the result of this desperate measure
is uncertain. I believe we are better off than most, and I
am thankful to say, that a good degree of calmness and
decision covers my mind, so that / hope we shall be favoured
to stem the torrent, as far as relates to ourselves. Our
Friends in Lombard Street also are well and collected, and
feel the blow much less than might have been expected."
Amid all the distractions of the country at the
end of the eighteenth century and the beginning of
the nineteenth the growth of Birmingham con-
tinued. The rising fortunes of the town called into
existence, early in the nineteenth century, new
rivals to Taylors & Lloyds. On January i, 1804,
the bank of Wilkinson, Startin & Smith was
opened ; and on the iQth of the following Novem-
ber, Samuel Galton, with his son Samuel Tertius
Galton, and Joseph Gibbins, also commenced busi-
ness as bankers. The Galtons, who were Quakers,
and of kin to the Lloyds, were also their friends, as
will be seen in the account given elsewhere of an
episode in the history of the Birmingham meeting.
There was also a Birmingham bank the doorstep
of which so seldom showed traces of footprints that
it was called the " clean " bank; but this one dis-
Birmingham during the Napoleonic wars must
have suffered less than the rest of the country from
the impoverishment which war, however success-
ful, must cause. The demand for arms raised the
manufacture of guns and swords to the position of
staple trades of the town ; and, as has been pointed
out, Birmingham profited by the state of things
abroad. The local banks, at any rate, found their
difficulties arise not from the war, but from the peace
which was secured in 1815 by the battle of Waterloo.
On the banishment of Napoleon to Elba in 1814, it
was thought that the time had come for the re-
sumption by the Bank of England of payments in
specie, but the preparations for this measure pro-
duced results which for a time made the peace
seem to some a hindrance rather than a help. The
money-market became " tight," prices fell, credit
was injured, trade became dull, general distress
and discontent ensued, and riots broke out all over
the country. Birmingham itself was the scene of
food riots in 1816 (as it had been in 1608).
The Government thought it wise to postpone
the resumption of cash payments until 1819. The
Act, known as " Peel's Bill," provided that the
Bank should be compelled to exchange its notes for
bullion at the rate of ^3, 175. xojd. per ounce, and
that after 1823 holders of notes might demand
current coin of the realm in exchange. Legal
tender of silver for any sum beyond 405. was also
abolished. But the distress and the financial con-
fusion only increased, and Parliament by panic
legislation only made matters worse. To keep up
the rents of agricultural land to the war level, the
Corn Laws were passed, but wheat fell from I2S.
the bushel to 55. ; land became practically unsale-
able, employment was scarcer than ever, and the
poor-rates went up by leaps and bounds.
Financial measures were hurried through Parlia-
ment, five money bills being passed in one night.
The issue of one-pound notes as currency was
allowed, by an Act passed in 1823, to continue for
ten years longer. Relief was felt immediately, but
it proved to have been dearly purchased. Trade
revived, and for a time employment was general.
But the inordinate issue of paper money led to a
mania for speculation. " Besides the joint stock
Companies, who undertook baking, washing, life
insurance, brewing, and the like, there was such a
rage for steam and navigation, canals, and railroads,
that in the session of 1825, 438 petitions for private
bills were presented, and 286 private Acts were
passed." A tremendous panic ensued, and during
the winter more than sixty banks stopped pay-
ment, while, in spite of the efforts of Government
and generous-hearted philanthropists, distress and
misery everywhere prevailed.
At the beginning of December 1825 the Bank
of England held in cash only a few thousand pounds.
Cabinet Councils were held daily, and it was de-
cided to issue two millions of Exchequer bills.
The bank was to issue an equal amount of notes
upon these, and was recommended to issue a
further sum of three millions, upon the security of
produce and general merchandise. But the panic
was allayed, not so much by these measures as by
an accidental discovery. The bank had ceased to
issue one-pound notes six years before, but when
the destruction of these notes had been ordered one
case of them had been overlooked. These notes
came to light during the panic, and an immediate
issue of them was ordered. This enabled the crisis
to be tided over ; and a reform of the Banking laws
which followed shortly after, depriving the Bank of
England of its monopoly of joint-stock banking,
brought about a new era in financial trading.
How did Taylors and Lloyds fare during this
crisis ?
A very able member of the Lloyd family had
then become, as we have seen, prominent in the
management of the bank — namely, Charles Lloyd
of Bingley House, an account of whom in other
interesting relations is given later. The panic of
1825 came while he was at the helm, and that he
was a trustworthy pilot is shown by a paragraph
in the Birmingham Chronicle of December 22
(Thursday), copied into the London Courier: —
" During the run on Messrs. Taylors & Lloyds on Saturday
a postchaise and four drove up with a seasonable supply of
Issued by Taylors and Lloyds
i§trmin01jam Dank
for five Sbiltin&s & 5,
Payable there
/eft t£an Four tow the r.
Issued by Taylors and Lloyds.
specie and Bank of England Notes. The time occupied in
travelling from London was under eight hours, a further
supply has also since been received. We are happy to say
there has not been the slightest run on any of the Banks
since Monday."
That coup was Charles Lloyd's.
The year 1825 was a fatal one to many money-
lenders and bankers. The following is an extract
from a paper still preserved at the bank, dated
November 6, 1825 : —
" It would never have been necessary at former periods to
explain what is a Banker's Bill ! none are such but what
are drawn by a Banker upon a Banker in London, in which
case the Receiver has three securities, viz., his Customers
and the two Bankers. The experience, God knows painful
enough, of many years past ought ere this to have taught
the Manufacturers of Birmingham the danger of taking
Promissory Notes, or any Bills indeed but such as are
drawn by, and upon a Banker. . . . Enquire at Leeds, Man-
chester, Sheffield, or in the great Cotton Manufacturing
Districts of Lancashire, whether any but accepted Bills are
ever presented to them in payment for their goods, to offer
them a promissory note would excite their Ridicule. What
would be their surprise then if a Stranger, of whose means
they are in profound ignorance, were to presume to become
a purchaser of Goods on his own worthless paper alone. . . .
" Inhabitants of Birmingham, you have paid smartly for
your Folly ! cease then to be plundered in the shameful way
you have been. ... If you are again sufferers from similar
means, the Fault will be your own ! You have made Credit
too cheap — your confidence has been continually abused ! "
Other financial crises arose from time to time,
but the firm came out of each of them un-
shaken, and practically unscathed. Panics — such
as ruined or seriously injured other banks — seemed
to serve for them only as occasions for demonstrat-
ing the stability of their business. Thus it was that
the bank, throughout its existence as a private
concern, steadily increased in favour with the
public, and its proprietors laid the foundation for
the vast financial corporation which, under the
name of Lloyds Bank Limited, now represents
the modest business begun in 1765.
Of a little panic which the bank had to meet
later in the nineteenth century some curious stories
are told. A run upon the bank, my cousin, G. B.
Lloyd, told me, was occasioned by a market woman
tendering one of Lloyds & Co.'s notes at the book-
ing-office at New Street Station. The young clerk
— probably interpreting too literally some general
regulations of the railway company — refused to
change the note, and the story spread among the
woman's friends. A number of the market people
rushed to the bank, but they were quickly paid, and
the panic ended.
One of the humours of this occasion used to be
told by the Rev. T. H. Mynors, of Weatheroak Hall,
Alvechurch, who died March 8, 1906, at the age of
eighty-seven. His father, Mr. Robert Edward Eden
Mynors, had a large account with Lloyds & Co., and
when the panic was over he received a letter of thanks
from the partners for the confidence he had shown
in the bank by leaving his money there during the
supposed crisis. The amusing part of the story is
that Mr. Mynors knew absolutely nothing of the
panic till he received the letter of thanks ! News
travelled slowly in those days, and the noise and
tumult of the crisis did not break in upon the
solitude of Weatheroak.
It is said that on one occasion, when panic
prevailed, the firm displayed a large open bag of
guineas in the front window of their bank, with
the names of various customers attached, who had
only to come in and receive their money if they
wished for it.
In Ireland, not long after this, I heard an
amusing story of a run upon a bank in that
country. The bank being full of irate customers
all wanting their money (on a market-day, I be-
lieve), the bankers had a number of sovereigns
heated, and the clerks brought them in and laid
them on the counter ; they were so hot that the
customers threw them down faster than they had
taken them up, and even with their handkerchiefs
could not hold them. Presently, one of the
Irishmen remarked, " It's no use troubling about
our money ; nothing will ever break this bank.
Shure, they have a mint at the back and can coin
sovereigns as fast as they want them." And so
the run immediately ceased.
The unreasoning state of mind to which financial
panics are often due has another amusing illustra-
tion in the history of the firm. The incident is
also interesting as being connected with the only
known issue by the bank of its £100 notes. During
a period of panic an old lady asked to be allowed
to withdraw without notice her deposit account of
^500. The request was granted without hesita-
tion. " How will you take it?" the lady was
asked. Promptly came the reply, " In your own
notes." Five ^100 notes were handed to her and
she went away quite happy. The notes were
carefully hidden away in the lady's house ; and
were not presented until after her death many years
Other Birmingham banks — Other Quaker banks — The joint-stock
fashion — The Lloyds fall into line — The failure of Attwoods —
Lloyds prospectus — The company is founded — The first annual
report, Dec. 31, 1865 — Lloyds acquires London status — The pro-
cess of absorption begins — The process of absorption continues —
A gigantic corporation — Present-day figures
AT the time of the panic of 1825 there were six
banks in Birmingham, most of which have since
been merged into Lloyds. " Smith's Bank," in
Union Street, carried on by the firm of Gibbins,
Smith & Goode, previously Smith, Gray, Cooper
and Co., which then had the largest banking
business in the town, was the only Birmingham
bank that succumbed. Their downfall is attributed
to the failure of a customer who owed them ,£70,000,
but in spite of this and other severe losses they
were able, after paying heavy bankruptcy costs, to
provide a dividend of nineteen shillings and eight-
pence in the pound.
Galton's Bank (then carried on in Steelhouse
Lane by the firm of Galton, Galton & James)
was one of the banks which weathered the storm.
Coates's, established forty years before, had premises
in Cherry Street (since used for a time by the
Worcester City and County Bank), and the firm
had become Coates, Woolley & Gorden. The
business was transferred some years later to the
firm of Moilliet, Smith & Pearson, afterwards
J. Moilliet & Sons. Attwood, Spooner & Co.'s
Bank had been founded early in the century. The
firm comprised Thomas Attwood, who was one of
the two Birmingham members of Parliament (both
Liberals) from 1832-1840, and whose statue in
Stephenson Place commemorates his services as
founder of the famous Political Union, and Richard
Spooner, who, though he began life as a Liberal,
is remembered as the only Conservative member
Birmingham had (until 1886) ever sent to Parlia-
ment. Mr. Spooner became member in 1844, and
retired in 1847 in favour of his previous opponent,
Mr. William Scholefield, when North Warwickshire
gave him a seat, which he held until his death
in 1864. Freer, Rotton & Co.'s Bank was in New
Street ; the name of the firm being changed after-
wards, first to Rotton, Onions & Co., then to
Rotton & Scholefield, and finally to Rotton and
Son. The Scholefields gave Birmingham two
famous Liberal members, Joshua, the colleague
of Attwood, and his son William, who, as a
candidate on his father's death in 1840, was de-
feated by Mr. Spooner, but was returned in 1841,
and remained as a colleague of G. F. Muntz and
afterwards of John Bright, until his death in
July 1865.
It may be noted that the Bank of England,
which by the Act of 1826 was deprived of its
monopoly of joint-stock banking, but was at the
same time given power to open provincial branches,
opened its branch bank in Birmingham on January
i, 1827, its first premises being those which had
been occupied by Gibbins, Smith & Goode.
It has been said that there were times when
half Birmingham was in debt to Taylors & Lloyds.
It would be impossible to verify or to deny this as
a literal statement, but it represents the popular
estimate of the place held by the bank even then
among the institutions of Birmingham. Unques-
tionably it was conducted by able men during the
hundred years' private partnership, men who, while
astute in safeguarding their own interests, re-
cognised the truth that the greater the service the
bank could render to the mercantile community,
the better in the long-run for themselves. Many
of the leading firms in Birmingham had cause
to be thankful for the facilities which the firm
judiciously afforded them, in the shape of im-
mediate advances on deposit of securities, or in
numberless instances, of temporary accommodation
without security. One of the partners said that
although it might have been laid down as a
maxim, in earlier days, that they did nothing for
nothing, yet they often did a great deal for very
little. The Lloyds, in fact, knew their business
as bankers.
During 1802 the partners in Taylors & Lloyds
were John Taylor (son of the first John Taylor),
Sampson Lloyd (third), Samuel Lloyd, Charles
Lloyd, and James Lloyd. At the close of 1804
James Taylor of Moseley Hall was admitted a
partner, and he and his brother William took their
father's share at his death in 1814. My cousin,
G. B. Lloyd, told me many years ago that William
kept ,£100,000 outside the bank business in the
Funds ; such an amount was thought to be a large
sum, as much, perhaps, as a million would be now.
The firm of Taylors & Lloyds retained its
^10,000 share in the capital of the bank of
Hanburys until the death of Sampson Lloyd the
third, when the interest in the London bank was
transferred to his son Henry and the two banks
became separate firms. At this time David Story,
chief clerk of Taylors & Lloyds, received a
After the painting by Gainsborough.
salary of ^300 per annum, and James Taylor
became the last surviving partner of the Taylor
family in the bank.
Two of the sons of the third Sampson Lloyd,
Ambrose and David, joined the Gurney Norfolk
Bank at Halesworth in 1820. After the death of
Ambrose, which occurred two years later, David
Lloyd continued as the resident partner until his
death in 1839. But previous to this Sampson
Foster, a son of one of Sampson Lloyd's sisters, had
become one of the Gurney Bank managers. He was
a very able man in whom entire confidence could
be placed, and he became their head manager at
Norwich, and retained the post for many years at a
handsome salary, his services being greatly valued.
The Gurneys of Norfolk ceased to be private
bankers on July i, 1896, when the joint-stock bank
of Barclay & Company Limited took over their
I must not omit to mention that Alfred Lloyd,
another of the third Sampson Lloyd's sons, was
a successful private banker at Leamington. His
signature is very neatly written with a diamond on
a pane of one of the windows at " Farm," with the
date, January 1801.
When James Taylor died in 1852 the interest
of the Taylor family in the bank ceased, and its
title was changed to that of Lloyds & Co.
The bank with its changed name still con-
tinued its prosperous career. The Lloyds' calling
as bankers had become hereditary, and their inheri-
tance included a financial sagacity which enabled
them to see that the time had come for an im-
portant change. The shrewdness which led the
second Sampson Lloyd to invite John Taylor to
join him in opening the bank in 1765 was equalled
by that of his successors a hundred years later.
They saw that the time had arrived when their
customers should be allowed to have an interest
in the expansion of the business and a share in the
profits which that expansion, wisely controlled,
must bring.
The tide, as they perceived, had set in decisively
in favour of joint-stock banks. One of the part-
ners told me that there had been in the last few
years of the private partnership a perceptible ten-
dency towards losing the large accounts, and being
left with a multitude of small ones. This was a
general experience with private banks, and has
proved a great factor in that rapid conversion of
private into joint-stock banks in which Lloyds,
since its incorporation, has taken a leading part.
In 1810 there were forty private banks in Lombard
Street; now there are but two or three. In 1865
the bank, after an existence, without any deed of
partnership, of one hundred years, became incor-
porated, and the first amalgamation took place.
Preparations for the conversion of Lloyds and
Co. into a public company had been going on for
some time. As a preliminary, a very searching
examination by a firm of public accountants had
taken place. But when the prospectus was ready
to be issued a panic was caused in Birmingham by
the failure of the old bank of Attwood, Spooner and
Co. (at that date Attwood, Spooner, Marshall and
Co.). A proposal for the amalgamation of this
bank with the recently formed Birmingham Joint
Stock Bank in Temple Row was under considera-
tion, when, on March 10, 1865, four months after
the death of Richard Spooner, the firm stopped
payment. At the time of the failure — which was
attributed to the withdrawal of large sums of money
by representatives of the former partners, the Att-
woods — the liabilities amounted to ,£1,007,000.
The business and assets were ultimately taken over
by the Birmingham Joint Stock Bank, which paid
the creditors of Attwood & Co. a dividend in cash
of us. 3d. in the pound.
As Attwoods Bank had been regarded as one
of the safest in the country, the failure for the
moment shook the faith of the public in private
country banks, and Lloyds & Co. deferred its issue
of shares to the public. But the delay was only a
short one, and Lloyds turned the public feeling to
their own advantage by publishing the accountants'
report upon their own business.
Lloyds Banking Company Limited was regis-
tered on May i, 1865.
The business of the company also included that
of the Lloyds' oldest rival, Coates's Bank, which at
this time was represented by the firm of John
Moilliet & Sons, who also had a large connection
and a high reputation. The two firms were allotted
12,500 ^50 shares each in the new company. A
further number, 12,500 shares, was issued at a
premium of ^5, and in regard to the issue of 15,000
additional shares the directors were given a free
hand as to premiums, date of issue, and the persons
to whom they should be allotted.
A remarkable feature in the prospectus, antici-
pating conditions made by Parliament fifteen years
later, was a provision that the aggregate amount of
calls should not exceed ^12, los. od. per share,
the remaining ^37, los. od. to be available only
for the ultimate liabilities of the bank. The re-
putation of the two banks and the confidence
inspired by the publication of the accountants'
report proved more than sufficient to overcome
any public distrust, though the excitement caused
by the Attwood failure had not yet subsided. The
shares in Lloyds Banking Company were eagerly
subscribed for, and the company was formed. The
terms of issue were regarded as being so favourable
to the investor that almost immediately the shares
could not be bought for less than £$ premium. I
remember that one of the partners (the late James
Lloyd, grandson of Charles Lloyd), at a luncheon
at the Queen's Hotel, told the company (much to
my surprise) that the shares were not worth that
premium, and he warned them not to give it. But
the investing public knew better ; and the ,£50 shares
— £8 paid — stand now at about ^33 each. It is
because it was not often that a Lloyd was in error in
matters of this kind that I mention the circumstance.
The surviving partners of Lloyds & Co. were
among the directors. To Sampson S. Lloyd, who
became chairman, in succession to Mr. Timothy
Kenrick, the first chairman, the rapid advance of
the bank was in great measure attributed.
The Wednesbury Old Bank (P. & H. Williams)
was taken over three months after the formation of
the company, and the Stafford Old Bank (Steven-
son, Salt & Co.) shortly afterwards.
Mr. Howard Lloyd (son of Isaac Lloyd) was the
first secretary, acting also as a sub-manager. In
1871 he became general manager, a post from
which he retired in 1902. Having been head of
the bank staff for some years before the formation
of the company, he was well acquainted with the
details of the business. His organising power was
also great, and his success in forming an able staff
of managers and clerks, and in inspiring them with
his own devotion to the interests of the bank, com-
bined with his acquired, or maybe partly natural,
ability as a negotiator, continually helped forward
the success of the policy of expansion and amal-
gamation which has brought Lloyds to its present
The first annual report (December 31, 1865) of
Lloyds Banking Company Limited showed —
A paid-up capital of .... £143, 41 5
A reserve fund of . 27,750
And current and deposit accounts
amounting together to . . . 1,166,000
The profit for the eight months' operations in Bir-
mingham, and five months in Wednesbury, after all
deductions, was ,£18,323, out of which a dividend
of 10 per cent, was declared, and the balance,
,£9,335, was carried to reserve.
Little more than a bare catalogue must suffice
to indicate the process of absorption of other in-
terests, which, aided by great shrewdness of judg-
ment and masterly management, has resulted in
Lloyds Bank Limited becoming one of the largest
joint-stock banks in the world. But it may be noted
that in acquiring, in 1884, the London bank of Bar-
netts, Hoares & Co., the company brought back
into association with the name of Lloyd a business
which the Lloyds had helped more than a century
before to found — namely, that of Hanbury, Taylor
and Lloyd.
The year 1884 is memorable in various respects
in the history of the bank, but chiefly for the ac-
quirement by Lloyds of the status of a London
bank. Up to that time the range of operations
was restricted by the fact that a country bank must
needs have a London agent to do its business at
the London clearing-house. By the acquirement
simultaneously of the two Lombard Street banks
of Barnetts, Hoares & Co. and Bosanquet, Salt
and Co., Lloyds became a London bank under
the title of Lloyds Barnetts & Bosanquets Bank
Limited. They were the fourth country bank to
adopt a town office, having been preceded by the
London and County, the National Provincial, and
the Capital and Counties. Five years later, on the
amalgamation with the Birmingham Joint Stock
Bank, the company adopted its present name,
Lloyds Bank Limited. The present palatial London
office in Lombard Street was erected with frontage
also to Cornhill, where it looks across at the Bank
of England.
Lloyds, in addition to obtaining the status of
a London bank, and the advantage to their country
business of having a seat in the London Bankers'
clearing-house, in a few years succeeded in taking
over some of the oldest private banks in London.
The absorption of important private and joint-
stock country banks also proceeded apace. By
taking over the Birmingham Joint Stock Bank
Limited in 1889, Lloyds acquired the valuable busi-
ness of one of the most energetic local banks, and
two of the largest bank buildings in Birmingham.
In nearly every case of amalgamation with
Lloyds, the offer to join forces has come to, not
from, the company ; and no offer has been accepted
without the fullest consideration and investigation
by Lloyds. In three-fourths of the cases the amal-
gamations have been with private firms — a dis-
tinguishing feature of the amalgamation policy
apparently having been to take over businesses
which, though comparatively small, offer, by their
connection and local conditions, opportunities of
larger development through the advantages afforded,
in the way of security and otherwise, by joint-
stock trading.
The paid-up capital of Lloyds Bank Limited
amounted in 1906 to ,£3,851,600 — more than four
hundred-fold the capital of the parent bank in 1765,
and more than twenty-fold that upon which, in 1865,
the bank was floated as a joint-stock company.
The nominal capital, originally ,£2,000,000, is now
^30,000,000. The reserve fund is ,£2,950,000 ;
the deposit and current accounts amount to
^63,587,931, 155. 6d., and the net profit last year
was .£830,804, us. 9d. Lloyds have absorbed more
than thirty private and some dozen joint-stock banks.
A list of the amalgamations is subjoined : —
In 1865, Lloyds & Co., Birmingham Old Bank (established
In 1865, Moilliet & Sons, Birmingham.
In 1865, P. & H. Williams, Wednesbury Old Bank.
In 1866, Stevenson, Salt & Co., Stafford Old Bank
(established 1737).
In 1866, Warwick and Leamington Banking Company.
In 1868, A. Butlin & Son, Rugby Old Bank (established
In 1872, R. & W. F. Fryer, Wolverhampton Old Bank.
In 1874, Shropshire Banking Company.
In 1879, Coventry and Warwickshire Banking Company.
In 1880, Beck & Co., Shrewsbury and Welshpool Old Bank.
In 1884, Barnetts, Hoares & Co., London (established
about 1677).
In 1884, Bosanquet, Salt & Co., London (established 1796).
In 1888, Pritchard, Gordon & Co., Broseley & Bridgnorth.
In 1889, Birmingham Joint Stock Bank Limited.
In 1889, Worcester City and County Banking Company
In 1890, Wilkins & Co., Old Bank, Brecon, Cardiff, &c.
(established 1778).
In 1890, Beechings & Co., Tonbridge Old Bank, Tun-
bridge Wells, Hastings, &c.
In 1891, Praeds & Co.,. London (established 1802).
In 1891, Cobb & Co., Margate, &c. (established 1785).
In 1891, Hart, Fellows & Co., Nottingham (established
In 1892, Bristol and West of England Bank Limited.
In 1892, R. Twining & Co., London (established 1824).
In 1893, Curteis, Pomfret & Co., Rye (established 1790).
In 1893, Herries, Farquhar & Co., London (established
In 1894, Bromage & Co., Old Bank, Monmouth (established
In 1895, Paget & Co., Leicester Bank (established 1825).
In 1897, County of Gloucester Bank Limited.
In 1897, Williams & Co., Old Bank, Chester, &c. (estab-
lished 1792).
In 1898, Jenner & Co., Sandgate and ShornclifFe Bank
(established 1872).
In 1899, Stephens, Blandy & Co., Reading, &c. (established
In 1899, Burton Union Bank Limited.
In 1900, Liverpool Union Bank Limited.
In 1900, Cunliffes, Brooks & Co., Manchester, &c. (estab-
lished 1792).
In 1900, Brooks & Co., London (established 1864).
In 1900, William Williams Brown & Co., Leeds (estab-
lished 1813).
In 1900, Brown, Janson & Co., London (established 1813).
In 1900, Vivian, Kitson & Co., Torquay Bank (established
1832). '
In 1902, Bucks & Oxon Union Bank Limited.
In 1902, Pomfret, Burn & Co., Ashford Bank (established
In 1903, Hodgkin, Barnett & Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, &c.
(established 1859).
In 1903, Grant & Maddison Banking Company Limited,
Portsmouth, &c.
In 1905, Hedges, Wells & Co., Wallingford Bank (estab-
lished 1797).
In 1906, Devon & Cornwall Banking Company Limited.
Lloyds Bank now has Head Offices in London
and Birmingham, 12 branch banks in London, and
30 in Birmingham and the suburbs, and, in all, 518
offices and branches, in 444 towns and districts.
As the prospectus of 1865 and the first annual
report are of interest as a contrast to the present
state of affairs they are given in Appendix II.
One very interesting fact to be noticed by the
reader of that Appendix is that the only sur-
viving member of the original Directorate of the
Bank, appointed in 1865, is the Rt. Hon. Joseph
Directors' policies — Banking tact — The making of a multi-millionaire —
Overdrafts — Saying "No" — Managerial methods — Anecdotes — The
banker and the usurer — The late G. B. Lloyd — Religious argument
— Three politicians — John Bright and Thomas Lloyd — John Bright
and the Society of Friends — The late S. S. Lloyd — Free Trade and
Protection — The old way and the new — My adventure in the safe —
The Silent Highway
THE late Sampson S. Lloyd, speaking as chairman
at one of the annual meetings of Lloyds Bank,
said that the directors did not think it wise
policy for a bank to slaughter, without discretion,
its customers, when they got into difficulties. The
sentiment was naturally more in accordance with
the views of those he addressed than the strict
rules of another local bank no longer in existence.
Woe to the customer who was in anywise a de-
faulter in his account, or to a director even who
was not at his place at the board table when the
directors met. One member of the board of this
bank was one day crossing the churchyard in front
of the bank when the clock struck the hour for
the directors' meeting. He was only one minute
late and he had a good excuse ; but it was the
practice of the bank to hand to the attending
directors their fees in cash at the stroke of time,
and the fees on this occasion having been divided,
he was deprived of his.
The policy of consideration and, where pos-
sible, of assistance, steadily adhered to, undoubtedly
81 *
greatly promoted the prosperity and success of
Lloyds Bank.
The story of the life of the American multi-
millionaire, John D. Rockefeller, as told recently
by himself in the columns of the London Daily
Mail, affords a remarkable illustration of the service
which a banker may render at a critical point in a
man's career, and of the great advantage which not
only the customer but the bank itself may derive
from considerate trustfulness at such a juncture.
There came a point at which Rockefeller's father,
who up to that time had financed him, could lend
no more. Though the father was a wealthy man,
the son's enterprises had reached a magnitude
beyond the scope of the paternal resources.
" Meanwhile," says Mr. J. D. Rockefeller, " I needed more
than I could get from him, and I went to my banker, who had
known me in Sunday school, and had known me as an employee
in this form, and I said to him, ' I must have some money.'
" He said, ' Mr. Rockefeller, how are you doing your busi-
ness ? ' I told him. He said, ' Do you make any advancement
on merchandise without you have the bills of lading or the
property in the warehouse ? ' I said, ' No, sir.' ' Well, do
you speculate ? ' ' No, sir.' ' Do you promise me, Mr. Rocke-
feller, that if I loan you money you will continue to do so, and
be very careful not to make any advances without you have in
hand the collateral, in the shape of bills of lading or warehouse
receipts ? ' He asked, ' How much do you want ? ' And I
said, ' Four hundred pounds.' And he said, ' Certainly,
Mr. Rockefeller, certainly; all right.' That was a happy day
for me.
"Later on, the president of this same bank (I have
borrowed many times the £400, I do not remember just how
much) said to me one day, and it was another president who
was then in the position, 'Why, Rockefeller, do you know
you've got nearly all the money in this bank, and do you know
our board of directors want to see you and talk with you?'
I said, ' I thank you, I thank you ; I shall be very pleased to
come up and see them, and I want to come right away, because
I've got to borrow a great deal more,' "
The writer of that record, said now to be the
richest man in the world, has just given ,£6,400,000
to the General Education Board of the United
States, the largest single sum ever given for a
philanthropic purpose.1
The late George B. Lloyd once said to me,
44 Mind and keep out of your banker's clutches."
His father had given him this advice early in his
business career, and so, he said, he would pass
it on to me. I therefore pass the advice on to
any reader of these lines whom it may be likely
to benefit. Another instance may be quoted show-
ing that no rule as to overdraft can be laid down
to fit every case ; for at Middlesborough a very
careful bank allowed two customers, whose names
I need not give, in partnership at that place, to
overdraw their account by ,£90,000 — and on my
next visit I found it had been all paid off. The
timely overdraft was of immense benefit to the in-
dividuals, and of lasting advantage in the position
of the bank in the then rising town of Middles-
In the early years of Lloyds Bank as a limited
company such large accommodation was quite out-
side the scope of their business. The late Mr. S.
S. Lloyd, at one of the early annual meetings,
stated that amongst all their numerous accounts
there was not one that exceeded an overdraft of
A century or more ago it was not invariably
necessary for those who commenced banking to be
possessed of ample means. In proof of this I may
mention a curious case. Two most respectable
young men, connected with the Society of Friends,
who wanted to go into business together but
lacked the necessary capital, suddenly came to the
1 The Times, February 9, 1907, p. 8.
humorous decision that as they could not borrow
money they would lend it ; and notwithstanding
their very small means, they accordingly opened
a bank. And what is more, they managed their
affairs so well that they succeeded and became well-
established bankers.
Mr. G. B. Lloyd, senior, once told me that to
be a banker it was necessary to know how to say
"No." I gathered he meant that a banker might
abruptly say "No" and give unnecessary offence
and lose a good customer, whereas he might say
" No " in such a way as to make the customer quite
as much satisfied as the circumstances of the case
would admit.
A South Staffordshire bank director said to
me one day, " Mr. Lloyd, never become a bank
director, for if you advise enlarged credit, and any
disaster happens to the firm, all the blame will be
heaped upon you by your co-directors." He pro-
bably spoke from personal experience.
A bank manager's advice to a customer is often
opportune and useful. For instance, at one of
the local banks some years ago the manager
dropped a hint to one of his customers to sell
a Birmingham property, the deeds of which the
bank had held as security until they were tired of
doing so. The customer, who reluctantly complied,
obtained a much better price than in his most
sanguine dreams he had expected, and was thus
enabled to clear off his debt to the bank, with
many thanks for the advice it had opportunely
given him. Both parties were in this way
A manager's interviews with his customers have
not always such a pleasant sequel. One bank
manager, whom I knew very well, was one day
suddenly brought face to face with a tradesman
whose story of financial difficulties was so serious
that it seemed clear that not only was he ruined,
but that the bank would also lose very heavily.
The manager passed a very anxious night, so
much so that by the next morning his hair had
turned white. I saw him both before and after
the event, so can vouch for the fact.
There was a prominent instance of loss by an
overdraft in the case of the first Birmingham Bank-
ing Co. — an unlimited company. An ironmaster
named Blackwell, one of the cleverest men, intel-
lectually, ever engaged in the South Staffordshire
iron trade, gained the entire confidence of a leading
director of the bank, and he was allowed to in-
crease his overdraft till it reached ,£150,000.
While this was going on he was pressed to reduce
the amount, with the result that his valuable assets
were sold, while the iron-works, which were not
carried on at a profit in ordinary times, were left
with the bank and creditors, and only produced
a trifling dividend. This was a prelude to the
wild proceedings of a young bank manager which
caused the collapse of the bank, the present suc-
cessful Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales)
Limited, taking its place.
I was talking one day with the late Mr.
Lancaster, when I was with him in his yacht in
the Mediterranean, and was praising the services
that bankers rendered to the community, and con-
trasting them with the usurers of the far off past.
I reminded him of what Dr. Thomas Hodgkin,
who is both banker and historian, said in his book,
Italy and her Invaders^ respecting the difference
between a banker and a usurer — that the former
could lend money, and make a good profit for
himself at a much less rate of interest than the
usurer could. The latter, to make 15 per cent, on
his capital, has to charge 15 per cent, to his cus-
tomers ; while the banker may make the same rate
of interest on his money while charging only
3 per cent, to his customer, if a sum of money
equivalent to fifteen times his capital be deposited
with him at 2 per cent.
The usurer's best chance of greatest profit, Dr.
Hodgkin continues, is in being able to foreclose
on oppressive terms his debtor's mortgage. To
foreclose and thus lock up his ready cash with his
debtor's property is the last thing the banker de-
sires, knowing, as he does, that he himself may be
called upon to pay back, in cash, the several
amounts deposited with him. Thus, the banker,
though he need not be regarded as being less
selfish than the usurer, is led by mere self-interest
to give the borrower every chance he prudently
can of recovering himself.
Mr. Lancaster agreed that a banker gives the
borrower more time, and does not so quickly give
him the coup de grace. The banker proceeds more
scientifically ; he gives the unfortunate borrower
a longer period of existence, by getting him to
place in his hands all the title-deeds and securities
he may possess to cover the advances made to him.
So, able to go on, he keeps paying bank charges
and commission, hoping for better times. But
should these not come, and the debtor's circum-
stances become worse, his fate is the same as if a
usurer had lent him the money.
The late Alderman G. B. Lloyd told me that
when he was a young man and was learning
engineering at the works of Bury, Curtis & Kennedy
of Liverpool, he himself made all the working
drawings for the engines of the first steamer that
plied between Liverpool and South America. But
the time came when he looked to marriage, and it
was necessary for him to have favourable assets at
his father's bank. He accordingly gave up the
drawing work that he was so fond of, and com-
menced business in the tube trade, in which he
was so successful that he acquired the necessary
good assets and very soon married. Later he
entered the bank. He was elected Mayor of
Birmingham in 1870. His only son, the present
Alderman John Henry Lloyd, was Lord Mayor
from November 1901 to November 1902.
I was one day alone with the late Mr. G. B.
Lloyd, when he said that it struck him as rather
remarkable that the Lloyd family had so con-
tinuously held a middle place, none of them
giving way to the blandishments of ambition, but
contentedly maintaining the even tenor of their
way. His remark calls to mind the lines : —
" Strive to hold fast the golden mean ;
And live contentedly between
The little and the great."
The sons of some of the Lloyds, as we shall see
in the case of Charles Lloyd the poet, had other
pursuits than the acquirement of wealth, while
more than one of " The Farm" Lloyds had trade
disappointments ; but none the less the family may
be said as a whole to have been always prosperous
and unambitious.
The liking for an intellectual discussion on a
theological subject caused G. B. Lloyd to have
several arguments with the late Dr. Bowlby,
Bishop of Coventry, as to the continuity of the
laying on of hands from the time of the Apostles.
He asked the bishop how he could get over the
fact of its having ceased, or been broken, for two
or three centuries, when all trace was lost in the
darkness of that period. The bishop's reply was
that when a train goes into a tunnel, and travels
along in the darkness, it is stillthe same train when
it comes out at the other end. It is needless to
say that neither of them convinced the other, but
my cousin lent me the book which he thought the
best on the subject. It requires, however, an
intellectual, argumentative mind to delight in such
a question. It may remind us of his ancestor,
Charles Lloyd of the seventeenth century, whose
argument with Bishop Lloyd lasted till past mid-
night (see p. 13).
The political views of the three chief acting
partners of Lloyds & Co. during the last years of
its existence were dissimilar. Thomas Lloyd, who
was Mayor of Birmingham 1859-60, was an ad-
vanced Liberal ; S. S. Lloyd was a Liberal Con-
servative and Churchman ; while G. B. Lloyd, as
opportunity arose, criticised the views of both
political parties, and had opinions of his own on
almost every subject. Thus Liberal customers of
the bank could, after transacting their business,
have a congenial talk with Thomas Lloyd, who was
a very energetic conversationalist. Conservatives
calling and seeing S. S. Lloyd would find their
views corroborated by him rapidly and clearly, and
go away intellectually refreshed, feeling well re-
warded for their interview, even if the actual busi-
ness transacted was of the slightest ; while G. B.
Lloyd, who was a little more prosaic than the other
two, but always kept on a high level of plain
common sense, was particularly suited to the hard-
headed Birmingham man full of facts and figures.
When any business required the decision of the
three partners, they always gave it their best and
speedy consideration.
My cousin, Thomas Lloyd, wrote a letter to the
Birmingham Daily Post, a year or more before his
death, putting upon record the service which he
Mayor of Hi'rininghaw, /<V~r>-/.
considered he had rendered to the city by inducing
John Bright to become one of its members. Mr.
Bright had only just recovered from an illness, but
was willing to talk over the situation ; and after a
little while, in response to my cousin's personal
appeal, he went into another room and quickly
wrote his election address. He was elected, and
continued to represent Birmingham in Parliament
till his death. Some years ago I was asked to see
him to take his opinion respecting a projected
railway across the Berar cotton-fields in India, and
he invited me to his house at Rochdale. I found
him disinclined to take up the advocacy of such a
railway ; he preferred to leave it to others. He
was in the finest intellectual vigour, and when I
returned I described his conversation as so vividly
depicting needed reforms and so buoyant that it
was asaf he would have taken me up and projected
me into the future to a time when all the improve-
ments he so desired should have been accom-
plished. Amongst other things he said was this,
that no one who left the Society of Friends and
joined the Church of England was ever afterwards
any good. Thomas Lloyd, who had championed
his election, had been brought up as a Friend but
had joined the Church. If I had reminded John
Bright of this he could have replied, " There are
exceptions to every rule."
A Friend himself, and much attached to the
Society, John Bright did not like the very narrow
and rigid conservatism of some of the leading
Friends who then guided its affairs ; and one day
when I was dining with a few of them, Mr. Bright
being one of the company, he very vigorously
expressed his view that they did not lead the
Society in a way conducive to its best interests.
He desired to awaken them from the fossilised
state of conservatism into which he deemed they
had lapsed, and to stimulate them to meet new
requirements, and, if necessary in order to do so,
to modify the Society's rules and regulations.
John Bright, it should be remembered, was not
an advocate for the disestablishment of the Church
of England, as he did not consider that the
majority of English people were prepared for such
a measure, and, I believe wisely, thought we might
go farther and fare worse.
In 1883, on the fourth centenary of Martin
Luther, he wrote the preface to a small book I
had written concerning that reformer.
At the time when the late Sampson S. Lloyd
twice unsuccessfully endeavoured to represent
Birmingham as a Member of Parliament in the
Conservative interest, John Bright declared that
the town was as " Liberal as the sea was salt."
Though unsuccessful at Birmingham, he became a
member for Plymouth ; and afterwards for South
Warwickshire. An M.P. said of him that when out
of Parliament he wanted to get in, and when in,
getting tired of it, he wanted to get out. His
brother told me that he was much struck with the
gift he possessed of speaking in public not only
with fluent rapidity and in a very pleasant voice,
but with such clearness that every syllable of every
word was perfectly enunciated. He spoke with
extraordinary ease and cogency, as was particularly
evidenced at the annual meetings of the bank.
Sampson Lloyd's oratory, however, when seeking
election in Birmingham was not on the popular
side, so that all his arguments and eloquence were
unavailing. A report of his speech at the opening
of the Birmingham Exchange in 1865 will be found
in Appendix III.
He contributed largely towards the erection of
Christ Church, Sparkbrook (near the end of the
avenue at " Farm "), in memory of his first wife
Emma, who was a daughter of Samuel Reeves of
Leighton Buzzard, and who died in 1863.
In reply to a letter I wrote to Sir E. W. Fithian
inquiring how long Mr. S. S. Lloyd was President
of the Association of Chambers of Commerce of the
United Kingdom, and saying that I should be
glad of any particulars of interest he could give,
he replied, "Mr. Sampson S. Lloyd became
President of the Association in February 1862,
and remained President for eighteen years ending
February 1880." He further said that "he was
a most popular President, as this long period of
office proves, and was greatly esteemed for his
fairness and lucidity of speech. No one could be
more popular as a President than he was." An
inspection of the annual reports of the proceed-
ings evidences the great variety of commercial
questions that were brought before the meetings
of the Association for discussion and decision.
At Hull, in 1877, speaking as President, he
said that if they did not discuss burning questions
of party politics at their meetings they could as
good citizens do so elsewhere in their own localities,
but to discuss such in their meetings would make
their efforts useless instead of useful, and serve no
good purpose whatever ; and at the annual dinner
in February 1878 he said that in that Association,
party politics were forgotten ; and whatever their
private opinions might be, they were always ready
to give a hearty welcome, and tender their cordial
support to any whom Her Majesty may have
trusted with the guidance of the destinies of this
country. Her Majesty's ministers, no matter which
party was in power, always received from them
most loyal support.
Amongst other subjects the question of Free
Trade and reciprocity was (as might be expected)
discussed ; resulting in the following resolution
being carried, in February 1878: "That the
action of several Foreign and Colonial Govern-
ments in imposing protective — and in some cases
high and Prohibitory — Duties on the Importation
of British manufactures, is a subject requiring the
continued and earnest attention of the Government ;
and that the Council of the Associated Chambers
be requested to press this question by Memorial
and Deputation, at the Foreign Office." Thirty-
seven representatives of Chambers voted for, and
ten against. It is interesting at this date to
read this decision taken under the presidency of a
Birmingham business man.
In the course of this annual meeting, which
lasted three days, it was moved that an " Inter-
national Free Trade Association should be formed
with the view of the more general adoption of
Free Trade in other countries " ; but after a dis-
cussion, on a show of hands being taken, it was
found that there was a majority against the motion.
In the course of discussion the President said that
he believed the best Free Trade influence they could
exercise was "to go on their own way rejoicing" ;
and if other countries did not see that it was to
their interest to do the same, he did not believe
all the rest of the nations in the world would con-
vince them of the advantages of Free Trade.
His own individual opinions, Mr. S. S. Lloyd
pointed out on several occasions, were well known.
He was in favour of the enforcement of Fair Trade,
as far as possible, upon foreign nations in their
dealings with us ; he was in favour of Free Trade,
but against one-sided free trade, when carried on
to the detriment of our home industries, he said
his views were that the laws of the country should
be made "for the greatest benefit of the greatest
I do not wish to pass away from this reference
From a photograph taken January ij,
to the three partners without alluding* to an obser-
vation made by S. S. Lloyd at the close of an
afternoon lecture by the late Professor Leone Levi,
in a Birmingham room crowded with business men.
In returning thanks to the lecturer, he said that
there could be no doubt but "that the most scru-
pulous honesty oug-ht to mark all our transactions."
The knowledge that the bank partners were men of
sterling honesty, as well as of ability, gave the
public that perfect confidence in the bank, whatever
the state of the money market might be, which
doubtless greatly contributed to the continuous
prosperity of the partnership.
Mr. G. Herbert Lloyd reminds me, as I write,
that none of the Lloyds, during the whole hundred
years of the partnership, were misers ; in fact, the
three surviving- partners, to his own certain know-
ledge, were rather the reverse.
Some of the older men of business of the pre-
sent generation may look back with regret upon
those times, when they could have the friendly
advice and the kindly attention of one of the
principals. It certainly was different from treating
with a bank official, bound hard and fast by rules
which do not always admit of the monetary assist-
ance which the applicant desires and feels sure
might be — and under more personal circumstances
would be — wisely and beneficently extended to
him. Some banks are, however, as fortunate in their
head clerks and officials as in their principals ; and
as an instance I may mention the late Mr. John
Hickling, who for forty years was the valued con-
fidential head clerk of Lloyds.
One day, when a small boy, I was at the bank
at Dale End with my father and went into one of
their large safes, which reached from the floor to
the ceiling of the bank parlour, where we were
sitting. My father and my uncle, Mr. G. B.
Lloyd's father, could not imagine how I had dis-
appeared, as the door of the room was shut.
When, on being called, I came out of the dark
chamber, my uncle was so surprised and amused
that he gave me half-a-crown.
Soon after the bank was opened in 1765 Samp-
son Lloyd and his son Sampson were convinced of
the desirability of a canal to connect the coal-fields
of South Staffordshire. Others being like-minded,
after one or more meetings had been held in
Birmingham, an Act of Parliament to authorise the
construction of the canal was applied for, and this
received the royal assent in 1768. By the Act
Commissioners were appointed, Sampson Lloyd
and his son being among them, and any five of
them were "empowered to determine and adjust
what shall be paid . . . for the absolute purchase
of the lands or grounds." This proved a very
simple, cheap, and quick way of settling the price
to be paid for the land required for what was termed
THE SILENT HIGHWAY. No time was lost, and the
canal being quickly constructed and opened, it soon
paid dividends of 20 per cent, and proved con-
tinuously a wonderful success.
It will be noticed that the canal, after it was
opened, paid 20 per cent, dividends, but it now
pays only 4 per cent. How is this? The expla-
nation is that the proprietors watered the capital
several times before the London and North-Western
Railway Company came into possession — in other
words, wrote up the shares to what they considered
was their marketable value. Accordingly, those
descendants of the first shareholders who have
retained the original shares, having received in the
past very satisfactory dividends, now receive 4 per
cent, guaranteed dividend — equal to 8 or 10 per
cent, on the capital originally invested.
Mrs. Schimmelpenninck's story — A beautiful Quakeress — Jail fever —
Sampson Lloyd seeks a woman and finds an angel — Fecundity —
A philosophic father — Richard Reynolds and Sampson Lloyd — A
modern patriarch — Mr. Beverley at " Farm " — An elopement — A
Gretna Green marriage — A child at Child's Bank
AFTER this long financial interlude, which seemed
to me to come more fittingly after the account of
the first banker in the family and the real founder
of Lloyds Bank — Sampson Lloyd the second — we
return to the story of " Farm " and its occupants,
and come to Sampson Lloyd the third, who was not
only the son of Sampson Lloyd the second, but also
his partner, with the two Taylors, in the bank.
The third Sampson Lloyd, who was born August
2, 1728, was, like his father and his grandfather, an
excellent man of business, and was also a man of
strong affections and friendships.
The romance of his life was his attachment to his
cousin, the charming Betsy Fidoe. Elizabeth, the
only daughter of Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, had
married John Pemberton of Birmingham, and their
only daughter, Rebecca, in 1716 married John Fidoe.
In 1723 the Fidoes lived in Birmingham in the Old
Square, and it was there that Betsy Fidoe was born.1
John Pemberton's son Thomas married the second
Sampson Lloyd's sister-in-law, Jane Parkes.2
1 I have in my possession the Bible of " Sarah Fidoe," with her name
written in it at the beginning: "Sarah Fidoe Her Book September 27
1685," and again, on the last page, "Sarah Fidoe Her Book September 27
1685." The book has been in the possession of the Fidoe, Parkes, and
Lloyd family ever since, and is very well printed, with excellent type, a
perfect pleasure to read; published "Anno Dom. 1646," and dedicated
2 See Memorials of the Old Square, Appendix B, p. 129.
Sampson Lloyd, when he was over seventy years
of age, told his young relative, Mary Anne Galton,
the story of his attachment to Miss Fidoe. She
was immensely interested, and wrote down what
he said as follows : 1 —
" No one, I believe, could take more pleasure in outward
objects and delights than I did when I was a boy; all that
was beautiful or gay, pleasurable or pathetic, alike transported
me. In vain did my pious parents, venerated though they
were, endeavour to moderate my course; it seemed impos-
sible to resist the intoxication to which I was subject. There
are chambers in my past life I never re-open, though I
allude to them now to speak of the mercies of God. I was
particularly delighted with the society of beautiful and accom-
plished women, but amongst them there was one who soon
fixed my especial attention, a sindeed whose gaze did she not
fix ? Her name was Betsy Fidoe ; you have no doubt heard
of her. She was beautiful, but it was that beauty which
is never thought of as such, because the outside form seems
but a transparent covering to the soul. She was accomplished,
but I never recollected that she possessed accomplishments;
for her singing, her music, her recitation of poetry, and her
eloquent speaking, seemed but the natural language of her
heart. All that she said sparkled with intelligence and wit
and kindliness.
"She passed before my eyes like a splendid vision and
thenceforth I had no light but in seeking the light of her
countenance ; all that I had hitherto called enjoyment ceased
to be such, and I sought those higher pleasures which refine
the heart and the imagination. Betsy Fidoe was some years
older than myself. I earnestly sought thenceforth to acquire
that character which would make me less unworthy of her
friendship, but ah ! how different were the views of my
Heavenly Father from my own ! Sore misfortune fell upon
the object of my idolatry ; first was the wreck of her fortune,
but that was little."
Sampson Lloyd then related that by con-
tagious disease all the Fidoe family were swept
away and Betsy lost her reason and had to be sent
1 See the first vol., Memoirs of Mrs, Schimmelpenninck^ p. 194.
to an asylum. The disease was jail fever, of which
nothing is now heard in England. A medical man
tells me that the term was given to what had
been termed the plague, from its breaking out in
insanitary jails. It was very infectious, and carried
off indiscriminately not only prisoners and prison
officials, but also judges and lawyers. Afterwards
it was almost stamped out, the comparatively non-
infectious typhoid following it.
"Miss Fidoe [Sampson Lloyd continued] was prostrate
in body and mind; at length, like the first ray of morning
after the darkest night, away from all human influences, she
was gradually restored, and from conviction of the heart
returned to the usages of the Friends."
"Some years [he said] had passed. From a boy I
had become a man; from a son dependent on his father,
I had entered into possession of an independent and honour-
able position. I knew her deep affliction, and I longed to
be her helper; and though, in profound respect, I felt the
distance greater than ever between us, yet I knew there was
but one title under which a young man could acquire a right
to be the efficient help and protector of a still young and
beautiful woman. My heart faltered, yet I determined to
see her, and learn what form that vision, which I had never
yet dared to behold in connection with myself, would assume.
When I came to the door of the small cottage in which she
then lived, and looked on the beauty of the little garden and
its flowers, I still recognised the same hand of taste and
beauty, and felt as if my die would be cast when I looked
on them next when quitting the house.
" I was ushered into a little parlour ; I found myself
alone ; I had time to observe the neatness and delicacy, but
the perfect plainness and simplicity of all around, and the
one vision of brightness that my heart had ever known
appeared, — but oh ! how altered ! what a change had passed
over her! The elegant taste of her dress was exchanged
for the delicacy of Christian simplicity; in her eyes, which
had once been playful with wit and kindly brilliance, was now
the expression of peace, yet the peace of a deep inward life,
constantly varying in lustre or mantling the complexion with
shades of thought and feeling. Truly a change had passed
over her. If my natural reverence for her had been increased
by her misfortunes, now it was as the holy reverence we
feel for one to whom we see that God has spoken, and by
whom His voice has been heard. She had, indeed, passed
as it were through a bitter death since I had seen her ; she
had entered it in the beauty of naturalism; she had risen
from it in the beauty of spiritualism. I was silent, and I
believe I should have gone away without opening my lips
on the subject for which I expressly came, but for the
thought that I might still be her helper and support, and
her restorer to that wide field of blessing she had so well
"With great effort to myself I tried to begin, but in a
few words she checked my proceeding. She said she had
tasted the sweetness of converse with Heaven in the deepest
of human calamities, and though she cordially and gratefully
thanked me, she felt thenceforth unfit for earthly things, and
she looked for happiness above in her Heavenly home; that
she had found the peace of God all-sufficient, and she would
not exchange it for anything this earth could give. She
then with much kindness and affection told me that she
should best testify her deep sense of the sympathy I had
shown her by endeavouring to point out to me the same
inestimable treasure which she had herself found, by leading
me to the same Good Shepherd who had taken care of her;
and she asked me to sit down by her, and have a hearts'
conversation, as of two friends called by the same grace,
traversing the same ocean of life, and bound to the same
port. I did sit down ; long and deeply we conversed ; how
long I cannot tell, for it was morning when I entered, and
the sun was fast declining when I took my leave. . . ."
He continued : " I entered that room admiring a woman ;
I departed from it in deep communion with an angelic spirit.
I closed the door of the house ; I looked again at the flowers.
I had entered the house with a bright vision before me; it
had passed away. ... I felt the one hope of my life, its
one inspiring motive, was for ever gone. But then, yes, even
then, I also felt that a seed had been dropped into my heart
full of vitality, even the seed of the Kingdom, the manna
from heaven, which would thenceforth grow and germinate,
and which, I was enabled to hope, might not only issue in
life eternal, but was so even then, for ' he who believes hath
everlasting life.' How little did I think when in my blind
After the fainting at " Farm " probably bv Wright oj Derby.
though affectionate zeal I went to offer an earthly home to
this stricken one that she had a home far better than any
I could give her."
It was not till ten years after this love-affair
that Sampson Lloyd married. The lady of his
choice was Rachel, daughter of Samuel Barnes,
of London. She was only sixteen. They were
married on November n, 1762, and they had
seven sons and ten daughters.
One of his acquaintances, who either had no
children or only a poor dozen, said jestingly :
" Lloyds are like weeds : they grow apace ; " but
Sampson Lloyd regarded his brood, large though it
was, as insufficient. It is recorded that when, as
she sometimes would, his wife expressed dismay
at all that so many children involved, he would
heroically reply, " Never mind, the twentieth will
be the most welcome."
This Sampson Lloyd the third, who succeeded
his father in the management of Taylors & Lloyds
Bank, besides being one of the original partners,
was also a partner with his half-brothers, Nehemiah
and Charles Lloyd, in the iron business, and, as
I have said, was one of the founders in 1770 of the
London bank of Hanbury, Taylor, Lloyd & Bowman.
He had some warm friendships. Among letters
which have been preserved are some from his friend
Richard Reynolds of Ketley and Coalbrookdale,
who was seventeen years his junior, and who, as
soon as he had acquired ample means, became a
distinguished philanthropist. The letters show
that neither the third Sampson Lloyd nor his friend
Reynolds was unduly absorbed in money-making.
I quote a few passages from Richard Reynolds. In
January 1770 he writes : —
"I duly received thy affectionate letter. ... I wish not
for many friends, nor to be the friend of many ; but I would
have my friends more eminent for virtue than for under-
standing ; for understanding than for wealth ; and rich, as far
as riches may contribute to their advancement in either virtue
or understanding ; and no farther may I be rich myself."
Richard Reynolds ends his letter, after ex-
pressing his approval " of inoculation against that
dreadful scourge the small pox," by alluding to
the doubts of others as to such a remedy, and
adds, "Let every man be fully persuaded in his
own mind ; and happy is he that condemneth not
himself in that thing which he alloweth."
He writes again from Ketley in 1771 : —
" To be considered by thee as thy friend, in the most
intimate and endeared sense of the word, gives me particular
satisfaction. ... If I do not express myself exactly as thou
hast done, on the notion that matches in friendship, as well
as in love, are made in heaven, I am sure thou wilt join me
in hoping, that whether or not ours was made in heaven,
it may at least be admitted there. I so far agree in the
notion, that I consider a faithful friend as a blessing from
the Almighty, if not the greatest blessing we can here enjoy.
Friendship, including true religion, . . . tends to insure
celestial happiness, as it constitutes the greatest part of
mundane felicity. . . . Though we cannot doubt that all the
twelve, while faithful, were objects of our Saviour's affectionate
regard, one of them was so emphatically distinguished as ' that
disciple whom Jesus loved/ This . . . suggests the suppli-
catory wish that his blessing may accompany our friendly
regards for each other; then, . . . our advancement in love,
as in bliss, may only be bounded by eternity."
In the year 1774 there was great depression in
the iron trade, and prices went down to such an
extent that there was positive loss to almost every
one engaged in it. Sampson Lloyd having written
to Richard Reynolds about it, he replied : —
" I sympathize with thee under every disappointment ; but
as disappointment is only the frustration of hope, and more
properly a negative than a positive loss, instead of attempting
to suggest alleviating considerations, let me inform thee that
under a recent positive loss of many hundreds, and a pro-
bability, next to assurance, of a still greater, I endeavour
to reconcile myself to what I cannot avoid, not only by
remembering the important truth thou mentions 'That trial,
and even adversity is best for us ! ' but also by considering
that the real goods of life are to be purchased by less money
than I shall have left at last. ... In general the peasant enjoys
his coarse fare with a higher relish than the peer his costly
viands, and I drink ale equal in colour and brilliancy to wine,
with superior satisfaction, though at a sixth of the price. . . ."
He goes on to say that the melody of birds, the
voice of winds and of waters, from the whispering
of the breeze to the shouting of the storm, from the
tinkling of the rill to the roar of the ocean, can be
listened to and enjoyed by the poor as well as by
the rich ; and alluding to the great effects attributed
to music he says : —
" I do not forget those which it is recorded to have had
upon Elisha, and upon Saul. ... As it is the Almighty
who has established certain laws in nature, which operate
uniformly, unless He is pleased to suspend them, so I con-
sider every display of human genius as the effect of delegated
power from the Divine origin of all things, and only wrong
when perverted or misapplied by us. ... The grandeur of
the scenery of the visible creation, the immense ocean —
" ' The pomps of groves, the garniture of fields,
And all the dread magnificence of heaven ' —
these through the goodness of the great Creator, who makes
that which is the most valuable the most common, . . . are
offered to the sight of all men. . . ."
Mrs. Schimmelpenninck wrote of the two
brothers, the third Sampson Lloyd and Charles
Lloyd, to whom we come in a later chapter, con-
trasting them as follows : —
" The person [she writes J] who most deeply impressed
my childish mind was my aged cousin [the third] Sampson
1 Autobiography of Mrs. Schimmelpenninck.
Lloyd. His temperament was very sanguine, and when young
he must have been exceedingly susceptible to all objects of
taste and feeling, but then his hair was snowy white, and
his form bowed as he sat at Meeting. His countenance bore
traces of conflicts long past in a heart and mind that could
have felt exquisitely, and that had been deeply torn. I shall
never forget the beaming expression of his eye, not unmingled
with compassion, with which he looked on all, especially the
young. Truly he seemed like Moses who had been on the
Mount, and who descended, with the glory still in his
countenance, to bless the people. I seem yet to see him,
and look upon his venerable and loving countenance, his white
hair, and the tears streaming down his cheeks as he spoke
— tears such as I have never seen before, for they seemed
to tell of mingled affection, gratitude, and peaceful joy."
It was this Sampson Lloyd, it will be seen, who
had the interview with Samuel Galton in 1796, as
recorded in a future chapter.
"Very different," says Mrs. Schimmelpenninck, "from
my cousin Sampson was his half-brother Charles, who was
twenty years younger. He too was a man of remarkable
character. Whilst my cousin Sampson drew forth the
religious affections, the conversation of his brother tended
to establish religious foundations. I have often thought
how great is the blessing of associating both with those who
possess the inspiration of the Spirit of love, and also with
those who are in the habit of accurately defining and strictly
applying truth. It is good to have not only a loving spirit,
but a sharp and definite outline of truth. In this my cousin
Charles Lloyd was remarkable."
Mr. R. M. Beverley, of Scarborough, author
of Darwinism Exposed and other works, writing
in his Diary of his first visit to " Farm," Thursday,
July 16, 1835, tells us more of the third Sampson
Lloyd :—
" I walked after dinner for some time in the garden with
Mr. Lloyd [the first Samuel Lloyd]. He told me that his
father, Sampson Lloyd, though born and bred a Quaker, was
a young man of gaiety, who, though he used occasionally
to attend the Quakers' meetings, yet did so only for form's
sake, and to keep up an old custom. He was a remarkably
handsome young man, with a fine tall figure and comely
face, and this was a temptation to him to run into vanity.
He dressed in the fashion of the day, visited in high society,
and became at last a companion of Lords and Ladies.
"It pleased God, however, that whilst he was running
this course, he should be arrested by Divine grace and
converted. A sermon delivered at one of the Quakers'
meetings touched him deeply, and some other sermons by
the same minister made him an altered man. He determined
all at once to give up the world, to hold no parley with the
flesh, but to ' tarry not in all the plain, but to hasten to the
mountain.' With this resolution he at once adopted all the
strict plainness of the Quakers, and ordered his tailor to
make him a sober suit of Quaker apparel. When the tailor
came and laid the clothes down on the chair, he felt as if
they had brought him his coffin. It was a severe and hard
trial, but he flinched not from it; he cast off his finery, and
from that day forth wore the Quaker dress.
"He was a religious and tender-hearted man, and died,
I trust, in the faith of God's elect. Mr. Lloyd told me that
he had his correspondence with the gay, as well as with the
religious world. He finds that he was a correspondent on
familiar terms with some of the most fashionable of the
grandees of his day."
A recollection of the third Sampson Lloyd was
given to some members of the family now living,
by two of his grand-daughters, Mrs. Howard, of
Bruce Grove, Tottenham, and Mrs. Fox, of
Falmouth. They were very young at the time of
his death, but they remembered well their aged
grandfather, as " a venerable-looking old man with
beautiful white hair resting in curls upon his
shoulders, led into the room by two of his sons.
He was always dressed in grey clothes, the idea
being, that the natural colour of the wool was better,
and that dyes were vain things." "The Farm"
carriage, with a pair of bay horses, these ladies
related, was sent to the Crescent to fetch them and
their parents, Samuel and Rachel Lloyd, to spend
the day at "Farm." The pleasure of seeing the
primrose bank in the spring is vividly recalled.
"This," as we read in Farm and its Inhabitants,
"has been the delight of many eyes since then;
the high sloping bank near the fish arbour, the
avenue high above to the right, the deep pool, with
its wooden palings, on the left, and the arbour in
front, and all the bank a fragrant wall of moss and
dewy leaves, and violets and primroses."
The serenity of the third Sampson Lloyd and
of " Farm " was disturbed while he was a successful
banker by the death of one of his married daughters,
followed by the widower making love, it was said
to console himself for his loss, to her sister ( ' Nancy,"
with whom, in 1799, he eloped to Gretna Green,
where they were married. Such a thing was not
unknown in those days, and Sampson Lloyd was
not the only banker who had suffered. Through
the courtesy of one of the partners in Child's
Bank I have before me a volume relating to their
bank, from which the following is an extract : —
" One afternoon in May 1782, Lord Westmorland was dining
with Mr. Child at Temple Bar, and, amongst other subjects
upon which they conversed, Lord Westmorland said, ' Child,
I wish for your opinion on the following case : Suppose that
you were in love with a girl, and her Father refused his con-
sent to the union, what should you do ? ' l Why ! run away
with her, to be sure ! ' was the prompt reply of Mr. Child,
little thinking at the time that it was his daughter the querist
was in love with.
" Either that same night or a few nights after, Lord West-
morland eloped with Miss Sarah Child, in a postchaise and
four, from the Berkeley Square house. The duenna, who
slept in the outer room of Miss Child's apartments, was
drugged by her maid, and her flight was only discovered by
the ' Charley ' (or night watchman) finding the front door open
and raising an alarm. A hue and cry arose ere long, and
Mr. Child, having ordered out a second postchaise in which
to pursue the fugitives, sent on in advance a messenger, one
Richard Gillam, mounted on his own favourite hunter, with
orders to detain them until he should arrive.
"Richard, who doubtless changed horses several times
(unless the hunter equalled Black Bess in powers of endur-
ance), came up with the carriage near Rokeby, in Yorkshire,
and delivered his master's message to its occupants. ' Shoot,
my Lord,' exclaimed Miss Child, who must have been a
strong-minded young lady for her years — only 17 (she was
within two months of 18). Lord Westmorland accordingly
cut short further discussion by shooting Gillam's horse ; and
when Mr. Child, who was now approaching the scene of action,
saw the poor beast fall, he turned back and would carry the
pursuit no further.
" Gillam ended his life at an advanced age as lodgekeeper
at Middleton Park. He used to relate this adventure with
great gusto, and from the tone of satisfaction with which
' Shoot, my Lord/ was repeated to me J by one of his hearers, I
gather that the groom's admiration for his young mistress's spirit
quite outweighed any resentment for the discomfort which the
execution of her order might have entailed upon himself."
They were married on the i8th of May 1782 at
Gretna Green by the Rev. John Brown, and married
again at the Mansion in Apethorpe by the special
licence of the Archbishop of Canterbury on the
7th of June the same year — Mr. Robert Child giving
his consent for the marriage licence, which was
necessary, his daughter being a minor.
Apropos of Child's Bank, when the new premises
at Temple Bar were opened for business in 1880,
one of the first to enter was a small boy with a few
coppers in his hand, who asked what was the
smallest sum that could be received upon deposit,
as he wished to place his small savings in safety.
After being told that such small accounts were
never opened, he explained that he had come in
because he saw the notice-board on the steps,
" Entrance to Child's Bank," and thought it was a
bank for children's money.
1 The Countess of Jersey.
The great lexicographer at Birmingham — Dining at Sampson Lloyd's
— The discussion on Barclay's Apology — The doctor in a rage —
And in repentance — His exploration of Birmingham — The Dictionary
— Olivia Lloyd — Mrs. Knowles — Boswell's reports of dialectical
bouts — Religion and the rights of women — "The Farm" governess
and Dr. Johnson — A long conversation — Thrale's brewery
UNTIL 1779, when his father died, Sampson Lloyd
remained in the Old Square, in the house that
had been the Fidoes'. Betsy Fidoe left her pro-
perty to him, but his view was that it ought to go
to the heir-at-law, a surgeon named John Burr,
of Ware. John Burr, however, died a bachelor,
leaving the property, in his turn, to Sampson Lloyd ;
so that, after all, it came to him. The Wednes-
bury portion of it, which descended to three of his
grandsons, was valued, when they received it, at
It was at the Old Square house that Dr. Johnson
visited Sampson Lloyd, in 1776. Boswell describes
their calling first on Dr. Hector, Johnson's old
schoolfellow, and the great man's annoyance at
being treated by the servant as if only a poor
"We next called [Boswell proceeds] on Mr. Lloyd, one of
the people called Quakers. He too was not at home, but Mrs.
Lloyd was, and received us courteously, and asked us to dinner.
Johnson said to me, ' After the uncertainty of all human things
at Hector's, this invitation came very well.' We walked about
the town, and he was pleased to see it increasing. . . .
" Mr. Lloyd joined us in the street ; and in a little while
we met Friend Hector, as Mr. Lloyd called him. It gave
me pleasure to observe the joy which Johnson and he ex-
pressed on seeing each other again. Mr. Lloyd and I left
them together, while he obligingly showed me some of the
manufactures of this very curious assemblage of artificers.
We all met at dinner at Mr. Lloyd's, where we were enter-
tained with great hospitality. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd had been
married the same year with their majesties, and, like them, had
been blessed with a numerous family of fine children, their
numbers being exactly the same. Johnson said, ' Marriage
is the best state for a man in general; and every man is a
worse man, in proportion as he is unfit for the married state.'
" I have always loved the simplicity of manners, and the
spiritual-mindedness, of the Quakers; and talking with Mr.
Lloyd, I observed, that the essential part of religion was
piety, a devout intercourse with the Divinity; and that many
a man was a Quaker without knowing it.
"As Dr. Johnson had said to me in the morning, while
we walked together, that he liked individuals among the
Quakers, but not the sect, when we were at Mr. Lloyd's,
I kept clear of introducing any questions concerning the
peculiarities of their faith. But I, having asked to look at
Baskerville's edition of Barclay's Apology, Johnson laid hold
of it, and the chapter on baptism happening to open, Johnson
remarked, ' He says there is neither precept nor practice for
baptism in the Scriptures ! that is false.' Here [says Boswell]
he was the aggressor, by no means in a gentle manner, and
the good Quakers had the advantage of him ; for he had
read negligently, and had not observed that Barclay speaks
of infant baptism, which they calmly made him perceive.
"Mr. Lloyd, however, was in as great a mistake; for when
insisting that the rite of baptism by water was to cease, when
the spiritual administration of Christ began, he maintained,
that John the Baptist said, 'My baptism shall decrease, but
his shall increase/ Whereas the words are, ' He must in-
crease, but / must decrease. ' J
14 One of them having objected to the ' observance of days
and months, and years,' Johnson answered : ' The church does
not superstitiously observe days, merely as days, but as
memorials of important facts. Christmas might be kept as
* "As to the baptism of infants, it is a mere human tradition, for which
neither precept nor practice is to be found in all the Scripture." — Barclay's
Apology , Proposition XII.
well upon one day of the year as another ; but there should be
a stated day for commemorating the birth of our Saviour,
because there is danger that what may be done on any day,
will be neglected.' "
Tradition says that Johnson in his fury with
Barclay flung the volume on the floor and stamped
on it.1 And later that he continued the debate at
the dinner-table in such angry tones, and struck the
table so violently, and continued the debate with
such anger that the two children, the elder aged
thirteen, were frightened, and desired to escape.
It appears that this was a midday dinner, for a
story is preserved that in the afternoon the mag-
nanimous doctor went down to the bank in Dale
End and called out in stentorian tones, "I say,
Lloyd, I'm the best Theologian, but you are the
best Christian."
After dinner Johnson explored a little, and
although the expedition was made independently of
Sampson Lloyd, yet such is the family's interest in
Birmingham and iron works that I may quote here
what Boswell says of the doctor's subsequent ad-
ventures in Birmingham : —
" Mr. Hector was so good as to accompany me to see the
great works of Mr. Boulton, at a place which he has called
Soho, about two miles from Birmingham, which the very
ingenious proprietor showed me himself to the best advantage.
I wish Johnson had been with us : for it was a scene which I
should have been glad to contemplate by his light. The vast-
ness and the contrivance of some of the machinery would have
i matched his mighty mind.' I shall never forget Mr. Boulton's
expression to me : ' I sell here, sir, what all the world desires
to have — -power' He had about seven hundred people at
work. I contemplated him as an iron chieftain, and he seemed
to be a father to his tribe. One of them came to him, com-
plaining grievously of his landlord for having distrained his
goods. 'Your landlord is in the right, Smith (said Boulton).
1 The identical volume is now in the possession of Alderman John
Henry Lloyd of Edgbaston.
But I'll tell you what : find you a friend who will lay down
one half of your rent, and I'll lay down the other half; and
you shall have your goods again.' "
There is no record of any other visit of Dr.
Johnson to the Lloyds, but he had stayed six
months in Birmingham in 1732, forty or more years
before the incident of the Apology, with his old
schoolfellow, Hector, and for some months after-
wards he was in lodgings in the town. Mr.
Warren, who joined with Hector in urging him
to undertake the translation from the French of
Lobo's Voyage to Abyssinia, was then the only
bookseller in Birmingham ; and as Johnson was
constantly seeing him about the printing of the
work, and the shop was no doubt the chief
meeting place of the townsmen of literary tastes,
Sampson Lloyd and others of the family might
perhaps have had some acquaintance with him.
And when, in 1755, the great Dictionary appeared,
the result of seven years of immense mental effort,
the Lloyds and other Birmingham friends of
Johnson must have been very eager to get a
sight of it, probably ordering their copies through
Mr. Warren.
A copy of this first edition, in two volumes, is
among the most valued of my books. In addition
to many sarcastic definitions and characteristic
comments which were afterwards expunged, this
edition has the famous preface in which the doctor
describes, with so much pathos, the difficulties that
beset his path. Thus: "The English Dictionary
was written with little assistance of the learned,
and without any patronage of the great ; not in
the soft obscurities of retirement, or under the
shelter of academic bowers, but amidst inconveni-
ence and distraction, in sickness and in sorrow."
Boswell, remarking upon Johnson's confession,
says, "Let the preface be attentively perused, in
which is given in a clear, strong, and glowing style
a comprehensive yet particular view of what he
had done. ... I believe there are few prose
compositions in the English Language that are
read with more delight, or are more impressed upon
the memory, than that preliminary discourse."
When Johnson was fifteen he went for a year to
a school at Stourbridge, staying with his cousin
Cornelius Ford. Boswell states that while there
he was admitted to the best company of the place,
"and became much enamoured of Olivia Lloyd,"
who was then about eighteen, to whom he indited
some verses, but the verses cannot be found.
This Olivia Lloyd was the youngest child of the
first Sampson Lloyd and Mary Crowley, his second
wife. Olivia was therefore aunt to the third
Sampson Lloyd, Dr. Johnson's host in the Old
Square. She is described in Memorials of the Old
Square as "the pretty Birmingham Quakeress."
She died at Birmingham in 1775, and was buried
in the Friends' ground in Bull Lane.
The Lloyds and Dr. Johnson had a mutual
friend in Mary Knowles, a frequent visitor at
"Farm," where she is said to have laid out the
shrubbery. She was the wife of Dr. Knowles, an
eminent and much-esteemed physician in London.
Mrs. Knowles "excelled," we read, " in the polite art
of poetry and painting, and the imitation of nature
in needlework." The queen expressed a wish to see
her, and this interview and subsequent ones with
George III. and his queen led to her undertaking,
in needlework, a representation of the king, which
she completed, to the entire satisfaction of their
Majesties. The following is an account of her : —
" She became a great favourite with the King and Queen,
and had frequent access to the Royal Family, where she
J'roin " />>;-. Johnson and ike Pair Sex.
presented herself in the simplicity of her Quaker dress, and
was always graciously received. She accompanied her husband
in a scientific tour through Holland, Germany, and France,
where they obtained introductions to the most distinguished
personages. She was admitted to the toilet of the late un-
fortunate Queen of France [Marie Antoinette], by the par-
ticular desire of the latter. The appearance of a woman in
the attire of a Friend, was somewhat extraordinary to that
Princess, who made many inquiries respecting the principles
of the Quakers, and acknowledged that at least they were
philosophers. Dr. Knowles was one of the Committee of
six formed by Clarkson to organize opposition to the slave-
trade. Another was John Lloyd, a London Banker, son of
the second Sampson Lloyd." 1
It was Mrs. Knowles (described by Boswell as
"the Quaker lady, well known for her various
talents") who said: " Dr. Johnson gets at the
substance of a book directly ; he tears the heart
out of it." Dr. Johnson and she had several
dialectical bouts, which are reported not only by
Boswell but also by her friend and correspondent,
Anna Seward, in her Letters. Here is one at Dr.
Dilly's :—
Boswell. I expressed a horrour at the thought of death.
Mrs. Knowles. Nay, thou should'st not have a horrour for
what is the gate of life.
Johnson (standing- upon the hearth rolling about, with a
serious, solemn , and somewhat gloomy air). No rational man
can die without uneasy apprehension.
Mrs. Knowles. The Scriptures tell us, "The righteous
shall have hope in his death."
Johnson. Yes, Madam ; that is, he shall not have despair.
But, consider, his hope of salvation must be founded on the
terms on which it is promised that the mediation of our
Saviour shall be applied to us — namely, obedience ; and where
obedience has failed, then, as suppletory to it, repentance.
But what man can say that his obedience has been such, as he
would approve of in another, or even in himself upon close
1 From Select Miscellanies . . . illustrative of the History . . . of the
Society of Friends. By Wilson Armistead, 1851.
examination, or that his repentance has not been such as to
require being repented of? No man can be sure that his
obedience and repentance will obtain salvation.
Mrs. Knowles. But divine intimation of acceptance may be
made to the soul.
Jo/mson. Madam, it may ; but I should not think the better
of a man who should tell me on his death-bed he was sure of
salvation. A man cannot be sure himself that he has divine
intimation of acceptance ; much less can he make others sure
that he has it.
Boswell. Then, Sir, we must be contented to acknowledge
that death is a terrible thing.
Johnson. Yes, Sir. I have made no approaches to a state
which can look on it as not terrible.
Mrs. Knowles (seeming to enjoy a pleasing serenity in the
persuasion of benignant divine light}. Does not St. Paul say,
" I have fought the good fight of faith, I have finished my
course ; henceforth is laid up for me a crown of life " ?
Johnson. Yes, Madam ; but here was a man inspired, a
man who had been converted by supernatural interposition.
On the same evening Mrs. Knowles had pleased
the doctor by one of her remarks. The party were
discussing Soame Jenyns' view of the internal
evidence of the Christian religion. Boswell said,
addressing Mrs. Knowles : —
You should like his book, Mrs. Knowles, as it maintains, as
your friends do, that courage is not a Christian virtue.
Mrs. Knowles. Yes, indeed, I like him there ; but I cannot
agree with him, that friendship is not a Christian virtue.
Johnson. Why, Madam, strictly speaking, he is right. All
friendship is preferring the interest of a friend, to the neglect,
or, perhaps, against the interest of others; so that an old
Greek said, " He that has friends has no friend!' Now Chris-
tianity recommends universal benevolence, to consider all men
as our brethren, which is contrary to the virtue of friendship,
as described by the ancient philosophers. Surely, Madam,
your sect must approve of this ; for, you call all -m^u friends.
Mrs. Knowles. We are commanded to do good to all men,
" but especially to them who are of the household of Faith."
Johnson. Well, Madam, the Household of Faith is wide
Mrs. Knowles. But, Doctor, our Saviour had twelve
apostles, yet there was one whom he loved. John was called,
" the disciple whom Jesus loved."
Johnson (with eyes sparkling benignantly]. Very well
indeed, Madam. You have said very well.
BoswelL A fine application. Pray, Sir, had you ever
thought of it ?
Johnson. I had not, Sir.
And here is Mrs. Knowles on a subject which is
just now, as I write, of especial interest, the rights
of women : —
Mrs. Knowles affected to complain that men had much more
liberty allowed them than women.
Johnson. Why, Madam, women have all the liberty they
should wish to have. We have all the labour and the danger,
and the women all the advantage. We go to sea, we build
houses, we do everything, in short, to pay our court to the
Mrs. Knowles. The Doctor reasons very wittily, but not
convincingly. Now, take the instance of building; the mason's
wife, if she is ever seen in liquor, is ruined ; the mason may
get himself drunk as often as he pleases, with little loss of
character ; nay, may let his wife and children starve.
Johnson. Madam, you must consider if the mason does get
himself drunk, and let his wife and children starve, the parish
will oblige him to find security for their maintenance. We
have different modes of restraining evil. Stocks for the men,
a ducking-stool for women, and a pound for beasts. If we
require more perfection from women than from ourselves, it is
doing them honour. And women have not the same temptations
that we have : they may always live in virtuous company ;
men must mix in the world indiscriminately. If a woman has
no inclination to do what is wrong, being secured from it is no
restraint to her. I am at liberty to walk into the Thames;
but if I were to try it, my friends would restrain me in Bedlam,
and I should be obliged to them.
Mrs. Knowles. Still, Doctor, I cannot help thinking it a
hardship that more indulgence is allowed to men than to
women. It gives a superiority to men, to which I do not see
how they are entitled.
Johnson. It is plain, Madam, one or other must have the
superiority. As Shakespeare says, " If two men ride on a
horse, one must ride behind."
Dilly. I suppose, Sir, Mrs. Knowles would have them to
ride in panniers, one on each side.
Johnson. Then, Sir, the horse would throw them both.
Mrs. Knowles. Well, I hope that in another world the
sexes will be equal.
Boswell. That is being too ambitious, Madam. We might
as well desire to be equal with the angels. We shall all, I
hope, be happy in a future state, but we must not expect to be
all happy in the same degree. It is enough if we be happy
according to our several capacities. A worthy carman will
get to heaven as well as Sir Isaac Newton. Yet, though
equally good, they will not have the same degrees of happi-
Johnson. Probably not.
A controversy which Mrs. Knowles had with the
doctor, arising out of the conversion to Quakerism
of Miss Harry, the daughter of a wealthy West
Indian planter, who was then acting as the gover-
ness at "Farm," led to the writing of the doctor's
verses beginning, "A bone for Friend Mary to
pick." Mrs. Knowles' answer was entitled, "The
bone picked." Boswell's account of the argument
between Mrs. Knowles and the doctor, concerning
Jane Harry, runs as follows : —
Mrs. Knowles mentioned, as a proselyte to Quakerism,
Miss , a young lady well known to Dr. Johnson, for
whom he had shown much affection ; while she ever had, and
still retained, a great respect for him. Mrs. Knowles at the
same time took an opportunity of letting him know " that the
amiable young creature was sorry at finding that he was
offended at her leaving the Church of England and embracing
a simpler faith " ; and in the gentlest and most persuasive
manner, solicited his kind indulgence for what was sincerely a
matter of conscience.
Johnson (frowning very angrily]. Madam, she is an odious
wench. She could not have any proper conviction that it was
her duty to change her religion, which is the most important
of all subjects, and should be studied with all care, and with
all the help we can get. She knew no more of the Church
which she left and that which she embraced, than she did of
the difference between the Copernican and Ptolemaick systems'.
Mrs. Knowles. She had the New Testament before her.
Johnson. Madam, she could not understand the New Tes-
tament, the most difficult book in the world, for which the
study of a life is required.
Mrs. Knowles. It is clear as to essentials.
Johnson. But not as to controversial points. The heathens
were easily converted, because they had nothing to give up ;
but we ought not, without very strong conviction indeed, to
desert the religion in which we have been educated. That is
the religion given you, the religion in which it may be said
Providence has placed you. If you live conscientiously in that
religion, you may be safe. But errour is dangerous indeed, if
you err when you choose a religion for yourself.
Mrs. Knowles. Must we then go by implicit faith ?
Johnson. Why, Madam, the greatest part of our knowledge
is implicit faith ; and as to religion, have we heard all that
a disciple of Confucius, all that a Mahometan, can say for
himself ?
He then rose again into passion, and attacked the young
proselyte in the severest terms of reproach, so that both the
ladies seemed to be much shocked.
Mrs. Knowles subsequently wrote her own
recollections of the whole dialogue concerning
"The Farm" governess and sent it to the Gen-
tleman s Magazine for June 1791. It runs as
follows : —
Mrs. K. Thy friend Jenny H. [the Governess at Farm,
Jane Harry] desires her Kind respects to thee, Doctor.
Dr. J. To me ! — Tell me not of her ! I hate the odious
wench for her apostasy, and it is you, Madam, who have
seduced her from the Christian Religion.
Mrs. K. This is a heavy charge, indeed. I must beg
leave to be heard in my own defence ; and I entreat the
attention of the present learned and candid company, desiring
that they will judge how far I am able to clear myself of so
cruel an accusation.
Dr. J. (much disturbed at this unexpected challenge^ said),
You are a woman, and I give you quarter.
Mrs. K. I will not take quarter. There is no sex in souls ;
and in the present case I fear not Dr. Johnson himself.
(" Bravo ! " was repeated by the company, and silence
Dr. J. Well then, Madam, I persist in my charge, that
you have seduced Miss H from the Christian Religion.
Mrs. K. If thou really knowest what are the principles of
the Friends, thou wouldst not say that she had departed from
Christianity. But, waving that discussion for the present, I
will take the liberty to observe, that she had an undoubted right
to examine and change her educational tenets whenever she
supposed she had found them erroneous; as an accountable
creature, it was her duty to do so.
Dr. J. Pshaw ! pshaw ! — an accountable creature — girls
accountable creatures ! — It was her duty to remain with the
Church wherein she was educated ; she had no business to
leave it.
Mrs. K. What ! not for that which she apprehended to
be better? According to this rule, Doctor, hadst thou been
born in Turkey, it had been thy duty to remain a Mahometan,
notwithstanding Christian evidence might have wrought in thy
mind the clearest conviction; and if so, then let me ask, how
would thy conscience have answered for such obstinacy at the
great and last tribunal ?
Dr. J. My conscience would not have been answerable.
Mrs. K. Whose then would ?
Dr. J. Why, the State, to be sure. In adhering to the
religion of the State as by law established, our implicit
obedience therein becomes our duty.
Mrs. K. A Nation, or State, having a conscience is a
doctrine entirely new to me, and indeed a very curious piece
of intelligence ; for I have always understood that a Govern-
ment or State is a creature of time only, beyond which it
dissolves and becomes a nonentity. Now, gentlemen, can
your imagination body forth this monstrous individual, or
being, called a State, composed of millions of people ? Can
you behold it stalking forth into the next world, loaded with
its mighty conscience, there to be rewarded or punished, for
the faith, opinions, and conduct of its constituent machines,
called men ? Surely the teeming brain of poetry never held
up to the fancy so wondrous a personage !
( When the laugh occasioned by this personification was
subsided the Doctor very angrily replied)^ I regard not what
you say as to that matter. I hate the arrogance of the wench,
in supposing herself a more competent judge of religion than
those who educated her. She imitated you, no doubt; but
she ought not to have presumed to determine for herself so
important an affair.
Mrs. K. True, Doctor, I grant it, if, as thou seemst to
imply, a wench of twenty years is not a moral agent.
Dr. J. I doubt it would be difficult to prove that those
deserve the character who turn Quakers.
Mrs. K. This severe retort, Doctor, induces me charitably
to hope thou must be totally unacquainted with the principles
of the people against whom thou art so exceedingly prejudiced,
and that thou supposes us a set of Infidels, or Deists.
Dr. J. Certainly, I do think you little better than Deists.
Mrs. K. This is indeed strange ; 'tis passing strange that
a man of such universal reading and research has not thought it
at least expedient to look into the cause of dissent of a society
so long established, and so conspicuously singular !
Dr. J. Not I, indeed ! I have not read your Barclay's
Apology ; and for this plain reason, I never thought it worth
my while. You are upstart Sectaries, perhaps the best sub-
dued by a silent contempt.
Mrs. K. This reminds me of the language of the Rabbis
of old when their Hierarchy was alarmed by the increasing
influence, force, and simplicity of dawning Truth, in their
high-day of worldly dominion. We meekly trust our principles
stand on the same solid foundation of simple truth, and we
invite the acutest investigation. The reason thou givest for
not having read Barclay's Apology is surely a very improper
one for a man whom the world looks up to as a Moral
Philosopher of the first rank ; a Teacher from whom they think
they have a right to expect much information. To this ex-
pecting, enquiring world, how can Dr. Johnson acquit himself
for remaining unacquainted with a book translated into five
or six different languages, and which has been admitted into
the libraries of almost every Court and University in Christen-
dom ! {Here the Doctor grew very angry, still more so at
the space of time, wherein the gentlemen insisted on allowing
his antagonist wherein to make her defence, and his impatience
exciting one of the company in a whisper to say, " I never
saw this mighty lion so chafed before." The Doctor again
repeated that he did not think the Quakers deserved the name
of Christians^)
Mrs. K. Give me leave then to convince thee of thy
error, which I will do by making before thee and this re-
spectable company a confession of our faith. Creeds or
confessions of faith are admitted by all to be the standard
whereby we judge every denomination of professors.
(To this every one present agreed ; and even the Doctor
grumbled out his assent?) Well then, I take upon me to
declare, that the people called Quakers do verily believe in
the Holy Scriptures, and rejoice with the most full reverential
acceptance of the divine history of facts as recorded in the
New Testament. That we consequently fully believe those
historical articles summed up in the Apostles' Creed, with
these two exceptions only, to wit, our Saviour's descent into
Hell, and the resurrection of the body. These mysteries we
humbly leave just as they stand in the holy text, there being
from that ground no authority for such assertion as is drawn
up in the Creed. And now, Doctor, canst thou still deny to
us the honourable title of Christians ?
Dr. J. Well ! I must own I did not at all suppose that
you had so much to say for yourselves. However, I cannot
forgive that little slut for presuming to take upon herself as
she has done.
Mrs. K. I hope, Doctor, thou wilt not remain unforgiving,
and that you will renew your friendship and joyfully meet at
last in those bright regions where Pride and Prejudice can
never enter ! *
Dr. J. Meet her ! I never desire to meet fools anywhere.
( This sarcastic turn to wit was so pleasantly received^ that the
Doctor joined in the laugh; his spleen was dissipated ; he took
his coffee y and became, for the rest of the evening^ very cheerful
and entertaining?}
Before leaving this point I should like to say
that, according to Anna Seward, Miss Harry, who
had become a protegee of Mrs. Knowles, was very
cruelly treated by her father, quite in the old spirit
of persecution to which the early Lloyds were
accustomed ; for on hearing of her inclination to
Quakerism he told her that she would have to
1 It has been suggested that Miss Austen took the title of her book,
Pride and Prejudice, from this remark by Mrs. Knowles ; but that she found
it in Miss Burney is more probable.
After the painting by Reynolds.
choose between a hundred thousand pounds and
his favour or two thousand pounds and his re-
nunciation, according as she remained a Church-
woman or joined the Society of Friends. Miss
Harry chose the two thousand pounds. Such is
Miss Seward's story. It is, however, only fair to
say that Croker, in his edition of Boswell, tells a
different tale.
Boswell relates that when once he, Dr. Johnson,
and Mrs. Knowles went to look at a picture with
the famous John Wilkes of the North Briton^
Wilkes declared that Johnson instead of looking
at the picture spent the time in looking at the
fair Quakeress, as the more interesting picture
to him.
The Lloyds had another slight connection with
Dr. Johnson, in that David Barclay, who married
the second Sampson Lloyd's daughter, bought
Thrale's brewery, which he carried on in conjunc-
tion with his son-in-law, Richard Gurney, Robert
Barclay, and Mr. Perkins, under the style of
Barclay, Perkins & Co. It became a very profit-
able investment, bringing to the partners a large
income. It was valued at Thrale's death at
,£150,000, but "as no set of men could be found
to give so much, it was sold with the stock in
trade for .£120,000." Mr. Thrale was, of course,
the husband of Mrs. Thrale (afterwards Mrs.
Piozzi), Dr. Johnson's great friend and almost
Muse, and Dr. Johnson was one of Mr. Thrale's
executors. Johnson himself was at the sale of
the brewery, remarking to one of the negotiators,
"We are not here to sell a parcel of boilers and
vats, but the potentiality of growing rich, beyond
the dreams of avarice."
The Society of Friends in Birmingham — Bull Street Meeting-house —
Tainted money — Quakers and force — Gun-making and Christianity
—The third Sampson Lloyd as ambassador — Samuel Galton's
letters — Dr. Livingstone's testimony — War and peace — George
Dawson — Later Gallons — Dr. Francis Galton and heredity — The
Rev. Arthur Galton
THE existence of Friends in Birmingham is recorded
as early as 1682, sixteen years before the arrival of
the first Lloyd in 1698. Hutton is of opinion that
adherents may have previously gathered together,
probably in meetings held from house to house.
The original meeting-place in Birmingham was in
Bull Lane, Monmouth Street, where the old burial-
ground existed until it was taken possession of
by the Great Western Railway.
The meeting-house in Bull Street was erected
between 1702 and 1705. Hutton describes it in
1781 as "a large and convenient place, and not-
withstanding the plainness of the profession, rather
elegant." In 1792 a committee was appointed to
collect subscriptions for its enlargement, as it was
then the only place of worship in the town for the
Society of Friends. This appeal was the means of
raising a very interesting ethical point ; for Joseph
Robinson, one of the Friends, wrote to the com-
mittee as follows :—
" When so many eyes are opened to scrutinize into the
several branches of the African trade, — the minutest of which
are likely to be weighed and exposed, the supplying of slightly
proved guns to the Merchants of the coast of Guinea, doubt-
less to be used by the natives in their wars with each other,
and for us to receive part of the thousands of pounds which
have probably been accumulated by a 40 years' commerce
in these articles, and apply it to the use of Friends, is, I think,
a matter which requires your very serious consideration."
This letter raised the question whether any of
the money made out of the sale of weapons of de-
struction should be accepted by the committee.
No names were mentioned in the letter, but as
Samuel Galton, and his son Samuel Galton, junior,
were the only two members of the meeting who
were gun-makers, it evidently referred to them.
Samuel Galton, senior, soon afterwards retired,
when Sampson Lloyd (the third) and two other
Friends were appointed to see Samuel Galton,
junior, upon the subject.
The Galtons had prospered greatly in the gun
trade, and until the year 1795 the meeting took
no official action with reference to those engaged
in the manufacture of arms. Samuel Galton and
Sampson Lloyd, well read in Barclay's Apology and
other writings of the early Friends, would know
what the testimony against war was, as expressed
by them. Isaac Pennington, for instance, express-
ing the views of himself and other Friends of his
time, says : "I speak not against any magistrate,
or people defending themselves against foreign
invasions, or making use of the sword to suppress
the violent and evil-doers in their borders ; for this
the present state of things may and doth require ;
and a great blessing will attend the sword when
it is borne uprightly."
" In these circumstances," writes C. D. Sturge,
"it is not wonderful that the Friends in Birming-
ham were very loath to proceed against such able
and respected members as the Galtons."
Sampson Lloyd and the other two Friends,
when they visited Samuel Galton on behalf of the
Society, were confronted with the argument that
they were going beyond the views formerly held
by members of the Society on the use of physical
force, as stated in Penn's Fundamental Constitu-
tions. In the first article Penn states, with regard
to physical force, "that both Christ did not use
force, and that He did not expressly forbid it in His
holy religion ; " but "perceiving the disorders and
mischiefs that attend those places where force
is used in matters of faith and worship," Penn
decided to disallow it in Pennsylvania. He wrote
as follows : " I do hereby declare for me and mine,
and establish it for the first fundamental of the
government of my country, that every person that
does or shall reside therein shall have and enjoy
the free possession of his or her faith and exercise
of worship towards God in such way and manner
as every person shall in conscience believe it to be
most acceptable to God."
In legal affairs very great weight is attached
to precedent ; and, up to the time of the present
generation, great weight has equally been attached
to precedent by the Society of Friends. In my
early days the views of George Fox, William
Penn, and Barclay, the author of the Apology,
were quoted as those by which their fellow-
members were bound for all time. It must not
therefore be considered an unallowable digression
if William Penn is thus referred to in connection
with Samuel Galton's appeal to the early views of
Sampson Lloyd would doubtless point out to
Samuel Galton that the views of the Society as to
the unlawfulness of war were identical with those
held by the earliest converts to Christianity in the
first and second centuries, and that the Society as
a body, as their official documents prove, had held
them continuously and consistently. He would be
able to remind him that the Friends in Pennsylvania
had remained true to their principles notwith-
standing times of great unsettlement and opposi-
tion to their views, and could instance 1764, when
a body of Presbyterian settlers from the north of
Ireland arriving in Pennsylvania were fiercely exas-
perated against all Indians and madly desirous
to avenge the sufferings which other settlers had
received at their hands. Their pastor, John Elder,
preached a militant Christianity to them from the
pulpit, with his loaded rifle by his side, and the
anger of these irate settlers having been thus
intensely aroused his subsequent endeavours to
restrain them were futile, and the Pennsylvania
Quakers who from time to time had helped the
Indians were told that if they defended them
"they would be murdered." Notwithstanding this
threat Galton would be told that the Friends in
Pennsylvania remained true to their principles ;
for in the autumn of that year, 1764, the yearly
meeting of Philadelphia wrote a long letter on the
subject to their London brethren ; and Sampson
Lloyd, who was twice clerk to the Friends' yearly
meeting in London,1 would have heard all about it.
One of the two Friends who accompanied
Sampson Lloyd in his interview with the able and
accomplished Samuel Galton was the great-grand-
father of .Alderman Baker of Birmingham ; the
other was Joseph Gibbins, the grandfather of
W. B. Gibbins of Ettington, near Stratford-on-
Avon. The interview resulted in Mr. Galton's
sending the following letter, which is such a clear,
1 In 1777, and again in 1782, the Yearly Meeting Epistle bears his
signature as clerk.
argumentative, and able statement, that I give it
in full :—
" I have been visited on the part of the Monthly Meeting
by my worthy Friends Sampson Lloyd, Samuel Baker and
Joseph Gibbins, whose candid and liberal conduct to me on
this occasion I acknowledge.
" My grandfather, afterwards my Uncle, then my father
and Uncle, and lastly my father and myself have been en-
gaged in this manufacture for a period of 70 years without
having before received any animadversion on the part of the
Society. I have been engaged in the business from the year
1777, and it was not till the year 1790 that the Minute (of
the Yearly Meeting) was made under which this process
against me is founded.
" I am convinced by my feelings and my reason that the
manufacture of arms implies no approbation of offensive war.
Will any person for a moment suppose that as a manufacturer
it is my object to encourage the principle or practice of war,
or that I propose to myself any other end than that which
all other commercial persons propose ; the acquisition of
property ? And although it is true that in too many instances
side arms are employed in offensive wars, yet it ought in
candour to be considered that they are equally applicable to the
purposes of defensive war, to the support of the Civil Power,
to the preservation of peace and the prevention of war. If
the arguments from the abuse are to be admitted against the
use, objections may be made against every institution.
" Is the farmer who sows barley, the brewer who makes
it into a beverage, the merchant who imports rum, or the
distiller who makes spirits, are they responsible for the in-
temperance, the disease, the vice, and misery which may ensue
from their abuse ? Upon this principle who would be innocent?
I know that there are certain texts from which some of our
Society have drawn literal inferences against all kinds of
" Permit me to enquire whether any of you carry the
literal interpretation into your own practice. When smitten
on one cheek, do you actually turn the other side ?
" Permit me to refer to the practice and the sentiments
of our predecessors; my grandfather, who was the first of
my family concerned in the manufacture of arms, and from
whom the trade has descended to me, was a convinced
Quaker; George Robinson, a Friend of this Meeting and
Son of Thomas Robinson, an approved minister long since
deceased, was bound apprentice to a gun-maker without any
censure from the Society. Samuel Spavold, a minister in
high esteem in the Society, worked many years in the King's
Yard, Chatham. Do not such of you as are concerned in
East India Stock, who subscribed to the loan, etc., as directly
and as voluntarily furnish the means of war as myself? Do
not all those who voluntarily and without being distrained
upon, pay the land tax and the malt tax which are voted and
levied from year to year expressly for the payment of the
army, as directly violate the principle you would enforce?
With respect to the taxes, it may be urged that the contribu-
tion is merely a compliance with the law; but can any of
you, my Friends, adduce this plea whilst you not only refuse
a compliance with the law, in the case of Tithes, but enjoin
that disobedience in others, unless indeed you suppose the
mode of the moral and religious instruction of the clergy to
be more criminal than war ?
"The censure and the laws of the Society against slavery
are as strict and decisive as against war. Now, those who
use the produce of the labour of slaves, such as Tobacco,
Rum, Sugar, Rice, Indigo and Cotton, are more intimately
and directly the promoters of the slave trade, than the
vendor of arms is the promoter of war, because the con-
sumption of these articles is the very ground and cause of
" If you carry speculative principles into strict and rigid
practice you will abstain not only from the consumption of
West India commodities, but from all commodities which are
taxed, especially from malt and wheat ; for you may be well
assured that every morsel of bread you eat and every cup
of beer you drink has furnished the resources for carrying
on this war, which you so justly censure. If you should
be so conscientious as to abstain from all these enjoyments
I shall have no reason to complain of any partiality in apply-
ing the same strict construction of principle against me. I
shall greatly admire the efficacy of your opinions, whilst I
lament that the practice of our predecessors is not followed ;
and if I should be disowned, I shall not think that I have
abandoned the Society, but that the Society has abandoned
its ancient, tolerant spirit and practice.
(Signed) "SAMUEL GALTON, junr."
This letter, being based on precedent rather
than upon religious principles, produced little
effect upon the meeting; so that on the loth of
the 8th month 1796 the monthly meeting issued
the following minute :—
" This Meeting in order for the clearing of our Society
from an imputation of a practice so inconsistent as that of
fabricating instruments for the destruction of mankind, thinks
it incumbent on them to declare him [Samuel Galton, jnr.] not
in unity with Friends, and hereby disowns him as a member
of our religious Society ; nevertheless we sincerely desire
that he may experience such a conviction of the rectitude
of our principles, and our practice correspondent therewith,
as may induce Friends to restore him again into unity with
Although thus disowned, Samuel Galton con-
tinued to attend the meeting till his death ; and
notwithstanding the views it officially held, as to
the trade by which his fortune had been acquired,
the meeting accepted from him afterwards a dona-
tion towards the purchase of the new burial-ground.
That the views of Samuel Galton were very similar
to those held by leading Friends at an earlier date
is shown by a document sent to Sampson Lloyd in
That physical force must be used in the pre-
servation of peace and order was the general view
of members of the Society of Friends with whom
I was brought up ; but one day early in 1858 when
Livingstone, then about forty years of age, was
about to start, on what I believe was his last visit
to Africa, that great philanthropist, Joseph Sturge,
with whom I, though so much younger, was on
very friendly terms, asked me to take tea with
him. I remember Richard Cobden was one of
the few also invited. In the course of conversa-
tion Livingstone was asked whether as a peaceable
man he carried weapons of defence, and he said
the only weapon he carried was his gun. Some one
present queried whether he ought to carry a gun,
when Livingstone replied that it was easy to say
so in a drawing-room at Edgbaston, but to go
alone among the natives in Africa without one was
a very different thing. When the natives saw that
he could bring down a bird useful for food by his
mysterious weapon, those not friendly to him felt
some awe ; otherwise what would happen would be
this : one would come near and touch him ; another,
seeing no harm resulted, would take something
from him ; others would then do the same, and
he would soon be deprived of everything of any
Joseph Sturge, who at the time was an ultra
peace man, was asked what he would do if, when
walking in the streets of Birmingham, some one
robbed him of his watch. Would he not give the
man in charge to the police and get his watch
back ? He, however, would not commit himself to
any decision. Further interesting conversation took
place, and the whole scene was so engraven on my
memory that I still retain a complete picture of
how they looked, and where they stood and con-
versed. This was twenty years after Joseph Sturge
had become celebrated by putting an end, in 1838,
to the apprenticeship system of slavery in the
West Indies, accomplishing the abolition of slavery
there — winning its extinction, as Lord Brougham
said, "off his own bat."
Referring to the subject of that scourge of the
human race, war, very much might be written upon
it, but all might be summed up in the apothegm
that " Offensive war is an offence against God and
man ; and that defensive war very often admits of
no defence."
War between Christian nations seems very far as
yet from becoming a thing of the past ; but if pro-
fessing Christian nations should decide to unite in
condemning it, and entered into a compact to settle
every dispute by referring it to an appointed tribunal
to adjudicate upon, agreeing that any recalcitrant
nation refusing to accept the decision of the arbi-
trators appointed should be cut off from all inter-
change of commodities with every other Christian
nation, and that all piratical dealing with the
offending country, or with any inhabitant of it,
should be punished by confiscation of property
and imprisonment for life ; why, then, there would
be a step in the right direction. But this is, of
course, the counsel of perfection. Who knows as
to the future ? A peaceable Napoleon of mighty
intellect might unexpectedly arise, able to convince
civilised mankind that there would be plenty of
scope left for their energies — in fact, more abun-
dant scope than ever. All those in Europe who
cannot dig and to beg would be ashamed, would
then cease to devote their lives to the profes-
sional slaughter of their fellow-men, chiefly fellow-
A few years ago an intelligent Hindoo visited
Birmingham, and I attended two of his addresses.
He begged us not to ask him or his co-religionists
to become Christians, for it would be abhorrent to
them to go forth to the ends of the earth, like
English Christians, to kill and destroy, with a Bible
in one hand and a weapon of destruction in the
other. This reminds me of George Dawson of
Birmingham, whose lectures I attended whenever
I could, and who was, I should think, the best
lecturer any Lloyd, or indeed any Birmingham
man, ever listened to. He was asked, when about
to lecture upon peace, what he was going to do
with the soldiers ? Do without them, he replied ;
adding that St. Paul, when he preached Christianity
at Ephesus, did not mourn over the shrine-makers
being thrown out of work. "I open," he said,
"the beautiful scroll of prophecy, and find that in
the latter days the sword shall be turned into a
ploughshare, the spear into a pruning-hook ; mean-
ing that men shall then study war no more. If
peace be the destined result of religion, how can
it be supposed to countenance war, which opposes
the realisation of that result? "
In December 1905 the present Prime Minister,
in an electioneering speech, said that as " the policy
of large armaments feeds the belief that force is the
best, if not the only solution of internal differences,
it becomes one of the highest tasks of the statesman
to adjust armaments to new and happier condi-
tions." This is a commendable sentiment with
which we may all agree ; but where are the states-
men of sufficient ability and power to induce
Europe to readjust to these unew and happier
Although Samuel Galton, junior, the friend of
the third Sampson Lloyd, and a leading citizen of
Birmingham, may be almost forgotten, it is but a
few years since his grandson, Douglas Galton,
addressed us in the Council House. I knew him
very well, and was present on the occasion when
without effort his clear voice, now silenced by
death, filled the Birmingham Council Chamber.
He surpassed even his grandfather in literary gifts,
and was long a leading member of the British
Association, with a whole string of initials after
his name signifying the different learned societies
to which he belonged. Whilst he thus became dis-
tinguished, Francis Galton, another grandson of
Samuel Galton, junior, published Hereditary Genius:
its Laws and Consequences^ giving" very many in-
stances of genius and ability derived, as he con-
tends in the book, from hereditary sources. He
continued his investigations in another book
entitled Human Faculty. His researches and
untiring diligence in collecting data seem clearly
to show that he at any rate inherited his grand-
father's thoroughness ; but he perhaps owes even
more to his mother's ancestors, her father being
the celebrated Erasmus Darwin, and the great
Charles Darwin thus being Dr. Galton's cousin.
Most of his works may be said to have followed
Darwinian lines of thought and research.
Dr. Galton, at the commencement of Here-
ditary Genius, expresses confidence that he can
show that a man's abilities are derived by inheri-
tance, under exactly the same limitations as the
whole of the rest of the organic world, so that by
judicious marriages it would be quite practicable to
produce a highly gifted race of men. He appears
to have derived these views from his predecessors,
who, like many others of the small select Society
of Friends, certainly held decided views as to
suitable marriages. An instance in illustration of
this may be given. The house and grounds of
Samuel Galton, junior, were described as enchant-
ing, and the occupants also were attractive. One
day, as he was leaving the house, he met a
doctor in the carriage - drive. The doctor had
come to court the daughter of the house, as Mr.
Galton knew. "Coming to see one of the ser-
vants?" he inquired of the undesirable suitor.
The hint was sufficient, and nothing came of the
Mr. Arthur Galton, M.A., of New College,
Oxford, for some years chaplain to the Bishop
of Ripon, but now a vicar in Lincolnshire, is a
great-grandson of the second Samuel Galton, and
the author of several books. His first, Urbana
Scripta : Studies of Five Living Poets, and other
Essays, appeared in 1885. This was followed in
1887 by a work entitled The Character and Times
of Thomas Cromwell /* in 1889 by another on Rome
and Romanising, and in 1902 by Our Attitude
towards English Roman Catholics. Mr. Galton for
a time belonged to the Roman communion, but
he now, while admiring many individuals in the
Church, speaks most unfavourably of the system.
His studies leading him to look into the past
history of the Jesuits, he contrasted their astute
and cynical methods very pointedly with the
spiritual campaign of Fox and Penn. In Our
Attitude towards English Roman Catholics he
writes as follows : —
"Toleration for all Protestant Dissenters was really won
by the Christian methods, the passive resistance, the un-
conquerable goodness, the orderly and blameless conduct of
the Society of Friends.
"The Great Battle, if we may venture so to describe it,
of George Fox and his disciples lasted about forty years.
13,000 Friends were imprisoned in Great Britain ; 322 of them
died in gaol; many were sold into slavery, and transported;
all were impoverished by fines, by damaged properties, and
by interrupted business. Nothing could overcome their in-
vincible patience. If they were ejected through the doors
of their Meeting, they climbed in again through the windows.
If the walls were pulled down, they meditated among the
"Against such Christians as these there could be no
effectual coercion. Their high principles, and their faultless
behaviour, gained the cause of Toleration, though at an heroical
expenditure of life and suffering. No bloodshed, however,
can be laid to their charge ; they planned no invasions, and
plotted no assassinations. They never slandered their foes
or their allies. They had no political ambitions, no lust
1 Cornish Brothers, Birmingham.
of power. They were soiled by no intrigues. Instead of
equivocating, they declined all oaths; and their affirmations
were inviolable.
"The early Friends stood for that which was honest,
simple, truthful, honourable, and worthy of the fullest con-
fidence in every sphere of human intercourse ; and, as a body,
the English Quakers have never forfeited that reputation. It
still remains to be won by several denominations of professing
Mr. Galton goes on to denounce the Jesuitical
system which, in the interests of the Papacy and
to get England for the Pope, was ready to instigate
the Armada and the Gunpowder Plot.
Another book by Mr. Arthur Galton has just
appeared, entitled The Appeal of the Anglican
Church. He is now at work on a study of Church
and State in France.
Samuel Galton, junior, I might add, died in
1832 at the age of seventy-nine. To the last he
wore a powdered wig and pigtail.
Thomas Lloyd in Mexico — A narrow escape — The Gentlemaris Maga-
zine on Charles Lloyd — A busy philanthropist — The translation of
Homer — Charles Lamb's opinions — A good passage — Lamb on
Mr. Lloyd's Odyssey — And on Horace — "To my Steward" — Some
anecdotes — A kindly father — Robert Lloyd's character-sketch of his
father — Arises Gazette on Mr. Lloyd — A determined friend — Eliza-
beth Fry— Mrs. Charles Lloyd— Welcome to Richard T. Cadbury.
AMONG the Birmingham representatives of the
Lloyds of Dolobran there is a Charles Lloyd
occupying a large place in local history whom we
have seen once or twice in connection with the
Lunar Society, and with the successful manage-
ment of the bank in moments of stress — Charles
Lloyd of Bingley, the fifth son of the second
Sampson Lloyd by his second wife. One of his
grandsons, the late Thomas Lloyd of the Priory,
Warwick (son of James Lloyd, Charles Lloyd's
second son), one day most energetically impressed
upon me, with the ardour characteristic of him when
he was most deeply moved, that his grandfather,
Charles Lloyd, was far away the greatest man the
Lloyd family had ever produced.
As he spoke he swayed his arms so energetically
that it reminded me of what happened to him once
in Mexico. A sentinel having behaved rudely to
him, he went instantly to complain to the officer of
the guard, but in making his complaint, his manner
was so vigorous and demonstrative that the sentinel,
who already was suspicious, came, rather naturally,
to the conclusion that the officer himself was being
threatened, insulted, or endangered, and incon-
tinently fired, the bullet going through Mr. Lloyd's
shoulder and narrowly missing his heart
In the family correspondence Charles Lloyd of
Bingley appears as Charles Lloyd the banker,
being thus distinguished from his eldest son,
Charles Lloyd the poet. His principal residence,
"Bingley House, Warwickshire," as it was then
called, afterwards Bingley Hall, was pulled down
in 1850 ; it is on its site that the annual cattle-show
is held. In 1849 Bingley Hall was used for an
Exposition of Arts and Manufactures, and I well
remember seeing the Prince Consort on his way to
it. The idea of the great Exhibition in Hyde Park
in 1851 is believed to have originated in his mind
when he was in Bingley Hall.
Perhaps the best way at this date to bring before
the reader the domestic merits and intellectual
activities of Charles Lloyd the banker is to print
an article on him in the Gentleman's Magazine in
March 1828 and then to enlarge a little upon that
" In the pursuit of any object of his attention, he suffered
no other to interfere with or distract it, and he possessed the
power of turning, after laborious investigations, with sur-
prising freshness to occupations requiring intellectual exertions
of a different nature. Few men, perhaps, so rich in resources,
had them so much at command. He embraced with prompt-
ness, and zealously prosecuted, whatever appeared to his
comprehensive mind conducive to the benefit of his species,
or the happiness of those connected with him. He was an
unwearied and able member of that body of philanthropists,
to whose persevering efforts Great Britain is indebted for
the removal of that foulest stain upon her annals — the Slave
Trade. Nor have his efforts ever slackened to aid the plans
proposed for the amelioration of the condition of the Negro
population of our dominions in the West Indies; and although
he wished for the trial of more moderate measures than those
proposed by many of the advocates for emancipation, yet
he generally concurred in the principles advocated in Parlia-
ment by his nephew, Mr. Buxton (afterwards Sir Thomas
Fowell Buxton (1786-1845)), and he always took the lead
on public occasions when this subject was brought forward
in Birmingham. A lover of peace and an admirer of the
constitution of his country, he deprecated, in common with
all the friends of humanity, the unwise measures which the
ministry of Lord North in 1775 were contemplating for
stifling opposition to its will in the North American colonies.
When all negotiation seemed fruitless, and the overbearing
conduct of the Minister had determined Dr. Franklin to
depart; when the horrors of civil war and the disunion of
the Empire seemed inevitable, Mr. Lloyd and his brother-
in-law, Dr. David Barclay, did not consider affairs so irre-
trievable as not to warrant another attempt at reconciliation.
After much persuasion and entreaty, Dr. Franklin yielded,
and he told his friends that, though he considered the attempt
hopeless, yet he could not resist the desire he felt, in common
with them, to preserve peace. Some minor concessions were
made by the Colonies at the suggestions of these gentlemen.
Lord North, as is known, was inexorable ; and the Envoy
returned from the conference, the last which a representative
from that country had with an English cabinet, until she sent
her plenipotentiary to treat as a Sovereign Republic. . . .
"What minds less energetic would have deemed studies
of no trifling nature, were allotted by Charles Lloyd for the
occupation of those hours which he considered set apart for
relaxation. His acquaintance with ancient and modern history
was accurate and extensive, and he read in several European
languages their works of note. Few men were better versed
in the Holy Scriptures, or more complete masters of their
contents. He could repeat from memory several entire Books
of the Old Testament and the greatest part of the New,
and was well versed in theological learning. But next to
the Scriptures, the classics were his favourite study. When
past sixty he commenced a translation of Homer, and executed
a faithful and agreeable version of the whole of the ' Odyssey/
and great part of the ' Iliad.' He also turned his attention
to Horace, translating several of the ' Epistles ' into easy
verse ; ' Virgil ' was very familiar to him ; his extraordinary
memory retained to the close of his life the whole of the
' Georgics ' and ' Bucolics/ The agreeable picture of farming
so beautifully portrayed in those inimitable descriptions of
pastoral life, induced him to take one of his estates into his
own hands, and for thirty years he farmed, under his own
inspection, nearly two hundred acres. [This was at Olton
Green.] One day in the week was at least devoted to this
pursuit, and the relaxation which this interesting employment
yielded him, contributed, in conjunction with temperance and
cheerfulness, to keep a naturally delicate constitution in health
and vigour to a late period of his life."
Charles Lloyd's son Charles, the poet, to whom
we come later, having many literary men among his
friends, they were asked to criticise Mr. Lloyd's
translations. Among others Charles Lamb, who
had stayed at Bingley in 1798, saw them and wrote
his opinions, extracts from which I quote from
Mr. Lucas's book, Charles Lamb and the Lloyds.1
Thus of the last book of the Iliad, which is all that
Charles Lloyd printed, Lamb wrote : —
" I received with great pleasure the mark of your remem-
brance which you were pleased to send me, the Translation
from Homer. You desire my opinion of it. I think it is
plainer and more to the purpose than Pope's, though it may
want some of his Splendour and some of his Sound. Yet
I do not remember in any part of his translation a series of
more manly versification than the conference of Priam with
Hermes in your translation (Lines 499 to 530), or than that
part of the reply of Achilles to Priam, beginning with the
fable of the Two Urns (in page 24); or than the Story of
Niobe which follows a little after. I do not retain enough
of my Greek (to my shame I say it) to venture at an opinion
of the correctness of your version. What I seem to miss,
and what certainly everybody misses in Pope, is a certain
savage-like plainness of speaking in Achilles — a sort of
indelicacy — the heroes in Homer are not half civilized, they
utter all the cruel, all the selfish, all the 'mean thoughts even
of their nature, which it is the fashion of our great men to
1 Published by Messrs. Smith, Elder & Co., to whom and to Messrs.
Macmillan I am indebted for permission to quote from Lamb's letters.
keep in. I cannot, in lack of Greek, point to any one place —
but I remember the general feature as I read him at school.
But your principles and turn of mind would, I have no doubt,
lead you to civilize his phrases, and sometimes to half christen
This is one of the passages which Lamb best
liked, the conference of Priam with Hermes : —
" The old man answer'd — ' If thou truly art
Of fierce Achilles' family a part,
Tell me, oh tell, if noble Hector lies
Still in the tent, depriv'd of obsequies ;
Or has Achilles in an evil hour,
Thrown him to dogs in piece-meal to devour ? '
The swift-wing'd messenger replied and said,
' Neither the vultures nor the dogs have made
A prey of Hector's corpse, which lies yet sound
Within the tent, neglected on the ground.
Twelve mornings now are past since he was slain,
But still the skin its freshness doth retain ;
The worms, which make of warriors dead a prey,
From this dead body have been kept away ;
Our chief, when morning brightens up the skies,
The noble Hector to his chariot ties,
And drags him round his dear Patroclus' tomb ;
But still the dead retains his youthful bloom :
The blood all washed away, no stains appear,
The numerous wounds are clos'd, the skin is clear ;
Thus round thy son, the care of heaven is spread,
It loved him living, and it guards him dead.'
These words reviv'd the aged king, who said,
' 'Tis right that sacrifice and gifts be paid
To the immortals, and the pious mind
Of noble Hector ever was inclin'd
To honour them, while here he drew his breath :
And hence have they rernember'd him in death.
Accept for all the kindness thou hast shown,
This golden cup, and keep it as thine own,
And if it please thee, with the gods' consent,
Conduct me safely to Achilles' tent.' "
The letter ends : —
" 1 wish you Joy of an Amusement which I somehow seem
to have done with. Excepting some Things for Children, I
have scarce chimed ten couplets in the last as many years.
Be pleased to give my most kind remembrances to Mrs. Lloyd ;
and please to tell Robert that my Sister is getting well, and
I hope will soon be able to take pleasure in his affectionate
Epistle. My Love also to Charles, when you write."
In 1809 Mr. Lloyd sent Lamb, in MS., the first
two books of the Odyssey. His critic writes :—
" I think of the two, I rather prefer the Book of the Iliad
which you sent me, for the sound of the verse; but the
difference of subject almost involuntarily modifies verse.
I find Cowper is a favourite with nobody. His injudicious
use of the stately slow Miltonic verse in a subject so very
different has given a distaste. Nothing can be more unlike
to my fancy than Homer and Milton. Homer is perfect
prattle, tho' exquisite prattle, compared to the deep oracular
voice of Milton. In Milton you love to stop, and saturate
your mind with every great image or sentiment; in Homer
you want to go on, to have more of his agreeable narrative.
Cowper delays you as much, walking over a Bowling Green,
as the other does, travelling over steep Alpine heights, where
the labour enters into and makes a part of the pleasure.
From what I have seen, I would certainly be glad to hear
that you continued your employment quite through the Poem :
that is, for an agreeable and honourable recreation to your-
self; though I should scarce think that (Pope having got the
ground) a translation in Pope's Couplet versification would
ever supersede his to the public, however faithfuller or in
some respects better. Pitt's Virgil is not much read, I
believe, though nearer to the Original than Dryden's. Perhaps
it is, that people do not like two Homers or Virgils — there
is a sort of confusion in it to an English reader, who has not a
centre of reference in the Original: when Tate and Brady's
Psalms came out in our Churches, many pious people would
not substitute them in the room of David's, as they call'd
Sternhold and Hopkins's. But if you write for a relaxation from
other sort of occupations I can only congratulate you, Sir,
on the noble choice, as it seems to me, which you have made,
and express my wonder at the facility which you suddenly
have arrived at, if (as I suspect) these are indeed the first
specimens of this sort which you have produced. But I
cannot help thinking that you betray a more practiced gait
than a late beginner could so soon acquire. Perhaps you have
only resumed, what you had formerly laid aside as interrupting
more necessary avocations.
" I need not add how happy I shall be to see at any time
what you may please to send me. In particular, I should be
glad to see that you had taken up Horace, which I think you
enter into as much as any man that was not born in his days,
and in the Via Longa or Flaminia, or near the Forum."
Mr. Lloyd, taking the hint, next attacked Horace
and sent Lamb the result. The reply came from
the India House on September 8, 1812 : —
"DEAR SIR, — I return you thanks for your little Book.
I am no great Latinist, but you appear to me to have very
happily caught the Horatian manner. Some of them I had
seen before. What gave me most satisfaction has been the
1 4th Epistle (its easy and Gentleman-like beginning, particu-
larly), and perhaps next to that, the Epistle to Augustus,
which reads well even after Pope's delightful Imitation of
it. What I think the least finish'd is the i8th Epistle. It
is a metre which never gave me much pleasure.1 I like your
eight syllable verses very much. They suit the Epistolary
style quite as well as the ten. I am only sorry not to find
the Satires in the same volume. I hope we may expect them.
I proceed to find some few oversights, if you will indulge
me, or what seem so to me, for I have neglected my Latin
(and quite lost my Greek) since I left construing it at School.
I will take them as I find them mark'd in order."
Here may be quoted the Epistle which best
pleased the critic — the Fourteenth : —
/'Steward of my woods and self-restoring farm,
(Despised by thee) which formerly was warm
With five bright fires — a place of some renown,
Which sent five Senators to Varia's town j
1 This is the metre : —
" If rightly I know thee, thou wilt not offend,
My Lollius, by flattery, the ears of a friend."
Let us contend, who is the most inclined,
I to pluck up the thorns which choak the mind,
Or thou the thorns which my estate molest ;
And whether Horace or his farm thrive best.
Lamia has lost his brother, and my grief
For him who mourns, despairing of relief,
Detains me here, tho' there my heart and soul
Bear me impatient of undue controul.
I call the country, thou the town-man blest ;
He hates his own, who others' lots likes best :
The place is blamed unjustly, for we find
That change of place can never change the mind ;
At Rome by others hurried here and there,
Thou for the country didst prefer thy prayer ;
My steward now, thy fickle heart resorts
Again to Rome, its bagnios, and its sports ;
While I, consistent with myself, pursue
One steady plan, and this thou know'st is true ;
And when by hateful business forced to move
To Rome, I leave with grief the farm I love :
Our inclinations differ — hence we see
That I and thou must ever disagree ;
For what thou calPst a wild deserted waste,
Exactly suits my own and others' taste.
Who hate what thou applaudest ; — filthy stews
And greasy taverns, suit thy low life views
Of city happiness. — A rural scene,
Where spices grow, not grapes, thou thinkest mean ;
No tavern near which can its wine supply ;
No dancing songsters to allure the eye
And charm the ear ; yet, if thy tale be true,
Thou dost not fail thy business to pursue ;
To plough my fallows overrun with weeds,
And strip the leaves on which my bullock feeds ;
To watch the river when the showers descend,
And currents rippling thro' the fields to tend.
Come now ; I'll tell thee why we disagree \
Fine clothes and hair perfumed delighted me.
Rapacious Cynara I once could please
Without a fee, with pleasantry and ease ;
In rich Falernian wine I took delight,
And often sat till very late at night ;
Now I eat little and but little drink,
I sleep delighted near the river's brink,
On the soft grass. — I can't recall the past,
But I should blush, did youthful follies last.
Safe in the country, there no envious spy
Views my possessions with a jaundiced eye ;
No biting slander and no secret hate
Approach the confines of my small estate ;
The clods and stones I carry from my ground,
My neighbours see me, and the smile goes round,
To sit with slaves is thy delight and pride,
At a large city table well supplied ;
With them thou wishest thy abode to fix,
And in their meals and merriment to mix ;
While my more active footboy longs to change
Places with thee, and o'er my fields to range ;
The flocks, the garden, and the wood heap'd fire,
Despised by thee, excite his fond desire ;
The lazy ox, the horse's trappings saw
With longing eye — the horse the plough would draw ;
But as in different stations they excel,
Each cheerfully should act his own part well."
The letter concluded : —
" Let me only add that I hope you will continue an
employment which must have been so delightful to you.
That it may have the power of stealing you occasionally from
some sad thoughts is my fervent wish and hope. Pray, Dear
Sir, give my kindest remembrances to Mrs. Lloyd, and to
Plumstead — I am afraid I can add no more who are likely
to remember me. Charles and I sometimes correspond. He
is a letter in my debt."
In her Memories of Old Friends, Caroline Fox,
of Penjerrick, Falmouth (whom I knew very well,
as her father's younger brother, Alfred Fox, became
my uncle, by marrying my aunt, Sarah Lloyd of
" Farm "), writes, on the 23rd of January 1840, that
Derwent Coleridge gave them some anecdotes at
breakfast of " the mild old (Quaker) banker Lloyd "
and his family. In reply to the question why he had
never translated the whole Iliad^ he said, " Why, I
have sometimes thought of the work, but I feared the
martial spirit." One day he sent his son to reprove
a shopkeeper for sending him a bad article. On
his return home he was asked, " Hast thou been to
the shop to reprove the dealer?" " Yes, father, I
went to the shop, but a maiden was serving, and she
was so young1 and pretty that I could not rebuke
her." To this may be added another anecdote. A
mother asking one of the banking Lloyds what she
should name her son, he said, " Name him Maker-
shalal-hashbaz [Haste to the spoil : quickly take
the prey], and I will give you ^100 when he is
twenty-one if you come to the bank for it." It is
told that she did come to the bank and claimed
the fulfilment of the promise, and was paid.
In his private relations Charles Lloyd is revealed
to us as a man of gentle manners and warm sym-
pathies, although for the taste of his more rebellious
sons he may perhaps have been a little too much
inclined to a patriarchal control. A fondness for
children — characteristic of the Lloyds — endeared
him to the young among his relatives. An
illustration of his parental sympathy and of his
attitude towards the problems of life is afforded
by a letter addressed to his sons Robert, Thomas,
and Plumstead, during their school days : —
" I have sent you [he writes] some paper, a spade, pencils,
and painting brushes, and a ' Virgil ' and ' Selecta/ &c., all
which you will, I hope, make a good use of. ... I observe
your request for fishing rods, but I do not wish you to be
too frequent in using them, for it is cruel to the poor worms,
who are put to great torture. I have not sent any rods,
thinking if your Master approves of your fishing now and
then that long Osier twigs will do as well as any rods. As
you have already plenty of books, I would have you be
diligent in reading them, for a few books well chosen and
frequently read are much better than a great number ill-
chosen. . . . Though you are very young, yet you are old
enough to know and consider that life is very uncertain, and
the Youth as well as the Old are often summoned to the
Silent Grave; but these reflections, my dear boys, have no
occasion to make you sorrowful, for if we do what is right,
Death can never come at an unsuitable time."
His son Robert, when twenty-three, wrote a
letter which is quoted by Lamb in a letter to
Southey. It is dated March 1803. " Robert
Lloyd," he says, " has written me a masterly
letter containing a character of his father. See
how different from Charles he views the old man ?
(Literatim) ' My father smokes, repeats Homer
in Greek, and Virgil, and is learning, when from
business, with all the vigour of a young man,
Italian. He is, really, a wonderful man. He
mixes public and private business, the intricacies
of disordering life, with his religion and devotion.
No one more rationally enjoys the romantic scenes
of Nature, and the chit-chat and little vagaries
of his children ; and, though surrounded with an
ocean of affairs, the very neatness of his most
obscure cupboard in the house passes not un-
noticed. I never knew any one view with such
clearness, nor so well satisfied with things as
they are, and make much allowance for things
which must appear Syriac to him.' By the last
[says Lamb] he means the ' Lloydisms ' of the
younger branches."
The following notice of Charles Lloyd's death
appeared in Aris's Gazette of January 21, 1828 : —
"On Wednesday last, in the 8oth year of his age,
Charles Lloyd, Esq., Banker of this town, a member of the
Society of Friends. His long and active life was marked
by great intelligence in business, unaffected piety, and zealous
exertions to promote the welfare of his fellow creatures.
How often has his simple but impressive eloquence been
heard amongst us, pleading the cause of the oppressed
African, advocating the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures, and
promoting the education of the people ! For the prosperity
of the General Hospital he always manifested deep interest,
and aided it by his personal exertions. As Treasurer, he
kept the accounts with his own hand during a period of thirty
years. In public subscriptions he set a generous example,
and in private charity he was most bountiful and kind.
Cheerfulness and piety were mingled in his character with
a simplicity truly patriarchal. Strict and conscientious in
his own conduct, he manifested a Christian and benevolent
spirit in regard to others ; and whilst he endeavoured to act
up to the principles of the Society in which he was educated,
he felt unbounded love and charity, and prayed for the
prosperity of all denominations of Christians. To a very
numerous family he was ever a most affectionate father,
counsellor and friend, — setting them the example of a religious
life and conversation ; and reaping, during seasons of great
trial and affliction, the divine consolations of his Lord and
Master. Hopeful unto the end, he showed his mournful
friends with what peace a Christian can die ! "
A beautiful marble bust of Charles Lloyd was
placed in the General Hospital as a memorial of
his services to that Institution. It bears this
inscription : —
To the end of his life Charles Lloyd was in
the habit of regularly attending the meetings of
Friends. His voice was not infrequently heard in
brief and pointed exhortation, and for many years
before his death he was one of the recorded
ministers of the Society. A volume of his ad-
dresses, as they were taken down by one of his
interested relatives, is preserved in manuscript by
a member of his family. He assisted in the for-
mation of the Bible Society, and with his nephew
Samuel (grandfather of the writer), also assisted
in founding in Birmingham the Society's first pro-
vincial auxiliary.
Mr. Lloyd, although a strict Friend, was yet
sufficiently broad-minded and imaginative to allow
his son Charles to become a pupil of Cole-
ridge. This was in 1791, after Coleridge had
visited Birmingham to obtain subscriptions to the
The celebrated Elizabeth Fry was one of the
many visitors at Charles Lloyd's house, and felt
herself sufficiently related to call him cousin. She
greatly valued his friendship, and found, like his
other congenial acquaintances, that his high cul-
ture and ardent piety formed a combination which
made converse with him a pleasure to the mind
and a feast to the heart. Twelve years after his
death she was a guest again at Bingley House,
and during this visit she came to "Farm" and I
saw her several times.
Mary Farmer, his wife, proved herself a partner
worthy of such a husband, and won love and
veneration from those of her children whom she
had the most reason to chide. "The kindest and
tenderest mother," wrote her eldest son Charles,
after her death. "She was humble," he added,
"even to profound self-abasedness : disinterested,
even to nobility of soul : and self-denying, and
devout, to a degree which those who give the
preference to the active over the passive virtues
would call ascetic and mystical : but with all this
rigidity and austerity, as respected herself, she
was of all human beings (and in many striking
instances she evinced this), the most disposed to
extenuate the failings of the inconsistent, to check
the despair of the culpable, and to wipe the tear
of shame and penitence from the cheek of the
victim to ' the sin which most easily besetteth
him.' This, as many can testify, is not panegyric,
but plain and unvarnished truth."
Mrs. Lloyd shared with her husband and her
sons Charles and Robert the privilege of the
friendship of Charles Lamb. Writing to Robert
from London on March i, 1800, she says: "If
C. Lamb pays his respects I wish it might be
some morning at breakfast. ... I hardly think
we shall have one vacant day." She had taken
her second daughter, Olivia, to London with her.
Lamb writes a fortnight later to Thomas Manning :
"Tell Charles I have seen his Mamma, and have
almost fallen in love with her, since I mayn't with
Olivia. She is so fine and graceful, a complete
matron-lady-quaker. She has given me two little
books. Olivia grows a charming girl — full of
feeling, and thinner than she was ; but I have not
time to fall in love." l
Mrs. Charles Lloyd died on December 9, 1821,
her husband surviving her seven years.
Before leaving the Bingley House banker, I
might recall the interesting fact that Richard T.
Cadbury, father of John Cadbury, the founder of
the great Bournville business, when he came to
Birmingham from Exeter in 1794, dined, on the
first Sunday after his arrival, with Charles Lloyd at
Edgbaston Street (it was just before the move to
Bingley), and on the second Sunday with Sampson
Lloyd. He was then twenty-six : he lived to be
ninety-two. It was a good day for Birmingham
when Richard Cadbury settled there, and I am glad
to think that he was so warmly welcomed by Charles
and Sampson Lloyd.
1 She married Paul Moon James, of Wake Green, a banker in Birming-
ham, a Justice of the Peace for Worcestershire and in 1834 High Bailiff
of Birmingham. Mr. James died on July 13, 1854, and his wife in the
following December, in her seventy-second year.
An unwilling banker — Advice to a young brother — S. T. Coleridge
appears in Birmingham — Philosopher and neophyte — Bristol and
Nether Stowey — First mental illness — Charles Lloyd visits Charles
Lamb — A falling out of friends — Thomas Manning — Lloyd marries
— At Old Brathay — De Quincey's testimony — Shelley — Troublous
years — London and Macready — Lloyd as a poet — Lloyd's children —
"Lile Owey" — Hartley Coleridge's poem
CHARLES, the eldest son of Charles Lloyd of
Bingley, born in 1775, became known as Charles
Lloyd the poet. He was, to quote Mr. Lucas's
truthful summing- up of his character in his book,
Charles Lamb and the Lloyds, "a contemplative,
self-conscious, sensitive youth, afflicted with nervous
weakness. He had much of the Lake Poets' de-
light in scenery ; he was a profoundly interested
inquirer into ethical questions ; he would examine
an emotion with almost more assiduity than his
master Rousseau himself ; and quite early he
ceased to subscribe to the teaching of Friends."
Quaker families, even in those days, now and then
produced such exotics.
The worthy banker, who was as earnest in his
business as he was enthusiastic in his studies,
cherished the hope that his eldest son, the bearer
of his name, would succeed him in the management
of the bank. Charles*' was accordingly placed in
the bank on leaving school early in the seventeen
nineties, where he seems for a time conscientiously
to have endeavoured to gratify his father's wish ;
but daily office-work was intolerable drudgery, and
in 1794 his health gave way. His enforced leisure
appears to have been accompanied with reflections
which convinced him that whatever success might
await him it did not lie in the realm of business.
To this conclusion his father, with a grief which
was often expressed, seems at last to have agreed.
On his recovery, the youth therefore went to
Edinburgh with some idea of studying medicine.
But in 1795 he was living with Wordsworth's friend,
Thomas Wilkinson (Wordsworth's " Wilkinson of
the spade"), at Yanwath. There he produced his
first volume of poems. Wilkinson wrote of him,
" He has a poetical turn, and writes most beautiful
The serious side of his character in early life,
as well as a lack of humour, is seen in his letters
to his brother Robert, three years his junior. He
writes in 1794, when he was but nineteen : " Do not
give way to useless speculation. I advise you
particularly to read Rousseau's Emilius^ in French
if you can. . . . Do not attend to the intricacies
of sectarian peculiarities ; be a good man, retain
a pure heart, but oh ! avoid alike the Quaker
and the Libertine, the Methodist and the Atheist."
Robert at that time was an apprentice to a draper
at Saffron Walden.
The turning-point in the literary life of the
young poet seems to have been the visit of Samuel
Taylor Coleridge to Birmingham in 1796, full of
enthusiasm and eloquence. When Coleridge came
again, a few months later, the youth passed com-
pletely under his influence. " He desired," as
Mr. Lucas tells us, " with all his soul to live the
exalted existence of a philosopher and poet ; and
already having written a number of sonnets of
a meditative and melancholy cast, forswore the
paternal creed, and passed through a stage of
acute Rousseauism ; he was perhaps entitled to his
dream. And to Coleridge, who was but two years
his senior, the young Birmingham visionary looked
to help him to the fulfilment of his dream."
Coleridge was equally in love with his new-
found disciple, and a proposal from Charles to live
with him as his pupil and friend proved to be as
agreeable as it was flattering. Mr. Lloyd was
willing, and the experiment began. Coleridge
responded to his young admirer's advances in a
poem describing the delights of their projected
companionship —
" Ah ! dearest youth ! it were a lot divine
To cheat our noons in moralising mood,
While west-winds fann'd our temples toil-bedew'd."
And Lloyd, in a poem which appears to have been
written at the same period, and which was after-
wards published in the joint volume by himself,
Coleridge, and Lamb (1797), exclaimed—
" My Coleridge ! take the wanderer to thy breast."
While staying with the Lloyds in September
1796 Coleridge received the announcement that
on September 19 a son, afterwards famous as
Hartley Coleridge, had been born to him. He
hastened home. Charles Lloyd accompanied him,
and became for a time a member of the family,
first at Bristol and then at Nether Stowey.
Coleridge's gifted daughter, Sara, wrote after-
wards : " My mother has often told me how amiable
Mr. Lloyd was as a youth ; how kind to her little
Hartley ; how well content with cottage accom-
modation ; how painfully sensitive in all that
related to the affections.1'
The intimacy between the two young poets
ripened fast. On September 24 Coleridge wrote
to his friend Thomas Poole : " Charles Lloyd wins
upon me hourly ; his heart is uncommonly pure,
his affections delicate, and his benevolence en-
livened but not sicklied by sensibility. He is
assuredly a man of great genius ; but it must be
tete-a-tete to one whom he loves and esteems that
his colloquial powers open." With this letter
Coleridge enclosed two sonnets written at Bir-
mingham by Lloyd, who in them credited his new
mentor with having convinced him of the truth of
Christianity, "for he had been, if not a deist, yet
quite a sceptic."
The elder Lloyd seems to have had no mis-
givings as to the influence of Coleridge upon his
son. In announcing to Robert Charles's departure,
he writes of Coleridge as " a very sensible religious
man and an extraordinary poet, who was educated
for a clergyman, but for conscience' sake declined
that office. Thou mayst, " he adds, "order Cole-
ridge's poems of the bookseller at S. Walden."
Coleridge meanwhile, in a letter to Mr. Lloyd,
dated October 15, 1796, wrote: "Your son and I
are happy in our connection — our opinions and
feelings are as nearly alike as we can expect : and
I rely upon the goodness of the All-good that we
shall proceed to make each other better and wiser.
Charles Lloyd is greatly averse from the common
run of society — and so am I — but in a city I could
scarcely avoid it. And this, too, has aided my
decision in favour of my rustic scheme. We shall
reside near a very dear friend of mine, a man
versed from childhood in the toils of the garden
and the field, and from whom I shall receive every
addition to my comfort which an earthly friend and
adviser can give."
From the Original Drawing (see Appendix IV. p. 236*).
By permission of Messrs. T. C. & E. C. JACK.
The "Cottage with half a dozen acres of land,
in an enchanting situation near Bridgewater," was
at Nether Stowey, and the friend was Thomas
Poole.1 The elder Lloyd fell in with Coleridge's
plans ; the arrangement being that Charles was
to pay ;£8o a year for board, lodgings, and in-
It is probable that there was little of systematic
study at Nether Stowey. But Charles gained all
he wished for — and perhaps more — in the com-
panionship of a kindred mind and the stimulus of
a gifted fellow-worker in the field of poetry. While
at Bristol he produced a folio volume in memory of
his grandmother, Poems on the Death of Priscilla
Farmer^ to which Coleridge wrote the introductory
sonnet, and Coleridge's old schoolfellow and present
correspondent, Charles Lamb, then at the India
House, contributed "The Grandam."
A tendency to melancholy foreshadowing the
affliction which clouded Charles Lloyd's later years,
and settled upon him permanently towards the close
of his life, seems to have engaged the solicitude of
his friend. Coleridge addressed to Lloyd about
this time a poem adjuring him to cease self-pity,
and to seek escape from it in sympathy with those
who had cause to mourn.
" Know (and the truth shall kindle thy young mind)
What Nature makes thee mourn, she bids thee heal."
His fears were justified by an illness of which
he writes to the father, under date November 14,
1796. Charles's health, he states, is so "unsatisfy-
ing" as to shut out anything but amusement. " I
chose Dr. Beddoes," he explains, "because he is a
philosopher, and the knowledge of mind is essentially
1 At the moment that I write a project to purchase this cottage for
the nation is before the public.
requisite in order to the well-treating of your son's
This was the beginning of a series of illnesses
which were to cloud Charles Lloyd's life till the
end, and reduce to a great extent his undoubted
mental gifts to powerlessness.
"It is not surprising," says Mr. Lucas, "with
Charles Lloyd in such a state and his own move-
ments so impeded by domestic responsibilities and
want of money, that Coleridge should wish to free
himself from his undertaking with regard to his
disciple." He therefore wrote to Charles Lloyd,
senior, on December 4, 1796, suggesting a new
arrangement, under which the younger Lloyd was
to occupy a room in the cottage "as a Lodger and
a Friend." "He had mentioned," he states, "to
Charles, the circumstances which rendered his
literary engagement impracticable." "I never
dreamt," he adds, "that he would have desired to
continue with me : and when at length he did
manifest such a desire, I dissuaded him from it.
But his feelings became vehement, and it would
have been as little prudent as humane in me to
have given an absolute refusal. Will you permit
me, Sir ! to write of Charles with freedom ? I do
not think he ever will endure, whatever might be
the consequences, to practise as a physician, or
to undertake any commercial employment."
Agriculture, the poet concludes, might prove
congenial to his young friend. " I think you could
wish nothing better for him than to see him married,
and settled near yoti as a farmer. I love him, and
do not think he will be well or happy till he is
married and settled."
Charles Lloyd's desire to remain with the
Coleridges was granted. He spent Christmas at
home, and early in 1796 joined his friends, who had
in the meantime removed from Bristol to Nether
So far, Lloyd had known Lamb only through
Coleridge. In January 1797 he visited Lamb in
London. That the impression he made upon "the
gentle Elia" was favourable is proved by Lamb's
letters to Coleridge, in which he welcomed the
young man into the literary companionship which
was to be signalised by the publication of a joint
volume of poems. To this volume Lamb contri-
buted some verses, "To Charles Lloyd, an unex-
pected visitor." One or two extracts will serve
better than anything else to show how instantly
Lamb was captivated.
11 Alone, obscure, without a friend,
A cheerless, solitary thing,
Why seeks my Lloyd the stranger out ?
What offering can the stranger bring ?
For this gleam of random joy
Hath flush'd my unaccustomed cheek ;
And, with an o'er-charged bursting heart,
I feel the thanks I cannot speak.
Long, long, within my aching heart
The grateful sense shall cherished be ;
I'll think less meanly of myself,
That Lloyd will sometimes think on me."
"Lamb," says Mr. Lucas, "was much in the
shadow of the tragedy of the year before, and
needed a mind as serious and sympathetic as
Charles Lloyd's to sympathise with him : l and
their nearness in age — only two days separated
them : both would be two-and-twenty in the fol-
lowing month — was an additional bond. Lloyd's
spiritual life, in spite of his youth, had been fully
1 It was in 1796 that his sister, in a fit of insanity, had taken her
mother's life.
lived, and though he lacked nimbleness, flexibility,
fun, he was possessed of rare intellectual gifts,
which at that time were more to Lamb's taste
than humorous quickness. It is probable that
the two friends spoke more of conduct than of
Charles Lloyd wrote some time afterwards to
his brother Robert : "I left Charles Lamb very
warmly interested in his favour, and have kept up
a regular correspondence with him ever since ; he
is a most interesting young man." The corre-
spondence with Lamb unfortunately has not been
preserved. Lloyd is believed to have preserved all
the letters, but after his death they were burned
by his son Grosvenor. Only three or four remain,
and these are not of the best.
In 1797, shortly after the publication of the
volume of poems by the three friends, Lloyd left
Coleridge and returned to Birmingham. His
health had again failed and unsettlement had
grown upon him. "You will pray with me,"
wrote Lamb, "for his recovery, for, surely, Cole-
ridge, an exquisiteness of feeling like this must
border on derangement."
In September 1797, in a poem by Lamb on the
anniversary of his mother's death, which was sent
to Coleridge, there are references to his friendship
for Lloyd, and to the latter's affliction :—
" I thought on Lloyd —
All he had been to me . . .
I pray not for myself. I pray for him
Whose soul is sore perplexed. Shine Thou on him,
Father of lights ! and in the difficult paths
Make plain his way before him."
Referring to a coldness that had arisen between
Lloyd and Coleridge, Lamb writes: "You use
Lloyd very ill, never writing to him. I tell you
From a Drawing.
again that his is not a mind with which you should
play tricks. He deserves more tenderness from
you." This coldness in part arose from Lloyd, in
his novel, Edmund Oliver, having made use of
experiences and incidents in Coleridge's life when
he was a private soldier. But there is no doubt
also that with too much trust in other people's
discretion, he had unwisely let his tongue play
around the home-life at Nether Stowey and certain
weaknesses of S. T. C. — so much to Coleridge's
disapproval that what had begun as a coldness soon
developed into a real quarrel and breach. For a
while Lamb's sympathy was with Charles Lloyd,
but he came to see that new friendships must not
injure old ones, and he arid Coleridge were recon-
ciled. The story may be read at some length in
Charles Lamb and the Lloyds. I prefer to say no
more of it here.
In 1799 Charles Lloyd unwittingly performed a
signal service to literature. He had settled at Cam-
bridge, whither Lamb came to see him, and while
his guest there was introduced to Thomas Manning,
Lloyd's mathematical tutor. To Thomas Manning
Lamb indited some of his best letters ; and he it
was who furnished the Chinese story which sug-
gested to Lamb his Dissertation on Roast Pig.
Robert Lloyd, Charles's brother, also became a
friend and correspondent of Manning.
It was during his residence at Cambridge that
Charles Lloyd married. He had long found it
impossible to remain insensible to the charms of
Sophia, daughter of Samuel Pemberton of Birming-
ham. But alas ! she happened to be outside the
very select few his parents would have chosen for
him. His mind was strangely uncertain even here,
for having once gone so far as to make her an
offer in a letter, thinking it premature he hired a
post-chaise, overtook the mail, and got it back
again. Not only had he difficulties with his own
parents to overcome, but, according to De Quincey,
Miss Pemberton's parents discouraged the young
man's attentions. He had at one time even de-
vised a plan for carrying her off by force, with the
assistance of no less reputable a person than
Robert Southey ; but this very poetical enterprise
fell through. Parental obstacles being overcome,
the marriage took place on February 12, 1799,
and, through Robert, Lamb sent to Charles his
" warmest wishes for his and Sophia's happiness."
Lloyd continued to write poetry when his health
allowed. He contributed, in 1799, to the Annual
Anthology, edited by Southey for the publisher
Cottle (with whom Lamb, Lloyd, and Coleridge
had already been associated), four poems, one of
them Lines to a Brother and Sister (Robert and
In the summer of 1802 he went to live at Old
Brathay. Coleridge, too, had taken up his residence
in the Lake District, and though he had declared
that he would not call upon Lloyd, the association
was patched up for a time, through the influence,
it is believed, of Dorothy Wordsworth. Amongst
others, Sir Walter Scott was one of Lloyd's friends,1
and with the poet Wordsworth he became very
intimate. The intercourse with Lamb also seems
to have been more or less renewed. Robert Lloyd
writes of him in March 1803 : " Charles has become
steady as a Church, and as straightforward as a
Roman road. It would distract him to mention
anything that was not as plain as sense ; he seems
to have run the whole scenery of life, and now rests
at the formal precision of non-existence."
1 The acquaintance probably commenced during his stay in Edinburgh
in 1794.
The records of the life at Old Brathay are
meagre. When he was well he was a happy man ;
but under his afflictions he was in the depths of
despair. Dr. Garnett, writing in the Dictionary of
National Biography, says that his fits of gloom
bore a curious likeness to those which depressed
Cowper. But during his less troubled periods
Lloyd's condition had little resemblance to those
of the recluse of Olney. His house was noisy
with children, to whom he was a loving and
solicitous parent ; his wife was ever at his side ;
members of his family continually paid him visits,
and in the neighbourhood he had many friends.
His tastes were simple, walking, with long pauses
for the contemplation of scenery, gardening, read-
ing, and conversation at high pressure — these were
his favourite beguilements. According to De
Quincey, Lloyd's house was at one time a centre
of gaiety. Many dinner-parties were given, at
which he was an admirable host, and there were
even dances, in which, though he took no part,
he found much pleasure.
The Old Brathay cottage numbered among
its visitors, in addition to the Wordsworths, the
Southeys, "Christopher North" (Professor John
Wilson), Jane Penny (afterwards his wife), Dr.
Watson (Bishop of Llandaff), Miss Watson, his
daughter (with whom Charles Lloyd corresponded
in French), and De Quincey. By the last named
Charles Lloyd is thus described :—
"Lloyd could not, in candour, be considered a common
man. Common ! He was a man never to be forgotten. He had
in conversation the most extraordinary powers of analysis of a
certain kind applied to the philosophy of manners, and the
most delicate nuances of social life, and his translation of
Alfieri, together with his own poems, show him to have been
an accomplished scholar. He was tall and somewhat clumsy
— not intellectual so much as benign and conciliatory in his
expression of face. His features were not striking, but they
expressed great goodness of heart ; and latterly wore a depre-
catory expression that was peculiarly touching to those who
knew its cause. ... It was really a delightful luxury to hear
him giving free scope to his powers for investigating subtle
combinations of character ; for distinguishing all the shades
and affinities of some presiding qualities, disentangling their
intricacies, and balancing, antithetically, one combination of
qualities against another."
For Mrs. Lloyd De Quincey had a great
admiration and respect. He declared her to be
"unsurpassed as wife and mother"; and her ap-
pearance, he said, "reminded him of Mrs. Jordan,
the actress."
" Lloyd appreciated Pope," wrote Hartley
Coleridge, "as rightly as any man I ever knew,
which I ascribe partly to his intelligent enjoyment
of French writers, tempered as it was with reve-
rent admiration of the greater English." Charles
Lloyd's wife, he added, "was one of the best
of women."
Shelley was among those upon whom Lloyd's
subtle mind exercised a strong fascination. Re-
ferring to Lloyd's copy of Berkeley's works, which
he borrowed through Southey, while on a visit to
the Lake District, he wrote in 1819, to Leigh
Hunt: "I remember observing some pencil notes
in it, probably written by Lloyd, which I thought
particularly acute. One especially struck me as
being the assertion of a doctrine of which even
then I had long been persuaded. . . . ' Mind
cannot create ; it can only perceive.' '
In the spring of 1818, Lloyd, leaving his wife
and children for a time in the north, paid a visit
to London, when the gloom which had settled
upon his spirit began to break. Macready, in his
Reminiscences, tells of the receipt of an unsigned
letter of gratitude and a sonnet of appreciation.
The sonnet a year or two later came to him
again in a presentation volume of poetry, and
Macready then knew that the author was Charles
Lloyd. The unsigned letter told Macready that
his performance as Rob Roy, in the play of Rob
Roy McGregor, had caused the writer the first
gush of tears that had come to him for years, with
which restoration of sensibility came a renewal of
mental health and activity.
His London life at this period brought him
the acquaintance of, among others, Hazlitt, Leigh
Hunt, Procter ("Barry Cornwall"), Godwin and
his wife (Mary Wollstonecraft), Joanna Baillie, Mrs.
Barbauld, and Miss Aikin. The first public indica-
tion of his renewed literary activity was the issue of
Nugce Canorce, in which were included some of his
earlier poems and some new ones. It was dedicated
to his wife. It was not remarkable, yet was well
reviewed, notably by " Christopher North" in Black-
wood. Coleridge's copy, with his very characteristic
pencillings in the margin, is in the British Museum.
Nothing that Charles Lloyd wrote, it may be
said here, has passed into the language, and his
poems are rarely seen now, either in their own
volumes or in anthologies ; but his intellect was
a very curious one, and his work was always
marked by sincerity. His metaphysical tendency
led Lamb to make the amusing but not unilluminat-
ing comment that his poetry could not be read
u standing on one leg." Dr. Garnett's criticism
in the Dictionary of National Biography may be
quoted : —
"Lloyd cannot be ranked among good poets, but his
writings are the reflection of an interesting personality. De
Quincey compares him with Rousseau, whom he certainly re-
sembles in sentimental pensiveness and intense love of nature.
As a descriptive poet he has considerable merit, and exhibits
that gift of minute observation so frequently found combined
with powers of mental analysis. His poetry, however, is
mainly subjective, and monotonous from the writer's continual
self-absorption. His versification is frequently worse than
inharmonious, and his diction so prosaic as to evince that
his power of expression bore no proportion to his power of
thought. His best poem is Desultory Thoughts in London,
which contains, with other good passages, a beautiful descrip-
tion of his home in Westmoreland, and deeply felt though
poorly composed eulogies on Lamb and Coleridge. His
abilities as a thinker were highly estimated by those who
knew him intimately. ' It was really a delightful luxury/
declares De Quincey, ' to hear him giving free scope to his
powers for investigating subtle combinations of character.'
* His mind/ says Talfourd, ' was chiefly remarkable for a fine
power of analysis. In this power of discriminating and dis-
tinguishing, carried almost to a pitch of painfulness, Lloyd has
scarcely been equalled.' "
In 1822 Lloyd's literary career had reached its
climax. In that year he published The Duke of
Ormond, a Tragedy, and Isabella, a Tale, with the
poem, Desultory Thoughts in London. In 1823
the shadow of his affliction returned, never again
to depart. He took up his abode in France, and
on January 16, 1839, a month before his sixty-
fourth birthday, he passed away. The wife who
had tenderly watched him did not long survive him.
She died at Versailles, August 7, 1839, at the age
of fifty-three.
Of her nine children, eight survived her. One
of the sons became the Rev. Owen Lloyd, Vicar of
Langdale. Edward, another of the sons, wrote a
pamphlet addressed to Sir G. C. Lewis, M.P., and
was manager of the National Provincial Bank in
Birmingham with Henry Rotton. He was then
promoted to the N.B. Bank, Liverpool, and after-
wards founded the stockbroking business in
Copthall Court which was successfully carried
on by the late Charles Arthur Lloyd. From the
daughter Agatha was descended, among others,
Mr. Stephen Phillips, who has achieved fame as the
author of Christ in Hades and Marpessa, and who,
by virtue of his Herod, Paolo and Francesa, and
Nero, is now recognised as the leading English
poetical dramatist.
Let me end this chapter with a few words about
Owen Lloyd, Charles Lloyd's son, who entered
the Church, became incumbent of Langdale, in the
Lake Country, and was there the darling of his
parishioners, who knew him affectionately as " Lile
Owey" — Little Owen. Owen Lloyd brought
happiness to others, but after his boyhood knew
little himself, having inherited too much of his
father's temperament. Early in life he had suffered
a love disappointment, from which he never rightly
recovered. Wordsworth, who was his firm friend
throughout, addressed to him, in 1826, the remon-
strance beginning, " Ere with cold beads of midnight
dew," ending with the rally, "A Briton, even in
love, should be a subject, not a slave." But it was
in vain : Owen Lloyd began to display a grievous
tendency to religious melancholia. By Words-
worth's advice he moved from Langdale to more
exacting pastoral work at Whitwick, in order to
divert his mind. In a while the experiment was
successful, and then Owen Lloyd gave way. He
died in 1841, and was carried to Langdale to be
buried in the churchyard there.
Charles Lloyd and Coleridge being doomed to
misunderstanding, it is the more pleasant to think
upon the trusting friendship which these two gentle
and melancholy sons, Owen Lloyd and Hartley
Coleridge, enjoyed from boyhood onwards. Both
Wordsworth and Hartley wrote poems on Lile
Owey's death. Hartley wrote also this touching
" Schoolfellow's Tribute," which was circulated in
leaflet form among Lile Owey's friends and is prized
in Lake Country cottages to this day : —
" I was a comrade of his childish days,
And then he was to me a little boy,
My junior much, a child of winning ways —
His every moment was a throb of joy.
Fine wit he had — and knew not it was wit,
And native thoughts before he dreamed of thinking ;
Odd sayings too for each occasion fit,
To oldest sights the newest fancies linking.
And his the hunter's bounding strength of spirit,
The fisher's patient craft and quick delight
To watch his line — to see a small fish near it —
A nibble ah ! what extacy ! a bite.
Years glided on, a week was then a year —
Fools only say that happy hours are short ;
Time lingers long on moments that are dear,
Long is the summer holiday of sport.
But then, our days were each a perfect round—
Our farthest bourne of hope and fear — To-day.
Each morn — To-night appeared the utmost bound,
And let the morrow — be whate'er it may.
But on the morrow he is in the cliff —
He hangs midway the falcon's nest to plunder :
Behold him sticking like an ivy leaf
To the tall rock — he cares not what is under.
I traced with him the narrow winding path
Which he pursued, when upland was his way ;
And then I wondered — what stern hand of wrath
Had smitten him that wont to be so gay.
Then would he tell me of a woful weight —
A weight laid on him by a Bishop's hand, —
That late and early, early still and late,
He could not bear, and yet could not withstand.
Of holy thoughts he spoke, and purpose high
Dead in his heart, and yet like spectres stirring ;
Of Hope that could not either live or die,
And Faith confused with self-abhorred demurring.
How beautiful the feet that from afar
Bring happy tidings of eternal good ;
Then kiss the feet that so bewildered are —
They cannot farther go, where fain they would.
I saw his coffin — 'twas enough. I saw
That he was gone — that his deep wound was healed.
No more he struggles betwixt faith and law,
The fulness of his bliss is now revealed.
He rests in peace ; in Langdale's peaceful vale
He sleeps secure beneath the grassy sod.
Ah no, he doth not — he hath heard ' All hail,
Thou faithful servant,' from the throne of God."
Charles Lamb's letter of advice — Duty to parents — A mother's letter —
A runaway — Charles Lloyd of Bingley in London — Lamb on
marriage — Robert Lloyd marries — A determined bachelor — Robert
Lloyd in London — Literary society — A glimpse of Charles and Mary
Lamb at home — Robert Lloyd's death — Lamb's memoir of him
ROBERT, the third son of Charles Lloyd the banker,
though he did not share his brother's literary power,
affords an interesting study. His comparatively
early death cut short an intellectual expansion that
was proceeding apace under the fostering influences
of Charles Lamb and other eminent men in the
literary circle to which his brother Charles had
introduced him. It is through Lamb's letters that
we get the most picturesque glimpses of Robert's
character. Robert would not have lived in vain
if he had done nothing more than give occasion
for these letters. Lamb adds to his claims upon us
by the patience and insight shown in his dealings
with the wayward youth, helping him to a better
knowledge of his own capabilities, and of the moral
and intellectual worth of the father, towards whom
at one time he seemed disposed to play the rebel.
Robert Lloyd appears to have met Lamb in
London late in 1796. At that time the young man
was serving his apprenticeship at Saffron Walden.
Lamb writes to Robert early in 1798, claiming him
as one of his very dearest friends. In a later letter
Lamb deals exclusively with Robert's affairs and
state of mind ; and it is so quaint an illustration of
Lamb's methods as a mentor, that it may be well
to give it in full. It throws a light, too, on the
perplexities caused to the worthy banker by the
drifting away of some of his family from the re-
ligious doctrine which he and his ancestors had
done so much to adorn.
DEAR ROBERT, — I acknowledge that I have been
sadly remiss of late. If I descend to any excuse (and all
excuses that come short of a direct denial of a charge are
poor creatures at best), it must be taken from my state of
mind for some time past, which has been stupid rather, and
unfilled with any object, than occupied, as you may imagine,
with any favourite idea to the exclusion of friend Robert.
You, who are subject to all the varieties of the mind, will
give me credit in this.
" I am sadly sorry that you are relapsing into your old
complaining strain. I wish I could adapt my consolations
to your disease, but, alas ! I have none to offer which your
own mind, and the suggestions of books, cannot better supply.
Are you the first whose situation hath not been exactly
squar'd to his ideas ? or rather, will you find me that man
who does not complain of the one thing wanting? That
thing obtained, another wish will start up. While this eternal
craving of the mind keeps up its eternal hunger, no feast that
my palate knows of will satisfy that hunger till we come
to drink the new wine (whatever it be) in the Kingdom of
the Father. See what trifles disquiet us. — You are unhappy
because your parents expect you to attend meetings. I don't
know much of Quakers' meetings, but I believe I may
moderately reckon them to take up the space of six hours
in the week. Six hours to please your parents — and that
time not absolutely lost. Your mind remains ; you may think,
and plan, remember, and foresee, and do all human acts of
mind sitting as well as walking. You are quiet at meeting :
one likes to be so sometimes ; you may advantageously crowd
your day's devotions into that space. Nothing you see or
hear there can be unfavourable to it — you are for that time
at least exempt from the counting-house, and your parents
cannot chide you there; surely at so small an expense you
cannot grudge to observe the Fifth Commandment. I decidedly
consider your refusal as a breach of that God-descended
precept — Honour and observe thy parents in all lawful things.
Silent worship cannot be unlawful; there is no idolatry, no
invocation of saints, no bowing before the consecrated wafer
in all this, nothing which a wise man would refuse, or a good
man fear to do. What is it ? Sitting a few hours in a week
with certain good people who call that worship. You subscribe
to no articles — if your mind wanders, it is no crime in you
who do not give credit to these infusions of the spirit. They
sit in a temple, you sit as in a room adjoining, only do not
disturb their pious work with gabbling, nor your own neces-
sary peace with heart-burnings at your not ill-meaning parents,
nor a silly contempt of the work which is going on before
you. I know that if my parents were to live again, I would
do more things to please them than merely sitting still six
hours in a week. Perhaps I enlarge too much on this affair,
but indeed your objection seems to me ridiculous, and involving
in it a principle of frivolous and vexatious resistance.
" You have often borne with my freedoms, bear with me
once more in this. If I did not love you, I should not trouble
myself whether you went to meeting or not — whether you
conform'd or not [to] the will of your father."
This good seed sown by Lamb and afterwards
watered by many conversations with his friend
Manning sprang up under the sunny influences
which both the friends brought to bear. Some
years later, near the close of Robert's life, he thus
writes to his friend Manning : —
" I feel more attached to my family, and I fully intend
going to the Quakers' Meetings again. Not that my father
has spoken to me of it, for he behaves in the most noble
manner to me, but I can no longer withstand his affectionate
solicitude without showing some free gift, something which
will give him great pleasure and which is his right — my
sitting two hours on a Sunday under the same roof in
But to return to the time of Robert's revolt
against the discipline and tenets of the Friends,
a state of mind which was indeed sorely troubling
his parents. His mother, in August of the same
year, wrote to him as follows : " Permit me to drop
one hint more, and then I hope this sermon will
be ended. I was grieved to hear of thy appearing
in those fantastical trousers in London. I am
clear such eccentricities of dress would only make
thee laughed at by the World, whilst thy sincere
friends would be deeply hurt. Canst thou love thy
father and yet do things that sink him as well as
thyself in the opinion of our best Friends ? Thou
art, my dear son, form'd to make an amiable figure
in Society, but for once trust to the judgment of
thy mother, neither thy person nor mind are form'd
for eccentricities of dress or conduct." The father,
too, remonstrated, thus: " Thou wilt please me
by observing simplicity in thy dress and manner.
Do not let the customs of the world influence
The mother never lost the love of the children
who were so grieving her. Nor did her grief exhibit
itself in harshness. In time, it would appear, she
ceased to vex herself about non-essentials in her
children's behaviour ; though her sorrow at their
graver departures from Quaker belief and strictness
of conduct must have remained.
Robert, having run away from Saffron Walden,,
had taken shelter with Lamb, who writes : " What
the issue of his adventure will be, I know not. He
hath the sweetness of an angel in his heart, com-
bined with admirable firmness of purpose ; and
uncultivated, but very original, and I think superior,
genius." Robert is next heard of at Worcester,
staying with his uncle, Nehemiah Lloyd.
Returning to Birmingham, Robert Lloyd met
Thomas Manning, the mathematical tutor to Charles
already mentioned, and between them a warm and
enduring friendship ensued. Manning was then
about twenty-seven and Robert twenty-one. After
an introduction to Coleridge, Manning writes : "I
was introduced to Coleridge, which was a great
gratification to me. I think him a man of very
splendid abilities and animated feelings. But let
me whisper a word in your ear, Robert — twenty
Coleridges could not supply your loss to me, if you
were to forsake me. So if any friendly interposer
should come and tell you I am not what I seem,
and warn you against my friendship, beware of
listening to him. ..."
The correspondence with Lamb continued, and
the interchange of letters between Lamb and
Charles Lloyd, senior, proves that Robert's esca-
pade had brought no blame to his friend. It was
in December 1797 that the banker met Charles
Lamb in London, and invited him to breakfast and
dinnqr at David Barclay's house. In a letter to
"dear Rob" Lamb describes the dinner and what
followed :—
"Your father was in one of his best humours (I have
seldom seen him in one not good), and after dinner, while
we were sitting comfortably before the parlour fire, after our
wine, he beckoned me suddenly out of the room. I, expecting
some secrets, followed him, but it was only to go and sit with
him in the old forsaken counting-house, which he declared
to be the pleasantest spot in the house to him, and told me
how much business used to be done there in former days.
Your father whimsically mixes the good man and the man
of business in his manners, but he is not less a good man
for being a man of business. He has conceived great hope
of thy one day uniting both characters, and I joyfully expect
the same. I hope to see Priscilla, for the first time, some
day at the end of this week."
Priscilla Lloyd, who had joined her father in
London, was the sister who afterwards married
Christopher Wordsworth. The counting-house was
David Barclay's, where Charles Lloyd, senior, had
served his apprenticeship in banking.
Robert at that time was contemplating* marriage.
In a letter dated March 13, 1804, Lamb wrote to
him : —
" I hear that you are about to be married. Joy to you
and uninterrupted satisfaction in that state ; but who is the
lady ? It is the character of your letters that you omit facts,
dates, names, and matter, and describe nothing but feelings,
in which, as I cannot always partake, as being more intense
in degree, or different in kind, from my own tranquil ones,
I cannot always well tell how to reply."
The letter concludes, after an expression ot
affectionate longing to see the writer : —
" I could tell you many things, but you are so spiritual
and abstracted, that I fear to insult you with tidings of this
world. But may your approaching husband-hood humanise
you. I think I see a dawn. I am sure a joy is rising upon
you, and I stand on tiptoe to see the sun ascending till it
gets up and up, and ' while a man tells the story,' shows at
last a fair face and a full light.
" God bless you, Roby,
"C. L."
The lady upon whom Robert's affections were
set was Hannah Hart, the daughter of Francis
Hart, of Nottingham, banker. The marriage took
place on August 2, 1804, in the meeting-house
at Castle Donnington, Leicestershire. The bride
and her family were Quakers, and Robert Lloyd, as
we have seen, had returned to the faith of his fathers,
though, singularly, one of his love-letters reveals
the fact that he had joined the Militia. Lamb's
congratulations form the subject of a letter, in this
inimitable letter-writer's happy vein of mingled
raillery and wisdom : —
" Some day I certainly shall come and see you in your
new light ; no longer the restless (but good ?) single Robert ;
but now the staid, sober (and not less good) married Robert.
And how does Plumstead, the impetuous, take your getting
the start of him ? When will he subside into matrimony ?
Priscilla has taken a long time indeed to think about it. I
will suppose that her first choice is now her final; though
you do not expressly say that she is to be a Wordsworth.
I wish her, and dare promise her, all happiness.
"All these new nuptials do not make me unquiet in the
perpetual prospect of celibacy. There is a quiet dignity in old
bachelorhood, a leisure from cares, noise, &c., an enthroniza-
tion upon the armed-chair of a man's feeling that he may
sit, walk, read, unmolested, to none accountable — but hush !
or I shall be torn in pieces like a churlish Orpheus by young
married women and bridesmaids of Birmingham. The close
is this, to every man that way of life, which in his election
is best. Be as happy in yours as I am determined to be in
mine, and we shall strive lovingly who shall sing the best
the praises of matrimony, and the praises of singleness."
Plumstead was the fourth son, and fifth child
of Charles Lloyd the banker. Priscilla was the
ninth of the family and the eldest surviving
daughter. Christopher Wordsworth, her husband,
was then a Norfolk rector, and a few months later
became Vicar of St. Mary's, Lambeth. Priscilla
had left the Friends, but was not baptized until
the morning of her marriage-day.
Lamb's longing for a sight of his friend's face
was not gratified until early in 1809 when Robert
Lloyd visited London on business. The rapturous
anticipations expressed on receiving the news of
the intended visit show that though the intercourse
had been, as Lamb says, broken off — apparently
through Robert's occupation with new interests
in the Midlands — Lamb had been constant in his
Of Robert's visits to London we read much in
his letters to his wife. "My head," he tells her
in his first letter, dated March 1809, "has been
in a perpetual whirl since I came here, and in two
days I have lived many weeks." He mentions
visits to the Horse Guards, "to hear the band
play while they mounted Guard," to Mr. Millar's
the bookseller in Albemarle Street, "where we
.had a complete treat," to the London Institute,
and to the House of Commons, seeing "The
place where Fox and Pitt sat occasioned most
lively emotions," but an invitation to dinner with
Lamb prevented a visit while the House was
sitting. Robert the same evening went to supper
with Godwin and his wife, Mary Wollstonecraft.
"Godwin," he writes, " is a bookseller. . . ." He
appears to have been delighted to find that a man
of such literary eminence as Godwin was of the
same trade as himself — for Robert by this time
had settled down in Birmingham as a printer and
He went to the Opera, to Covent Garden new
Theatre to see Kemble and Mrs. Siddons in
Macbeth. "Pray dispatch me," he requests his
wife, "from the Dog Inn at seven O'clock in the
evening, 2 pair of White Silk stockings. I must
go smart to the Opera — I have ordered a pair of
dress-clothes in London." Mention is made, in
these and subsequent letters, of visits to his Uncle
John (who was a partner in the London banking
firm of Barclay & Lloyd), of a meeting with
Wordsworth (evidently Christopher), who "gave a
very poor account of Priscilla," i.e. of her health ;
of a public meeting at Guildhall ; and of introduc-
tions to celebrities in various walks of life. His
delight in the friendship of Charles and Mary
Lamb seems to have reached its highest point.
" I spent yesterday (April 2nd) with Lamb and
his sister — it is sweetly gratifying to see them ;
if I may use the expression, their union of affec-
tion is what we conceive of marriage in Heaven.
They are the World one to the other. They
together are writing a book of poetry for children.
Lamb and I amused ourselves in the afternoon
by reading the manuscripts — I shall send one or
two of the pieces in my next. Lamb is the most
original being you can conceive, and suited to
me, in some of his habits, or ways of thinking,
to a tee." This letter seems to mark the end
of the visit to London, the record of sight-
seeing ending with " the London Institute, the
European Gallery (a most splendid collection of
pictures and paintings), Miss Linwood's needle-
work (grand indeed), and the Panorama of
Grand Cairo."
As far as is now known, this was the last
occasion on which Robert saw his friends in
London. The early months of 1810 were months
of troubles and anxiety to him. The Birming-
ham business of Knott & Lloyd, booksellers and
printers, successors to Thomas Aris of Ariss
Gazette, in which he was a partner, was not
proving profitable.1 Following upon this financial
worry came a succession of family trials and
sorrows, for Thomas, his next eldest brother, who
was a merchant in Birmingham, died on September
12, 1811, in his thirty-second year. Robert had
tenderly watched him during his illness, and felt
the loss most deeply. Other bereavements fell
upon the banker's family. Little more than a
month later, Robert lost his sister Caroline, who
died on October 15, in her twenty-second year.
Sympathetic and sensitive in the highest degree,
Robert Lloyd broke down under these repeated
blows. On October 26, 1811, eleven days after
the death of his sister, he passed away, not having
completed his thirty-third year.
1 The business exists to-day under the name of Hall & English. Some
old invoices of Robert Lloyd's time are still preserved.
Robert Lloyd, notwithstanding- his early death,
had lived long enough to prove to his friends that
their patience with him in his youthful wayward-
ness had not been thankless, and that their belief in
the existence of nobler and finer qualities had not
been mistaken. He left a widow with one son
and three daughters.
Many touching tributes were paid to his
memory. One whose friendship had been at once
a distinction and a boon, and whose faith in him
had been his stay during the critical period of his
youth, was among the first to give public testi-
mony to his worth. Lamb's memoir of Robert
Lloyd appeared in the Gentleman's Magazine for
November 1811. It had been shortened by the
editor, but it was sent to the widow in full.
"Such," wrote Lloyd (the poet), "is the beautiful
and appropriate account sent to the Gentleman s
Magazine by dear Charles Lamb, who, if I lov'd
him for nothing else, I should now love for the
affecting interest that he has taken in the memory
of my dearest Brother and Friend. C. Lamb sent
me the written copy himself.
" The following is an extract from it : —
" 'To dilate in many words upon the character of R. LI.
would be to violate the modest regard due to his memory,
who, in his lifetime, shrank so anxiously from every species
of notice. His constitutional misfortune was an excess of
nervous sensibility which, in the purest of hearts, produced
rather too great a spirit of self-abasement, a perpetual ap-
prehension of not doing what was right. Yet, beyond this
tenderness, he seemed absolutely to have no self-regard at
all. His eye was single, and ever fixed upon that form of
goodness which he worshipped wherever he found it, except
in himself. What he was to his parents and in his family the
newness of their sorrow may make it unseasonable to touch
on; his loss, alas! was but one in a complication of afflic-
tions which have fallen so heavy of late upon a worthy house.
But as a Friend, the writer of this memorial can witness,
that what he once esteemed and loved, it was an unalterable
law of his nature to continue to esteem and love. . . .
" ' To conclude :
Love, Sweetness, Goodness, in his countenance shin'd
So clear, as in no face with more delight.' "
Robert Lloyd's father wrote of him : " I con-
template his character as the most sweet and
affecting that I ever knew."
Those who may wish to see Lamb's letters to
Robert Lloyd in full will find them in a book which
has interested very many, Charles Lamb and the
Lloyds, and also in Messrs. Macmillan's edition of
Lamb's Letters.
The Edgbaston Street home— A house without gossip— Charles Lloyd's
letters to his daughter— An opponent of Elias Hicks — Dr. Edwards
recalls his youth — An American mutiny — Harriet Beecher Stowe
at "Farm"— The late Joseph Bevan Braithwaite
ANNA LLOYD, the youngest but two of the
daughters of Charles Lloyd the banker, occupies
a prominent position in the history of the Society
of Friends, not only by her labours in America,
but also as being the mother of a prominent
member of the Society — the late Joseph Bevan
Braithwaite. On this account, as well as for the
light she throws upon the characters of some
other members of the family, some extracts from
the memoirs of her which have been preserved
will be of interest.
Anna was born on December 27, 1788, and
was married on March 16, 1808, to Isaac Braith-
waite of Kendal. The circle in which she had
moved previous to her marriage was well calculated
to promote enlargement of mind and habits of
widespread sympathy ; for not only her parents,
but also her brothers and sisters were exception-
ally gifted people with unusual intellectual powers.
Her early home, until she was eight years of age,
was at the house in Edgbaston Street ; the family
then moved to Bingley Hall, which, as I have said,
in those days was called Bingley House.
She thus records some recollections of her early
years : —
41 1 was born in Edgbaston Street, Birmingham. It was
not until the death of our reverend grandmother, Priscilla
Farmer (in 1796), that we removed to her residence, Bingley
House, near the Town. Although my grandmother died when
I was little more than seven years old, her countenance and
figure are vividly remembered. She always sent her carriage
(to our house in Edgbaston Street) for my Mother and the
' little ones,' of whom I was one, on sixth days, which we
spent with her. . . . My grandmother had been fond of gay
life when young; and had had great zest in attending the
theatre. This continued many years after my mother's birth,
which took place ten years after their marriage. (She was
their only child.)
" One thing must not be omitted. Never do I remember
at Bingley in my Grandmother's time, nor afterwards on the
part of my father, unkind remarks about any one. Personal
conversation in the way of gossip was unknown. Their
richly stored minds never lacked subjects which were in-
structive and adapted to every variety of character; and they
habitually endeavoured to find the right key to open the
hearts and minds of their visitors. It was an axiom with
them that in this way we may learn something from every
In Charles Lloyd the poet's volume of sonnets
to the memory of Priscilla Farmer these visits of
the children to her are very prettily, if at this date
somewhat artificially, commemorated.
In his daughter Anna her father evidently
delighted, as one who, unlike his sons Charles and
Robert, was in full sympathy with his religious and
philanthropic aspirations. One of the letters he
wrote to her while she was visiting friends in America
has been preserved : —
" BINGLEY, 6tk of gift mo : 1823.
"My spirit is often with thee, my dear daughter, in
sympathy with thee in thy service for thy Lord and Master.
I well know that those who are deeply baptized have often
much to undergo. They can feel the truth of Paul's expres-
sion, ' as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing ; as poor, yet making
many rich ; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.'
This comprises a great deal in a few words. With the latter
part, 'as having nothing, and yet possessing all things/ I
am particularly impressed. It is in this state of nothingness,
when self is of no reputation, that we are among those to
whom our Saviour's words are applicable, ' Blessed are the
poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.' In this
state, how tender we are in noticing the weaknesses of others,
and how do our minds expand in love, so that though we
are poor we may make many rich, and though we may have
but little to say, this little from a deeply baptized spirit will
comfort far more than many words spoken without life. Our
meetings often suffer from a multitude of words. I do like
to feel a gathering influence. This is sometimes lost, when
testimonies and especially prayers are too long.
" How I shall rejoice to see thee return in health and
peace ! My mind has rested and still rests in the faith that
the Divine blessing is over thee.
"Farewell, my very dear daughter. May every comfort
attend thee."
Anna Braithwaite had become a minister of the
Society of Friends in England, but felt impelled,
as we have seen, to visit America. The object of
her visit was to confront the teachings of Elias
Hicks, of whom something has been said in another
chapter. Anna Braithwaite, like Mr. Crewdson of
Manchester, the author of the book mentioned in
chapter xvii., considered Elias Hicks's religious
views deplorably unscriptural, as did most of the
Friends amongst whom she had moved in Eng-
land, and she could not rest without proceeding to
America to preach what she believed to be the
Of one of Anna Braithwaite's visits to America
an interesting recollection was preserved by Dr.
John E. Edwards, who received the rudiments of
his education at the Friends' School at New Garden,
and afterwards became a Presbyterian minister.
In a notice in the New York Illustrated Christian
Weekly for April 5, 1879, Dr. Edwards thus re-
calls some of the scenes of his early boyhood : —
" How vividly all these scenes take form on the canvas
of memory. Many a dear old remembered spot stands out
conspicuously to the backward glance! Anna Braithwaite
came from England to attend the Yearly Meeting not less
than fifty years ago. It is the first day of the week. The
highways and byways are thronged with the people on the
way to New Garden. It is the Yearly Meeting of the Friends.
What a crowd has assembled and is assembling. They come
from all quarters, by all sorts of conveyances. Every panel
of the fence has a horse ' hitched ' to it. Every branch on
every accessible tree has a bridle tied to it. Carryalls and
gigs, carts and wagons of every description are crowded
together on every hand. The Meeting-house is already filled
to its utmost capacity ; and males and females sitting apart.
Hundreds are outside; but everywhere a Quaker silence
pervades the multitudinous crowd.
"Within, silence reigns. A little rustle is heard. The
softly modulated and sweet-toned voice of Anna Braithwaite
is rising in prayer. It is heard all over the assembly. That
voice grows stronger and fuller in its compass, and rings
in the closely ceiled house. What fervour, what subdued
earnestness, what pathos ! She prays that war and blood-
shed may speedily come to a perpetual end ; that nation
may cease to lift up sword against nation; that national
differences may be settled by peaceable arbitration; and
that the time may soon come when war shall be heard of
no more. She prays that the slave trade may be abolished,
and that slavery may not only be mitigated in its horrors,
but for ever banished from the earth. She closes her prayer,
and silence again pervades the house.
"Presently she unties the white ribbon under her chin,
and lays aside her bonnet, and rises to her feet. A neat
and tidy cap, as plain as plain can be, without frill or other
appendage, fitting closely over her smoothly dressed hair,
and pinned under her chin, is the only ornament. Her hands
are ungloved and as white as marble. Serenity marks her
sweetly composed face. A sort of heavenly light kindles
on her radiant brow. Her lips part, and that sweetly
modulated voice again fills the house, as she repeats a pas-
sage from the Gospel of St. John, the beloved disciple. The
cadenza of a mellow-throated bird in the ringing forest could
not have been softer or sweeter than the musical tones of
that silvery voice as it rose and fell in measured cadence.
Every ear bent in rapt attention; every heart in sympathy
with the speaker.
" ' Peace on earth, goodwill towards men,' is her topic.
She warms with her theme, and grows more and more
eloquent as she advances in her discourse. An hour has
elapsed since that sweet-faced woman arose, and still the
listening crowd hang breathlessly on her lips. Many an
eye is moistened with tears. Here and there heads are
bowed. And still with glowing diction, clothing her beautiful
and touching thoughts, Anna Braithwaite continues, until,
overpowered with her emotions, — 'tears in her voice,' she
quietly resumes her seat, while a positively awful silence
pervades the house, and reigns unbroken over the scene."
In a letter Anna wrote to her father from Virginia
in 1823 she says : —
"To see what we have seen the last few days ought
surely to be sufficient to convince the strongest advocate of
slavery that the system is injurious. ... In Virginia, the
slave owners rear slaves for sale in other States, and keep
as few as they can for themselves. The land appears, so
far, poor and badly cultivated. No one, observing the alac-
rity of the black children in anticipating our wants, and the
readiness in performing various services, could for a moment
imagine them endowed with inferior capacities. An agreeable
young man, who has been with us several times, a resident
in the town, told us that he has a black girl about ten years
of age, who attends to his children. She has taught herself
to read, by being with them and making use of their books;
and he scarcely ever sees her, even rocking the cradle, with-
out a book in her hand. He fully believes they have great
facility in acquiring knowledge. This is also exemplified
in the schools for. coloured children in New York and
The practice above alluded to of rearing slaves like
cattle for sale occasioned such a revolt of public
feeling against it that it hastened the downfall of
slavery in the United States.
At a very early date the Society of Friends
made it a rule for their members not to keep slaves,
and as early as 1780 there was not a single slave
owned by any member of the Society, with its
knowledge and consent, in America or England.
Having freed themselves from the guilt of slavery,
in 1783 they petitioned the House of Commons to
abolish the slave trade and slavery. This was the
first petition on the subject presented to the House
of Commons, and in the great struggle which now
commenced, members of the Society of Friends
occupied the most important position till, in 1833,
slavery was abolished in all the British possessions.
But no reader of Uncle Tom s Cabin will need to
be told this. And here I might remark that Mrs.
Harriet Beecher Stowe, the author of that book,
came to " Farm " in 1853 to see mv grandmother,
Rachel Lloyd, who was also passionately an
abolitionist, and a short description of the visit
will be found in her Sunny Memories.
Anna Braithwaite crossed the Atlantic to America
three times on her missions of love to the meetings
of the Society of Friends in that land. This in-
volved many weeks on the sea, often in stormy
weather, tedious and frequently dangerous journeys
on land, and long separations from her most affec-
tionate husband and young children ; but all was
cheerfully endured by this heroic Christian woman.
She was much beloved in England, and her
ministry was greatly valued. Her health was never
strong, but a peaceful evening of life was granted
her. She died in 1859, aged seventy-one.
An interesting memoir, chiefly compiled from
her letters and journals, was written by the youngest
of her three sons, Joseph Bevan Braithwaite, who
was born at Kendal in 1818, and inherited many of
the intellectual abilities of his grandfather, Charles
Lloyd. This remarkable man, who left school
before he was sixteen, afterwards continued his
studies in Greek and Latin with such zeal and suc-
cess that his uncle, Bishop Wordsworth, believed
him to be unsurpassed by any one at the time in
his knowledge of these languages. At the same
time he taught himself Hebrew, in which he became
very proficient. He was called to the Bar at the
Middle Temple in 1843, and for long rose at four
or five in the morning to continue his classical
and Biblical studies before the business of the day
commenced. He paid occasional visits to " Farm "
until the year 1895. Joining the committee of the
Bible Society, he was for many years chairman of
their translation committee, on which his classical
attainments were much appreciated. He died in
November 1905.
George Braithwaite Lloyd's parentage— My grandfather and his coach-
man— The first head of a Lloyd family to leave the Friends — Elias
Hicks and his influence — Isaac Crewdson's counterblast — Mr.
Beverley at "Farm" — George Stacey — Quaker Conservatives —
And the new spirit — Quaker dress — Samuel Bowley's beard
MY grandfather, the first of the Lloyds to bear the
name of Samuel, was so named after his maternal
grandfather, Samuel Barnes of London. He was
born in 1768, and married, in October 1791, Rachel,
eldest daughter of George and Deborah Braithwaite
of Kendal. They both were twenty-three at the
time. They began their married life in the Old
Square, removing afterwards to a larger house
in the Crescent, which had become the fashionable
part of the town, where they lived till the death of
their father (the third Sampson Lloyd) in 1807,
when they moved to "Farm." Twelve children
were born to them, and their eldest son having died
in infancy, they gave the name George Braithwaite
to the next, who, in his time, became the father of
two sons still so well remembered in Birmingham —
Sampson Samuel Lloyd and George Braithwaite
Lloyd, of whom I have given many reminiscences
in chapter ix.
At the end of the eighteenth century the busi-
ness of the bank had become so extensive and
important that it was thought undesirable for any
acting partner to be associated with the manage-
ment of any other business. The first Samuel
Lloyd therefore devoted himself solely to its affairs.
He was a man greatly respected in Birmingham —
serious, scholarly, and very fond of his home-life.
He took great interest in the flowers and fruit of
u Farm," and exercised wide hospitality there.
One of the third Sampson Lloyd's daughters
married an Irish gentleman named Phelps, and a
son was born to them at " Farm " in 1803 who was
named Joseph Lloyd Phelps. He lived at Yardley
near Birmingham, and every now and then when a
Lloyd relative died he found that £100 was left to
him in the will, which, as he was out of business,
was very acceptable. I mention him here to intro-
duce a characteristic anecdote ; for he told me
that when the first Samuel Lloyd's coachman,
" Reynolds," became possessed of property which
gave him a vote, he opposed his master politically,
but it made no difference in their friendly relations ;
Samuel Lloyd's widow left him ^300 in recognition
of his long and faithful services.
My grandfather was the first head of any family
of Birmingham Lloyds to leave the Society of
Friends. His severance was gradual but complete,
and it began, as had that of many other seceders,
in the example of Elias Hicks, a gifted minister
of the Society in America, who, having embraced
views of a Unitarian tendency, proclaimed them so
convincingly in his sermons that many Friends in
Philadelphia accepted his doctrine and joined him,
thus causing a schism in the Society. His followers
are termed Hicksite Friends, wrhile those adhering
to the views previously held are known as Orthodox
This schism in America was followed by one
in England, although Isaac Crewdson of Man-
chester, my grandfather's first cousin, did all he
could to check it in a book entitled A Beacon to
the Society of Friends^ published in 1835. This
book, which contained extracts from the writings of
Elias Hicks, and in opposition to them passages
from the Scriptures of a contrary tendency, was
studied with deep interest by my grandfather,
whose mind, I should say, was not wholly unpre-
pared for a change of religious belief, a new sect, the
Plymouth Brethren, having already attracted his
questioning notice. It is unnecessary here to state
the tenets of the Brethren, as they are called, beyond
saying that their conception of the spiritual life
is not very different from that of strict Friends, but
that they add certain sacramental ceremonies foreign
to the teaching of George Fox.
Samuel Lloyd's natural desire to know more of
this new creed was increased by the circumstance
that his lovely daughter Rachel had married Robert
Howard, a Plymouth Brother, and in 1835 several
of the Brethren visited " Farm," as we read in the
diary of Mr. Beverley, who was among them : —
" Tuesday, April jilt, 1835.— Dined at 'Farm,' at Mr. Lloyd's
the Quaker and Banker, where I dined once before : an agree-
able day : the conversation not trifling. I had much conversa-
tion with Mr. Lloyd, apart from the rest. I find his views of
the gospel not in the slightest degree tinged with mysticism.
He is of the Evangelical, the modern school of Quakerism.
Drank tea with Joseph Sturge ; the family of the Lloyds from
' Farm ' were of the party. I talked with Mr. Lloyd the whole
evening. The more I converse with this good old man, the
more I respect and love him. I believe him to be a sincere
Christian, and I know he is an honourable man and a most
kind father and friend."
This Mr. Beverley was a clever, intellectual,
critical man, and his visit to "Farm" doubtless
helped forward the change which was to take
place in my grandfather's religious convictions.
At last, five years after the publication of The
Beacon, and after much thoughtful consideration
and many conversations with leading " Brethren"
and with his son-in-law, Samuel Lloyd sent in his re-
signation to the Society of Friends. It was dated
February 12, 1840. R. T. Cadbury and T. Southall
were — after the usage of the Society, who lose their
members with reluctance and sorrow — appointed
to visit my grandfather and make sure that his
mind was clear and decided. The step, however,
was irrevocable ; and my grandfather joined the
Brethren. He continued one of them to the end ;
but although I was with him almost every week
during the ensuing nine years, I never heard him
say a word in favour of any of the family following
his example. His wife remained a Friend. My
father also remained a Friend, being known as
"Quaker" Lloyd. I left Friends for some years,
but in 1892 I rejoined them.
It has been suggested since that if those Friends
in authority at the time could have tolerated evan-
gelical views not held or expressed exactly in the
same groove as their own, neither he nor his cousin
Isaac Crewdson, nor others, who were the cream of
the Society of Friends in Manchester, would have
resigned. They did not at first express any desire
to leave the Society, but felt impelled to do so rather
than not obey their own religious convictions ;
and as the breach grew wider separation became
I recollect that old Edward Pease, "the Father
of Railways " as he was called, and the father also
of my brother-in-law, viewed with extreme mis-
giving and reluctance the secession to the Brethren
by members of the Society of Friends. " They will
come to naught; they will come to naught," he
The clerk to the yearly meeting for some
years subsequent to 1840 was George Stacey of
Tottenham, who when a young man had felt at-
tracted to pay a visit to "Farm," and had there
fallen in love with and married Deborah, my father's
eldest sister. Near to the clerk during the annual
meetings sat Josiah Forster, my father's old school-
master, whom he greatly revered as being much his
superior. I may here mention that not only had
my father a very modest view of his attainments,
like some other Lloyds now passed away, but
he seemed inclined unduly to depreciate his own
abilities ; which reminds me of Matthew Boulton
writing to James Watt that he thought they had
better think a little more of themselves.
The leaders of the Society of Friends in 1840
were all religious conservatives against change. If
they were to yield to the clamour for it, they might
well ask, Where were they to stop ? The digni-
taries of the Church of England at the present
day feel the same difficulty ; if the Athanasian
Creed were obliterated from the services of the
Church, and other dogmas were regarded as doubt-
ful or obsolete, and no longer to be held, what
would the end be ?
It is the natural wish of the leaders of any sect
to leave things as they are. Edward Smith of
Sheffield, one of the prominent Friends of the past
generation, told me that I should find the views
of Friends all dovetailed into a circle, the whole
of them fitting into each other, thus making a
complete circle of truth. When the members of
any church or congregation have arrived at the
certain conviction that what they unitedly believe
is really the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth, it results in great unity. This was
so conspicuous in early Christian days, and also
among the early Friends in the midst of their
sufferings, that it was said, " Behold how these
Christians love one another ! "
Extremes are said to meet ; and Friends are
not alone in favouring the preaching of those who
have a gift leaving the others to worship in silence,
for in the Catholic Church those priests who have
no gift are not expected to preach every Sunday, as
in the Church of England, but only those who can
do so to manifest edification ; and worshippers in
their chapels are seen worshipping in silence as in
a Friends' Meeting.
Members of the Society of Friends, like those
of other religious societies, have their favourite
ministers. The second Samuel Lloyd's favourite
minister, par excellence, was Stephen Grellet. He
was a Frenchman who had lived in America and
then settled in England. In 1831 on one occasion
he preached at Chelmsford, and the newspaper
report of it said his address lasted "two hours
and a half," and that the spacious meeting-house
was crowded with " persons not belonging to the
Though the Friends' basis of worship is silent
waiting upon God, all are encouraged to feel that
they have an important part in the service — by their
secret prayers, not only for themselves, but for those
who meet with them. Regarding Christ as the
Head of their Church, they look to Him to prepare
some of those present to take part in vocal prayer
and preaching.
In Friends' meetings singing is now permitted
or tolerated, and public announcements are now
made stating that such and such a minister will
deliver an address — a complete surrender of the
old belief in sudden and unexpected promptings of
the Spirit. These changes alone show how much
the Friends have become modernised. Few Friends
any longer wear a distinctive dress or use the
second person singular in conversation ; and the
whole tendency is to merge Friends completely
with other Christian people.
The Friends about half a century ago were
very rigid in keeping to their Quakerly dress, and
when George Stacey, my uncle, who, as I have
said, was clerk to the Friends' yearly meeting,
came back from America wearing trousers instead
of knee-breeches, the Friends of Banbury, whom
he happened to visit on his return, alarmed at
seeing such a change of attire, were afraid that
he had altogether fallen away.
The old Friends were also expected to shave,
a point on which the Bishop of Oxford also held
strong views. He tolerated a clergyman wearing a
moustache, if he had a beard, but forbade a clergy-
man going into the pulpit with moustache only.
The Duke of Wellington's orders to his troops with
regard to shaving did not permit the whiskers to
descend beyond the line of the nose, and my father
having adopted this regulation when a young man,
adhered to it to the end of his life. One minister
of the Society, Samuel Bowley of Gloucester,
ceased to shave altogether, and let both his beard
and moustache grow. Such a departure from ortho-
doxy amazed some Friends, who expected the
Spirit of the Lord to depart from him ; but my
father hearing him preach afterwards, said that this
was manifestly not so, as he spoke as spiritually
and as much to edification as he had done before.
Samuel Bowley explained afterwards that he had
been obliged to give up shaving as his hand shook
too much for him to be able any longer to attempt
it. His example gave courage to others; and so
another piece of latitudinarianism crept in.
The Wednesbury mines — Richard Parkes' bargain — Lord Eldon's
delays — The Quaker and the motto — Pumping-engines invented —
"Squire" Wilkinson — Excursions to Wednesbury — The beacon-
fires — The " Clippers " — Wednesbury in my early days — Cock-
fighting— My father, " Quaker " Lloyd— A tall family— The Friends
and tithes — Nonconformity at the present day — Lloyds, Fosters and
Co. — The Blackfriars Bridge and financial difficulty — Lessons from
adversity — A truly generous man — The Lloyds and iron — Famous
ironmasters — The Bible in Spain — The end
OF the two principal branches of the Lloyd family
banking and iron have been the mainstay. But
iron came first. The branch to which I belong is
still true to iron, and for many years I lived at
Wednesbury, where the business was centred. I
did not move to " Farm " until 1870. The story of
the Lloyds' association with the Wednesbury mines
is, I think, not without interest.
We can now scarcely realise that it was not
until a century and a quarter ago, when the in-
ventive genius of James Watt had been directed
to the subject, that steam as a motive power
became available to assist and supply the wants
of the human race. In the seventeenth century
the Marquis of Worcester made experiments. He
burst a cannon by imprisoning steam within it,
proving, as he said, that there was power in steam,
and he patented what he termed a " water com-
manding engine " ; but nothing came of it. Savory
and others followed, but without any commercial
In the years 1704 and 1708 the owners of
several hundred acres of land at Wednesbury re-
garded the mines, which existed, if at all, under
water, as practically of no value, since there was
no power known by which they could be rendered
dry and workable. This was three-quarters of a
century before the inventions of James Watt, who
had to some extent, it is true, been preceded by
Savory, but the steam-engine of that pioneer
created in 1739 for pumping purposes burst, and
so did not effect much good. The owners evi-
dently thought themselves fortunate in finding that
our ancestor's relative, Richard Parkes, was will-
ing to purchase and able to pay for what to them
seemed so valueless. He therefore became a pur-
chaser, and legal documents were drawn up and
executed, giving him, his executors and assigns,
the right to get the minerals during a term of
500 years.
I have a copy of the deeds so well and carefully
drawn that it would be thought that the rights of
Richard Parkes and his heirs could not be disputed,
but when, three-quarters of a century later, Boulton
and Watt's pumping-engines performed such won-
ders in Cornwall, evidencing the possibility of the
Wednesbury mines being unwatered, one of the
principal landowners raised the question whether
the 500 years' lease which his father had granted
was binding upon his successor, alleging, as a
reason, that the mines had not been worked in
the lifetime of the landowner who granted the
lease ; but it was proved that the heirs of Parkes
had exercised their right of ownership during his
life without their right having been contested, so
that this plea failed ; moreover, he and the others
from whom the mines were purchased had received
in cash as much as, with interest and compound
interest, since the payments were made, amounted
to more than ,£90,000. A Chancery suit to settle
the question was commenced in 1818 by the heirs
of Parkes (by a plea for discovery).
Lord Eldon, who was Lord Chancellor at the
time, was proverbially very slow in giving his
judgments : a tendency that seemed to increase
with his age, and caused great dissatisfaction to
litigants, so much so that a debate once took
place in the House of Lords as to whether or not
he ought to be censured. In the heirs of Parkes'
case it was announced that he would give his
decision on the following Tuesday, but Tuesday
after Tuesday passed and none was pronounced.
Ultimately, however, the case was settled out of
court in 1821.
Lord Eldon's first journey from Newcastle to
London, when he was plain Mr. Scott, was in
May 1766, in a coach called the "Fly," "by
reason," Lord Campbell says, "of what was then
considered its rapid travelling, as it was only three
nights and four days on the journey." The panel
on the coach bore this inscription : " Dat cito, si dat
bene," which made a great impression on young
Scott. It happened that an old Quaker, who was
his fellow-passenger, when the coach stopped at
the inn at Tuxford, called to a chambermaid to
come and receive sixpence from him, telling her
that he forgot to give it her when he slept there
two years before. Scott said, "Friend, hast thou
seen the motto on this coach ? " The Quaker
replied that he had not. "Then look at it," said
Scott, "for I think that giving her only sixpence
now, for all she did for you two years ago, is
.neither ' dat cito' nor Mat bene.''
This reminds me that the first Samuel Lloyd,
once driving from Walsall to Birmingham, and
coming to a toll-gate, found he had not got four-
pence, the amount of the toll, in his pocket ; and
so the next time he came he paid 4^d., telling the
toll-keeper the farthing was for interest.
After the settlement of the lawsuit my father
and partners had to erect a suitable pumping-
engine, and they decided in favour of the " Atmos-
pheric Engine," which, invented by Newcomen and
improved by Smeaton, was made serviceable for
pumping by Watt. It was accordingly erected,
and I remember it very well at work as late as
1843-4. It required only 3 Ibs. pressure of steam,
which was generated in a balloon boiler. It
successfully drained the water from a seam of
coal eight feet or more thick, but the seam
was not much more than twenty yards below the
From the date when steam power became avail-
able, about the year 1780, great improvements in
the manufacture of iron had been taking place.
John Wilkinson, at Bradley, near Bilston, in 1785
used the first blast engine driven by steam ever
employed in this or any other country in the manu-
facture of iron, the success of which inaugurated
a new era in the iron trade of south Staffordshire
and elsewhere. He also invented machinery for
boring cannon accurately, and this led to the per-
fecting of the steam-engine by James Watt, as it
enabled him to get a steam-cylinder made of iron,
instead of wood lined with tin, as previously. The
erection of one of Matthew Boulton's rolling-mills
at his works at Bradley was another great step in
advance. The story is well known of how " Squire "
Wilkinson was " prayed into" building a " cast-
metal " meeting-house with an iron pulpit for the
Methodists, and it is recorded that on his death,
at the age of eighty-nine years, his body was en-
closed in an iron coffin and its final resting-place
was an iron tomb.
My father, the second Samuel Lloyd, as already
mentioned, went to live at Wednesbury in 1818,
wrhen he was twenty-three years of age. Although
the development of the mines had to await the
settlement of the Chancery suit which related to
the chief part of them, there was much needing
attention. Among other things that came of
neglect he found some strips of land had been lost
to the family, owing to no rent having been col-
lected for over twenty years. My father in those
days spent each week-end at "Farm." Doubtless
he would now and then take his three unmarried
sisters to Wednesbury with him, and would show
them the view from the top of Church Hill, where
St. Bartholomew's stands on the site of an old
castle which was defended by Ethelfleda, daughter
of Alfred the Great, against an incursion of the
Danes. Here also it is believed the Druids offered
up human sacrifices. They had also a settlement
at Barr (where for many years the second Samuel
Galton lived, close to Barr Beacon), and it is
thought that they went at times to the Wednes-
bury hill, the hill of Woden, the god of the woods.
The popular idea is that Woden's temple stood on
the site of the parish church — preceding Ethelfleda's
Samuel Lloyd, standing there with his sisters,
would doubtless descant to them of the view. On
the horizon to the east they would see Barr Beacon
with its poles, iron basket, and chains, just as
they had been at the time when the news of the
landing of Napoleon was daily expected. Forty
years and more later I found them still undisturbed.
The light fixed on the dome of St. Philip's Church,
Birmingham, would be clearly seen at Barr Beacon.
On the west horizon, also five miles away, they
would see Sedgley Beacon, the fire from which,
should invasion take place, would be visible at the
Wrekin and far into Shropshire. Upon the south,
on the horizon another five miles distant, Dudley
Castle is a very conspicuous object from Wednes-
bury. From here a fire would flash far away into
the country beyond. But in 1822, the year in
which I imagine such an excursion to have taken
place, the year of invasion and of the terrible Boney
was over, for he died on the 5th of May 1821.
When a schoolboy and afterwards I saw much
of the two youngest of these sisters, who were
charming all their lives. More than forty years
after this pictured conversation, one of their
admirers confided to me his admiration, saying,
in the most expressive words he could command,
apparently with a lover's sigh, " they were clippers."
Neither of them fell to his lot.
In the diary of a visit paid to Birmingham in
1819 of some relatives I find more than one refer-
ence to the " clippers," Rachel and Sarah. Thus :
"We had a nice chat ... in the drawing-room
after the party separated, talking of the comparative
beauties of the ladies who had left us, some preferring
Rachel, others Sarah." The next day the visitors
went to "Farm," where they regaled themselves
with u milk warm from the cow, presented to us
by the fair hands of the lady Rachel, who made a
sweet, elegant, sylph-like dairymaid." Rachel was
sixteen in 1819 ; Sarah was eighteen months younger.
In 1825 Rachel married Robert Howard of Totten-
ham, and had eight children ; Sarah, in 1828,
married Alfred Fox of Falmouth, and had twelve
I joined my father's business in 1843 at the age
of sixteen. When I first remember Wednesbury
the few shops kept open after it was dark had
either a couple of rush-lights in the window suffi-
cient to make the darkness visible, or one or two
aboriginal dip candles, with wicks that badly wanted
snuffing. Bull-baiting and cock-fighting were then
the sports of the uneducated people, who delighted
in the excitement.
While on this subject I am tempted to quote a
passage from an interesting article on Wednesbury
written in 1868 by Mr. J. C. Tildesley :—
"The place was less known for its industry than for its
pastimes. It was the acknowledged stronghold of the national
sport of ' cocking.' At a cock-pit in the Potter's Lane birds
were reared and trained for King George ; and the annual
1 cockings ' here at Wake-time were attended by the nobility
and members of the sporting fraternity from all parts of the
kingdom. "Twas wonderful to see,' says an old record, 'how
the great men of our land would flock to Wednesbury to
behold a few brace of spurred cocks tear each other to pieces
in their mad fury, set on and abetted by their anxious
possessors. Lawyers and apothecaries, country squires, —
nay, even parsons in their cock-an-pinched hats, have I seen
crowding the pit and applauding the bravery of the birds.'
Ninety years ago the ' cockings ' of Wednesbury were as
famous throughout the country, and produced almost as much
excitement, as the modern Derby-day. Early in the present
century, however, their glory had begun to wane. Wesley's
warning voice against the sport had found an echo, and the
plea of humanity began to assert its claim. The better class
of townspeople gradually discountenanced the pastime, and
the fraternity degenerated into the mere rabble of mobocracy.
Sarcasm and ridicule did much to render the sport and its
devotees unpopular. A street-song called 'The Wednesbury
Cocking ' greatly infuriated the cockers, and the guard of the
mail coach ' Nimrod,' venturing on one occasion to give a few
airs of the melody on his bugle, while passing through the
town, was attacked by the fraternity, and savagely stoned
for his pains. Bull-baiting, bear-baiting, and badger-drawing
were also included in the popular recreations of the period,
as many as six bulls having been subject to canine encounter
during a single Wake-time."
Public opinion may have been powerful, but
it was ultimately the vicar of the parish, the
Rev. Isaac Clarkson, who, opposed as he was to
" Quaker" Lloyd in religious views, united with
him in inducing the people to accept the Act
that made these cruel pursuits illegal.
My father was very handsome as a young man.
Once when he sent me, when I was sixteen, to call
on the late Thomas Walker, the proprietor, at the
time, with Mr. Geach, of the Patent Shaft Works,
I remember Mr. Walker saying, " You will never be
such a handsome man as your father." I was a little
taken aback; but he said, "Your father, when I
first saw him, was the handsomest man I ever saw
in my life. He had knee-breeches, and silk stock-
ings, and a velvet coat." I conclude it must have
been at the time of one of his sisters' weddings.
My father rode a fine grey horse, and the
county people wanted once to make him a captain
of the Staffordshire Yeomanry, but his Friends'
principles prevented him accepting the post. The
Lloyds have been a tall race. One day when I
had finished growing, my father asked me how
tall I was, when I replied, 5 feet 9^ inches. He
said, " My grandfather was 6 feet i inch, my father
6 feet, and I am 5 feet 1 1 inches, and you only
5 feet 9^ inches ! What are we coming to?" My
wife, however, said that the cleverest men she had
ever met were all short men.
Talking one day with my father respecting re-
ligious persecution, I said that, as far as the Church
of England was concerned, it was now a thing of
the past. He replied, "No; the same spirit is
still in them, and no one can tell how soon perse-
cution may again take place," and lately it has
become manifest, by the Act of Parliament of 1902,
under which Nonconformist ministers and others
have been imprisoned upon the religious educa-
tional question. He considered that he had suffered
at Wednesbury when, soon after he went to live
there, two fine horses belonging to his firm, and
worth ^40 each, were seized and sold, because he
had not paid the Great Tithe. Four days after-
wards both horses died, and the people of Wednes-
bury deemed this to be a judgment following the
taking of them.
Happily the Tithe Commutation Act, passed
in 1834, tended greatly to allay friction between
Church and Dissent ; and when Church Rates in
Birmingham, more than half a century ago, were
abolished, the houses of dissenters were no longer
invaded, and articles, often of double the value of
the rate, seized and sold at little more than half
their value. The Friends have always defrayed
the expenses connected with their own places of
worship, besides distributing to the necessities of
their own poor, &c.
Some members of the Lloyd family are now
earnest members of the Church of England. As
an instance of friendly feeling towards it, I may
mention that John William Pease, banker, of New-
castle-on-Tyne, though a Friend, gave up his
residence there, worth ,£10,000 or more, as a
bishop's palace was much needed in the newly
appointed diocese. He died a few years ago, and
his widow, my first cousin, is, I am sure, very well
pleased in remembering her husband's timely
Coming events cast their shadows before, and
the year 1906 opens with a document signed by
1700 clergymen of the Church of England which
was sent by them to the members of the Episcopal
Church in America, in which they assert their
confidence that " the faith of the Church will stand
whatever historical revision may await us," and
they desire that the clergy, as Christian teachers,
should take part in, and welcome, a patient,
reverent, and progressive criticism of the Old and
New Testament . . . " lest the door of ordination
should be closed to men who patiently and
reverently apply historical methods to the gospel
records, and so an increasing number of men, both
spiritually and intellectually qualified, should be
lost to the high office of the Ministry."
The Quaker descendants of the Lloyds of
Birmingham, and the most enlightened members
of every religious society, no longer deprecate in-
vestigations into the correctness of any and every
passage of Scripture fearing lest the whole citadel
of truth should be shaken to its foundation and
infidelity triumph as the result. This small book
welcomes the declaration of these 1700 clergymen.
The imprisonment and continued religious
persecution of Charles Lloyd, which caused the
migration of the family to Birmingham, his de-
scendants may freely and thankfully acknowledge,
has been overruled, in their case, by a kind Provi-
dence, for good. That persecution calls to mind
the experience which George Fox gave expression
to in his Narrative of the Spreading of Truth,
where he writes : " There was never any persecution
that came, but we saw in the event that it would
be productive of good ; nor were there ever any
prisons that I was in, or sufferings which I endured,
but it was for bringing multitudes out of prison ; "
for " they who imprisoned the Truth, and quenched
the Spirit in themselves," quenched it also out-
side the prisons, so " that it became as a byword :
* truth is scarcely anywhere to be found, but in
jail.' '
It would take many pages to describe the com-
mercial success attending the industrial enterprise
of the firm of Lloyds, Fosters & Co., from the
starting of the blast-furnaces about 1825-26, with
" Quaker" Lloyd, as my father was called, at its
head, until death terminated his labours in 1862.
The business had by that time become large and
prosperous ; engineering works and forges and
mills had been erected, and the weekly wages
amounted to ^3000 ; but almost as fast as money
was made it was spent in what seemed to be needful
outlays to supply the increasing requirements of
customers, so that no great amount of money was
available for distribution amongst the partners.
Particulars respecting this firm are given in the
Wednesbury papers at the time of the sale of the
business in 1866-67 to the Patent Shaft and Axle-
tree Co. Limited ; and also by Mr. P. W. Hack-
wood in his Wednesbury Ancient and Modern, and
The Story of the Black Country, &c.
What became of the business afterwards ? may
be asked. My father impressed upon me, when
young, the truth that riches can take wings ; and
amongst other truisms I heard from time to time I
remember my elder sister's husband, the late Henry
Pease, of Stanhope Castle and Darlington, remark-
ing that he had been greatly struck with the
rapidity with which a good business may be de-
stroyed by an unfortunate change of management.
He was the youngest son of Edward Pease of
Darlington, " The Father of Railways," who told
his sons to remember that a business was not an
estate. I remember my father further saying that,
partnerships are awkward things.
After this preamble, what happened may be
briefly described. In 1861-62 the Corporation of
London decided to erect the present Blackfriars
Bridge across the Thames. The contract for its
construction was let to Messrs. Thorn, a London
firm, who ordered the necessary ironwork from
Lloyds, Fosters & Co., and agreed to pay cash
monthly for each previous month's deliveries.
When the first monthly payment became due, they
could not meet it, but sent instead their four months'
promissory note, which also they failed to meet.
Thereupon I strongly urged that deliveries to them
should cease, for it showed that a crisis had arrived,
and that we ought to adhere to the terms of our
contract. I knew that this would have been very
decidedly my father's view if he had been still alive
and a partner, but those who then owned three-
quarters of the share capital of the firm (and shortly
after owned seven-eighths), said decidedly it would
be better to finance the contractors. I, who took
the opposite view, only owned one-eighth. My
partners were so confident that theirs would be the
best course that all the arguments I could advance
as to the risks and danger of doing so were totally
unavailing. I reminded them that we knew that
the Messrs. Thorn had taken the contract at a
price far below that of other tenders, ,£100,000, for
instance, below the tender of the Messrs. Brassey ;
and amongst other things I reminded them that
Fox, Henderson & Co. of Smethwick, a prosperous
firm, our competitors for a long time in supplying
ironwork to railways, had been ruined by becoming
contractors in Denmark ; and another well-to-do
firm, Bury, Curtis & Kennedy, engine-makers, of
Liverpool, had likewise been ruined by departing
from their ordinary trade and undertaking the con-
struction of a bridge across the Neva at St. Peters-
burg. It was in vain. Their minds were so fully
made up that all argument was useless.
Expenses meanwhile mounted up, all to the
detriment of the contractors' bargain. In the
construction of the Blackfriars Bridge the stone
piers had to be built up in the bed of the river, the
men working inside iron caissons that had to be
made and kept water-tight. These caissons had to
be sunk into the London clay below the bed of the
river to obtain a solid foundation, and as the tide
was rushing to and fro night and day this was
found to be much more difficult than my partners,
or the contractors, or even the engineer, Mr. Cubitt,
had contemplated. A further difficulty arose at the
city end of the bridge, where the Fleet ditch, as
it was called, had been pouring its waters for
thousands of years into the river, and in doing so
had burrowed down and made the ground so soft
that there seemed no bottom to it.
But money and perseverance at length overcame
all difficulties, and the bridge was finished, and
was opened by Queen Victoria, on November 6,
1869. But through financing the contractors, the
partners of Lloyds, Fosters & Co. incurred a loss
of a quarter of a million sterling. This necessitated
the sale of the works and business to the well-
known Wednesbury firm, the Patent Shaft and
Axletree Co. Limited. The sale was satisfactory
to the purchasers, as in about seven years the
profits were sufficient to pay the whole of the
purchase-money in dividends ; and notwithstanding
the disaster, among the partners of the absorbed
firm, I have pleasure in remembering, not one word
of recrimination ever passed.
Although we remained good friends, in spite
of this perfectly unnecessary calamity, the disaster
caused me to repeat to myself many hundreds of
times, while the wealth, having taken wings, was
thus daily flying away, the Latin words: " Quos
Deus vult perdere, prius dementat " (Those whom
God wishes to destroy He first deprives of
their reason) ; and I repeated also the words,
"Consider it," being my own abbreviation of
Ecclesiastes vii. 14: " In prosperity be joyful,
but in the day of adversity consider."
Meanwhile, while some of the descendants of
Charles Lloyd of Dolobran thus lost a quarter of
a million of money, two others, both Lloyds, first
cousins of mine, working in partnership together,
were being so successful in their business affairs
that they gained nearly twice that sum. The
elder of the two brothers most generously gave
away of his superfluity and abundance, not forget-
ting those of his own kith and kin to whom he
believed timely assistance might be acceptable, and
so far from wishing that a word of thanks should be
said by any relative in praise of his generosity, he
expressly forbade it. The gifts to relatives generally
came unexpectedly, accompanied by a letter, al-
ways in his own clever, amusing style, sometimes
assuring the recipients of his bounty that they
were doing him a favour by helping him to get
rid of a burden that was weighing him down. He
so expressly forbade any word of praise or thanks
that even his name must be withheld in this slight
reference to him. Some who had converse with
him may adopt the lines —
" Say not the long ago grows dim,
Though years have taken flight ;
We ever shall remember him
Who filled those hours with light."
To return to my own affairs, I left one iron
business only to establish others, in which, in their
turns, my sons are now occupied — so that Lloyds
are still true to iron and are likely to be so, as
my sons take kindly to different branches of the
business. Ironmasters have always been among
my heroes and friends — from George Stephenson,
whom I heard lecture on "The Fallacies of the
Rotary Engine," to Sir William Bessemer and
Mr. Andrew Carnegie. I worked with Sir William
Siemens in his experiments towards utilising the
waste heat of furnaces. I will not say that iron
has entered into my soul, for that would not be
true ; but I am deeply interested in it, and was
much pleased the other day to learn that George
Washington's father and Abraham Lincoln's great
great grandfather were both ironmasters.
Writing about oneself is not a congenial task ;
yet, lest it be thought that I am over much given to
business, I should like to mention the time I have
given not only to the study but also to the distri-
bution of the Bible — even to smuggling, under the
influence of George Borrow's book, copies of the
Scriptures into Spain — by hiding them in the hollow
balance-weights of the machinery we sent out to
Barcelona when we supplied the rolling-mills there,
the dissemination of the literature being under-
taken by a zealous Welsh foreman. I have long
been an active member of the Bible Society, and
recently I myself published The Corrected New
Testament, in the preparation of which I had the
valuable assistance of the Rev. G. C. Cunnington
and many famous theological scholars. I consider
that my life-work.
This narrative must now conclude. It was
Lord Bacon who said, " Lives contain a com-
mixture of actions, greater and smaller, public and
private, and of necessity a more true native and
lively representation than histories that merely
record the pomp of business." However this may
be, the task my cousin set me to perform seems
to me sufficiently completed for me now to take
leave of the reader.
THROUGH the marriage of the second Charles Lloyd with
Elizabeth Lort, his descendants are able to claim royal descent
in more than one line. In Foster's Royal Descent the ancestry
of the Lloyds of Birmingham has been traced, through this
marriage, to Edward I. of England. But a chart prepared
in 1903 and 1904 by the Rev. R. Owen Thomas from
authentic pedigrees shows that the Lloyds' pedigree, in addi-
tion to the descent from Edward I., and the more direct
descent from four lines of British kings, goes back, in some
cases, more than a thousand years.
The four principal converging lines proceed respectively
from the monarchs of a united kingdom of Wales; from
the Anglo-Saxon king Alfred the Great; from William, the
Norman conqueror of England ; and from the early kings of
Scotland. The chart shows that in successive centuries these
four lines were woven by various marriages. This, while
complicating the pedigree, puts the fact of this fourfold suc-
cession beyond dispute. To trace all these connections would
be a somewhat tedious process, but some of the leading
genealogical facts may be found interesting.
The Lorts, from whom, through the marriage of the
second Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, the immediate ancestor
of the Birmingham Lloyds, a descent from Edward I. is
commonly traced, claim descent also from the Scottish kings
and from William the Conqueror. The father of Sampson
Lort was Sir Roger Lort Stacpoole, 1st Baronet (died 1664),
and his mother was Hester Annesley, daughter of Francis
Annesley, 1st Viscount Valcntia and Lord Mountm orris in
Ireland (died 1660). Francis Annesley 's wife, Jane Stanhope,
Was daughter of Sir John Stanhope, ancestor of the Earls of
Chesterfield and Harrington. The grandfather of Sir John
was Sir Michael Stanhope (executed on Tower Hill 1552),
who, through both parents, was descended from Princess
Gundred, daughter of William the Conqueror and wife of
William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey. It is through Sir
Michael's mother that one of the lines of Scottish descent is
to be traced. This lady, Avelina Clifton, was a great grand-
daughter of Henry de Clifton, who was one of the English
commanders at the battle of Flodden, and died in 1523, aged
seventy. John, the 9th Lord Clifford, married Margaret, the
only child of Lord Vesci, a descendant of William the Lion
of Scotland, while through Joan Dacre, wife of Thomas, the
8th Lord Clifford (slain at the battle of St. Albans 1454), and
her mother, Lady Phillips, daughter of Ralph, Earl of West-
moreland, appears a descent from Edward III. of England.
The main line of descent from the Scottish kings is
through Lady Joan Douglas, wife of the 5th Lord Dacre, and
daughter of the Princess Egidia who married the 1st Earl
of Douglas (died 1384). Princess Egidia was a daughter of
King Robert of Scotland ; and so, through a succession which
includes Robert the Bruce, and the king Duncan who was
murdered by Macbeth, the ancestry goes back in a direct line
to Donald VI., who succeeded to the throne of Scotland in
889, on the abdication of Gregory the Great, and died in 900.
The succession from Alfred the Great, and also that from
the Norman kings, is linked at more than one point with this
Scottish ancestry.
Lady Adeline, wife of Prince Henry of Scotland, was
descended from William the Conqueror, and Henry's father,
David I., King of Scotland, and Earl of Huntingdon in the
English peerage, had married Lady Maud, daughter of
Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland (died 1153), who was a
descendant of Alfred the Great. A descent from Alfred is
to be traced also through the marriage of another Scottish
king, Malcolm III. ("Canmore"), who died in 1098, and whose
wife was the Princess Margaret, daughter of Edward the
Exile (died 1057), son of the Saxon king, Edmund Ironside.
The English line of the descent from Alfred the Great
(died 901) is through the Lady Eleanor Nevill. She married
Thomas Stanley, ist Earl of Derby, who crowned Henry VII.
on Bos worth Field and died in 1524. A descendant of his,
Elizabeth Stanley, married the first Charles Lloyd of Dolobran
(born 1 597). The descent of the Nevills from Alfred is traced
through the Lords of Raby to Cospatric, Saxon Earl of
Northumberland, who was confirmed in his dignities by
William the Conqueror, but was deposed soon afterwards
for rebellion against the Norman rule. Cospatric fled into
Scotland, taking with him Edgar Atheling, the Saxon claimant
to the English throne, and Edgar's sister, the Princess Mar-
garet. Cospatric was descended, in the female line, from
King Ethelred II., and so, through kings Edgar, Edmund I.
and Edward the elder, from Alfred.
By the marriage of the Saxon Princess Margaret to
Malcolm III. of Scotland comes another collateral royal
descent. Their daughter Matilda was espoused by Henry I.
of England. This union of the Norman and Saxon royal
families contributed greatly to the popularity of Henry I. and
to the pacification of the kingdom, while from the marriage of
their daughter, the Empress Matilda, to Geoffrey Count of
Anjou, sprang the Angevin or Plantagenet line of English
From one of the greatest of these, Edward I., " the English
Justinian," the best known pedigree of the Lloyds, that given
in Foster's Royal Descent, is traced through Elizabeth Lort,
wife of the second Charles Lloyd of Dolobran. Her mother,
Olive Phillips, was fifth daughter of Sir John Phillips, Bart.,
of Picton Castle, Pembroke (died 1629). Sir John, who was
descended from Prince Rhys of South Wales, married Mary,
daughter of Sir John Perrott, of Haroldstone, K.B., who was
Lord-Deputy of Ireland in 1583 and Admiral of the Fleet,
and died in the Tower. Through Mary Berkeley, the mother
of Sir John, the Perrotts were descended, through the
Berkeleys of Ragland, from Sir Maurice Berkeley (summoned
to Parliament 1362-1368), who married a daughter of Hugh
le De Spencer (ancestor of the present Earl Spencer). This
was the younger of the two De Spencers, father and son, who
championed the cause of the weak Edward II. against the
barons in 1326, and endeavoured to strengthen the throne on
constitutional lines by a statute directed against the assump-
tion of legislative power by the baronage alone. The younger
De Spencers, on the capture of the king by the barons in 1326,
was summarily condemned as a traitor and hanged on a gibbet
fifty feet high, the king being murdered at Berkeley Castle in
the following year. This De Spencer had married Eleanor,
whose parents were Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and
Hertford, and Joan Dacre, daughter of Edward I.
Curiously, Mr. Owen Thomas in his more elaborate chart
has not carried back the pedigree of the Lloyds through the
line thus leading from Edward I. Olive Phillips is mentioned,
but her descent is not traced. Probably he was satisfied with
having discovered a more ancient royal ancestry. His chart,
however, does give a double line of descent from Edward I.,
converging in the Stanleys, ancestors of the wife of the first
Charles Lloyd of Dolobran.
The first Earl of Derby was descended, in the female line,
from the De Bohuns, one of whom, Humphrey de Bohun,
Earl of Hereford, High Constable of England (died 1341),
married Elizabeth, daughter of Edward I. This Earl of Derby
married Lady Eleanor Nevill, through whom a descent from
Alfred the Great has already been shown, and whose father,
Richard Nevill, Earl of Salisbury, through his mother, Lady
Joan Beaufort, daughter of "John of Gaunt, time-honoured
Lancaster," was descended from the first three Edwards.
Moreover, Lady Eleanor's mother, Lady Alice Montacute, was
descended from Prince Edward, Earl of Kent (executed 1329),
third son of Edward I. Lady Joan Plantagenet (known as
" The Fair Maid of Kent "), daughter of this prince, married an
ancestor of the Lady Eleanor Holland, who became wife of
Thomas Montacute, Earl of Salisbury, and mother of Richard
Nevill's wife, Lady Alice.
The Welsh ancestry of the Lloyds, traced by Mr. Owen
Thomas, is equally interesting. There is the direct family
descent from the kings or princes of South Wales already
mentioned, and through the marriage of John Lloyd (cousin
of the second David Lloyd of Dolobran) with Margaret
Kynaston, and that of their granddaughter to the first John
Lloyd of Dolobran, the Lloyds of Birmingham are descended
from King Roderick the Great, who in 843 became King of
all Wales. Roderick was King of North Wales by maternal
inheritance, of Powis by paternal descent, and of South Wales
by marriage.
The mother of the first Charles Lloyd, and grandmother of
the Charles Lloyd the Quaker, through whose sufferings for
conscience' sake occurred the migration of one branch of his
family to Birmingham, was Katherine Wynne, daughter of
Humphrey son of the John Lloyd and Margaret Kynaston
just mentioned. Humphrey Lloyd had assumed the surname
of Wynne and was settled at Garth near Duffryn, Mont-
gomeryshire. The father of Margaret Kynaston was Sir
Roger Kynaston, Knight of Hordley, Salop, who distinguished
himself at the battle of Bloreheath (1459). His wife, Lady
Elizabeth Grey, daughter of John Powis, could claim royal
descent through Princess Gundred, daughter of William the
Conqueror, and through Prince Thomas, Earl of Norfolk,
second son of Edward I.
An ancestor of Sir Roger's, Madoc Kynaston, who was
.slain at the battle of Shrewsbury (1403), having taken part
with Owen Glendower (also a descendant of King Roderick
the Great) in the Percys' Rebellion, had married Lady Isolda
Percy, a descendant (through her father, Henry, 1st Earl of
Northumberland of his line) of Henry III., and, through her
mother, Margaret Nevill, of Alfred the Great. Madoc Kynaston,
through his mother, Agnes, and his grandmother, Annes, the
wife of Llewellyn Dhu, 3rd Baron of Cymmes (a descendant
of Prince Madoc of Powys), was descended from the eldest
of the lines of princes which traced their origin to Roderick
the Great. The father of the Lady Annes was Jevan ap
Jorwerth of Llanwyllin, Merionethshire, while her mother,
Margaret, was a direct descendant in the male line from Prince
Madoc of Powys, and, through her mother, from Richard de
Cornewall, grandson of King John of England. Jevan's mother,
Gwen, was in the line of descent from Roderick, while his
father, Jorwerth ap David, was descended from Prince David,
son of King Owen of North Wales, and Princess Emma,
daughter of King Henry of England. Among the illustrious
ancestors of the Lady Gwen was Prince Cadwalder, Earl of
Cardigan, the famous Welsh general (died 1172).
Some interesting facts in the genealogy of the Lloyds may
be noted at this point. The wife of Prince Cadwalder, Lady
Alice Fitz-Gilbert, was daughter of Richard, Earl of Hertford,
and of Lady Adelicia, through whom is to be traced yet another
line of descent from Alfred the Great. This line goes back
through Algar, Earl of Cornwall and Mercia, whose wife was
a daughter of William Mallet, a Norman baron who buried the
body of Harold after the battle of Hastings (1066). Algar's
father was the Leofric, Earl of Mercia (died 1057), and his
mother the Lady Godiva, who figures in the famous Coventry
legend, and who were buried in the abbey founded by them
at Coventry. Leofric was descended from Alfred through that
king's daughter, the Princess Ethelfleda, who, it is curious to
note, took the field against the Welsh on the death of her
husband Ethelred, the last Duke of Mercia. The Lloyds can
also claim an infusion of Danish royal blood, through the
marriages of some of their ancestors. For instance, Leofrine,
Earl of Mercia, and father of Leofric, married Alwara, daughter
of Athelstan, Danish Duke of East Anglia.
To resume the Welsh genealogy, Prince Cadwalder or
Cadwalader was a son of King Griffith II., who was Sovereign
of North Wales 1077-1137, though his father, Prince Conan,
and his grandfather, Prince Jago, had been excluded from
the throne in favour of princes of a younger branch. Jago's
father, King Idwall II. (died 993), was fourth in the line of
descent from Roderick the Great, through the eldest son, King
Anarawd, Sovereign of North Wales. The kingdom had been
divided on Roderick's death — North Wales to his eldest son,
South Wales going to his second son, Cadell, and Powys to
the third son, Mervyn. On Mervyn's death Cadell took pos-
session of Powys, and these two kingdoms remained united
for 170 years. A descent from Roderick through Cadell is
established by the marriage of Ivan Teg with Maud Blaney,
a descendant of this king, as well as by marriage of earlier
ancestors, while in the tenth century the families of Cadell and
Mervyn had been united by the marriage of King Owen I.,
Sovereign of South Wales, with the dispossessed Crown
Princess, Angharad of Powys, granddaughter of Mervyn.
An Irish royal ancestry of the Lloyds is to be traced
through the marriage of Prince Conan, father of Griffith, with
Ranult, daughter of Alflaad, Prince of Dublin. From King
Griffith are descended the William- Wynn family of baronets
and the Tudor sovereigns of England.
In the privately printed books by Joseph Foster, also
Burke's Landed Gentry, &c., also Farm and its Inhabitants, by
Mrs. Lowe of Ettington, it is mentioned that Meorig, the first
of that name on record, was succeeded by his eldest son Sawl ;
then followed Lyman, Llewellyn, Leissyltt, Lowarch, Collwyn,
Prince of Demeca or Dimitia, part of Merionethshire and
Montgomeryshire; then followed Gwyn Prince of Dyfed,
G wry ant, Ivor, Llewellyn, Cadwyan, Griffith, Cadwegan, Aleth
Prince of Dyfed; Uchdryd, Jerweth Lord of Falgarth, who
married, in 1112, Ellen, daughter of Uchdryd Edywn Prince of
Fegengl; Georgeman, Gwerfyl, Cynddelw, Rivid, Celynin or
Cyhylin. The Heralds Office gives the descent from Aleth,
Uchdryd, Gwrgency, Jerworth, Cyndheln, Ririd, Cyhylin.
Further information is given respecting the Lloyds of
Dolobran in the ninth volume of the Powys-land Club
(printed for the club by Thos. Richards, 37 Great Queen
Street, London, 1876).
Charles Perrin Smith of Trenton, New Jersey, one of the
descendants of Thomas Lloyd, having joined the Powys-land
Club, has since compiled from the Montgomeryshire collections
and other sources, addenda to the Lloyd lineage; also in 1870
he had privately printed, The Lineage of the Lloyd and Car-
penter Family -, and in 1875, The Home and Ancestry of Thomas
Lloydy Governor of Pennsylvania , who was born in 1640, and
died in 1694.
I GIVE here, from the second number of Lloyds Bank Magazine,
December 1902, the original prospectus of Lloyds Bank issued
on March 29, 1865, together with the names of the Provisional
Committee, and also the first Report of the Bank, dated
February 9, 1866, and the first balance sheet, dated December
31, 1865. I add also the balance sheet of December 31, 1883,
just before the London amalgamations, and the balance sheet
of December 31, 1906.
Founded on the Private Banks of Messrs. Lloyd & Company
and Messrs. Moilliet & Sons.
Capital .£2,000,000 in 40,000 Shares of .£50 each.
First Issue 25,000 Shares.
Calls not to exceed in the aggregate £12, ros. per share.
John Foster Adams, Esq., Olton Hall.
Mr. Thomas Adams, Birmingham.
Mr. Arthur Albright, Oldbury.
Rev. G. W. B. Adderley, Fillongley Hall.
Charles Haden Adams, Esq., Fillongley.
Mr. Frederick Ash, Birmingham.
Mr. J. Bates, Birmingham.
Rev. B. Jones-Bateman, Sheldon.
James T. Bolton, Esq., Solihull.
Mr. Samuel Briggs, Birmingham.
Mr. Joseph Bourne, Birmingham.
Edwin Bullock, Esq., Handsworth.
Mr. R. C. Brinton, Birmingham.
Mr. John Cadbury, Birmingham.
Mr. Henry Cooper, King's Heath.
H. H. Chattock, Esq., Solihull.
Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Birmingham.
Mr. J. B. Chamberlain, Birmingham.
Mr. Charles Couchman, Temple Balsall.
Mr. J. Cooper, Birmingham.
Mr. C. W. S. D. Deakin, Birmingham.
William Stratford Dugdale, Esq., Merevale Hall.
Mr. Wm. Hy. Deykin, Edgbaston.
Abraham Dixon, Esq., Birches Green.
George Dixon, Esq., Birmingham.
Mr. T. S. Eddowes, Sutton Coldfield.
Mr. Alfred S. Evans, Edgbaston.
Mr. William Fowler, Erdington.
Mr. D. J. Fleetwood, Birmingham.
Mr. Hy. A. Fry, Birmingham.
Joseph Foster, Birmingham.
Edward Gem, Esq., Bellevue House, Halesowen.
William Gough, Esq., Edgbaston.
Mr. William M. Gough, Edgbaston.
Mr. James Grundy, Birmingham.
Sampson Hanbury, Esq., Warley Hall.
Mr. Vincent Holbeche, Sutton Coldfield.
Mr. William Hutton, Ward End Hall.
Timothy Kenrick, Esq., Edgbaston.
Thomas Lane, Esq., Moundsley Hall, Kings Norton.
James Lloyd, Esq., )
Sampson S. Lloyd, Esq., ( Partners in the firm of
Thomas Lloyd, Esq., f Lloyds & Co.
Mr. George B. Lloyd, )
Mr. Sampson Lloyd, Wednesbury.
Mr. Samuel Lloyd, Wednesbury.
John Towers Lawrence, Esq., Balsall Heath.
James Moilliet, Esq., ) of the firm of
Theodore Moilliet Esq., } Moilliet & Sons.
Mr. McCallum, Birmingham.
Mr. W. G. Postans, Birmingham.
Thomas Piggott, Esq., King's Heath.
Mr. Joseph Price, Birmingham.
Mr. Henry Richards, Birmingham.
Mr. Thomas Redfern, Edgbaston.
Rev. P. M. Smythe, Solihull.
Mr. Joseph Small wood, Birmingham.
Mr. William Southall, Edgbaston.
Mr. Brooke Smith, Birmingham.
Mr. William Sutton, Birmingham.
Mr. Robert Thomas, Smethwick.
W. F. Taylor, Esq., Doveridge Hall, Uttoxeter.
Mr. Samuel Timmins, Birmingham.
Mr. F. Timmins, Birmingham.
Mr. Z. Twamley, Castle Bromwich.
Mr. W. M. Warden, Birmingham.
Mr. John Wilkes, Birmingham.
With power to add to their number.
Messrs. GRIFFITHS £ BLOXHAM, 6 Bennett's Hill.
Messrs. RYLAND & MARTINEAU, 7 Cannon Street.
Messrs. INGLEBY, WRAGGE £ EVANS, 4 Bennett's Hill.
Messrs. J. PEARSON £ SONS, Bennett's Hill.
The recent alterations in the Law affecting Banking Partner-
ships, and the growing requirements of the Trade of this District,
have determined Messrs. Lloyds & Company and Messrs. Moilliet
and Sons to extend the basis of their present Partnerships by
converting them into a Joint-Stock Company with limited liability.
Arrangements have consequently been made with the Provi-
sional Committee above named, on behalf of themselves and such
others as may become Shareholders, for the formation of a Company
under the name, and with the Capital appearing at the head of this
After allotting 12,500 Shares to Messrs. Lloyds & Company
and Messrs. Moilliet & Sons, it is proposed to issue 12,500 Snares
at a Premium of £$ each, and this it is estimated will raise a sum
equal to the amount required to be paid for the purchase of the
Goodwill, so that the whole amount to be received for Deposits and
subsequent calls may be available for the purposes of the Bank. It
is proposed that the remaining 15,000 Shares shall be reserved for
issue at such premiums, at such times, and to such persons, as the
Directors shall consider most conducive to the Interests of the
The Surplus Premiums (if any) not required for the payment of
the Goodwill will be carried to a Reserve Fund — and it is intended
that until such Fund, arising from this source and from profits,
shall amount to a sum equal to one-fifth of the paid-up Capital, no
Dividend shall be made exceeding 10 per cent, per annum on the
amount of paid-up Capital.1
A Deposit of ^"5 a Share is to be paid on allotment in addition
to the Premium. Further Calls are not to exceed at one time
^"2, i os. a Share, and are not to be made at less intervals than
three calendar months. The aggregate amount of Calls will not
exceed ^"12, IDS. a Share; the remaining ^37, los. a Share is to
be available only for the ultimate liabilities of the Company.
The Business of the Company will commence as from the ist of
May 1865, or as soon afterwards as may be practicable, and will
for the present be carried on at the premises occupied by Messrs.
Lloyds & Company and Messrs. Moilliet & Sons.
The Messrs. Lloyds and Messrs. James Moilliet and Theodore
Moilliet will retain a considerable interest in the Capital of the
Company, and it is proposed to offer them Seats on the Board of
The Provisional Committee are taking the necessary steps for
the Registration of the Company. They will make the first Allot-
ment of Shares, and appoint the first Directors.
Applications for Shares from the present connections of the two
Banks will receive especial attention ; in dealing with applications
from other persons, preference will be given to those who bring
Accounts. All applications must be made in the Form, of which a
copy is annexed, and sent to the Offices of
Messrs. Griffiths & Bloxham,
Messrs. Ryland & Martineau, (. ^Solicitors,
Messrs. Ingleby, Wragge & Evans
BIRMINGHAM, 29^ March 1865.
or (Birmingham.
> J
1 The conclusion of this paragraph differs from that in the Prospectus first
issued, which did not correctly express the intention of the Promoters.
The Private Banks of Messrs. Lloyds & Co. and Messrs. Moilliet
and Sons, with -which have subsequently been amalgamated the
Banks of Messrs. P. 6r» H. Williams, Wednesbury, and Messrs.
Stevenson, Salt <5r* Co., Stafford and Lichfield.
Authorised Capital . . . .£2,000,000 o o
Paid-tip Capital (3ist Dec. 1865) . 143,415 o o
Reserved Fund (3ist Dec. 1865) . 27>75° 2 6
TIMOTHY KENRICK, Esq., Chairman.
Managing Director.
Branches (in 1865).
Cherry Street, Birmingham— Mr. THOMAS EVANS.
Stafford— Mr. E. DICKENSON. Oldbury— Mr. WILLIAM JAGGER.
Lichfield— Mr. E. C. SEARGEANT. Tamworth— Mr. W. N. FIELD.
Wednesbury— Mr. F. DEAKIN.
Sub-Branches and Agencies.
LONDON AGENTS— for Birmingham, Wednesbury, Oldbury and Tam-
and for Stafford, Lichfield, Rugeley, and Eccleshall : Messrs.
CURRENT ACCOUNTS (whether large or small) are received and con-
ducted on fair and liberal terms.
DEPOSITS (of any amount not under ^5) are received, from customers or
from the public, on favourable terms, the rate of interest allowed
fluctuating occasionally with the value of money. Persons having
current accounts can at any time transfer a portion of their credit
balance to deposit account.
LETTERS OF CREDIT are issued upon the principal places in England,
Scotland and Ireland, also in America, Australia, Van Diemen's
Land, and New Zealand, and are obtained at two days' notice upon
the chief cities of the Continent.
DIVIDENDS on all descriptions of Government and other Stock are
received. The Sale and Purchase of English and Foreign Stocks
and Shares effected, and every other description of Banking
Business transacted on liberal terms.
At the first Ordinary General Meeting, held at the Exchange
Assembly Room, Birmingham,
On Thursday, the fifteenth of February 1866, at Twelve
o'clock Noon.
The Directors of Lloyds Banking Company Limited have great
pleasure in laying before the Shareholders, on the occasion of their
first Ordinary Meeting, the annexed statement of the Liabilities and
Assets of the Bank at 3ist December last.
At the close of eight months' operations in Birmingham and
Oldbury, and five months in Wednesbury, the Balance in favour of
the Bank, after payment of all charges, expenses, and bad debts, is
,£26,944, i6s. i id., and the amount available, after providing for
contingencies, rebate of bills, and two-thirds of the preliminary
expenses (which are an exceptional charge) is .£18,323, 25. gd.
In accordance with the Articles of Association which provide
that so long as the Reserved Fund is less than one-fifth of the paid-
up Capital, no Dividend shall be paid exceeding the rate of ;£io
per cent, per annum, your Directors recommend that ^8988, os. 3d.
be appropriated to the payment of a Dividend at that rate, and
that the remainder, ^9335, 23. 6d., be carried to the Reserved
Fund, which will then stand at .£27,750, 23. 6d.
The amount of business done has much increased since the
amalgamation of the three private Banks which formed the basis
of the Company, and your Directors feel that they may congratulate
the Shareholders on the result, which has exceeded their anticipa-
tions, especially as the state of the Money Market during the
summer months was by no means favourable to Banking operations.
Since the last General Meeting, a branch has been opened in
the town of Tamworth, which your Directors have reason to be-
lieve will prove beneficial.
Your Directors have the satisfaction to report that they have
concluded an agreement with the well-known and old-established
firm of Messrs. Stevenson, Salt & Company for the amalgamation
with this Company of their Banking Business at Stafford, Lichfield,
Rugeley, and Eccleshall, and that this agreement has had the
unanimous approval of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on
3ist January last. It will be again submitted to you for final
confirmation after the close of the Ordinary General Meeting.
In the opinion of your Directors this extension of business
should be accompanied by some enlargement of Capital, and after
careful consideration they have decided to recommend a further
issue of Shares in the proportion of one in ten to the proprietors of
all Shares issued previously to 3ist December last.
Your Directors recommend that on this occasion the issue be
made at a premium of £6 per Share.
The Directors who retire by rotation are Messrs. Joseph
Chamberlain, Charles Couchman, George Dixon, and George
Braithwaite Lloyd; they are all eligible, and offer themselves for
The Auditor, Mr. Edwin Laundy, also retires, but is eligible for
The Dividend will be payable on the igih instant, free of
income tax.
BIRMINGHAM, gth Febrtiary 1866.
Amount of Capital paid up ..... .£143,415 o o
Amount due on Deposit, Current, and other Accounts 1,166,160 6 7
Reserved Fund 18,415 o o
Profit and Loss 18,323 2 9
£1*346,313 9 4
Cash in hand and at Agents ,£126,170 16 7
Bills of Exchange ....... 655,435 19 2
Advances on Current Accounts, Loans on Stock,
Purchase Account, and other Securities . . 556,115 17 4
Bank Premises. Furniture, Fittings, &c. . . . 8,054 18 o
Preliminary Expenses (less amount written off) . 535 18 3
.£1,346,313 9 4
HOWARD LLOYD, Secretary.
I hereby certify that I have Audited the Accounts of the Company,
and that the above Statement correctly sets forth the position of its
affairs on 3ist December 1865.
EDWIN LAUNDY, Public Accountant,
A uditor.
At this time the number of Offices was 13 ; the Staff consisted of
50 ; and there were 865 Shareholders. There are now in 1906 over
19,000 Shareholders.
Subscribed Capital .... .£3,062,500
In 61,250 Shares of £50 each.
Capital paid up (61,250 Shares, .£8 paid) .£490,000
Reserved Fund . . . . £300,000
THOMAS SALT, Esq., M.P., Deputy-Chairman.
General Manager.
Birmingham —
Colmore Row Mr. Francis C. Bourne
High Street Mr. John Hickling
Aston Road Mr. Charles P. Newman
Deritend Mr. Wm. H. Fletcher
Five Ways Mr. John Willis
Gt. Hampton St. Mr. James Matthew
Burton-on- Trent Mr. Octavius Leatham
Cannock Mr. Charles Harper
Coventry Mr. Harry B. Francis
Dudley Mr. George Wilkinson
Great Bridge Mr. Frank H. Ragg
Halesowen Mr. Frederic D. Nutt
Hanley Mr. Fredk. S. Stringer
Ironbridge Mr. Thomas Powell
Leamington Mr. Edward Seymour
Lichfield Mr. Wm. B. Wordsworth
Longton Mr. Henry C. Ramsdale
Newport (Salop) Mr. Wingfield Dickenson
Oldbury Mr. John Y. Anderson
Rugby Mr. Arthur R. Cox
Rugeley Mr. Arthur H. Pratt
Shifnal Mr. John Harrison
Shrewsbury Mr. John F. Champion
Smethwick Mr. John A. Goode
Stafford Mr. EdwinC. Seargeant
Stratford-on-Avon Mr. J. Dixon Taylor
Tamworth Mr. Charles Hensman
Walsall Mr. Andrew McKean
Warwick Mr. William Tims
Wednesbury Mr. Walter Blackburn
Wellington (Salop) Mr. John Kynoch
Welshpool Mr. Matthew Powell
West Bromwich Mr. John Y. Anderson,
pro tern.
Whitchurch Mr. John Rogers
Wolverhampton Mr. R. Fryer Morson
Sub- Branches and Agencies.
London Agents.
For Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Great Bridge, Halesowen, Leam-
ington, Oldbury, Rugby, Smethwick, Stratford-on-Avon, Tamworth,
Walsall, Warwick, Wednesbury, West Bromwich and Wolver-
hampton : —
For Burton-on-Trent, Cannock, Hanley, Ironbridge, Lichfield, Longton,
Newport, Rugeley, Shifnal, Shrewsbury, Stafford, Wellington,
Welshpool and Whitchurch : —
Subscribed Capital (being 61,250 Shares of £"50 each) .£3,062,500 o o
Capital called up, viz. : —
61,250 Shares at .£8 per Share ....
Amount due on Deposit, Current, and other Accounts
Reserved Fund
Profit (including ^5483, i8s. 2d.
brought forward from last year) . ,£102,969 o 7
Less Interim Dividend for half-year
ending 3oth June, at 20 per cent.
per annum
Balance, proposed to
be appropriated
as follows : —
In Payment of half-
year's Dividend
to 31 st December
at 20 per cent,
per annum . £49,000 o o
To be carried for-
ward to next year 4,969 o 7
49,000 o o
£53,969 o 7
£490,000 o o
6,467,497 19 9
300,000 o o
53,969 o 7
,£7,311,467 o 4
Cash in hand, at Agents, at Call, and at Short Notice ,£1,139.981 5 4
Bills of Exchange 1,326,426 5 o
Consols, India Stock, and other Government Securi-
ties (,£686,205, is. 4d.), Colonial Government,
Railway, Freehold, and other Investments . . 1,470,112 15 6
Advances, Promissory Notes, Loans on Security, &c. 3,227,397 16 4
Bank Premises and Furniture 147,548 18 2
£7,311,467 o 4
HOWARD LLOYD, General Manager.
We hereby certify that we have audited the Accounts of the Com-
pany, and that the above Statement correctly sets forth the position of
its affairs on the 3ist day of December 1883.
LAUNDY & CO., Chartered Accountants,
The profits were ,£97,000 ; Offices, 49 ; Staff, 520 ; Shareholders,
about 1750.
Current, Deposit, and other Accounts, including
Rebate of Bills and provision for Contin-
gencies ^63,587,931 15 6
Profit and Loss Balance, as per Account below . 428,683 5 9
^64,016,615 i 3
Bills Accepted or Endorsed 4,852,666 3 7
Liabilities in respect of Customers' Loans to
Brokers, fully secured . . . ^341,500
Capital paid up, viz., 481,450 Shares of ^50 each,
^8 per Share paid 3,851,600 o o
Reserve Fund 2,950,000 o o
^75,670,881 4 10
Cash in hand and with the Bank of England . . ,£10,971,975 18 8
Cash at Call and Short Notice 4,008,849 5 9
Bills of Exchange 7,516,567 16 n
Consols (at 85) and other British Government
Securities 6,946,794 9 5
Indian and Colonial Government Securities, Cor-
poration Stocks, English Railway Debenture
and Preference Stocks, and other Investments . 5,101,736 14 o
^34,545.924 4 9
Advances to Customers and other Securities . . 34,577,069 i 2
Liabilities of Customers for Bills Accepted or En-
dorsed by the Company 4,852,666 3 7
Bank Premises 1,695,221 15 4
^75,670,881 4 10
225 P
To Interim Dividend for Half-year ended 3oth June,
at 17^ per cent, per annum
Reserve Fund ........
Bank Premises Account
Income Tax
Half-year's Dividend to 3ist Decem-
ber, at i8| per cent, per annum . .£361,087 10 o
Balance carried forward to next year 67,595 15 9
428,683 5
^889,853 8
By Balance brought forward from last year .
Net Profit for the year, after making provision
for Rebate, Bad Debts, and Contingencies
,£59,048 16 6
830,804 ii 9
.£889,853 8 3
E. ALEXANDER DUFF, General Manager.
7 t Country General Managers.
In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1900, we
certify that all our requirements as Auditors have been complied with.
We have examined the above Balance Sheet with the Accounts of
the Company, including the Certified Returns from the Branches ; and,
having satisfied ourselves as to the correctness of the Cash and Invest-
ments, and considered in detail the other items of the Account, we are of
opinion that such Balance Sheet is properly drawn up so as to exhibit
a true and correct view of the state of the Company's affairs on the
3ist December 1906, as shown by the books of the Company.
PRICE, WATERHOUSE & Co., Chartered
A ccountants, A uditors.
nth January 1907.
To be presented to the Shareholders at the Forty-ninth Ordinary
General Meeting, to be held at the Grand Hotel, Colmore
Row, Birmingham, on Friday, the Twenty-fifth day of January
1907, at i
Your Directors present herewith a Statement of the Liabilities
and Assets of the Company on the 3ist day of December last.
The available Profit for the past year, including the amount
brought forward, after payment of Salaries, Pensions, other charges
and expenses, and the annual contribution of £4500 to the
Provident and Insurance Fund, and making full provision for
Rebate, Bad Debts, and Contingencies, is £889,853, 8s. 3d.
Out of this an Interim Dividend at the rate of i;J per cent,
per annum, free of Income Tax, amounting to .£337,015, was paid
for the half-year ended the 3oth day of June last; £50,000 has
been added to the Reserve Fund; £35,000 has been written off
the Bank Premises Account; and .£39,1555 23. 6d. has been
applied in payment of Income Tax on the Dividends, &c.
From the balance remaining, £428,683, 55. gd., your Directors
recommend that a Dividend of 153. per share, being at the rate
of i8J per cent, per annum for the past half-year, amounting
to £361,087, i os. od., be now declared, and that the balance,
£67,595, T5S- 9d-» be carried forward to the Profit and Loss Account
of the present year.
The amalgamation of the Devon and Cornwall Banking Com-
pany Limited with this Bank, alluded to in the last Report, has
been carried through, and has proved mutually satisfactory.
The Directors who retire at this meeting are Messrs. Richard
Hobson, J. Arthur Kenrick, and Edward Nettlefold. They are
all eligible, and offer themselves for re-election.
The Auditors also retire, and are eligible for re-appointment.
The Dividend will be payable on and after the 2gth instant,
free of Income Tax.
nth January 1907.
I append an abridged report (from the Birmingham Daily
Post) of the last annual meeting of Lloyds Bank, which
was held on January 25, 1907, at the Grand Hotel, Birming-
ham, under the presidency of Mr. J. Spencer Phillips, chair-
man of the bank.
There was a large attendance of shareholders. The
Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report and the
declaration of the dividend, said the year 1906 had been
remarkable for its commercial prosperity, activity of trade,
and advance in price of commodities. We had had nothing
like it for nearly thirty years, and it had been the result of a
variety of causes all making for the same end. For the first
time for seven years we had had general peace throughout the
world. . . . How great the general prosperity had been was
shown by all the figures which bore on the trade of the country.
Our foreign trade had for the first time on record exceeded
IOOO millions sterling. Imports had increased by £42,968,000,
or 7.8 per cent., and exports by £45,856,000, or 13.9 per cent.
And those increases were on the year 1905, which greatly
exceeded the predecessor. What was more satisfactory was
the fact that not only was the percentage of the increase
of the exports nearly double that of the imports, but the
actual amount was £3,000,000 more. The increase in im-
ports had been mainly in raw material and unmanufactured
articles, which accounted for £29,000,000 out of £42,000,000,
or more than two-thirds of the whole ; whilst the gain in
exports had been almost entirely in manufactured articles,
particularly iron and steel — £36,000,000 out of £45,000,000.
Our exports during the last three years — since 1903 — had
grown no less than £85,000,000, or 29 per cent., and the
exports of the United States, which also had increased
23 per cent, during the same period, were less in the aggre-
gate than our own by some seven millions. . . . The average
Bank rate had been £4, 55. 3d., as against £3, os. 3d. for
1905. . . . They had 360 branches and 162 sub-branches,
making a total of 522. Their staff numbered 2623, and
their shareholders 19,200. The number of their accounts
had increased by 11,123 during the year, after allowing for
the Devon and Cornwall amalgamation. Their pensioners
numbered 178, and the amount of pensions they paid during
the year was £41,280, an increase over the previous year
°f £76?>7, of which £3824 was due to the Devon and
Cornwall amalgamation. As he had so often explained, their
policy was that profit came second, and a long way second,
to safety and strength; and if they had less regard to the
latter consideration they could increase the former by 30
per cent, to 50 per cent. He concluded his speech last
January by saying, in reference to 1904, that the balance
sheet then presented was the strongest they had ever
shown. He thought they might honestly say that the pre-
sent one was stronger still. (Applause.)
Mr. J. A. Kenrick, in seconding the resolution, said that
the Chairman, who had, as usual, given them a masterly
and illuminating address, had been elected president of the
Institute of Bankers for three consecutive years, an honour
which had not been accorded to any previous president,
and his presidential addresses had caused so much interest
that the Governor and ex-Governor of the Bank of England
paid him the unique compliment of being present to listen
to the last address. Under the wise and sagacious policy
of the Chairman, backed up by the Directors and a zealous
staff, the bank, which was without exception the largest in
the kingdom, was steadily growing in good repute and
prosperity, and they could look forward with confidence
and assurance that its future would be as satisfactory as
its past. (Applause.) A vote of thanks was accorded the
Chairman and the Directors for their services, and in acknow-
ledging it the Chairman mentioned that on no occasion during
the eleven years he had presided over the meetings had any
question been asked him by a shareholder. — A vote of thanks
to the general manager, the country general manager, and the
staff concluded the business.
IN 1865
MR. S. S. LLOYD was one of the speakers at the opening of
the Exchange Buildings in Stephenson Place, Birmingham, on
New Year's Day 1865. The construction of the Exchange
was greatly needed, and it has proved an immense con-
venience to the mercantile community of Birmingham and
South Staffordshire. After prayer had been offered by the
Rector of St. Martin's (the Rev. J. C. Miller, D.D.), giving
especial thanks for the many blessings the Almighty had per-
mitted us to enjoy in this land, and after speeches by the
Mayor, Alderman Thomas Lloyd, and others, John Bright
(then M.P. for Birmingham in conjunction with Mr. Scholefield)
having spoken, Mr. S. S. Lloyd followed by proposing the
Members for the Northern Division of the County (Messrs.
Newdegate and Bromley-Davenport).1
These gentlemen, he said, were too well known — the senior
member at least — to need any words of commendation from
him. They represented a peculiar constituency of mixed
interests — of agriculture and manufacture. They represent
a community in which widely different views are held on
political subjects; and it was all the more interesting a con-
stituency, he should think, for Members of Parliament to
represent on that account. They had been told by their
respected and most able junior borough member (Mr. Bright)
that industrial success waxed and monarchs' power waned.
Now he trusted he would be permitted to say that the com-
merce of this country, and the industrial interests of this town,
which had waxed almost more than history gave any example
1 I am indebted to Mr. Wm. Wright of Moseley for the report of this
speech, which was given in the Birmingham Daily Post of January 2, 1865.
of, were a very good example of commercial interests waxing
while the monarchs' power did not wane. (" Hear, hear," and
applause.) By no class of her Majesty's subjects was her
Majesty's rule — mild, constitutional, and benignant — more
honoured and more valued than by the commercial men of
this district. (" Hear, hear," and applause.)
The hon. gentleman had told them truly of Phoenicia,
Carthage, and the republics of North Italy; and with his
usual eloquence he had descanted on the fact that their great-
ness arose from commerce, but he (Mr. Lloyd) thought, while
listening to his eloquent tongue, that he had also read in
history that their prosperity, instead of waxing and remaining
permanent, very soon waned, and that the republics of North
Italy soon degenerated into the worst of despotism. (" Hear,
hear," and applause.) Carthage and Phoenicia are gone ;
and though, as the hon. gentleman had said, they had left
their mark behind them, they had left a most telling mark
that no wealth they got by commerce, attended merely by
democratic liberties, afforded a security for the stability of
either commerce or liberty — (" Hear, hear," and applause, and
demonstrations of dissent) — and that security for commerce
as well as for true liberty were best to be found in our own
constitutional limited monarchy. (Applause.)
One other remark was made by the hon. gentleman — viz.,
that the liberties of the nation did not come from the lords of
the soil. Now he thought they had all read, when schoolboys,
of the barons of England who wrung the Magna Charta from
the reluctant King John, and when they might have sought
liberties and franchises for themselves, were generous and
noble enough to value the liberties of their poorer fellow-
countrymen, and laid the foundation of our magnificent system
of liberty. (" Hear, hear.") He also thought that he had read
in history of a time when Lord Essex and Lord Brook were
found fighting in the army of Cromwell, and when John
Hampden (he did not know whether he was a merchant or
not) led forth the freeholders of Buckingham to do battle for
liberty against the arbitrary power of the Crown. But, as
he had said, they could not all agree about these things. He
was afraid that even the members for the northern division
of the county, whose health he had the honour to pro-
pose, did not agree with his views of the subject ; but their
senior county member had represented them more than twenty
Mr. Scholefield had gracefully said what every gentleman
felt in that room about Mr. Newdegate. He was the inheritor
of an old ancestral name, though they did not think in Bir-
mingham that everything depended upon that. Agriculture
was indebted to him for his devoted attention to the farming
interest ; and commerce was under no less obligations to him
as the author of a most valuable book on the world's tariffs,
which he brought out at a time when her Majesty's Govern-
ment did not think it worth while to give the country such
a work. Mr. Newdegate devoted his leisure hours — and no
doubt midnight often witnessed his labours — in compiling the
work he had referred to, which had ever since been a standard
work on the subject. He was also distinguished for another
thing. He was the stern opponent of Government monopoly
in manufacture, and he was glad to see that Mr. Cobden, with
his great powers of eloquence and weight of character, had
taken the subject up, and in his hands, no doubt, some power-
ful opposition would be made to the system ; but they must do
honour to whom honour was due. To Mr. Newdegate they
were indebted for making a stand when no one else stood
up against the system of Government monopoly. They were
also obliged to him for the readiness, affability, and courtesy
with which he attended to the interests of all who had re-
course to his assistance, whether friends or opponents in the
political sense.
Their junior member for the northern division of the county
came before them, and he was sure they were all very glad to
see him. Though a comparatively untried man, he was not un-
tried in good works. Though not past middle age, he had what
our great poet told them they ought to have — "Love, honour,
and troops of friends." He was old enough to remember
when both their senior county member and senior borough
member stood on the hustings as untried men. Yet they saw
what they had done. By a policy of conciliation they had
made themselves universally respected in both town and dis-
trict, and had acquired no mean position for themselves in
the House of Commons. This might assure them and their
junior member that no man, however highly and conscien-
tiously party feeling might run at or before ~an election, and
however strongly they might venture to try and turn out
those from whom they might differ, yet when once a man
was lawfully elected, the Warwickshire constituency might
be depended upon to regard all acts as bond fide endeavour
to do his duty, and to interpret them in the most liberal
manner, and that he would always find, consistently with the
conscientious views of gentlemen, the most cordial and frank
support in endeavouring to do that duty. With these words
he proposed the health of the members of the northern division
of Warwickshire. (Applause.)
Thomas Pemberton, junior, whose portrait faces p. 42, accom-
panied the London visitors to the slitting-mill, referred to on pp.
25-26 ; he also formed one of the party mentioned on p. 43.
He was the son of Thomas Pemberton, whose father married
Elizabeth, eldest child of the first Sampson Lloyd (p. 95).
COMMENTING upon this George Tangye tells me that though
I correctly state at page n that those liberated were chiefly
Friends, it might be of interest to mention that John Bunyan
was liberated at the same time, and how this came to pass.
No doubt many like myself have been to " Boscobel,"
and have seen the secret rooms in the house and the fine
oak-tree up which the young King Charles II. climbed, dis-
guised as a wood-cutter, to elude his pursuers after the
battle of Worcester in 1651. He escaped, but found another
difficulty ; for when he reached the English Channel with his
companion, Lord Wilmot, he was in mortal terror of being
betrayed and brought back to suffer like Charles I. He was,
however, told that he might trust himself to two or three
Quaker sailors who, having promised to carry him to their
sailing vessel, might be trusted to do so. When the boat
had crossed the Channel and had reached shallow water,
the king was carried through the waves on the shoulders of
a Quaker, Richard Carver by name.1 Twenty years later,
ten years after Charles II. had been made king, Carver
appeared at Court, when the king at once recognised him, and
asked why he had not sought a recompense before ! Carver
replied : " Sire, I ask nothing for myself, but that your Majesty
would do the same for my friends that I did for you." The
king offered to release any six. Offer says we may imagine
the sailor's blunt answer: "What? six poor Quakers for a
1 Corroborative evidence is preserved in the archives of the Society of Friends
at Devonshire House, London.
king's ransom ! ! " His Majesty invited him to come again,
when, after some persuasion, the king agreed to release
471 Quakers in jail at the time.1
Although they had been much reviled by other Dissenters,
and the king's intended pardon did not extend to any but
Quakers, they asked that twenty others might be included in
the pardon. The king conceded this, with the result that
twenty other Dissenters were released, amongst them John
Bunyan, who in 1660 was imprisoned and still remained in
Bedford jail.2
About as many Quakers had already perished in jail as
those who were thus released.
I was travelling one day with the General of the Salvation
Army, shortly after he and Mrs. Booth had been staying for
a few days with us at Farm, when he referred to the
restoration of Charles II., and how he had rewarded those
who had been true to him. " How immeasurably more," said
the General, " will the Almighty reward those who have
been true to Him." This theme was uppermost in his mind,
and if a large congregation had been present, he no doubt
would have spoken most impressively.
At page 15 reference is made to Mary Gill's rich brown
hair having remained unchanged for a very long period after
burial. It was G. B. Lloyd, senior, who became possessed of
a portion of it ; he had also some of the hair of Rachel Lloyd
(n£e Champion), who was buried in 1756 in this Bull Lane
burial-ground. When the burial-ground was taken over by
the Great Western Railway in 1851, it was found that her
hair remained perfect after ninety-five years' burial, but the
wood of the coffin had decayed. The hair still exists as
perfect as then found, and is in the possession of G. B. Lloyd
senior's grandson, J. H. Lloyd.
1 Offer's complete edition of Bunyan's works, p. xci. of the Memoir pre-
fixed to the 1862 edition (pp. i.-cxxiii.). This Memoir is not in the 1861 edition.
2 The relation of the imprisonment (vol. i. of the works of John Bunyan, by
Geo. Offer, p. 50) is worth reading. Macaulay wrote there were only two great
creative minds in the latter half of the seventeenth century : one produced
Paradise Lost, the other the Pilgrim's Progress.
Coleridge took a kindly interest in Charles Lloyd, the poet,
when he came to Birmingham in 1796 (p. 148), and after he
had been with him for a short time as his pupil he wrote to his
father: "Your son and I are happy in our connection; our
opinions and feelings are as nearly alike as we can expect."
Much of course happened between that date and Cole-
ridge's death thirty-eight years afterwards, but this early
friendship causes me to insert a likeness of Coleridge with
the permission of T. C. & E. C. Jack of Edinburgh, the
publishers of an attractive little book of his poems ; and if
we open Molesworth's History of England, 1830-74, in three
volumes,1 we find amongst other things recorded as taking
place in i834,2 that "the 25th of July witnessed the death of
the great philosopher-poet S. T. Coleridge." Molesworth says
that he and Robert Southey, fired with enthusiastic hopes
which the dawn of the French Revolution inspired, dreamed
all kinds of Utopias ; but its sequel quenched the bright anti-
cipations its dawn had created. In 1800 Coleridge took up
his abode at Keswick, where his two friends Southey and
Wordsworth resided. Here he exchanged his Unitarian views
for those of the Church of England. " His works," writes
Molesworth, " are replete with profound thought and the
loftiest eloquence. . . . Perhaps few men ever lived who have
more powerfully influenced understandings of the highest
order. We believe that Dr. Arnold, Keble, Pusey, T. Carlyle,
Gladstone, the two Newmans, the two Froudes, Colenso, and
the writers both of the Tracts for the Times and Essays and
Reviews, were all largely, though perhaps unconsciously, in-
debted to the seeds of thought which were directly or indi-
rectly sown in their minds by his writing or conversation."
This reminds me of a remark in a recent address of the
Bishop of Birmingham (Dr. Gore), that each generation had
writers who especially impressed them — for instance, Dr.
Johnson recommended Grotius as a good Bible commentator;
" but who," asks the Bishop, "reads Grotius now?"
Time may have put an extinguisher upon Grotius, but
1 The first edition was published in 1871, but my copy is a later one, published
in 1886.
2 Page 330.
Coleridge, besides his powerful prose, wrote "The Ancient
Mariner," " Christabel," and " Kubla Khan," so that many
regard him as one of our great poets.1
The following trifling incident is vouched for by Mrs. F.
H. Steeds, who is descended from the Bingley Lloyds through
both her parents : —
One day when Mrs. Charles Lloyd, the poet's wife, was
taking a walk with her little children at Brathay she met a
gipsy woman, who said, "You may have my little girl for
half-a-crown," so Mrs. Lloyd bought her. Everything went
on well for a time till the little girl grew older, and was told
by Mrs. Lloyd that she must prefix the word "Master" when
speaking to or of her little boys, but the little gipsy girl
would noL Mrs. Lloyd therefore thought it best to make
another arrangement respecting her.
A likeness of Mrs. Knowles is given at page 1 10. She
was the daughter of Moses Morris of Rugeley who attended
Stafford Meeting. A clergyman of the Church of England
was attached to her, and the only obstacle on either side
was a conscientious objection mutually felt, on account of diffe-
rent religious sentiments. She afterwards married, as stated,
Dr. Knowles, a member of the Society of Friends.
Mr. Howard Lloyd, in reply to a suggestion that he might
give interesting particulars respecting S. S. Lloyd, with whom
he was intimately associated in the management of the Bank
1 The Literary Supplement of the Times, May 10, 1907, p. 145, contains an
interesting article upon him as a poet.
for so many years, writes as a summary of much he could say,
that, taking him all in all, he was the finest Lloyd of the
present generation.
Mr. James Simmons, of Wellington Road, Edgbaston,
writes to me referring to the genealogy of the Llo3rds, that
in a book he bought a few years ago he read with interest
a passage relating to early Welsh Christianity. It stated
that soon after the Crucifixion, a Christian Jew named Lud,
flying from persecution in Palestine, settled in Wales, from
whom it would appear that the Lloyds were descended, and
that Christianity was introduced into Wales A.D. 60. This
was in a small book published by Banks & Son, Red Lion
Court, Fleet Street ; but the information, upon inquiry, I found
to be too indefinite for me to do more than thus allude to it.
Page 21. Mary Crowley (not Crawley) was a sister of Sir
Ambrose Crowley.
„ 24. It appears from Burke that the present peer is
a direct descendant from the first Lord.
This conference is referred to at page 13. After the first
edition of this book was published I found that " The original
MS. by the eminent antiquary Mr. Robert Davies of Llanerch,
an ear-witness of this well-known conference between the
Bishop and the Quakers, which took place at Llanfyllin,
September 22-23, 1681," was in the possession of the Cardiff
Central Public Library. I accordingly communicated with
Mr. John Ballinger, the Librarian, and he had an exact copy
made for me. It is too long for insertion in this Appendix, but
I am presenting it to the Birmingham Reference Library.
The MS. is endorsed: "The Bp's dispute with ye
Quakers, 81."
The MS. was purchased by the Cardiff Libraries Committee
in February 1899 from Mr. LI. Lloyd of Tendring, near Col-
chester, who stated that the manuscripts of which it formed a
part were collected by the Rev. John Lloyd, the friend and
companion of Pennant.
AlKIN, Miss, 159
Ailesbury Jail, Quakers in, 8
Aleth, King of Dyfed, i, 211
Amalgamations with Lloyds Bank
Limited, list of, 79, 80
Amersham, burial of Quaker, 8
Anabaptists, on oaths, 9
Annual Anthology (ed. Southey),
Apology (Barclay), 37, 121 ; Bas-
kerville's edition of, 107, 108 n. ;
Dr. Johnson and, 107, 117 ; Mrs.
Knowles and, 117
Arts' s Gazette, 50, 62, 172 ; notice
of death of Charles Lloyd the
banker, 143, 144
Ash, Dr., 50
" Atmospheric Engine," 192
Attwood, Thomas, 71 ; his statue,
Author, informed by George B.
Lloyd regarding skull of Charles
Lloyd the Quaker, 15 ; sees
portion of Mary Gill's hair, 15 ;
case of human hair growing after
death, 15 ; undertakes present
work on suggestion of G. B.
Lloyd, 22, 203 ; his residence,
32, 33, 35 ; shown James Watt's
private workshop, 52 ; stories of
runs on the bank, 68, 69 ; per-
sonal recollections of the Lloyds
as bankers, 81-94 ; adventure in
the safe, 93, 94 ; possesses Bible
of"SarahFidoe,"95«.; possesses
copy of first edition of Dr. John-
son's Dictionary, 109, 1 10 ; takes
tea with Dr. Livingstone, 126,
127 ; on George Dawson, 128 ; on
Douglas Galton, 129; Thomas
Lloyd in Mexico, 133, 134 ; Caro-
line Fox, 141 ; meets Elizabeth
Fry, 145 ; grandfather, 182 ;
leaves Friends, but rejoins (1892),
185 ; Edward Smith's opinion,
186; lives at Wednesbury —
moves to "Farm" (1870), 189 ;
father, 193 ; the beacon-fires,
193, 194 ; joins father's business
(1843), J94 5 recollections of
Wednesbury, 195 ; on religious
persecution, 196 ; welcomes de-
claration regarding Biblical Criti-
cism, 198 ; Lloyds, Fosters and
Co., 199-201 ; Lloyds still true
to iron, 202 ; on ironmasters,
202, 203 ; distributes copies of
the Bible into Spain, 203 ; The
Corrected New Testament — life-
work, 203
BACON, Lord, quoted, 203
Baillie, Joanna, 159
Baker, Alderman, his great-grand-
father, 123, 124
Banbury, Friends at, 188
Bank Passage, Dale End, 54
Banks —
Alfred Lloyd's (Leamington), 73
Amalgamations with Lloyds, 79,
Attwood, Spooner & Co., 71, 74
Bank of England, 62, 63, 64, 65,
66, 67, 71
Barclay's, 32, 168
Barnetts, Hoares & Co., 77, 79
Birmingham Joint Stock, 75, 78,
Bosanquet, Salt & Co., 77, 79
"Clean," 64
Coates (Moilliettte Sons), 59, 70,
71, 75, 79
Dickenson & Goodall, 59
Freer, Rotton & Co., 71
Banks (continued} —
Gallon's, 64, 70
Goodall & Co., 59
Gurney Norfolk, 73
"Smith's," 70, 71
Spooner & Co., 59
Stafford Old, 76, 79
Taylor, Lloyd, Hanbury & Bow-
man, 32, 56, 57, 77
"The Birmingham Old Bank,"
Wednesbury Old, 76, 79
Wilkinson, Startin & Smith, 64
Worcester City & County, 70, 79
Banks, Sir Joseph, 51
Barbauld, Mrs., 159
Barclay, David, the elder, his house
in London, 37 ; Royal visits, 37,
David, junior, marries Rachel
Lloyd, 32, 37, 38, 119; life at
Youngsbury, 38, 39 ; estimate of,
39 ; buys Thrale's brewery, 119
- Lucy, George III. and, 38
— Perkins & Co., 1 19
- Robert, 119
• Robert, of Urie, 37, 39,
122 ; his Apology, 37, 107 and ;/.,
117, 121 ; Dr. Johnson and the
Apology, 107, 117
Barford, 60
Barr, 193
— Beacon, 193
"Barry Cornwall," 159
Baskerville, 50, 107
Beacon to the Society of Friends, A
(Isaac Crewdson), 177, 183, 184
Beddoes, Dr., 151
Benett, Conventicle Act and, 8
Bessemer, Sir William, 203
Beverley, Mr. R. M., visits "Farm,"
102, 103, 184
Bingley House (Hall), 134 ; used for
Exposition of Arts and Manu-
factures, 134 ; Prince Consort at,
Birmingham, 3, n, 14, 15; Lloyds
come to, 20, 21 ; Dissent and,
21, 22; "Five Mile Act" and,
22; No. 56 Edgbaston Street,
22; Lloyd slitting-mill, 22, 23,
25, 26 ; meeting at the Swan, 28 ;
No. 1 8 Park Street, 33 ; " Farm,''
33~35; Owen's farmhouse, 36;
John Taylor, 40-43 ; increasing
trade — establishment of first
bank, 43, 44; population and
prosperity, 45, 46, 59; different
ways of spelling, 45 n. ; Hutton's
prophecy, 46; bad roads and
highwaymen, 47 ; Making of
Birmingham (Dent), quoted, 47,
48 ; gun trade, 48 ; " Toy-shop
of Europe," 49; Boulton, Watt
and Murdock, 49, 5 1, 52, 53 ; Aris
and Baskerville, 50 ; first musical
festival, 5 1 ; Lunar Society, 5 1 ;
statues of James Watt and Dr.
Priestley, 52; George Stephen-
son's lecture, 53 ; slave-trade and,
53 ; earliest known Directory of,
54, 58; Priestley Riots, 59, 60;
Mayors of, 87,88; Members of
Parliament, 71, 80, 89, 90; Dr.
Johnson's visits, 106-109; Society
of Friends in, 120; Bull Street
Meeting-house, 120; Coleridge's
visits, 145, 148, 149
Birmingham —
Chronicle (1825), 66, 67
Daily rost, Thomas Lloyd's letter
to, 88, 89
Directory (1770), 54, 58
Blackfriars Bridge, London, con-
struction of, 199-201
Blackwell, Mr., 85
Blackivood, Christopher North's
review of Nugcz Canorce (Charles
Lloyd), 159
Borrow, George, 203
Boswell, 106, 107, 108, 109, no,
111-115, 119
Boulton, Matthew, 49 ; Sampson
Lloyd's liberality to, 49 ; descrip-
tion of, 51 ; letter to James Watt,
52, 53; works at Soho, 61, 108;
rolling-mills, 192
& Watt, pumping-engines of,
Bowlby, Dr. (Bishop of Coventry),
Bowley, Samuel, of Gloucester, his
"latitudinarianism," 188
Bowman, William, 56
Bradford Street slitting-mill, 22, 23
Bradley, 192
Braithwaite, Joseph Bevan, 175 ;
sketch of, 1 80, 181
Brassey, Messrs., 200
Bridgenorth, Welsh yearly meeting
at, 20
Bright, John, 71 ; Thomas Lloyd
and, 88, 89; on Quaker con-
servatism, 89, 90 ; writes pre-
face to author's book on Martin
Luther, 90; on politics of Bir-
mingham, 90
Brown, Rev. John, 105
Bull Lane, Monmouth Street,
Friends' old burial-ground in,
14, 15, 21, 36, no, 120 ; Charles
Lloyd's skull and Mary Gill's
hair, 15 ; human hair after death,
15 ; original meeting-place of
Friends in Birmingham, 120
Street, Friends' burial-ground
in, 15 ; meeting-house in, 120
Burke, Edmund, description of
Birmingham, 49
Burnet, Bishop, on severity of
Conventicle Act (1664), 7
Burr, John, surgeon, Miss Fidoe's
property and, 106
Burton-on-Trent, charcoal forges
at, 27
Bury, Curtis & Kennedy, 86, 200
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, 135
CADBURY, John, 146
Richard T., 146, 185
Campbell, Lord, 191
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry,
Prime Minister, on policy of
large armaments, 129
Cannon Hill Park, 60
Carnegie, Mr. Andrew, 203
Castle Donnington (Leicestershire),
Celynin, acquires Llwydiarth, i, 21 1
Century of Birmingham Life
(Langford), 35 and »., 62, 63
Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 80,
213, 216
Champion, Nehemiah, of Bristol, 31
Charles Lamb and the Lloyds
(Lucas), 136
Charlotte, queen of George III., 38
Chelmsford, Stephen Grellet's
preaching at, 187
Child, Robert, daughter's elope-
ment, 104, 105
Child, Miss Sarah, elopes with Lord
riage, 105
J>~ T? 1
104, 105 ; mar-
Child's Bank, small boy and, 105
Christ Church, Sparkbrook, Samp-
son S. Lloyd contributes largely
towards erection of, 90, 91
" Christopher North," 157 ; reviews
Nug<z Canor<Zy 159
Clarkson, Rev. Isaac, 196
Thomas, visits Birmingham,
Cloddian Cochion (near Welsh-
pool), Friends' burial-ground at,
ii ; 12, 16
Cobden, Richard, 126
Coedcowrid (near Welsh pool),
estate, i, 2
Coggeshall, Essex, 56
Coleridge, Derwent, anecdotes, 141
Hartley, 149 ; on Charles
Lloyd's appreciation of Pope,
1 58 ; friendship with Owen Lloyd,
161 ; his " Schoolfellow's Tri-
bute," 162, 163
Samuel Taylor, 53 ; visits to
Birmingham, 145, 148 ; Charles
Lloyd the poet and, 148-155 ;
residence in Lake District, 156 ;
his copy of Nug<z Canortz, 1 59
Sara, 149
Colmore Row, Birmingham, 14, 221
Conventicle Act (1664), severity of,
Corrected New Testament, The, 203
Cottle, publisher, 156
Crawley, Mary, marries the first
Sampson Lloyd, 21
Crewdson, Isaac, of Manchester, A
Beacon to the Society of Friends,
177, 183, 184 ; leaves Friends,
Croker, 119
Cromwell, Oliver, autograph letter,
Cunnington, Rev. G. C., The Cor-
rected New Testament and, 203
DANNEMORA Mines (Sweden),
Richard Foley and, 23, 24
Darwin, Charles, 130
Dr., 51, 130
Darwinism Exposed (R. M. Bever-
ley), 102
David, Hugh, 5
Davies, Richard, becomes a Quaker,
5 ; Autobiography, 5, 6, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14
Dawson, George, on peace, 128,
De Quincey, describes Charles
Lloyd the poet, 156, 157, 158 ;
opinion of Mrs. Lloyd, 158
Dictionary of National Biography,
Dr. Garnett on Charles Lloyd
the poet, 157, 159, 1 60
Dilly, Dr., in
Dissertation on Roast Pig (Lamb),
Dolobran, estate, I, 2, 17; meet-
ings at, 5, 6, 12 ; ironwork
established near, 20 ; sold,
21 ; bought back, 21 ; 133, 202,
205, 208, 209, 2ii
-Hall, 2, 6, 12, 17,20
Dudley Castle, 194
— Dud, Metallum Martis, wood
and iron, 25
- Earl of, buys property of
Foleys, 24
Dyfed (Demicia or Demica), i, 211
EAST India Company, Birming-
ham sword-makers and, 48
Edgbaston Street, No. 56, 22, 175
Edwards, Dr. John E., describes
one of Anna Braithwaite's
meetings, 177-179
Einion, David, inherits Dolobran
and Coedcowrid, I
Llewellyn (father), I
Elder, John, militant Christianity
and, 123
Eldon, Lord, his delays, 191 ; first
journey from Newcastle to
London, 191 ; Quaker and the
motto, 191
Ellwood, Thomas, on severity of
Conventicle Act (1664), 7-9 ;
his riddle, 8
" FALLACIES of theRotary Engine,"
George Stephenson's lecture, 53,
" Farm," home of Lloyds of
Birmingham, 32; purchase of,
33; "Jacobite" elms, 33, 34;
summer-house of the four seasons,
34, 35 ; stanzas on (?), 35 ; estate
and house to-day, 33, 35, 36, 38 ;
description of, 43; Priestley
rioters and, 59, 60 ; Alfred
Lloyd's signature, 73 ; the prim-
rose bank in spring, 104 ; the
story of the governess at, 114-
119; visit of Mrs. H. Beecher
Stowe, 1 80; first Samuel Lloyd
moves to, 182 ; Mr. R. M. Bever-
ley's visits, 102, 103, 184 ; author
moves to, 189; second Samuel
Lloyd spends week-ends at, 193 ;
Mrs. Howard and Mrs. Fox at,
103, 104, 194
Farm and its Inhabitants (Mrs.
Rachel J. Lowe), 32, 49, 104, 211
Farmer, Priscilla, Charles Lloyd's
Poems, 151, 176; Lamb's "The
Grandam," 151 ; Anna Braith-
waite and, 176
Fidoe, Betsy, 95 ; story of third
Sampson Lloyd's attachment to,
96-99; leaves her property to
him, 106
Fithian, Sir E. W., on Sampson S.
Lloyd as President of Association
of Chambers of Commerce, 91
"Five Mile Act," 22
Foley, Richard, his fiddle leads to
wealth, 23, 24
Thomas (son), 24
Ford Cornelius (cousin of Dr.
Johnson), 1 10
Forster, Josiah, schoolmaster, 186
Foster, Joseph (Royal Descent},
pedigree of Lloyds, 207, 210
Sampson, 73
Fox, Alfred, 141, 194
— Caroline, of Penjerrick, 141
George, in Wales, 5, 12; on
oaths, 6 ; 21, 122, 131 ; Narrative
of the Spreading of Truth, 198
Henderson & Co., of Smeth-
wick, 200
Franklin, Dr., 135
Friends, Society of. See Quakers
Fry, Elizabeth, guest at Bingley
House, 145
Fundamental Constitutions (Penn),
GALTON, Rev. Arthur, sketch of,
and writings, 130-132
Douglas, 129
Galton, Francis, works on Heredity,
129, 130
Samuel, senior, 121
Samuel, junior, 102, 121 ;
gunmaking and Christianity, 122,
123 ; interview with Friends,
123; his statement, 124, 125 ;
"disowned," 126 ; helps Friends
to acquire burial-ground in Bull
Street, 15, 126 ; undesirable
suitor and, 130; dies, 132
Samuel Tertius, 64
Garnett, Dr., 157, 159
Geach, Mr., 196
General Hospital, establishment of,
Gentlemarts Magazine -, 37 n. ; Mrs.
Knowles's disputation with Dr.
Johnson, 115-118; article on
Charles Lloyd the banker, 134-
136 ; Lamb's memoir of Robert
Lloyd, 173, 174
George I., 37
George II., 37
George III., 38
Gibbins, W. B., of Ettington, his
grandfather, 123, 124
Gill, Mary (daughter of first
Sampson Lloyd), her hair, 15
Gillam, Richard, 105
Godwin, William, 159, 171
Good, Elizabeth, marries the first
Sampson Lloyd, 21
Great Western Railway, Friends'
burial-ground in Bull Lane and,
14, 15, 120
Grellet, Stephen, his preaching,
Gretna Green, 104, 105
Gulson, John (son-in-law of first
Sampson Lloyd), 22
Gurney, Hudson, 37 n.
Richard, 119
HACKWOOD, Mr. P. W., 199
Hamstead (near Birmingham), iron
furnace at, 26, 27
H anbury, Osgood, of Coggeshall,
Essex, marries Mary Lloyd,
56 ; partnership with third
Sampson Lloyd, 32, 56, 99
Harry, Jane, governess at " Farm,"
114; Dr. Johnson and Mrs.
Knowles on her conversion
to Quakerism, 114-118; Miss
Se ward's story, 118, 119
Hart, Francis, of Nottingham,
Haverford, Pennsylvania, Friends'
tribute to Thomas Lloyd, 17-19
Haverfordwest Corporation, Crom-
well's letter to, 3
Hazlitt, William, 159
Heathfield Hall, its relics, 52
Hector, Dr., 50, 109 ; Dr. Johnson's
visit, 106-108
" Heirs of Parkes," 36
Herbert, Lord Edward, Baron of
Cherbury, 6, 10, 1 1
Hereditary Genius (Francis Galton),
129, 130
Herschel, Sir William, 51
Hickling, John, confidential head
clerk of Lloyds, 93
Hicks, Elias, religious views,
177, 183 ; Anna Braithwaite
and, 177; influence, 183; Isaac
Crewdson's counterblast, 177,
183, 184
"Hicksite Friends," 183
History of his own Time
(Burnet), 7
History of the Slave Trade (Clark-
son), 53
Hodgkin, Dr. Thomas, on the
Quaker, 9 ; on banker and
usurer, 85, 86
Howard, Robert, of Tottenham, 194
Hunt, Leigh, 159
Hutton, historian of Birmingham,
42 ; settles in Birmingham, 50 ;
panegyric on John Taylor, 42,
43; on growth of Birmingham,
45, 46 ; on carriage of coal, 47 ;
on formation of Taylors & Lloyds,
58 ; description of meeting-house
in Bull Street, 120
INFORMERS, under Conventicle
Act (1664), 8, 9, 12, 16
Iron, high price of (1757), 28
furnace, description of (1755),
Ironmasters, quarterly meetings
of, in Birmingham, 28 ; famous,
202, 203
Italy and her Invaders (Dr. Thomas
Hodgkin), 85
JAMES, Mr. J. Spinther, list of
charges against Charles Lloyd,
the second, 12 n., 13 t?.\ parti-
culars of Thomas Lloyd's career,
Paul Moon, of Wake Green,
marries Olivia Lloyd, 146 n.
Jenyns, Soame, 112
Jesus College, Oxford, 2
Johnson, Dr., interested in John
Taylor, 41, 42 ; his father's stall
in Birmingham, 50 ; essays in
Warren's newspaper, 50 ; visits
third Sampson Lloyd, 106-108 ;
volume of Barclay's Apology and,
107 ; translates Lobo's Voyage
to Abyssinia, 109 ; at school at
Stourbridge, 1 10; dialecticalbouts
with Mrs. Knowles, m-ii8 ; the
picture and, 119 ; remark at sale
of Thrale's brewery, 119
- Michael, his Birmingham
stall, 50
Jones, Gilbert, of Welshpool, father-
in-law of Thomas Lloyd, 16
Jordan, Mrs., 158
KEITH, George, Thomas Lloyd
and, 19
Kemble, John, 171
Kendal, 175, 181
Kenrick, Mr. Timothy, first chair-
man of Lloyds Banking Com-
pany Limited, 76, 216, 219
Knott & Lloyd, 172
Knowles, Dr., no, in
- Mrs., lays out pleasure garden
of " Farm," 34, 110; sketch of,
no, in ; dialectical bouts with
Dr. Johnson, 111-115 5 lier own
recollections of dialogue concern-
ing " The Farm " governess, 1 1 5-
1 1 8 ; Dr. Johnson and the picture,
LAMB, Charles, 53 ; on translations
of Charles Lloyd of Bingley,
136-141 ; on Robert Lloyd's
character-sketch, 143 ; the joint-
volume, 149; "The Grandam,"
151 ; verses to Charles Lloyd
the poet, 153 ; correspondence
with Charles Lloyd, 154; poem
(1797), 154 5 letter to Coleridge,
154 ; introduced to Thomas
Manning, 155 ; value of his
letters to Robert Lloyd, 164 ;
as a mentor, 165, 166 ; Robert
Lloyd takes shelter with, 167 ;
on Charles Lloyd the banker,
1 68 ; on marriage of Robert
Lloyd, 169 ; glimpse of him and
his sister, 171, 172; his memoir
of Robert Lloyd, 173, 174
Lancaster, Mr., 85, 86
Langford, Dr. J. A., 35 «., 62, 63
Lea (near Leominster), 22
Levi, Professor Leone, 93
Licky Hills, 33
Lincoln, Abraham, 203
Lloyd, David, of Dolobran, I, 2
John (grandson), a noted
antiquary ; his Sunday body-
guard, 2
Charles (son of John), the
first of Dolobran ; marries Eliza-
beth Stanley ; his hobby, 2
— Charles (eldest son), the second
of Dolobran, at Jesus College,
Oxford, 2 ; marries (i) Elizabeth
Lort, 3, (2) Ann Lawrence, 14 ;
becomes a Quaker, 5, 6 ; in
prison, 6, 9-11 ; released, and
returns to Dolobran, n, 12 ; list
of charges against, 12 n. ; "dis-
courses " with Bishop Lloyd, 13,
14, 88 ; dies, 14 ; his skull, 15
John (brother), 2, 3
Thomas (brother), 2, 3 ; visits
Charles in prison, 10 ; pleads
with Lord Herbert, n ; "dis-
courses" with Bishop Lloyd, 13,
14 ; fined and imprisoned, 12,
16, 17 j marries Mary Jones, 16 ;
friend of William Penn and
Deputy-Governor of Pennsyl-
vania, 3, 16, 19 ; dies, 17 ; Penn-
sylvanian Friends' Tribute, 17-
Charles (the third), born in
jail, 10 ; remains at Dolobran
Hall, and establishes an iron-
work, 20 ; minute of meeting
at Bridgenorth, 20 ; dies at Bir-
mingham, 21
Sampson (the first), n, 15,
20; marries (i) Elizabeth Good,
(2) Mary Crawley, 21 ; migrates
to Birmingham, 21, 198 ; iron-
master— property — dies, 22
Lloyd, Sampson (the second), 21,
22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 31 ; marries
(i) Sarah Parkes, (2) Rachel
Champion, 31 ; one of the
founders of Lloyds Bank, 31,
32 ; lives at No. 18 Park Street,
33 ; purchases " Farm," 32, 33 ;
planting of " Jacobite " elms, 33,
34 ; dies, 36 ; "The Silent High-
way " and, 94
Sampson (the third), 31, 32,
37; prime mover in formation
of Taylor, Lloyd, Hanbury and
Bowman, 32, 56, 99 ; lives at
No. 1 8 Park Street and in Old
Square, 33, 106 ; formation of
bank, 54, 55 ; memorandum of
1796, 58; character of, 55, 95,
99; "The Silent Highway" and,
94 ; story of attachment to Miss
Fidoe, 96-99; marries Rachel
Barnes, 99; family of seven-
teen, 99 ; letters from Richard
Reynolds, 99-101 ; Mrs. Schim-
melpenninck contrasts two
brothers, 101, 102 ; estimate of
Mr. R. M. Beverley, 102, 103 ;
recollections of two grand-
daughters, 103, 104 ; Miss Fidoe's
property and, 106 ; visit of Dr.
Johnson, 106-108 ; one of depu-
tation to Samuel Galton, 102,
121-124; dies, 182
- Charles, of Bingley, 31, 32,
36, 57, 72 ; on death of Rachel
Lloyd, 38 ; Lunar Society
meetings, and occasional guests,
53 ; in London (179?), 63, 64 ;
weathers the "storm" of 1825,
66, 67, 133 ; contrasted with
third Sampson Lloyd, 101, 102 ;
opinion of Thomas Lloyd of the
Priory, Warwick, 133; "Bingley
House, Warwickshire," 134;
Gentlemarts Magazine (1828) —
estimate of, 134-136 ; Charles
Lamb on Mr. Lloyd's transla-
tions from the Iliad, the Odyssey ',
and Horace, 136-141 ; anec-
dotes, 141, 142; a kindly father,
142, 143; Robert Lloyd's
character-sketch of his father,
143 ; Arisfs Gazette on death of,
143, 144 ; marble bust in General
Hospital, 144; assists in form-
ing Bible Society, 144 ; Mary
Farmer, his wife, 145, 146 ;
Charles Lamb's letter, 146 ; on
Coleridge, 150 ; dies, 146
Lloyd, Charles, the poet, 87, 136,
145, 146; Mr. Lucas's summing
up of character, 147 ; unwilling
banker, 147, 148; advice to
brother Robert, 148 ; visits of
Coleridge, 148, 149 ; at Bristol
and Nether Stowey, 149-154;
letters from Coleridge, 150;
Poems on the Death of Pris cilia
Farmer, 151 ; first mental ill-
ness, 151, 152; visits Lamb in
London, 153 ; Lamb's verses,
153 ; correspondence with
Lamb, 154; quarrel with Cole-
ridge, 155; Edmund Oilier, a
novel, 155; settles at Cambridge,
155; introduces Thomas Man-
ning to Lamb, 155 ; marries
Sophia Pemberton, 155, 156;
at Old Brathay, 156; visitors
and friends, 156, 157 ; testimony
of De Quincey, 157, 158 ; Shelley
and, 158 ; Macready and, 158,
159; poems, 159, 1 60; Dr.
Garnett's criticism, 159, 160 ;
dies, 1 60 ; his children, 160, 161 ;
Owen Lloyd—" Lile Owey,"
161 ; Hartley Coleridge's poem,
162, 163
Robert (third son of Charles
Lloyd the banker), 142 ; char-
acter-sketch of his father, 143 ;
letters from his mother, 146,
167; advice from his brother
Charles, the poet, 148 ; Charles
Lamb's letters, value of, 164 ;
Lamb as a mentor, 165, 166 ;
runs away from Saffron Walden,
167; Thomas Manning and,
1 66, 167, 1 68 ; Charles Lloyd
of Bingley in London — Lamb's
letter, 168 ; Lamb on marriage,
169; marries Hannah Hart,
169 ; visit to London, 170-172 ;
glimpse of Charles and Mary
Lamb at home, 171, 172 ; busi-
ness of Knott & Lloyd, 172 ;
dies, 172 ; Lamb's memoir of
him, 173, 174 ; his father's esti-
mate, 174 ; Lamb's letters to
him, in Charles Lamb and the
Lloyds, and in Lamb's Letters,
Lloyd, Samuel (the first), marries
Rachel Braithwaite, 182 ; Old
Square, the Crescent, " Farm,"
182; devotes himself solely to
banking, 183 ; his coachman,
" Reynolds," 183 ; the first head
of a Lloyd family to leave the
Friends, 183; Elias Hicks and
his influence, 183 ; Isaac Crewd-
son's counterblast, 183, 184 ;
Plymouth Brethren visit" Farm,"
184; joins the Brethren, 185;
dies, 58
— Samuel (the second), 193 ; the
view from Church Hill, Wednes-
bury, 193, 194; the "Clippers,"
194; description of, 196; on re-
ligious persecution, 196; Lloyds,
Fosters £ Co., 199 ; dies (1862),
— Sampson Samuel, buys back
Dolobran, 21 ; directors' policies,
8 1 ; on overdrafts at Lloyds
Bank, 83 ; Liberal Conservative
and Churchman, 88 ; as M.P.,
90 ; report of speech at opening
of Birmingham Exchange (1865),
90, 230-233 ; contributes largely
towards erection of Christ
Church, Sparkbrook, 90, 91 ;
as President of Association of
Chambers of Commerce, 91, 92 ;
Fair Trader, 92 ; remark at lec-
ture, 93 ; parentage, 182
Thomas, of the Priory, Mayor
of Birmingham (1859-60), 88 ;
John Bright and, 88, 89; his
opinion regarding Charles Lloyd
of Bingley, 133 ; adventure in
Mexico, 133, 134
George B., senior, advice of.
- George B.? 15, 22, 33, 68, 83,
86 ; Mayor of Birmingham, 87 ;
arguments with Dr. Bowlby, 87,
88 ; estimate of, 88 ; parentage,
Lloyd, Mr. G. Herbert, 93
Alfred, 73 ; his signature at
" Farm," 73
Ambrose, 73
Charles Arthur, 161
Charles Exton (son of third
Charles Lloyd), 21
David, 73
Edward, 160
Grosvenor, 154
James (son of third Charles
Lloyd), sells Dolobran, 21
James, 72
John, of Golynog, 12
- John, London banker, 111,171
John Henry, Alderman, Lord
Mayor of Birmingham, 87, 108 n.
Nehemiah (eldest son of
second Sampson Lloyd), 27, 28 ;
correspondence, 29
— Rev. Owen, sketch of, 161 ;
Hartley Coleridge's " School-
fellow's Tribute," 162, 163
- Plumstead, 142, 169, 170
- Thomas, 172
— Agatha, ancestress of Mr.
Stephen Phillips, 161
Anna (daughter of Charles
Lloyd the banker), marries
Isaac Braithwaite of Kendal,
175 ; recollections of her early
years, 176 ; letter of Charles
Lloyd, 176, 177 ; confronts
teachings of Elias Hicks, 177 ;
Dr. John E. Edwards describes
one of her meetings, 178, 179 ;
letter on slavery, 179; character,
1 80 ; dies, 180
Caroline, 172
- Deborah (eldest sister of
second Samuel Lloyd), marries
George Stacey, 186
Elizabeth, marries John
Pemberton, of Bennett's Hill,
Birmingham, 1 1
— Mary, marries Osgood Han-
bury, of Coggeshall, Essex, 56
Nancy," married at Gretna
Green, 104
Olivia (youngest child of first
Sampson Lloyd and Mary
Crawley), 1 10
— Olivia (second dauj;hter of
Charles Lloyd of Bingley),
marries Paul Moon James, of
Wake Green, 146 n. ; Charles
Lamb and, 146 ; Lines to a
Brother and Sister, 156
Lloyd, Priscilla, marries Chris-
topher Wordsworth, 1 68, 170, 171
Rachel (youngest child of the
second Sampson Lloyd and
Rachel Champion), 31 ; marries
David Barclay, junior, 32, 37, 38,
Rachel, marries Robert
Howard of Tottenham, 194 ;
recollection of third Sampson
Lloyd, 103, 104
Sarah, marries Alfred Fox of
Falmouth, 141, 194 ; recollection
of third Sampson Lloyd, 103, 104
Dr. William, Bishop of St.
Asaph, "discourses" with the
Quakers, 13, 14 ; one of the
" Seven Bishops," 14 ; Richard
Davies and, 14
fruitfulness, 21, 31, 99, 182, 194
Lloyds, Welsh ancestry of the,
i, 208-211 ; origin of name of
Lloyd, i ; Royal descent of the,
Bank Magazine (Dec. 1902),
Banking Company Limited
(Lloyds Bank), original pro-
spectus of, 74, 75, 214, 215 ;
names of Provisional Committee,
212-214; Mr. Timothy Kenrick,
first chairman, 76, 216 ; Mr.
Howard Lloyd, first secretary,
76, 216; first annual report, 77,
216-219 ; first balance-sheet, 220 ;
process of absorption begins, 76,
77, 78, 216 ; position of bank at
3 ist December 1883, 221-224;
acquires London status, 77, 78 ;
policy of bank, 81, 83; list of
amalgamations, 79, 80 ; present-
day figures, 80; balance-sheet,
3ist December 1906, 225, 226;
report of the directors, nth
January 1907, 227 ; last annual
meeting, 25th January 1907, 227-
229. See also Taylors & Lloyds
Fosters & Co., 199-201
Llwydiarth (Montgomeryshire),
gives name to family of Lloyd, i
Lombard Street (Walter Bagehot),
57 n.
Lort, Sir George, bart., of Stack-
pole Court, Pembrokeshire, 3
Elizabeth, marries second
Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, 3 ;
gives birth to third Charles
Lloyd in jail, 10 ; dies, 1 1
John, 3
Sampson, of Pembroke, 3, 4
Lorts, name of Sampson and the, 3
Lowe, Mrs. Rachel J., Farm and
its Inhabitants, 32, 2 1 1
Lucas, Mr. (Charles Lamb and the
Lloyds], 136, 147, 148, 152, 153, 155
Lunar Society, 51
MACAULAY, Lord, on population
of Birmingham, 45 ; on intellec-
tual condition of Birmingham, 50
Macready, William Charles, 158,
Magna Charta, overridden, 6, 7
Making of Birmingham (Dent),
Manning, Thomas, 155 ; introduced
to Charles Lamb, 155 ; Robert
Lloyd and, 166, 167, 168
Maurice, David, informer, 12, 13 n.
Meifod Church, 2, 3
Memoirs of Anna Braithwaite
(Joseph Bevan Braithwaite), 63,
175, 1 80
Memorials of the Old Square, no
Metallum Martis (Dud Dudley), 25
Milton, John, 7
Montgomeryshire Jail Files, 13 n.,
Morning Chronicle, estimate of
David Barclay, 39
Muntz, G. F., 71
Murdock, William, 49 ; his steam
carriage, 52, 53
Musical Festival, first, in Birming-
ham (1768), 51
Mynors, Robert Edward Eden,
thanked for nothing, 68
Rev. T. H., of Wetheroak
Hall, Alvechurch, 68
Narrative of the Spreading of
Truth (George Fox), 198
Natural History of Staffordshire
(Robert Plot), 26
Newcomen, 192
New Garden, Friends' School at,
177, 178
New Street Station, action of clerk
at booking-office, leads to bank
panic, 68
New York Illustrated Christian
Weekly (Dr. Edwards), 178
OLD Park House, 32, 33
Old Square, 33, 95, 106, no, 182
One Hundred and Forty-one Ways
of Spelling Birmingham (Chis-
wick Press), 45 n.
"Orthodox Friends," 183
Our Attitude towards English
Roman Catholics (Arthur Gal-
ton), 131, 132
Owen, Griffith, Thomas Lloyd and,
PARK Street, No. 18, 33
Parkes, Richard, of Oakswell Hall,
Staffordshire, 15, 1 6, 31, 36 ; pro-
perty at Wednesbury — "Heirs of
Parkes," 36 ; 500 years' lease,
Parr, Dr., 51
Pease, Edward, of Darlington
(" The Father of Railways "), 185,
Henry (son), of Stanhope
Castle and Darlington, 199
John William, of Newcastle-
on-Tyne, his generosity towards
Church of England, 197
Pemberton, John, of Bennett's
Hill, Birmingham, marries Eliza-
beth Lloyd, n, 14, 21, 22
Samuel, 155
- Thomas, 95
- Thomas, junior, 233 note
Penn, William, friend of Thomas
Lloyd, 3, 1 6 ; friend of Thomas
Ellwood, 7 ; on use of physical
force {Fundamental Constitu-
tions], 122
Pennington, Isaac, 121
Penny, Jane, 157
Perkins, Mr., 119
Phelps, Joseph Lloyd, 183
Phillips, Mr. (1660), 4
— Mr. Stephen, dramatist, 161
Plasmawr (near W7elshpool), 16
Plot, Robert, describes making of
iron, 26, 27
Poole, Thomas, letter of Coleridge
to, 150, 151
Powick, charcoal forges at, under
management of Nehemiah Lloyd,
Powys-land Club, 9th vol. of, 211
Pride and Prejudice, 1 1 8 and n.
Priestley, Dr., Lunar Society and,
51 ; Mrs. Schimmelpenninck on,
52 ; statue of, 52 ; Riots, 59 and
TZ., 60
Prince Consort, 134
Prison discipline under Conventicle
Act (1664), 10, ii
Protection, advocated in 1783, 29,
QUAKERS (or Friends), Richard
Davies and, 5, 6 ; persecuted,
6-12, 1 6, 17, 1 8, 21 ; oaths and,
9 ; released, 1 1 ; Dr. Thomas
Hodgkin on, 9, 10 ; disputation
with the Church, 13, 14; emi-
gration to Pennsylvania, 21 ;
kings and queens among the,
37, 38 ; slave-trade and, 53 ;
John Bright and, 89, 90 ; Dr.
Johnson and, 107, 108, 117, 118 ;
Society of Friends in Birming-
ham, 120 ; physical force and,
121-123, 126, 127 ; Charles Lamb
and, 165, 166 ; schisms, 177, 183-
185 ; religious Conservatives,
1 86 ; basis of worship, 187 ; dress,
188; " latitudinarianism," 188 ;
tithes and, 197 ; Biblical Criti-
cism and, 198
Queen Anne, 37
REA, the, 23, 25, 33
Reeves, Samuel, of Leighton Buz-
zard, 91
Reminiscences (Macready), 158, 159
"Reynolds," first Samuel Lloyd's
coachman, 183
- Richard, letter to Lord Shef-
field, 28 ; letters to Nehemiah
Lloyd, 29, 30 ; letters to third
Sampson Lloyd, 99-101
Robinson, George, 125
Thomas. 125
Rockefeller, John D., 82, 83
Ryland, T. H., 60
- W. H., 60
Miss, her benefactions, 60
SAFFRON Wai den, 150, 164, 167
St. Philip's Church, Birmingham,
St. Martin's Church,
:. PI
Sampson, Norman saint, 3
" Sampson Lloyd & Sons," 22
Road, Sparkbrook, 3
Savory, 189, 190
Schimmelpenninck, Mrs. (Mary
Anne Galton), describes Matthew
Boulton, James Watt, and Dr.
Priestley, 51, 52 ; story of the
third Sampson Lloyd's attach-
ment to Miss Fidoe, 96-99 ; con-
trasts the third Sampson Lloyd
and Charles Lloyd, 101, 102
Scholefield, Joshua, 71
William, 71
Scott, Sir Walter, 156
Sedgeley Beacon, 193
Select Miscellanies . . . illustrative
of History . . . of Society of
Friends (Armistead), account of
Mrs. Knowles, no, 1 1 1 and n.
Seward, Anna, in, 118, 119
Shaw, Staffordshire, 36
Shelley, on Charles Lloyd's copy of
Berkeley's works, 158
Siddons, Mrs., 171
Siemens, Sir William, 203
Slave-trade, Birmingham Quakers
and, 53 ; Samuel Galton, junior,
and, 125 ; practice in Virginia,
179, 1 80 ; action of Society of
Friends, 180
Slitting-mill, Foley's, at Stour-
bridge, 23-25; Lloyd's, at Bir-
mingham, 22, 23, 25, 26
Small Heath park, 60
Smeaton, 192
Smith, Charles Perrin, of New
Jersey, 211
Edward, 186
Hawkes, on John Taylor, 41
Horace J., of Philadelphia, 16
Smith-Ryland, Mr., 60
Snow Hill, 49
Soho, Boulton's business at, 49, 108
Southall, T., 185
Southey, Robert, 53, 156
Sparkbrook, 3, 35
Spavold, Samuel, 125
Spooner, Richard, 71
Squire Wilkinson, story of, 192, 193
Stacey, George, of Tottenham,
clerk to Friends' yearly meet-
ing, 185, 1 88 ; marries Deborah
Lloyd, 1 86; Quaker dress and,
1 88
Staffordshire (Shaw), picture of
Richard Parkes's residence, 36
Stanley, Elizabeth, marries the first
Charles Lloyd of Dolobran, 2
Steeds, Mr., of Edgbaston, 29
Steelhouse Lane, 48
Stephenson, George, lectures in
Birmingham, 53, 202, 203
Story of the Black Country (Hack-
wood), 199
Story, David, 72
Stourbridge, 22 ; nail-making in-
dustry of, 23-25 ; Dr. Johnson at
school — indites verses to Olivia
Lloyd, 1 10
Stowe, Mrs. H. Beecher, visits
"Farm," 180
Stuart, Charles Edward ("Bonnie
Prince Charlie "), Birmingham
record of his defeat, 34
Sturge, Dickinson, 15, 121
Joseph, ultra -peace man,
127 ; apprenticeship system of
slavery and, 127 ; 184
Sunny Memories (Mrs. Beecher
Stowe), 1 80
Swan (Birmingham), meeting in
the, 28
TANGYE, Mr. George, James Watt's
private workshop at Heathfield
Hall, 52
Sir Richard, 52
Taylor, John, starts first Birming-
ham bank with the second
Sampson Lloyd, 31, 32, 40 ; " the
snuff-box and the thumb," 41 ;
Dr. Johnson and, 4 1, 42 ; Hutton's
panegyric on, 42, 43 ; button
manufactory, 41, 42, 43 ; dies, 43
James, of Moseley Hall, 72, 73
John, junior, 32, 54, 57, .59, 72
William, 72
Taylor & Pemberton, 54, 58
Taylors & Lloyds, first bank in
Birmingham (1765), 31, 40, 44,
54, 58 ; partners, 32, 54, 55, 57,
72, 73 ; old accounts, 55 ; divi-
sions of profits, 56, 57, 58 ; salaries
of chief clerks, 57, 72, 73 ; rival
banks, 58, 59,64 ; Priestley Riots
and, 59, 60 ; Lloyds notes, 61 ;
the difficult year 1797, 61-64 ;
Napoleonic unsettlement, 64, 65 ;
panic of 1825, 65-67 ; Charles
Lloyd weathers the storm, 66, 67 ;
runs on the bank, 68, 69 ; use of
^100 notes, 69 ; half Birmingham
said to be in debt to, 71, 72 ;
change of title to Lloyds £ Co.,
73; joint-stock fashion, 74; failure
of Att woods, 74, 75. See also
Lloyds Banking Company
Teg, Ivan (the" Handsome"). 1,210
Owen (son), assumes name of
Lloyd (c. 1476) — "the first
Lloyd," i
"The Silent Highway,'"' and its
dividends, 94
Theatres in Birmingham, 50, 5 r
Thomas, Rev. R. Owen, his chart
of pedigree of the Lloyds, 205, 208
Thorn, Messrs., 200
Thrale's brewery, 119 ; Ur. John-
son's remark at sale of, 119
Thrale, Mrs.. 119
Tildesley, J. C.,on Wednesbury, 195
Tithe Commutation Act, 197
Tuxford, story of Quaker at the
Inn, 191
UNWIN, Matthew, first book
printed in Birmingham, 50
VIRGINIA, practice of slave-owners,
179, 1 80
Voyage to Abyssinia (Lobo), 109
WALKER, Thomas, 196
Walthamstow, 39
Warren, Mr., Dr. Johnson and, 50,
Washington, George, 203
Watson, Dr. (Bishop of Llandaff),
— Miss, 157
Watt, James, 49, 189, 192 ;
Sampson Lloyd's liberality to,
49 ; description of, 51; statue of,
52 ; private workshop, 52 ; letter
to Boulton, 52, 53
Wealth of Nations (Adam Smith),
57 n.
Wedgwood, Josiah, 51
Wednesbury, Richard Parkes's
property at, 36; coal "delphs"
about, 47 ; Miss Fidoe's property
at, 106; Richard Parkes's 500
years' lease, 190; second Samuel
Lloyd goes to live at, 193; ex-
cursions to, 193, 194; J. C.
Tildesley's article on, 195 ;
Lloyds, Fosters & Co., 199-201 ;
Patent Shaft and Axletree Co.
Limited, 199, 201
Wednesbury Ancient and Modern
(Hackwood), 199
Welshpool, I, 5 ; Friends in prison
at, 6-ii ; 12, 16
Westmorland, Lord, Gretna Green
marriage, 104, 105
Wilkes, John, 119
Wilkinson, John, his tokens, 61
- Thomas, 148
Williams, Richard, 13 ;/.
Winchmore Hill, 38
Withering, Mr., 51
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 159, 171
Worcester, Marquis of, 189
Wordsworth, Christopher, Bishop,
marries Priscilla Lloyd, 168, 170,
171; opinion regarding Joseph
Bevan Braithwaite, 181
- Dorothy, 156
- William, 53, 156
Wright, Mr. William, of Moseley,
230 n.
YARDLEY (near Birmingham), 183
Youngsbury (near London), 38, 39
Printed by BALLANTVNE, HANSON 6- Co.
Edinburgh & London
CS Lloyd, Samuel
439 The Lloyds of
L55 Birmingham 2d ed.